1700+ entries in 0.292s
asciilifeform: some people spent $10k's on their collections of bolixiana. and imagine that these will become worthless if an accurate fpgalogical emulator appears. and for all i know , this is true. i simply don't care.
ben_vulpes: tranny has moved on to calling $work lines
ave1: btw: $(seq -w 00 13)
mircea_popescu: echo $(seq -f "%02g" 0 13) << old style then
ave1: mine doesn't: echo $(seq 00 13) --> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
mircea_popescu: i'm sorry, ranges huh. s/$(seq 0 9)/$(seq 00 13)/
mircea_popescu: s/$(seq 0 9)/$(seq 0 13)/ ?
mircea_popescu: so now... you sell 500 boards for 76 bux each, that's $3800! if the margin on that shit is 2% you're doing fucking great, so the whole charade was organised for a whopping $75! which is half what a fucking steak costs.
mircea_popescu: "Want to buy some 486 boards?" "What price?" "If you take 100 pieces, $76." "OK. What chipset are they?" "What chipset would you like?"
mod6: death("HEAD: $press[1] not found in flow\n") if !grep /^$press[1]$/, @flow;
asciilifeform: ( $subj is figure 2 of https://archive.is/CGQkR . )
mircea_popescu: recall when gmaxwell said "oh, i showed $item to "everyone in pr team" and the median time to break it was $minutes" and provided no further details ?
BingoBoingo simply went to Rural King, got pair of Redwings off the shelf. Traded ~$200 and began ritual break in process
from_ffa: v.pl[v9994]:L398 -> `rm -rf $press[0]` if -d $press[0];
mircea_popescu: or, possibly, the $100 tomahawk inventory burning resulting in ~0 roi of any kind. or or or.
mircea_popescu: pantsuit paradise over here, because really nothing is easier than to brand such efforts. "dude is evidently a cook, look at $example".
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-09#1767686 << I got lucky one time 8 yrs ago; in serious.bsns.school I went  to local Salvation Army, bought grey suit that still fits me perfectly today for.. $10! "Made in Poland" even ☝︎
btcvixen: i've been cleaned up since march though, but i really could've used that $100 million
btcvixen: mircea_popescu, i generated 6600 coins cpu back in 2010, unfortuantely i got raped and spent them on heroin and they were gone by march of 2012 when they were worth $2 a pop
a111: Logged on 2018-01-06 00:00 asciilifeform: i'ma summarize the v thing : if you have a proposed new v algo ; and it would turn my 1kB patches into 1MB, and my readable 3 lines into 100kLoc of ?#@%$*(@%% , and my trivial machine-diff-verifiable changes into 'why dontcha sit for 5 years doing eyeball-powered diff' -- it is NOT an improvement. and i won't touch it. sign it. sign anything made on it. etc
mircea_popescu: "did it not ever occur to you to get a week's supply ahead of time ?" "here's a $20 check"
mircea_popescu: there's this lulzy "guy wrote 5 checks for $20 each every SINGLE day for three years" sorta stories from law enforcement.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-06 00:00 asciilifeform: i'ma summarize the v thing : if you have a proposed new v algo ; and it would turn my 1kB patches into 1MB, and my readable 3 lines into 100kLoc of ?#@%$*(@%% , and my trivial machine-diff-verifiable changes into 'why dontcha sit for 5 years doing eyeball-powered diff' -- it is NOT an improvement. and i won't touch it. sign it. sign anything made on it. etc
asciilifeform: understand, trinque , asciilifeform does not suffer from an irrational hatred of people who start with letter 't' , and thereby balk at $algo. asciilifeform genuinely does not see how it results in anything other than a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-06#1765616 horror show. ☝︎
asciilifeform: how does $scheme differ from the old practice of signing tars ?
asciilifeform: i'ma summarize the v thing : if you have a proposed new v algo ; and it would turn my 1kB patches into 1MB, and my readable 3 lines into 100kLoc of ?#@%$*(@%% , and my trivial machine-diff-verifiable changes into 'why dontcha sit for 5 years doing eyeball-powered diff' -- it is NOT an improvement. and i won't touch it. sign it. sign anything made on it. etc ☟︎☟︎
mod6: my $tdir = get_homedir() . "/.gnupgtmp";
asciilifeform: right but what's in $tdir
mod6: sub remove_tmpdir { my ($dir) = @_; `rm -rf $dir` if -d $dir;
mod6: sub make_tmpdir { my ($dir) = @_; `mkdir -p $dir && chmod 0700 $dir` if !-d $dir or die "$dir exists! $!";
asciilifeform: mod6: what actually ends up in $tdir ?
mod6: remove_tmpdir($tdir);
mod6: make_tmpdir($tdir);
mircea_popescu: anyway, thinking about this whole "fsf was an attempt to *finally* bring about socialist utopia through a fettering of everyone's access to knowledge while open source was an attempt to nevermindthatjustkillM$already leading to java-for-browser because microsoft invented a c++ market etc" broad but really mostly correct summary, the one most striking aspect is that somehow the job of the modder (ie, guy that adds those snazzy
a111: Logged on 2018-01-04 20:10 BingoBoingo: In other news from the price is right department: "The personal information of more than a billion Indians stored in the world's largest biometric database can be bought online for less than $8, according to an investigation by an Indian newspaper."
BingoBoingo: In other news from the price is right department: "The personal information of more than a billion Indians stored in the world's largest biometric database can be bought online for less than $8, according to an investigation by an Indian newspaper." ☟︎
asciilifeform: turning a dump truck full of ???!?$$??? that you found on the street, that contains some parts valid v-sigs, patches, and some parts chicken shit -- into a purely valid v-tree , is o(n^2). but q is why to permit the dump truck situation to begin with.
asciilifeform: timisoara was a valhalla of these. 'stadium-sized factory, ONLY 1mil $!11'
ReadErr: I could send them $ and it would be here
mircea_popescu: phf you know, "kinky" is rapidly becoming a very dirty word, sorta like "moron" ? 99% of my exposure to "kinky" comes from reviewing bot logs, where the pattern is 1. item self-identifies as "kinky" ; 2. bot goes through HELO/EHLO with them, provides entry point ; 3. they come back with "here is my valuation of $entry-point". because totally, anon bitch on meat market is a) in some kind of position of power and b) being asked
ReadErr: they just want $
ReadErr: and they are so cheap (5$) from china
ReadErr: Total: $120.10
ReadErr: Tax: $0.00
ReadErr: UPS Ground : $20.85
ReadErr: Sub-Total: $99.25
ReadErr: 1 x 5A 8X12 Molecular Sieve Desiccant - 25 LB Box MS5A81225 $99.25 $99.25
ReadErr: didnt send 2$..
ReadErr: i had to send $2
a111: Logged on 2018-01-01 20:07 ben_vulpes: pretty good, listening to raffi, working through ffa_ch4, tidying up some stuff for $work
ben_vulpes: pretty good, listening to raffi, working through ffa_ch4, tidying up some stuff for $work ☟︎
danielpbarron: well that's not entirely true, what is that final $ thing in the parted line
a111: Logged on 2017-12-30 21:38 esthlos: jawbone2: my 2cents: get a linode with a static ip for $5/mo. for a dynamic dns, run a cron sending your local ip to the linode, and a cron to edit your dns record accordingly on the remote. for the web server, either preroute remote's 80 to some local port, or just run it on non-80
esthlos: jawbone2: my 2cents: get a linode with a static ip for $5/mo. for a dynamic dns, run a cron sending your local ip to the linode, and a cron to edit your dns record accordingly on the remote. for the web server, either preroute remote's 80 to some local port, or just run it on non-80 ☟︎
asciilifeform: from asciilifeform's lens it looks entirely like what i would have written myself, about this man, if i were closer to $subject.
asciilifeform: and i unzip and piss on the other type of man. the ones who tried to alchemize and monopolize the unix src, described in $article.
BingoBoingo: https://www.macstadium.com/colo/#dcselect << Was a finalist I considered $35/month for small machine
asciilifeform: 'Real price of bitcoin could be $0.00, warns Morgan Stanley' << didjaknow.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-28 00:26 shinohai: http://archive.is/EwgIC <<< US must wire $5000 via western union before the sale can proceed tho
shinohai: http://archive.is/EwgIC <<< US must wire $5000 via western union before the sale can proceed tho ☟︎
trinque: if an automatic manifest comprised of hashes of all items in project, it reduces to the $concatHashBefore and $concatHashAfter
mircea_popescu: ) ; b) that the "law" of $random-other-fiatlul MAY (not does, MAY) diverge in any manner at any point and finally that c) it is incumbent on the pretender to exhaustively prove to any arbitrary standard that b does not apply.
l0de: DPB pledged $800 to support the radio arts
a111: Logged on 2017-12-24 21:38 asciilifeform: also why wouldja 1) help hitler 2) for $ 500 3) that you'd have to suffer from down's syndrome to actually believe will be paid ...?
asciilifeform: also why wouldja 1) help hitler 2) for $ 500 3) that you'd have to suffer from down's syndrome to actually believe will be paid ...? ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: And if anyone wants accomodations in Uruguay that aren't a hostel, la ciudad vieja is full of ancient $45 a night places with rather grand architecture.
mircea_popescu: ${10000059+10000047} of particular amusement.
blazeme8: 11:01:59 AM <deedbot> You may not $up yourself.
r41n: i was mad that i didnt get into btc when it was 25 cents or mine it, but once it started getting up to like $400 i decided it was time to get over that stupid shit
mircea_popescu has observed this, 3 idiots around a table, "hey, we were educated at $ivy-league, we should be able to come up with something".
weevlos: and i live in an area where the average salary is $170 a month, it is real money here
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756749 << you know, the 'ctrl-alt-right' version of the 'occupy wall street' hipsters. They go down to the $walmart and buy bakers dozen of those anti-mosquito 'tiki torches' people use at bbqs, then go $downtown and 'protest' something or other while calling themselves 'neo-nazis' or somesuch ☝︎
deedbot: You may not $up yourself.
mircea_popescu: $down eh :D
deedbot: mircea_popescu may not $down trinque.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-04 00:55 asciilifeform: so mircea_popescu , as you can probably tell, if node misses the window when $block was being actively thrown at it, then it has only these two knobs for attempting to get it
asciilifeform recently demanded ( and was granted ) not to be listed in public document as author of $saecularwarcrime
mircea_popescu: maybe say $1k / sqm or so. 32 hectares = 320mn ?
cazalla: know much about whisky mp? bought myself a $500 bottle, bit disappointed, not sure what i expected or if scammed lol (26yr old glenfiddich)
asciilifeform: ( and before anyone mentions 'modern mechanic reads debug codes' -- yes he does, and then spends 5hrs disassembling the greasy, sooty whatevers, to get at $part, just like 100yrs ago. )
mircea_popescu: but possibly rotting away under stacks of other female studies in $rando obscure uni
asciilifeform: though i'll admit that i personally dun get the fixation with moving mpi to being a subdir of $newproj.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-13 23:17 mircea_popescu: it's true that women also have the avenue of not-being-animals anymore, but this happens to have opened just as most "jobs" got destroyed. so yes that works for a 5% of them, and another 10% or so could pretend and convincingly hope. the majority however, very much confront the pork bellies are $2 problem.
mircea_popescu: it's true that women also have the avenue of not-being-animals anymore, but this happens to have opened just as most "jobs" got destroyed. so yes that works for a 5% of them, and another 10% or so could pretend and convincingly hope. the majority however, very much confront the pork bellies are $2 problem. ☟︎
shinohai: mircea_popescu: link to mass messaging $item handy plz?
mircea_popescu: in similar lulz, from gal on cali mission recently : "in other news i saw a $7000 bathrobe yesterday. the moment anything says boutique i know it's gonna be like car-prices-for-decorative-knick-knacks sorta deal".
shinohai: The buttplug provides warm reassurance that your $$$ is safe in bank.
asciilifeform: fwiw ( and supposing the item is true as written ) i dun get why usg would say no to an idjit willing to pay $mil to move to usgistan
asciilifeform: he price tag at the moment is $1 million dollars (the rough value of the EB-5 investment visa). Even at this price level, the demand from certain countries routinely exceeds the annual allocated quota, resulting in long waiting times. In that sense, American citizens were born millionaires!'
a111: Logged on 2017-12-12 16:11 asciilifeform: meanwhile, https://archive.is/uL4b5 << usg burns yet another of $infinity ssl decrypt methods, to push 'Disable RSA encryption!'
asciilifeform: meanwhile, https://archive.is/uL4b5 << usg burns yet another of $infinity ssl decrypt methods, to push 'Disable RSA encryption!' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform bw $$$. they're very sensitive to it, best way to hurt them.
shinohai: Now take same notebook, have slave girl wipe ass on single sheet. Put up for auction on reddit or a chan. Pretty sure some degenerate will pay $100+ for a waifu notebook with poop in it.
mircea_popescu: oh in other lulz : so the whole "$metoo" charade finally came to conclusion, now that us needs un to mediate korea suddenly usg.blue main gal at un is derping about how "$metoo was all about trying to get trump" ?
mircea_popescu: even cheap bullets are like 50 cents each. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-29#1473356 is like $15 a pop. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: meanwhile for all values of $item not in empire_db... silence.
mircea_popescu: "oh, are you writing about $item ? this is in my bayesian list, here's five things i selected from the database of things to be selected when this $item is mentioned! #metoo".
mircea_popescu: in other you-can't-imagine-what-decivilization-is : abs wheel sensors here, $130. each. in sanelands, $30, a set of 4.
BingoBoingo: Hopefully by Monday some recommendations on abagados will have rolled in, but... not yet. Last one cold contacted offered a shelf corp for $4800, gringo rate (para tax shelter) appear to hover around $5000 mas o menos. Still trying to find srs businessman rate.
mircea_popescu: $item, if anyone gives the slightest shit : http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/9YaRs/?raw=true