1600+ entries in 0.306s
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo for clerical record : the per-month amortisation value of a $1300 box is 1300/12 (ie, we deem them obsolete in one year) ; consequently the retail monthly cost of a $1300 box is 1300/12*2 = 216.666666667 ; or the weekly exactly 50.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo : the logic is, ima want 5 of the dozen ; the rest could each at least in principle support 100 "shared" sorta sites each, at $20 a month or whatever you end up charging. that's, if you manage to fill up the lot, $14`000 per month in revenue. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: now then, considering that config : the fx-8350 is ~120 bux ; the ASRock 970M PRO3 is like $50 ; 4 x 16GB ddr3-1866 ram chips (say teh crucial ct16g3r186dm) come to about 700 dollars. drives should be about $100 to 150 per. i'm thinking should prolly actually include 2 and 4 disk setups, so taking an average of 3 that's about $1300 per box, which is not bad at all, really.
asciilifeform: mod6: there is not some private segment that was not shown ( aside from sept.-dec. exchanges where asciilifeform was directed to obtain $iron, reported on progress, all the way to 'dulap-III ready for installation' )
asciilifeform: mod6: seems like he dun want $article anymoar . will go into second fit re 'wasted time writing unwanted piece, oughta have done not-yet-cancelled items'
BingoBoingo: One person could summon $500 and the others on prodding would have been lucky to summon twice that in pesos.
trinque: usg wants to sell me sub $1k coin, that's just fine by me. lets go
mircea_popescu: imagine what'd have happened to a body that spent $2k to buy 200 pizza's ie 2mn bitcoin back in 2009 if he paid "tax" on his stash every year.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 19:56 mircea_popescu: it's deeply retarded, because it's algorithmic. sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % x ) + y evidently kills it.
mircea_popescu: yes but build should not die simply because of nominal concerns, "imperial-catamite put $x in list of requirements".
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ...cuz heathens write against specific ver of $lib, naturally
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i've met a bunch of "vegetarian" gals that are no longer ; much like i actually fuck about half-lesbians by headcount these days. if you don't know how $item is, easy enough to "give it up"
deedbot: You may not $up yourself.
BingoBoingo: http://hotelpalacio.com.uy/ << The service sucks, they do they annoying thing where they keep the old timey skeleton keys at the desk and make you check your guests in, but the $45 a night superior room impresses girls from the interior of the country. Not much reason to stay there longer than the bang though.
BingoBoingo: Where are you seeing $30 a bunk?
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-04#1780917 << possibru, but it looks expensive for what it is, $30 for bunk? i'm seeing whole apartments for rent at that price ☝︎
mircea_popescu: speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-02#1779624 : $ cat trilema.txt | grep -c '"HEAD ' > 5936. this is about 9 hours' worth of log. turns out mp-wp uses head to make sure pictures uploaded correctly ; turns out a lot of economical browsers use head on pics on a page prior to loading them, to check if they already have them in the cache. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (good thing we got the cloud collaborate suite from $corp, too... how could we have gotten this far without ???)
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 17:02 trinque: my statement was that yes ^ and also for the logs "you wouldn't design something where $giveMeNoneOfIt implicitly means a metadata fetch"
mircea_popescu: echo $banners[hexdec(substr(md5(date("F jS, Y")),7,6))%42] . ".jpg') << blabla.
mircea_popescu: i dun recall what it was, like $200
mircea_popescu: But $495 for a $300 in the US ubiquity Edgerouter Pro isn't too bad <<< i.... beg your pardon ?!
mircea_popescu: $1101+iva honeywell bar code reader too.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 16:10 trinque: "do I already have the item at $path" and "how big is the item at $path" are interesting questions without the server beginning to transmit the item itself.
asciilifeform: 'Costa Rica’s existing Wildlife Law already prohibits hunting in Costa Rica, and sets fines of up to ₡1.5 million (some $2,600) for those responsible for killing a wild animal.'
mircea_popescu: phf compare like things. (phf, bb meet ; boxes in republican custody whole time, delivered) $x vs (fedexed boxes) $y.
mircea_popescu: the alf methjod, and i expect is correct, is "i got technical samples, i am taking to $conference" or w/e.
phf: "cheapest" i'm finding is feb13-feb21st at $1100
phf: really anything is cheaper than u.s. intermediate city relay. my favorite is nyc moscow $600, dc moscow (through nyc) $1600
phf: fwiw, i could pick up ascii's stuff and go next week even, but the flights are ~~$1200, which i don't have a budget for at the moment.
mircea_popescu: "here's what your fashions were three decades ago, dear european masterfriend. i hope you are very much impressed with how up to date we are here in $shithole! just like real people rite ???"
mircea_popescu: there you will sit, in the not so distant future, trying to figure out what the fuck $item, $tool, $whatever does, with two options before you : a) read mov push pop etc ; b) read "It`d be advisable to will mainly because that maybe what it's actually."
mircea_popescu: it's deeply retarded, because it's algorithmic. sleep $[ ( $RANDOM % x ) + y evidently kills it. ☟︎
trinque: I ask you whether you have the hash. Is this the same request as "give me $hash"?
trinque: my statement was that yes ^ and also for the logs "you wouldn't design something where $giveMeNoneOfIt implicitly means a metadata fetch" ☟︎
trinque ftr does not have $5k server dealwithit money
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> or is this what it all ends up costing after the extortionate tax..? << The +IVA means the price is before the tax. Gets hit with a duty when it hits the border, shipping here doesn't seem to have a trivial cost, and something like the label printer there just might not be anyone else selling. But $495 for a $300 in the US ubiquity Edgerouter Pro isn't too bad http://www.palser.com/productos/productos_masinfo.php?id=17661
trinque: "do I already have the item at $path" and "how big is the item at $path" are interesting questions without the server beginning to transmit the item itself. ☟︎
phf: https://pineapplefund.org/ << "The organization was started in December by an anonymous donor who goes by the nickname Pine and claims to be among the 250 largest holders of Bitcoin in the world. The fund aims to give away $86 million worth of Bitcoin, and has already given $20 million worth of the currency to 13 organizations, including...
mp_en_viaje: eat my foot. an hour going about in the cab is $5
ave1: needs to be function($match) use($allowed_html, $allowed_protocols)
ave1: the anonymous function($match)
phf: there was a fat guy at 2600 meetups in dc (in crystal city, which are unfortunately no more), who was doing infosec for mil and who always had cool toys. i mean coming from moscow in the 90s, all these people casually showing off the $3000 equipment, talking of dumpster diving whole computers, it was kind of like moving into The Hackers. culture ~completely~ dead
a111: Logged on 2018-01-26 23:54 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1777305 << 'One of Japan’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges said that about $400 million in NEM tokens ...' >> asciilifeform was replacing a ceiling light and lost a screw, which he arbitrarily will value at 500 trillion unified reformed dubloons
mp_en_viaje: your item is worth $0, everything you get for it is green, get off the "losses" nonsense.
mp_en_viaje: you should see fucking $200 a month clombia. it is SO BAD they have two colors of plates, and yellow (normal people) can only go every other day
trinque suspected cunning bastards at $oilcorp marketing dept
mp_en_viaje: eh, at some point it was a major mainstream item, late 00s or so. kinda bicoin of the period, $item every office drone hasta know about / if you don't have "formed your own oppinion
laplinker: sometimes those xdp3 boxed pop up oon ebay, i found mine for about 50$ a few years ago, but now intel is debugging over usb3
asciilifeform: it ain't gdb-compatible, for one thing. requires windows shitware which they sold for $10k's and never afaik leaked
phf: "computer parts $20"
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: if you're especially unlucky -- by googling and finding a usg purchase quote from $bigvendor
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: is the 22% actually "we have declared the value of this thing to be $maxint, and now pay $maxint * .22 or never see your gear again"?
mod6: <+asciilifeform> diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(--- a|\+\+\+)/ << diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(--- a|\+\+\+ b)/ << ya?
asciilifeform: diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(--- a|\+\+\+)/{cmd="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null ";s=cmd| getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} close(cmd); print $1 " " $2 " " o} !m { print $0 }'
mircea_popescu: trinque i deliberately didn't want to hussle on the price ; i don't want THOSE $200. but it was understood.
mircea_popescu: $900 writeoff for "expert" that didn;t as much as write on her tits, now $3k write-off for "month of pulling dick atop empty rack", the joys of business over here.
mircea_popescu: i have about $1 trillion in trimmed pubic hairs. they, unlike a "transgender", are actually female, being XX.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-26#1777305 << 'One of Japan’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges said that about $400 million in NEM tokens ...' >> asciilifeform was replacing a ceiling light and lost a screw, which he arbitrarily will value at 500 trillion unified reformed dubloons ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-26 19:24 asciilifeform: douchebag: does it ever bother you that you sell a $10k info for $1k ?
asciilifeform: douchebag: does it ever bother you that you sell a $10k info for $1k ? ☟︎
douchebag: $20,000*
douchebag: Considering I looked at one of my wallets and $50 transactions are now worth roughly $20,0000
asciilifeform: e.g. 'make your invalid sig of $item cause my verifier to say 'valid' ' etc.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: let's develop your picture. because it still isn't a complete one . because e.g. knowing the magicpacket for that particular box's nic, is not 'exploit for ffa', it is for $nic.
mircea_popescu: without the ability to link INSIDE my output $value would decrease sensibly. not a little. a lot.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's two fundamental items i can readily identify, maybe more. 1. i actually did plop an echo $_GET in there. is this just bad coding ? is it a legitimate assumption ? 2. he has a point, as long as it's on trilema.com, a script has powers OUTSIDE of its implicit scope, "steal cookies" whatever. is this ~actually~ bad systems design ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, i suppose "the message chosen was $" is just bad webcoding on my part.
mircea_popescu: i know a girl that made $30 million with her ass ; and you must admit that for the average girl's ass this is indeed generous.
douchebag: Haha, you do have to admit for the average person $40k in a little over 3 weeks is pretty damn good.
douchebag: A relatively well known bug bounty hunter I know has made $40k this month off of bug bounties, his goal is $50k for January
douchebag: However, even though I have to wait until they patch the bugs I found before they reward me, they did reward me $150 on triage and will be rewarding the rest at a later date
douchebag: The other one I discovered, I would say probably somewhere between $200-$500
douchebag: Well, I still have to wait until they patch them before they reward the bounty. They pay based on likelyhood/impact, now a friend of mine reported a vulnerability less serious than the one I found and he was rewarded $2,000 total
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: closest thing i ever came up with to 'analogue bitcoin' was a variant of http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-02#1222527 , where you have a sheet of $glasslike and a thermal stressor gadget is used to crack it into N 'jigsaw' pieces; idea being that adjacent pieces 'plug into' yours and can 'verify' it , and so on recursively ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:28 NoSatoshisHear: I worked on digital coin in 2001, but tried to find a non-net solution, and finally just gave up. When you head the wrong way, you don't get there. Still feel stupid for not buying in at $5, but I had no interest in Silk Road.
NoSatoshisHear: and almost a dollar auction, auctioneer gets nothing, puts up the initial $100, gets lot of lulz if the crowd ever starts trying to win on the money rake game. Demos of economics are just plain w00ty tooty fun times.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:19 NoSatoshisHear: so, I may make a fun shitcoin for lulz. I like the hellcoin idea. The block gets awarded to the last 10 suckers^h^h^h^h^h miners that put a "realcoin" into the chain. We start at $100 and let people "mine" with coins, last 10 when the timer ticks down get the block.
lobbes: In other heathendom lulz, local conservative radio stations in my area have begun airing ads: "Bobface from Alabama made $7 million cashing out on 'crypto stocks'. You can too! Buy this b00k to learn what you need to know to get in on it"
NoSatoshisHear: I worked on digital coin in 2001, but tried to find a non-net solution, and finally just gave up. When you head the wrong way, you don't get there. Still feel stupid for not buying in at $5, but I had no interest in Silk Road. ☟︎
NoSatoshisHear: You start with $100 in the pool, the "miners" contribute any amount of BC or other "valid" coin to bid. It goes in the pool, and the timer resets. If it times out, the last 10 get the block award.
asciilifeform: or for that matter to 'start at $100'
NoSatoshisHear: so, I may make a fun shitcoin for lulz. I like the hellcoin idea. The block gets awarded to the last 10 suckers^h^h^h^h^h miners that put a "realcoin" into the chain. We start at $100 and let people "mine" with coins, last 10 when the timer ticks down get the block. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 00:36 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo : they're getting $7150, should cover whatever fees / maybe a little leftover. 0.63202778 goes on your books on the right side.
mircea_popescu: understand how this works : usg comes to buy an apple for $1000 because it imagines it'll pay $1000 to itself and get an apple. then it turns out it can't take the $1000 and gets butthurt.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo : they're getting $7150, should cover whatever fees / maybe a little leftover. 0.63202778 goes on your books on the right side. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, trident was actually a pretty great maker, in q/$ terms at least.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774643 << you've been tricked, there's two kinds of pentesters: "modern" ones, which are basically a security equivalent of a coder, they are taught how to use nessus and metasploit effectively so that their parent company can charge $x for a regulatory assurance "penntesting performed, following findings communicated and addressed" ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-01-23 06:36 douchebag: After college and I get a few more certificates I'll be working a job paying roughly ~80-$100k/yr starting off
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo aite ; the one thing missing from your enumeration there, is "gpgram me the story of bbisp fiat holdings ab origine." ; what this means is, i want a list showing "hey, i got $8500 (or w/e the fuck it was) and i spent x, y, z, k, l, leaving me with q". you wrote me a story, as a literary exercise, i want a numeric thing. gpg & send.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-23 01:43 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo you know this $800 accountant was deeply fucking useless ; no bank account, no vat anullment, wtf.
douchebag: After college and I get a few more certificates I'll be working a job paying roughly ~80-$100k/yr starting off ☟︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo you know this $800 accountant was deeply fucking useless ; no bank account, no vat anullment, wtf. ☟︎
asciilifeform: there's a reason why no sane ic layout, photoprocessing, etc tools exist today, and whole stack is a TB+ of winblowz liquishit for which foundries get charged $mils
asciilifeform: depends on the cost of evaluating $thing.
mircea_popescu: and i don't even mean ~subjective~ functions here! it's not a case that "to the exceptionally gifted as identified by ivy league, worth as he is maybe $1000 with clothes included, the subjectively perceived marginal value of information is slightly negative. no, no, no, OBJECTIVE, you can tell him whatever the fuck you will and he will not have any use for it -- i don't mean "he won't be able to find any use, above his $1k pa
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773183 << I dunno if 'interesting' was der Unterschied here; I'd wager it was more: "$realname1 appears to live outside of normal pantsuit spirit summoning range.. I'll try $realname2". Note this was -after- failing at summoning pantsuit spirit to #trilema itself ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'One full rack: 900 USD/month plus $900 one time set up fee' from BingoBoingo's article.
mircea_popescu: eh, it's unlikely they do it any other way. alright then, so the draft plan here is, get the rack, 900 + 900, and the 20/200 option to start with, for a total of $3223 payable i ncash which you can actually raise by going in the local market ?
asciilifeform: well in 1915 it was 'cross with minimal pain', sorta like the $5k plus 1stclass chair on modern air liner