1300+ entries in 0.197s
Mocky: ahahaha shoemoney and his mfa check for $130k made out to 'nextpimp', man what a decade ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-11#1823026 << this sort of statement would be so much more useful/important/noteworthy/actually existent if it came in the form of "i'm the guy from $X, long term so and so". where $X doesn't have to be a "our words are backed by nuclear weapons" state. can even be a blog. a dogshed. SOMETHING. but something specifically and identifiably existent. ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yep. but see the caveat in $thread.
asciilifeform: srsly, try walking into repair with chromebook. 'we can reset this for you for $50', lol
asciilifeform: i got various things. problem is that i do not currently have a popped unit where i can see the effect of $manipulation on rng (or any other part, aside from general 'it crashed')
asciilifeform: ( $nooseitem is not a gcrypt 0day, but gpg particular )
asciilifeform: and better kbd than $3k crapple ( tho similar to decade ago crapple )
mircea_popescu: this what ? keep track of why you rejected $item ?!
asciilifeform: one's 50k$ of work, other 5mil
asciilifeform: proper unit is serious $.
mircea_popescu: $ip_port = explode(",", ereg_replace("^.+ \\(?([0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]+,[0-9]+)\\)?.*".CRLF."$", "\\1", $this->_message
mircea_popescu: $go = !preg_match("/^([0-9]{3})(-.+\\1)? [^".CRLF."]+".CRLF."$/Us", $this->_message, $regs); <<
asciilifeform: 'i sold indestructible, perfect $tool to all $n possible buyers, nao what do i eat'
mod6: paid in m$ stock. bwahaha.
mod6: lol shithub sale to m$
ave1: asciilifeform, also what is in the build-ada.sh? the last line on aarch64 should read: ../extra/build-tarballs.sh $PREFIX musl ada aarch64 x86_64 ☟︎
asciilifeform: diana_coman: all you gotta do is build, then put the tarball on your rc box, extract, and add to .bashrc e.g. PATH="/home/stas/gnat/aarch64-linux-musl-native/bin/:$PATH"; export PATH and you're up & running.
mircea_popescu: what if girly in $advertising twiddled her nose and went "meh..." ?!
mircea_popescu: (and obviously the choice will also be illusory, for the fundamental reason explained by qt in reservoir dogs : "if nobody knows anyone they're going to start arguing on scarce resource division ~AND NOT KNOW WHEN TO BACK DOWN~". nobody knows WHY they don't get to go to $exclusiverestaurant when they want to. nor can they know. so there's nothing to talk about.)
asciilifeform: 'Who was I over there? What's the difference, what would it change? I hate the past, as I always have, in the name of the present. Well, I was a poet, if you must know, a poet was I, an unofficial, underground poet. That's over forever, and now I am one of yours, I am scum, I'm the one to whom you feed shchi and rotten cheap California wine – $3.59 a gallon – and yet I scorn you. Not all of you, but many. Because you lead dull li
asciilifeform: 'You don't like me? You don't want to pay? It's precious little – $278 a month. You don't want to pay. Then why the fuck did you invite me, entice me here from Russia, along with a horde of Jews? Present your complaints to your own propaganda, it's too effective. That's what's emptying your pockets, not I.'
asciilifeform never tested php on arm64 with own hands, of yet, so did not hit $bug
mircea_popescu: spyked, btw, ever saw http://trilema.com/2011/cel-mai-bun-film/#selection-97.1-97.24 ? there's genuine romanian spoken in some parts, as well as tits. how the fuck they managed to film that in 1985 is a ~very~ interesting question to me. really, what, paid pcr some $$$ and "here's a slut and some dorks" in exchange ?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 21:16 mircea_popescu: nevermind that part for now. do you have a value for $x in "hey $x".
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 21:11 mircea_popescu: well, did you protest that anywhere ? preferably as "hey $x, im trying to use ircbot to make rssbot, but you've not got voice going ?!"
douchebag: well, she robbed some dude for $280 of crack and now these black dudes are telling her she has to get into a fist fight with their cousin, and they will forget about the debt. Their cousin is a black dude a few years older than me.
mircea_popescu: "hey $x (=trinque), i read $y and it makes perfect sense. i intend to do $z"
spyked: mircea_popescu, trinque, aha, now I get my miscommunication. but I confess to being confused by the "value for $x" question.
mircea_popescu: well, apparently he doesn't know what goes in $x. which... i have nfi how this is possible, but somehow it occured. "i am working on a thing" "who made it" "dunno" "vorwarts, soviet!"
mircea_popescu: nevermind that part for now. do you have a value for $x in "hey $x". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: spyked, it was obvious you were going to implement voicing to make rss bot ? and it was also obvious that you're going to switch state from "making rss bot" to "implementing voice for ircbot so i can proceed with making rssbot", so you didn't announce that either. do you have a value for $x ?
mircea_popescu: well, did you protest that anywhere ? preferably as "hey $x, im trying to use ircbot to make rssbot, but you've not got voice going ?!" ☟︎
deedbot: You may not $up yourself.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-25#1818596 << meanwhile i figured out what you meant. here's the problem : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-08#1811449 / http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/04/collected-gripes/ ($2 -- speaking of which hey bb, selectotron when?) or more in the general http://trilema.com/2009/omul-inutil-sau-pledoarie-pentru-protectie-sociala/ ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: 2) https://archive.li/WjQWt << chinese 2W piratetron. easily runs on battery (incl. e.g. solar) , costs about 10 $ .
asciilifeform: 1) https://archive.li/nLxLX << this is a chinese 100W sw piratetron. it eats ~150W of mains current, and is the size of a brick, and needs forced air etc. costs about 100 $ , just by itself ( i.e. without whatever gossiptron logic and signal synth you'd have. )
a111: Logged on 2017-02-19 03:54 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
mircea_popescu: exactly like "what does dolalr buy today" ? "well, if you disperse it enough, it buys you some inept wrangling from local orcs". exctly like how $1mn does not buy you much ; but if you break it into $20 chunks you can have "marketing online" "services" from retarded university-of-maryland-criminlogy whores,
mircea_popescu: ro was about 100 lei to the dollar, making the avg salary then about $30 or so. (per month, about 1/30 or so of us average salary at the time).
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 23:28 ben_vulpes: from coinbase: "Get $10 of free Bitcoin for every user you refer!" why not eth, ltc...
ben_vulpes: from coinbase: "Get $10 of free Bitcoin for every user you refer!" why not eth, ltc... ☟︎
ben_vulpes: brew edit $formula might help, but i ditched the mac nigh for reasons of pervasive upgradism like this a year ago, haven't looked back, can't suggest that you spend much time doing battle with republican softs on the crapple.
BingoBoingo: Much as dollars in Uruguay are U$S and pesos are $, the index unit appears as UI or IU
mircea_popescu: should prolly change the topic to "if you'd like to help see $X, if you'd like to sleep you're fucked."
mircea_popescu: surety based on the fact that i now and again send girlies around the world various $nothings.
mircea_popescu: wasn';t it a "$5 if up to 50 bux, $20 if up to 100 bux, $75 if up to 1k which is max" or somesuch ?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-19 22:54 mircea_popescu: mind that there's no point in putting a bonus on "not checking notes". that's why they're notes, to be checked. let memory adapt naturally and unconstrained -- when the animal you inhabit has had enough of the motor effort to check up $X, it'll memorize it ; and before--- it checks.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:17 douchebag: Not to mention, I'm only making $35k/yr and I work 60 hours a week
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:12 douchebag: For fucks sake, I know a 17 year old who has made $70k this year alone
douchebag: I'm at the point right now, where I feel like if someone offered me $700/week to do any InfoSec work that I'm qualified to do - I would quit this job and take it in two seconds flat.
douchebag: Not to mention, I'm only making $35k/yr and I work 60 hours a week ☟︎
douchebag: For fucks sake, I know a 17 year old who has made $70k this year alone ☟︎
trinque: really depends on whether it's a "throw switch first and ask questions later" or "if somebody whines, you have $duration to tell user to stop"
trinque: mod6: contracts often have a cure period, eh? suppose it's "negrated party has $time to fix his reputation"
trinque: woof. so it was trying $home/tmp/whatever ?
lobbes: asciilifeform: I don't dislike. I was operating under the mode of "reduce log clutter (via not triggering $quotebot) if quote being referenced is ~10 lines away"
mircea_popescu: and the model is readily expanded to writing software, too. by the time you've had enough of writing $x, you'll write a script to write $x for you. AND NOT BEFORE.
mircea_popescu: mind that there's no point in putting a bonus on "not checking notes". that's why they're notes, to be checked. let memory adapt naturally and unconstrained -- when the animal you inhabit has had enough of the motor effort to check up $X, it'll memorize it ; and before--- it checks. ☟︎
douchebag: Woo, got a $1k bug bounty :D
mod6: And I don't think it's whatever USD. Per the conversation it's $5000 USD worth of BTC right?
deedbot: douchebag_junior may not $down Mircea_PopeSkew.
mod6: We will still need to increase your overall $1800 per month (or whatever it is, so you can have pants and shoes, etc.), and an apartment was in the discussion as well.
mod6: How about this. $7500, payable in BTC monthly, over the next 9 months?
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: this is the reason why i even built the rc pilot cluster; because it is a (laborious, and expensive, but genuine) solution to $problem
mircea_popescu: saying "well, there's objective costs to $X, be it installing a rack or being in uy, these have to be paid" is one thing ; but seems you're discussing another thing, and how can you, i, ben_vulpes , anyone else transform "future" into "btc value" ?
mircea_popescu: she was extremely bubbly and "omfg, HAVE YOU SEEN $this" with values of $this ~= everything, sky, sand, w/e.
ave1: ../extra/build-tarballs.sh $PREFIX musl ada aarch64 x86_64
ave1: it's last line is now: ../extra/build-tarballs.sh $PREFIX musl ada x86_64 aarch64
asciilifeform: 'lulzcharges from $distantlocale on existing card' is considerably less painful for konsoomer in usa, however, than 'brand new card in yername in hands of $joker'
asciilifeform: $ ldd `which gprbuild `
asciilifeform: i omitted a step 5 ) put in ~/.bash_profile , the path, e.g. PATH="/home/foo/temp/ada/ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15/bin/x86_64-linux-musl/bin/:$PATH"; export PATH
a111: Logged on 2018-05-13 16:25 asciilifeform: you need a ~$500k (turkeydollar) plant, to do it the adult way. and i suspect that there are not 500k of turkeydollar between them atm.
lobbes: I will note that some of the moar chronic (decade + of "smoke all day every day") $potusers I know can no longer get high off of the leaves; need the refined "dabs". >> (+asciilifeform) [16:31:35] which one of these , pot-growing is closer to , i'ma leave to the folx who know
mircea_popescu: (there are no $1000 bottles, either, it's not THAT bad. unless for purely historical reasons, "this is the bottle marie antoinette vaginally inserted" etc)
mircea_popescu: note that there's no veuve cliquot securities, notwithstanding that is a genuinely and on its own merits $50 bottle.
mircea_popescu: now FRUIT alcohol, ie, the $200 bottle of wine, THAT exists. but it's also so finnicky to actually make as to justify the price.
mircea_popescu: the $200 bottle of whiskey is a product of the EXACT same process as "i have a bf, why would i be your slave" patriotism. there is no whiskey extant today, ever existent in history or ever to be devises worth more than $2 a galon. for the very simple and strictly unassailable reason that grain alcohol is one step above wood alcohol, and approximately equal to gasoline.
asciilifeform: you need a ~$500k (turkeydollar) plant, to do it the adult way. and i suspect that there are not 500k of turkeydollar between them atm. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-05-13 04:22 mircea_popescu: understand the difference between pork bellies and pot : pork bellies are a) the most closely guarded part of pigs which b) are animals that eat the most closely guarded part of corn which c) leaves exist to produce. there's three degrees of biomass reduction at work here, pork bellies are like tuna, not like fucking zooplankton. which is why prime tuna costs $$$ and pressed nori sheets are in the discount bin at the cheap st
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812870 << continuing with this, observe that obtaining alcohol is considerably simpler than prime pig or even 'californirast grade' pot ; and yet there is such a thing as a 200 $ bottle of whiskey ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-03-02 18:21 mircea_popescu: JUST SO, the bank ~sold~ people bills to itself. if you pay the bank $5, you get in exchange... a bill for $5, that you can give to the bank, as if the bank had sat in your restaurant and ate $5 worth.
mircea_popescu: understand the difference between pork bellies and pot : pork bellies are a) the most closely guarded part of pigs which b) are animals that eat the most closely guarded part of corn which c) leaves exist to produce. there's three degrees of biomass reduction at work here, pork bellies are like tuna, not like fucking zooplankton. which is why prime tuna costs $$$ and pressed nori sheets are in the discount bin at the cheap st ☟︎
mircea_popescu: $agent could answer yes/no whether $measure is leninist or bourgeois, appropriate or racisthateful, but only for the least interesting classes of $measures.
ben_vulpes: grand network of corporations and wall street will ensure that americans are "stepped down gently" a la the photosynthesis process, with maximum $anything extracted over the long term
asciilifeform: shops ? dun make me laugh. they have nfi re inventory of $thing-nobody-bought-in-20yrs even if you walk in. AND they automagically list 'orderable online only' in same catalogue as what is physically present.
hanbot: hey danielpbarron (or any other mp-wp users with 'classic' theme goin'), assuming you're using mp's antispam, wouldja mind pasting your themes/classic/comments.php for me so i can see how you're handling the $suffix? differs from the 'default' i'm using, but i'd like to include a fix for it in a comments patch.
mircea_popescu: not very likely, though, sr brick was $$$.
asciilifeform: i did not cite $thread in the american judge 'we already precedented!11' sense, but in 'let's reread'
mircea_popescu: but it goes to show what seems to me actually an intrinsic failure of the ssh key format : the fact that it isn't self-signed (rather more generally, the fact that it "segwits" the metadata, having the whole authority mechanism separated from the actual key [and generally implemented as "this key has authority because $user emailed it to me"]) makes it very vulnerable to any failure outside of itself, and impossible to evalua
a111: Logged on 2018-05-11 08:51 spyked: ^ would also like to try $feature. digging through the logs for this, I found http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-16#1671042 , but unfortunately link is broken
spyked: ^ would also like to try $feature. digging through the logs for this, I found http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-16#1671042 , but unfortunately link is broken ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform did not immediately recognize any of the $lusers ; but did not look very closely as of yet
ben_vulpes: "hey dudes did you know that $whatever?"
asciilifeform: and ditto if you have a rsa key, and a set of captured outputs of www....pizarro/$fp/ , you can match'em up
asciilifeform: ( if you have a set of $fp values, you can enumerate which have acct at pizarro )
asciilifeform: pizarro/$fp leaks just the same, neh?
ben_vulpes: but, and many details not designed at this rate since you press me, something along the lines of pizarro/$fp/ renders an encrypted account status including support tickets
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: if $luser won't irc, how is he to access pizarro for support/maintenance/payment q's ?
mircea_popescu: need i remind you of, say, http://trilema.com/2013/the-endless-story-of-korea/#selection-77.0-77.246 ie "Plaintiff seeks to make his case solely upon the theory that, by reason of the change in the weight of the dollar he is entitled to $1.69 in the present currency for every dollar promised by the bond, regardless of any actual loss he has suffered" ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/research/trials_ezhovshchina_update0710.html << notbad, and pretty much exactly the conclusion asciilifeform drew from the $sources , yrs ago