700+ entries in 0.626s
mircea_popescu: o look at that, 14 deeds in one go
trinque: yeah, my browser also fucks that up, but felipelalli reported that his deeds looked right to him
pete_dushenski: i'd guess that something in the order of 30% of deeds are correctly submitted and accepted on the 1st try.
jurov: shinohai: don't forget other goodies like put deeds, send email to btc-dev mailing list (once it syncs with assbot)
trinque: eventually I'm moving the deeds to my own nginx, so that will stop being an annoyance
jurov: to be sure everyone has the latest deeds
trinque: that's not going to work; deeds are on static hosting on s3
kakobrekla: the way to handle it is to have an a record pointing to deeds servers ip
kakobrekla: last time someone asked me to do a perma redirect from deeds. to deedbot.org which I did
trinque: kakobrekla: it's that deeds.bitcoin-assets.com which needs to 301 over
kakobrekla: i dont have access to deeds server
assbot: Logged on 08-05-2015 18:36:49; mircea_popescu: kakobrekla can http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj redirect to deedbot.org/{txn_id}.txt ?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla can http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj redirect to deedbot.org/{txn_id}.txt ? ☟︎
trinque: mircea_popescu trinque can you put a redirect on deed site so that http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj << that site currenty redirects to the uniregistry thing, should instead redirect to deedbot.org/{txn_id}.txt
mircea_popescu: trinque can you put a redirect on deed site so that http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj resolves ?
trinque: ben_vulpes: the old deeds bundle hashes are a hash of each deed comma-delimited, then hashed again all together
ben_vulpes: at the same time...it's la serenissima's list of deeds. the notary in question is somewhat irrelevant.
ben_vulpes: those deeds were published in certain blocks
trinque: ben_vulpes: as I understand it I'll just take the old deeds and re-bundle them?
ben_vulpes: ey trinque, d'you have time to get the legacy deeds in this weekend?
trinque: punkman: hey dude, what's the encoding of the old deeds table's deed field?
ben_vulpes: trinque: i need those legacy deeds in deedbot.
nubbins`: but yeah. deeds dating back to the early 80s for this property
trinque: mircea_popescu: what do you think about the deeds being added to the wiki?
mircea_popescu: > Host: deeds.bitcoin-assets.com
bitstein: mircea_popescu: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/ redirects to http://deedbot.org/ for me. It's that specific deed link that is redirecting to unregistry.com
mircea_popescu: what happens is that http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj gets -> to deedbot.org/ deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla any idea why http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/ redirects to unregistry.com ?
davout: trinque: just wanted to see who'd actually read the deeds :)
gribble: punkman1 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 20 weeks, 3 days, 7 hours, 11 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: <punkman1> command line deed grabber: curl -s http://deeds.bitcoinyRpUCmdWCqJBvgUdvqWH4EE8TV1ns3pxLZ | grep -oP "(?<=>).+(?=</text)" | base64 -d | sha256sum
mircea_popescu: btw kakobrekla mind link http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/ to http://deedbot.org/ ?
assbot: Logged on 19-03-2015 17:54:20; mod6: is anyone working on porting over the original submitted deeds to the new deedbot?
mod6: is anyone working on porting over the original submitted deeds to the new deedbot? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron he can of course point to deedbot deeds proving these claims,
assbot: Logged on 16-03-2015 19:18:07; davout: question mainly being: can some random derp take already notarized deeds, and clog the pipes with them, because i assume deedbot will listen privately to deeds being submitted, as long as they're signed with a proper key amirite
Adlai: does it only accept deeds from authed members of L1/2 ?
trinque: davout: it will only eat deeds signed by assbot's L1 or L2
davout: question mainly being: can some random derp take already notarized deeds, and clog the pipes with them, because i assume deedbot will listen privately to deeds being submitted, as long as they're signed with a proper key amirite ☟︎
davout: does it also have a written procedure on how to verify deeds by hand?
mircea_popescu: speaking of which yo trinque ! old deeds ? new display style ?
mod6: how do you view the deeds?
mircea_popescu: not clear what those words mean, so let's be explicit : as far as the website is concerned, the preferred display is for every block that included a bundle to be listed, clickable, lead to bundle. to the right of it, enumerated, the individual deeds that were therein bundled
trinque: mircea_popescu: punkman sent me all the old deeds
trinque: +mircea_popescu | <trinque> http://deedbot.org/ << there be deeds << cool. why are some repeated ? << test values; I published bundles with the same messages a few times while working
mircea_popescu: <trinque> http://deedbot.org/ << there be deeds << cool. why are some repeated ?
trinque: http://deedbot.org/ << there be deeds
asciilifeform: 'Violent criminals often use an expression auxiliary to “My head went” when explaining their deeds: “It wasn’t me.” Here is the psychobabble of the slums, the doctrine of the “Real Me” as refracted through the lens of urban degradation. The Real Me has nothing to do with the phenomenal me, the me that snatches old ladies’ bags, breaks into other people’s houses, beats up my wife and children, or repeatedly dr
ben_vulpes: back to the deeds, you
assbot: Mighty Deeds ... ( http://bit.ly/1vo4tQ9 )
oglafbot: http://oglaf.com/mighty-deeds/
mircea_popescu: it's not how to do deeds efficiently, it's how to include people you don't know. i am not interested.
Adlai: how to do deeds efficiently
trinque: mircea_popescu: when the hash of the bundle is not a valid key would you prefer to wait for more deeds, or some other behavior?
davout: also there was another thing regarding deedbot, if all deeds are simply concatenated before being hashed into a bitcoin private key, that means anyone watching the process taking place can deduce the bitcoin private key that's going to be generated, and claim the coins that'll be sent there
davout: more from the fact that folks you trust are looking at deeds being timestamped
BingoBoingo: But part of the deedbot appeal is also hosting the deeds as a stronger pastebin/dpaste alternative.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you can't forge past because you can' register old deeds.
mircea_popescu: so that someone in 3714, with nothing but an inscription of deedbot's deeds, can verify our contracts just as well as we can.
punkman: davout, I'll just say that there were many cases with invalid signatures posted as deeds
undata: davout: its output should be the history of valid deeds, not "that which a rubber stamp has touched"
PeterL: oh, do deeds even need to be gpg signed?
undata: davout: the deeds are presumably for business arrangements
BingoBoingo: <Dizzle> Well, possible there's a niceguy stevepn out there that FF took the name of for his dirty deeds. If he's authed, it's FF fo sho :P
davout: i saw that when i tried to explore this deeds thing, but i also understood (from a log bit I can't seem to find) that the thing has been/is being re-implented two or three times
asciilifeform: 'May your deeds with sword and axe / Equal those with sheep and yaks.'
assbot: 1 results for 'deeds spec' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=deeds+spec
davout: !s deeds spec
mircea_popescu: punkman hey, deeds ?!
davout: iirc that's absolutely not how the deeds system is implemented
davout: deeds.bitcoin-assets.com isn't very informative in this regard, but maybe it's just me being too lazy to actually figure out how to talk to punkbot
davout: punkman: does the deeds system actually work?
Anduck: where's deeds?
Anduck: .deeds
mircea_popescu: dub yeah but the us doesn't generally even have torrens deeds.
The20YearIRCloud: But, at any rate, the individuals on our BOA have access to bank records and property deeds/addresses. Additionally I've re-sent a link to MP just now showing one county's records on us.
The20YearIRCloud: We had a whole conversation about how we use deeds in Ohio and not torrens titles
The20YearIRCloud: Since everything is in the company name and the deeds are publically available.
mircea_popescu: i remember you promising to put your deeds online but not carrying through. i dun recall this "given me" deeds.
The20YearIRCloud: Our board of advisors has copies of our deeds and bank statements.
The20YearIRCloud: It's not public but if someone REALLY wanted em, i'd make the properties & deeds available. Around last year I gave mircea_popescu deed copies of 2 or 3 of the properties.
Anduck: punkman: what's up with deedS?
kakobrekla: deeds is punkman, search is mthreat the rest is me
Anduck: who runs deeds anyway?
Anduck: why is deeds down?
gribble: deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is down
adlai: ;;isup deeds.bitcoin-assets.com
Anduck: .deeds
gribble: deeds.bitcoin-assets.com is down
jurov: ;;isup deeds.bitcoin-assets.com
adlai: punkman: it seems to overlap, to some degree, the goals of the deeds project
Anduck: is the deeds site up?
punkman: ben_vulpes: someone actually emailed *me* about the deeds site being down << is the foundation getting fan mail already?
punkman: deeds.bitcoin-assets.com ?
ben_vulpes: someone actually emailed *me* about the deeds site being down
ben_vulpes: punkman: yo what's the story with deedbot and deeds.bitcoin-assets.com?
mircea_popescu: punkman: so deeds server was maybe hacked <<< eh ?
punkman: so deeds server was maybe hacked
notary: Confirmed bundle 18xnKTfE with 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/18xnKTfEe8bQRu5Qh8mvPte1wPFeXQ55az
punkbot: ben_vulpes: No valid deeds found, try again. Errors: (msg1: invalid)
punkbot: xanthyos: No valid deeds found, try again.