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mircea_popescu: (you are aware, yes, usg vulnerable to nuclear blasts, latest studies show ?)
mircea_popescu: and this isn't just mp being hoity toity. the point here is that the sort of superficial schmuck who imagines bitcoin has 6k nodes, is also the superficial schmuck who imagines if bitcoin is framed through usg owned internet, that'll "just oiccur". it won't just occur, the same day there's a nuclear blast on capitol hill, no questions asked.
mircea_popescu: this agreement, much like the http://trilema.com/2014/la-florida-and-other-places/#selection-111.0-117.724 thirld world head roach, are pretty much the fumes on which the usg runs today
asciilifeform: i still wonder why ( afaik ! ) there has not been yet an open schism, where usg: 'ip X belongs to Y' but elsewhere 'no, Z'
mircea_popescu: "hey usg criminal organisation, would you like to back up the false claims made by some random new york hotel whore/maid you picked up specifically to make those false claims ???"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's by now a well established fact through republican practice, this original idea that "all the benefits of non-usg, you get by simply making non-consumer choices".
asciilifeform: Framedragger: srs q, btw, i know nothing about this supposed great guru other than 'pretty gurl posing for usg.tor photo ops, oh-so-oppressed, oh-so-orangerev' etc
scriba: Logged on 2017-06-29: [18:10:49] <mircea_popescu> this view is correct -- while usg stands, it is shameful for man to work. man must steal.
mircea_popescu: on the basis of its record of accomplishments it's not even directly obvious if it was made by usg to orange revolution random shitholes, or rather to mentally swamp the not-entirely-dim lightbulbs in its own collegiate stables.
mircea_popescu: sina no. 1. no "rules of conduct" 2. no usg / fiat "sovereign" interdictability.
mircea_popescu: no. i am asking what exactly must be your thought process to give away your work to a bunch of usg tarded spammers so they can then turn around and sell it.
BingoBoingo similarly drank ~40-80 kilodollars of USG/Bank money between 2004-2012
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo chick i aspirated on the tail end of this owes like 1/4mn to usg according to usg, and wasted about 60k on pot and stupid shit. "living expenses" ie "i was by myself and they were giving me money. what."
mircea_popescu: this view is correct -- while usg stands, it is shameful for man to work. man must steal.
mircea_popescu: wehn we are discussing geopolitics, ie, counbtries not people, ie your lazy ass bias not kicking into max gear and =silencing your brain, you do not say, or evenm see "evil usg empire better position"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform when we were discussing how the loser should treat the usg, ie, borrow and steal, move it to btc, and run away, you pointed out that "if btc fails, then the evil empire of usg is that much better positioned", but did not say "at least the folks trying enjoyed the try"
mircea_popescu: or do i need to dig up the threads about us "regulator" "fining" japanese co ? or the one where other japanewse co built shit and usg dun feel obliged to pay ? or ?
asciilifeform: well in a maximally ghastly 'death of btc' scenario, usg slowly alchemates/inflates it
asciilifeform: if ~anyone actually wanted usd enough to pay bitcoin for it en masse, even nickel-on-the-dollar's worth, usg would evaporate in a week.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> apparently in usg also there are 'untouchable' folx. << Care to do a qntra? Your interpretation seems more interesting than mine.
asciilifeform: apparently in usg also there are 'untouchable' folx.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it is quite astonishing that usg still bothers to mint coins
asciilifeform: gotta luvv the folx so slow on the uptake, who imagine being in 'a community' while having already been subsumed into usg faceless mass.
asciilifeform: or, alternatively, desperate usg dod-like last gasp to keep massive fleet of winblows boxen properly declitorized and infibulated
mircea_popescu: normally this happens "privately" as per usg.freenode's notion of that, but since http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672501 i figure what the hell, we can have one public day. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: 6/usg-in-btc-a-history-of-constant-failure/#selection-51.0-51.49 "certified scientist" etcetera is nil.
asciilifeform: ^ for n00bz -- this is verbatim Official usg doctrine -- i.e. the ostensible reason why winblowz is mandatory at nsa etc
asciilifeform: in recent lulz, https://archive.is/yoT9a >> hilariously draconian 'money laundering' ban proposed in usg
mircea_popescu: on the basis of what usg builds, i would say one could definitively conclude no government should ever have any money.
mircea_popescu: other than a vague awareness that it was pretty good business, buying land from usg at dollar an acre prices, then selling it back a month later to railway
asciilifeform: tell the folx expropriated by usg-cum-'private'railroads ( live <10mile of new tracks ? lose land ) about 'property right' , etc ☟︎
asciilifeform: eh if mr plebe gets caught stealing a doorknob from usg post office, he's in for 10k 'worth' of it plus prison
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i've been sitting here trying to recall which irrelevant scam "exchange" kraken is, can't really come up with much. was in the one the tradehills scammers made in their doomed but cheeky attempt to "come back" the usual coupla years later ? or was the one named after a pirate-era mpoe-pr post ? << The USG created "Goxcatcher" created mostly to have a place to receive the legal effigy of MtGox
asciilifeform: the altalena thing still , i'm told, smoulders, there are folx who have not forgotten the replacement of terrorist-republic-israel with usg-alt-israel
asciilifeform: Their primary purpose fulfilled, they had no agenda supportable with violence anymore due to the creation of the state of Israel’s presence. Instead of disbanding after their success, the Irgun continued to remain active, shifting into a productive political role. ' -- random usg derp
mircea_popescu: usg is a major selector for shit by now, btw. ~only female here who was keen on immigrating (got some "criminology" degree from, you guessed it, umd) was ~0 market value call-center-for-lyf operator.
asciilifeform: usg offered 'untermenschen' all kinds of lures, while they had (what was perceived as) secrets to trade -- honourary colonelships, professorships, etc.
mircea_popescu: phf the point you're not seeing because it's so unexpected and i didn't make it specifically was that the definition of elite scales with society. elite is "who has objective value". in late soviet, much like in late usg reich, the strippers were the elite
mircea_popescu: he DID get free education yes ? usg still wants you to pay college debt even if you leave.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: most 'intelligence komyooniti' folx slave for a nominally 'private' org, rather than for usg in the proper sense
mircea_popescu: "yemen's internationally recognized government" aka "usg imposed illegitimate criminal organisation based in yemen" idem "cuts ties". wtf ties.
mircea_popescu: apparently the perils of being allied with the usg is still not apparent. fucking served libya ah so well.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes not really ; usg hasn't yet won THAT one.
mircea_popescu: awww, but i thought nobody ever tampers with usg elections and the proposition "was discredited" and etc!!1
asciilifeform: in other usg comedy, https://archive.is/HtCuo ☟︎
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the piece of shit un is all going into overdrive with trying to get states to implement the usg-tronic "we'll just steal shit because it belongs to criminals hurr durr".
a111: Logged on 2015-02-05 01:38 decimation: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/jill-kelley-e-mails-depict-a-striving-tampa-socialite-and-a-smitten-military-brass/2015/02/03/ef8cb06c-a800-11e4-a06b-9df2002b86a0_story.html?hpid=z2 << apparently being a bigshot usg general means you get to handpick 'honorary ambassadors' to serve you meals
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-04#1665928 << i find it somewhat amusing that just as soon as independent ruler sends da's to investigate usg corruption, isis discovers it really can't live w/o philippines ☝︎
shinohai: erlehmann: See http://qntra.net/2017/05/usg-asset-gavin-andresen-pretends-to-meaningfully-inspect-your-random/
asciilifeform: erlehmann: i have nfi what to make of djb at this point. phuctor is the world's largest public showcase of his 'smooth parts of integers' algo, but he refused -- repeatedly -- to answer main re same. and now he's signed his name to a paper full of howlers, e.g. 'let usg nist generate your private key'
asciilifeform: from where comes the dough ? usg parked a printing press down there ?
mircea_popescu: wtf is "corruption" ? people-other-than-usg having control over property!!11
BingoBoingo: The thing is walmartroniuomists dun learn anything that would be useful to Republican causes should they recover. Opiumist tends to pick up wide array of skills useful to fight against various USG's if only they recover.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: you forgot bzhezinsky ! << Will be a footnote later. My ire at USG is atm more actutely directed at USG.CIA's white girl killing narco bsns's
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/usg-stoolie-noriega-dead/ << Qntra - USG Stoolie Noriega Dead
asciilifeform: rumour has it, usg made 'offer' to various ru exiles; those who refused to put coin in the piggy, now 'have problems'.
asciilifeform: i admit that i dun quite grasp the logic : what, if usg makes 9,001 of these, the actual phuctor will disappear..?
mircea_popescu: the principle is solid : the fact that someone from stanford published a shitty piece means THE WHOLE USG is now negrated, if there's not a lower node to negrate.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: iirc we had thread, las vegas runs 100% on usg-supplied prng (yes, prng) boxes, welded shut
mircea_popescu: oh, in other lulz : laura codruta kovesi, ro axe handle and for ~decade very insistently presented by usg media as a sort of hero of the fight against "corruption" (aka, non-usg capital) is now sought by police because "somehow" disappeared just as various legal proceedings started.
asciilifeform: usg owns email.
asciilifeform: for extra rage, http://cs.ucsb.edu/~koc/cren/docs/w06/trng.pdf >> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/3qKlv/?raw=true << described the multi-$k usg rngs, and the 'unsolved problem' etc etc
asciilifeform: so far it's pretty hilarious, i build a box that actually solves $problem, and not even close to 'megabestseller', all the meanwhile 'people' paying, supposedly, multi-$k for usg rng.
asciilifeform: did the usg exchanges finally give up the ghost ?
mircea_popescu: what fucking part of "usg stole all bitcoin you gave to mtgox long ago" isn't quite plain.
mircea_popescu: it's so easy to make perfectly balanced faux entropy, only some very inept usg-ians would use anything else.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: latest, it turns out, obfuscatory-rebrand of usg.fork
asciilifeform: usg-narcoprovocateur-honeypotforum.
mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea why freenode feels the need to go to the inept lengths of all this, OBVIOUSLY they leak all ips to usg. what the fuck is writing extra state in the machine gonna do exactly.
asciilifeform: ^ all entrances to various usg ministries now have these. as of no more than 2-3 wks ago.
asciilifeform sat with notebook on the grass near usg capitol, good weather, and was aaalmost getting somewhere in re fixed-time karatsuba, when suddenly massive RUSSIA OUT OF UKRAINE!1111 troop of 'protesters', drums, правый сектор ( ukronazi!111 ) flagz, etc, etc , marched past.
asciilifeform: same thing with pirate et al, no ? there was a time when usg nurtured and protected btc scammers of all types
mircea_popescu: there is a reason mp doesn't think much of usg "law enforcement", and that reason is in the vein of the healthy man not thinking much of the sexual competition by the bellhop of notre dame.
mircea_popescu: (for the record -- first "company" to announce bitcoin mining asic was the ndrangheta scam of sony vleisides ("butterfly labs"), an ex-con dealing while under supervised release in breach ofr the terms of that release which the "tough on crime" usg has never yet prosecuted.)
asciilifeform: so that usg and its catamites could have their 1,001-year-reich
asciilifeform: 'maybe we can make seeds scarce one day, by fucking with weather' 'and guess what, only source of new ones will be usg!'
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 18:57 asciilifeform: there is no money, in modern usg reich, in SOLVING a problem
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, the usg is desperately trying to achieve said refrigeration through trying to shoot people who trade it.
asciilifeform: and yes i recall that mircea_popescu threw out the domain. dun matter much, even if you buy 1,001 domains ( enriching usg each time, each year ) there is always 1,001st.
asciilifeform: so i'll readily admit that i am working in a poorly defined unit. 100k of tmsr partizan money -- might buy subj. but how many 100k usg funbux buy a phuctor, or FG ?
asciilifeform: well it's $100k + pyongyang ( work unmolested by usg )
asciilifeform: there is no money, in modern usg reich, in SOLVING a problem ☟︎
mircea_popescu: fine, but i find it rather lulzy that apparently i have to worry about "Bitcoin revenue", as if i can't trade fiatola for bitcoin like anyone else ; and that somehow i should be worried while sitting on technology the usg couldn't replicate in spite of trying for a coupla years.
mircea_popescu: "leveraging the synergies" or how's it called, "ironing out the waste and inefficiency" ? anyway. why need apple when has windows and intel ? samsung can make the tablets as usg.intel profit center.
asciilifeform: can still do -- at lolmart. which is how it died -- or how westinghouse died, usg decided that 1 GE suffices
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 16:10 mircea_popescu: (basically, long story short, usg financed a coupla units in georgia and ncarolina with japan's money, ain't giving it back. loss is whatever you want it to be, 3 to 10 bn)
mircea_popescu: sure, not matter of sympathy. matter of -- just like the egyptian kids sit in luxor center for businessmen trying to find old dizzy cow with social security payments to build them a tourist trap, just so perhaps indian kids sit in indian cafe, trying to get usg tendrils trapped.
asciilifeform: and 0 sympathy -- lived by usg intellectualproperty racket, died by it.
ben_vulpes: i have seen this before, the continentals holding posts in usg bezzletrons, and i don't quite get how it makes sense. "we all went to hahvahd biz skool for credential washing to operate scammatronz", maybe?
mircea_popescu: connectsolutions got aquihired by aaski (usg front, recently got 1bn in pork for unspecified services. primo target for some data liberation, as it happens.)
mircea_popescu: lol, usg.ms duking it out with usg.nsa over the fact that they got publicly raped a little ?
asciilifeform: and 2x that if usg weren't subsidizing
mircea_popescu: plenty of "oh, everyone ELSE affected". now tell me fedex is a ... private company, not a usg agency. because that's totally how private companies communicate, and absolutely not how the soviet agencies speak.
asciilifeform: crippled elgamal, patented by usg.
mircea_popescu: usg.nsa business is not the sane.
asciilifeform: though so far even this obvious pill is ,in typical usg style, being done in reverse -- srsly, they banned smoking in prison!
asciilifeform: analogous to 'official use only' usg marking.
mircea_popescu: i suppose official usg-lese for "tmsr" is "non-nation-state actors" nao.
asciilifeform: i suspect that if either baikal or elbrus ~existed~ in commercially relevant qtys, it would handily corner the 'fuck cisco and usg crapolade' market worldwide
gabriel_laddel_p: mod6: some USG money transfer thing for young people