1928 entries in 0.377s
PeterL: BingoBoingo:
cascadianhacker apparently doesn't have a working feed, but I could add it to the list on the right
PeterL: ben_vulpes: you run
ben_vulpes: pull the latest from
cascadianhacker.com if you'd be so kind
ProgressUpdate: or BingoBoingo's thedrinkingrecord, or
cascadianhacker, contravex;; bitbet, waroflife, et al.
ben_vulpes: i derped a feed together for
benkay: hey assets i'm fucking with dns - what's the entry at the top of the list on
cascadianhacker.com ?
benkay: you're free of course to put whatever you want in the rating field, but i'd prefer to have
cascadianhacker.com in there than survantjames.com