1900+ entries in 0.749s
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: http://www.contra.org/pgp/PhilZimmerman.html << i see. scary.
asciilifeform: same as pgp.
badbitcoinadmin: I am familiar with PGP, but only have a few contacts who use it. What's next?
assbot: Please To PGP (Guide for Linux, OS X, Windows) | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1L9zSKw )
danielpbarron: badbitcoinadmin, http://www.contravex.com/2014/09/23/please-to-pgp-guide-for-linux-os-x-windows/
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: anyways, mitch sends me the off pgp-gram, and i recently sent him to the trilema jobs board
pete_dushenski: i poked him to figure out pgp, he did
assbot: Please To PGP (Guide for Linux, OS X, Windows) | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1BnXKVe )
danielpbarron: http://www.contravex.com/2014/09/23/please-to-pgp-guide-for-linux-os-x-windows/
mircea_popescu: https://safeorscam.com/karma << so is that pgp key block on the bottom of the page broken universally, or just MacGPG2 v2.0.17 decided to fork gnupg and not tell anyone ?
assbot: Today in Silk Road proceedings, prosecution showed that the Dread Pirate Roberts private PGP key was saved on Ulbricht's computer.
assbot: Today in Silk Road proceedings, prosecution showed that the Dread Pirate Roberts private PGP key was saved on Ulbricht's computer.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: i noticed when i was coding that keyservers tend to go down a lot << this is true, and has been for a while. pgp keyservers like the weakest link in the assets system currently.
diametric: trying to figure out why assbot can't find my key on mit.pgp.edu.
Vexual: are you suggesting that if i have a pgp key n wot kako will like my occasional music?
jurov: vex has pgp key, just got downrated :)
nubbins`: get a pgp key already
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 291237F37A2C023CADBED52513288EAB01713428. This may take a few moments.
kakobrekla: assbot> Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 291237F37A2C023CADBED52513288EAB01713428. This may take a few moments.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 291237F37A2C023CADBED52513288EAB01713428. This may take a few moments.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 155934BDD16E8EAF4493CB9CB36AE9849D961AC9. This may take a few moments.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: original pgp was not an apparatus for one-off deals with strangers, but something to use between friends, as i understand. << what you say is accurate, but doesn't excuse. suppose i knock up a girl, and the blastule in her folds goes "hey, daddy's cock was crooked, so let's make the baby's cunt crooked too. nothing like baking in random assumptionbs for no good reason!"
asciilifeform: remember, this isn't from the cracking-pgp division
asciilifeform: in the case of pgp key, it's rather like, in the worst case, time travel.
mircea_popescu: which i guess is not that bad, seeing how it also solves the problem of the untrustworthy pgp-sks etc
asciilifeform: original pgp was not an apparatus for one-off deals with strangers, but something to use between friends, as i understand.
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) hQQOAy/yVjmzb - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bzjw9R )
Adlai: when was the last time a court ordered somebody to divulge a pgp key?
asciilifeform: Adlai: it'll have to get in the queue. in usa, we pgp users are still waiting to be gassed. since the clinton administration, even.
asciilifeform: lizardgoering probably reviewed gossipd and answered, 'mein fuhrer, it's yet another pgp isomorph.' hitler: 'directorate 7b. next.'
assbot: Instead of banning crypto, they could just legally require that everyone is only allowed to use PGP. Effectively the same thing.
assbot: Instead of banning crypto, they could just legally require that everyone is only allowed to use PGP. Effectively the same thing.
assbot: Instead of banning crypto, they could just legally require that everyone is only allowed to use PGP. Effectively the same thing.
bitcoin_charlie: http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x41D9C9E4E1E507A6
pete_dushenski: bitcoin_charlie so you're the real shrem eh? can you pgp sign something?
asciilifeform: if you're doing crypto-whatever (e.g., 'gossipd') and you're gonna process signatures from pgp
asciilifeform: not necessarily. a binary signed with pgp is example of out-of-band.
artifexd: mircea_popescu: can you elaborate on "a pgp-signed document by the for key certifying the validity of the IPs public key with an expiration unixtimev in case the for field differs and a nickname"?
mircea_popescu: pgp seems to be living a nice 2nd youth these days tho
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: interestingly, back when there was a roughly similar 'messianic' cargo cult around pgp (the original pgp) - the folks involved more or less missed all the interesting implications of their toy.
mircea_popescu: i dunno why all these ppl get so excited about pgp. clearly it doesn't do anything
assbot: [GUIDE] PGP 4 N00BZ : SilkRoad ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXw4JL )
asciilifeform: http://www.reddit.com/r/SilkRoad/comments/1qh266/guide_pgp_4_n00bz << considering that this was how pgp was used...
mircea_popescu: there was something very very odd about the pgp used on this site that allowed employees to impersonate users.
asciilifeform: did i misunderstand, or did you say earlier that it would be a good thing if the street bomzh could not use pgp ?
asciilifeform: how does a bomzh, stinking in the street, who happens to have generated a pgp key, 'matter' ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: at present time, an 'unknown' can generate a pgp key and carry on 'continuity' with it over whatever channel. we can't exactly prevent it
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu incoming pgp
mircea_popescu: decimation: one gets the picture that usg 'leaders' think of themselves as being above such trivialities as secure communications << this is not as unlikely as itmay seem. at a time when caesar came up with the pgp of that time, most of the senate a) loled at the nonsense ; b) wondered which gods caesar was praying to to be that successful.
adlai: all the internet branding will rely on middlemen, until your audience learns pgp
asciilifeform: mention of pgp as a 'tough cookie' and also as internally used in at least one nsa product (disinfo psychop or genuine tears, take your pick.)
assbot: Terrifying: PDFs that displays totally differently on three different readers; different again on printing. PGP sign only text files! /hashtag/31c3?src=hash
keystroke: i reregged as keystrike as i figure the keystroke identity can't be proven anymore as i never registered with pgp and that address is not accessible at this location
keystroke: now if only my WoT pgp key was not on another continent...
mircea_popescu: make a whole new web, on a whole new port, based on pgp signs
mircea_popescu: h), but which does not include his email, or his pgp key.
mircea_popescu: got a pgp key made in 96 you can link and sign with ?
asciilifeform: 'it was what i built and delivered' minus pgp, minus xxx, yyy, hell knows how many details that looked like 'irrelevant hair' to the imbecile
asciilifeform: '1. ditch PGP, it's a millstone.' << leper is ringing his bell. thank him and cross the street to avoid contagion
fluffypony: no wonder he says we should ditch PGP
mircea_popescu: rdymac prolly a good idea to have your pgp key added to the page anyway.
BingoBoingo: <badon> My experience has been that these trust models are useless. They're better than complete anonymity, because they end up having some practical monetary value, but the abuse of the trust always eventually becomes more profitable than honoring the trust. Therefore, if I don't trust you, I don't care what your PGP key says. << Trust isn't a point system though, it is a name system.
BingoBoingo: <badon> If someone betrays my trust, I can't punch them in the head with their PGP public key. << You can effectively indict them with the text they've signed
badon: If someone betrays my trust, I can't punch them in the head with their PGP public key.
badon: My experience has been that these trust models are useless. They're better than complete anonymity, because they end up having some practical monetary value, but the abuse of the trust always eventually becomes more profitable than honoring the trust. Therefore, if I don't trust you, I don't care what your PGP key says.
asciilifeform: the beauty of the everything-pgp-signed concept is that this thing ought to be deadly-easy to mirror.
ben_vulpes: - rewrite pgp
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) hQIMAwyIh9yLf - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1zWNq5c )
asciilifeform: thing is, a fellow who doesn't 'believe in' or like pgp, and doesn't care for the guarantees proper use provides, can automate up to a hundred percent of the process
asciilifeform: kanzure: afaik most of us here use hand-cranked pgp
kanzure: asciilifeform: because i don't want to setup a pgp user agent with my irc client
assbot: 2 results for 'pgp tattoo' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=pgp+tattoo
asciilifeform: !s pgp tattoo
nubbins`: thinking about making a pgp infographic-type poster
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: this raises a question, can schizophrenic even use pgp as intended? <<< well if he has split personality, then they won't know about each other's keys.
nubbins`: kakobrekla runaway thoughts prevent one from using pgp? o.O
kakobrekla: this raises a question, can schizophrenic even use pgp as intended?
nubbins`: the key is to be able to demonstrably prove that you are who you say you are without use of a pgp key
nubbins`: see the thing is, you want a message from alice saying "alice1 is my backup pgp key in case this one gets stolen"
mircea_popescu: "attribution", not pgp
asciilifeform: ferglubssake we didn't invent pgp.
nubbins`: i'm still only functionally literate wrt pgp
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESS - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: ye - -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ?
nubbins`: END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n$ or smth
punkman: mircea_popescu: I think problem with that is that it stops at nested END PGP SIGNATURE, instead of the outer one
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, This is deeds.bitcoin-a - Pastebin.com
Adlai: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=Adlai << so, while the current contributors' reasons for not using git[hub] are understandable, i'll leave this up and perhaps update it at my leisure, in case it'll be useful to anybody inhabiting a separate region on the paranoia/lazyness continuum
Adlai: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=Adlai << /nick accidentally got squatted by ashley while i was in the army. never heard of waksman though.
Vexual: still parsing the history of pgp
assbot: PGP/GPG Guide | Bingo Blog
assbot: Please To PGP (Guide for Linux, OS X, Windows) | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
RagnarDanneskjol: http://www.contravex.com/2014/09/23/please-to-pgp-guide-for-linux-os-x-windows/
mircea_popescu: bitcoin + pgp + foss would have been a much better alternative past than fucktarded "flower power"
BingoBoingo: Ah, the great thing about PGP is that GPG 1.4x fork won
mircea_popescu: it would have been, if someone added bitcoin to pgp
mircea_popescu: punkman one that isn't retarded pretty much reduces to "reimplement pgp" task we're loath to start.
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Your dividend payment for S. - Pastebin.com
nubbins`: was it you who wrote that short story about the pgp murder-suicide?
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 14-day Eviction Notice - Pastebin.com