1300+ entries in 0.167s
a111: Logged on 2018-06-11 15:35 asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/h1.jpg << observe, cr50 has buncha test pads. i bet half a dozen of these, are used for factory fillup.
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/c101pa/h1.jpg << observe, cr50 has buncha test pads. i bet half a dozen of these, are used for factory fillup. ☟︎
trinque: asciilifeform: https://archive.li/sVoej << I get zero output from the test provided at the bottom using deedbot's gpg
mircea_popescu: hey, nothing beats a self-administered pregnancy test.
mircea_popescu: reason he made the suggestion is that he bets on your failing to accurately test it.
asciilifeform: should be able to test the truth of the allegation tho.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-06 17:22 asciilifeform: the schematics whisperer d00d suggested that it also has the uart brought out on hidden pins ; i have a test adapter cable due in this wk that will test this theory
asciilifeform: the schematics whisperer d00d suggested that it also has the uart brought out on hidden pins ; i have a test adapter cable due in this wk that will test this theory ☟︎
asciilifeform: the soldering, ditto. strictly to make 'unbrickable' test unit for the bootloader attempts.
asciilifeform: on ch10 ffa: exponentiator test from end of ch.7 runs in 9.2s on dulap, and 28.4s on the test rk3328-roc-cc machine, producing correct output.
asciilifeform: which passes test.
asciilifeform: ave1: i am setting up a rockchip board to test your gnat !
asciilifeform: unrelatedly, anybody else test ave1's latest tarball and get same thing asciilifeform saw ?
asciilifeform: unfortunately i cannot currently test the aarch64 one, my c101pa is across a table top in pieces just now
asciilifeform: ave1: i'ma test today.
asciilifeform: ave1: lemme know when you got the real deal ready for test.
mod6: I do have these ones too for the one hooked up to the rockchip, not sure if interested: http://mod6.net/2018/May/12/rockchip_fg_test.txt
trinque: get the defpackage in there, test, then when you're satisfied, post a genesis patch on your blog.
deedbot: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/05/26/some-fg-samples-and-test-results/ << Bingo Blog - Some FG Samples And Test Results
mircea_popescu: do they test the grunts and only admit those who take up the girls for more than 8 mins at a time ?
mircea_popescu: ever seen http://trilema.com/2011/bad-teacher/ ? bitch wants new tits and dun wanna suck cock for it, because "that's bad and no http://trilema.com/2013/queers/#selection-135.66-135.84 dame would ever do it". so INSTEAD she breaks into fed vault, steals standardized test a day before it's administered.
a111: Logged on 2018-03-01 13:52 spyked: anyway, comment was that I managed to compile and run vdiff with small mods; error: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/BiBTI/?raw=true and fix patch: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/9mOiz/?raw=true (tested this with the generated vdiff); I can try to link this reply later in a comment to test.
mod6: Sure, BingoBoingo. Just a solid test case against the rule formulated earlier. That's all this is.
mod6: yeah, exactly. glad I brought it up. our first test of this.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-15 19:51 diana_coman: ave1, if I want to test your gnat-building script what steps should I follow so that I have at the end of it maximum info re what works/doesn't and in what context exactly?
asciilifeform: the worst it can do, afaik, is to silently swallow the test probe
asciilifeform: worth a test
asciilifeform: diana_coman: 1 suggested test, will be to build the thing on itself , on arm
asciilifeform: if diana_coman 's arm64 test pans out, this item will be included in the standard rockchip kit from that point on.
diana_coman: so hm, put it somewhere so I get it to my rockchip and test it in one blow?
diana_coman: ave1, if I want to test your gnat-building script what steps should I follow so that I have at the end of it maximum info re what works/doesn't and in what context exactly? ☟︎
asciilifeform set up test of above, lessee if worx
mircea_popescu: well, put the rockchip to the test i guess.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-11 04:11 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, here's a suspicious : so many of these tards have known factors like 2, 3, 5 -- showing there was ~no primality test involved. isn't it bizarre we don't see other factors then, say 111 ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, here's a suspicious : so many of these tards have known factors like 2, 3, 5 -- showing there was ~no primality test involved. isn't it bizarre we don't see other factors then, say 111 ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, Moduli Waiting for Test: 6976474 << still same figure, meaning it's still churning hasn't yet returned ?
spyked: (with the caveat that the available infrastructure is still very much under test/wip)
asciilifeform: spyked: feel free to make a chan and test your bot, so long as i do not have to do anything
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-06#1810568 <-- hey asciilifeform, sorry for the late reply on this. what do you think about throwing an instance of my experimental rss bot in a separate chan (say, #phuctor) to spit however many new phuctorings? it's not fit for #t yet (deedbot self-voicing not yet ready) and not 100% stable yet, but it'd give me a chance to test it; and you to give me a kick in the rear if it doesn't work. ☝︎
asciilifeform: phf: whole 1950s thermonuke test period of usg consisted of it tho.
ben_vulpes: esthlos: also needs a build script to produce a binary for use outside of a LISP repl; my lisp v implementation ran afoul of this years ago. ~nobody would fire up a lisp repl to test the thing. this may be different today, but the fact remains that for this to make it into widespread use it's going to need to be callable from the linux cli.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-07 19:38 diana_coman: ave1, any chance you tweak that script so I can at least test it in stages rather than 3-4 hour all-or-nothing thing?
diana_coman: ave1, any chance you tweak that script so I can at least test it in stages rather than 3-4 hour all-or-nothing thing? ☟︎
asciilifeform: to be very concrete, for all i know , his script ~works~ , i simply was not able to test from that point
ben_vulpes: not because i want to pack trbs in but because it is *the* litmus test of compute: "will it bitcoinate?"
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i expect mechanical-disk nodes will fall behind again if usg 'stress test of blocks' were to resume.
asciilifeform: ( incidentally , fermat is great 'torture test' for the box, ~100% cpu utilization for days. )
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 15:30 asciilifeform: anyone who wants to volunteer to write this, can use the db snapshot i previously published ( it contains, naturally, the schema. ) to test, remove some entries from factors table, then add'em back in ( ideally several dozen at a time )
asciilifeform: however it must not interfere with the function of the existing code, nor require werker to do anything other than what it presently does, which is to test ALL factors ( bernestein returns ALL factors EVERY time it runs ) against 'factors' table, and , if novel , add factor to it.
asciilifeform: anyone who wants to volunteer to write this, can use the db snapshot i previously published ( it contains, naturally, the schema. ) to test, remove some entries from factors table, then add'em back in ( ideally several dozen at a time ) ☟︎
trinque: imma have to get a red helmet, "baby it's time for your penetration test"
douchebag: Well, I have seen red team penetration testers use a helmet when conducting a physical penetration test
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, perfect test item huh. curious how this works.
asciilifeform: ( will have to make a slightly complicated change and test locally, because current 'rss is simple sql query' doesn't rate-limit the output of 1-factor-N-moduli-affected events )
asciilifeform: lol i 'stress test' (i.e. saturate) the thing ~daily
esthlos: esthlos-v doesn't touch on (a); I was indeed waiting for standardized philosophy file format. (b) I will test
asciilifeform: ( how to test ? load e.g. various links from http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/factor/2 , observe msec, rather than sec-halfminute as before, load times... )
asciilifeform: used hashistic index followed by collision test
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: meanwhile i made it do it ( not deployed to production yet, still in test.. )
mircea_popescu: trinque, alright, then that's the plan here, you and esthlos come up with a v i can point people at when they have to publish ; you can test it by publishing whatever it was you were about to on it, and there we go.
mod6: sign and send are gonna be a tough ones, so we'll see how it goes. I've got a new test machine on the way, so I gotta stand that up, etc for all of this too.
asciilifeform: mod6: there's not an urgent and dire need to test the linked item ( though fwiw it stood up to exhaustive test on asciilifeform's side ). i linked it in response to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-01#1806923 thread strictly. ☝︎
asciilifeform: mod6: generally it's good practice to send in the eggogs some time near the time you actually did the test...
a111: Logged on 2018-03-25 19:48 phf: hanbot: note that http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vtools-vpatch/#selection-147.0-192.0 i'm going to fix it by wednesday, but if you can give me an unsigned rough draft of a keccak mp-wp.vpatch before then, i'll be able to use it as a test
mod6: And now it makes sense because the initial test case I was using was all values in the normal hexadecimal range.
mod6: The thing that really threw me off during the analysis is that before and after test drivers were both yielding the same, correct, result. So I had to dig way in and debug to see exactly where to spring the trap.
asciilifeform: because this means that asciilifeform cannot currently even begin to test ave1's thing -- asciilifeform does not have a musltronic-linux machine
mircea_popescu: that's..odd. that link works in my test chan >> http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-04-30.log.html#t06:58:50 :
lobbes: that's..odd. that link works in my test chan >> http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-04-30.log.html#t06:58:50
ave1: When done + test that the cross compiled gcc actually works on an arm system I will publish.
mircea_popescu: but why would he lol. box is there to test on already.
asciilifeform: douchebag: lemme know if you run into problems. also see my www, i posted a recipe for how to make the same box at home, to test on.
ben_vulpes: breathing! passes self test
ben_vulpes: "can never demonstrate the absence of bugs" notwithstanding, i don't know why folks don't slow down and test that their deliverables do what they claim before making claims
mircea_popescu: now let's test the keys of folk who showed up in the meanwhile huh.
lobbes: phew. I finally got logbot genesis up and inserting log lines into a database on my test machine. Hardest thing was figuring out the config knobs for postgres (and side-quests such as libuuid)
mircea_popescu: when lawyer wants to test for truth, he offers guy obvious easy explanation, sees if guy takes it. if he does... he's looking for an out, isn't he!
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 05:19 ckang: ben_vulpes: have you done any test on the reliability of those USB3 drives?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804273 << nope. you're invited to buy the same drive and test. fwiw, and unlike cheaper ones, it has wear leveling. ☝︎
ckang: ben_vulpes: have you done any test on the reliability of those USB3 drives? ☟︎
phf: i should probably test it at some point in isolation. it would be a pointless exercise though since i don't have a 20MBit/s pipe out anyway. perhaps the value might be "look at what custom board can do compared to this chinese crap", but i somehow doubt that would be the result.
lobbes: ah can't complain. Trying to get logbot up and running (was able to successfully press the ircbot genesis and test it on my local machine the other night)
ascii_lander: iirc i recommended this : for rockchip users: buy 1 to test on at home, then upload yer image
a111: Logged on 2018-04-19 02:08 mod6: BingoBoingo: Yeah, indeed we'll want to set it up in a test network and ensure that it's 100% correct, then plan an outage. Whether we have alf build a thing, or we buy one or whatever. You're on the right track.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802822 << the good news is that the test doesn't have to be in uy. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: mod6: If you want to pick up one to hack a test network together, my hands are rapidly filling and a physical backup for the thing is not a particularly high priority
mod6: BingoBoingo: Yeah, indeed we'll want to set it up in a test network and ensure that it's 100% correct, then plan an outage. Whether we have alf build a thing, or we buy one or whatever. You're on the right track. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1801964 << Nominally the main switch is capable of these things. I practice enabling these requires delicately ordered incantations I am hesistant to have executed on the production switch. It would require a second and someone with the hands to build a play network with with to test thoroughly before transplanting the config. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: shit damn if i weren't running a radon test right now the whole neighborhood would be listening to mathieu
trinque: yeah, I can vouch for douchebag having asked permission to test deedbot each time, and having committed to telling me what he found.
trinque: hanbot: notbad.jpg stress test!
lobbes will gladly test a phf-made eulora text client
mircea_popescu: (one could object, "it's pointless to attempt this, hacked client can just replace magic string", which is true, but nevertheless client can still binary audit his item and see / login with a special, known-good string-test-only client and see what he should be. ie, client can bootstrap himself out of the fakebox produced by a hacked binary.
mircea_popescu: my budget for a key happens to be 4096 bits. it makes 0 difference to me that there's a cheaper provider offering 16 bit keys. everyone offering a key under 4096 bits is par for this test.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-12 01:48 hanbot: on the mp-wp newsfront, i've a pressed genesis via phf's lastest leftwards/keccak vtools. am waiting on pizarro folks to get apache & mod_rewrite going so i can test it and see to the initial patches it'll need.
deedbot: http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/yet-another-test/ << Daniel P. Barron - Yet another test
deedbot: http://pizarro.danielpbarron.com/2018/test-post/ << Daniel P. Barron - Test Post
hanbot: http://thewhet.net << lastest post (mod_rewrite ergo links not yet live, or i'd link y'all directly) is mp-wp_genesis. esthlos and anyone else who was waiting on this is encouraged to test it out --setting up a test blog-within-a-blog is gonna be a royal pita and cause yet further delays, so please do try it out, lemme know how it goes.
avgjoe: ok, so as long as i see trinque alive on irc i can feel safe about my test bitcents on it
zx2c4: i dont own any via 2000 hardware to test on