38 entries in 0.336s
trinque: "why, they sit at a big table in a skyscraper and shout 'business!' at each other"
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-13#1751237 << aha, and to think about the various symptoms individually, is rather like thinking of each individual fractured bone in d00d dropped from a skyscraper, as separate injury ☝︎
asciilifeform: i go there on bizbis sometimes. into a mostly empty soot-coloured skyscraper.
asciilifeform: skyscraper dun have openable windows, tourism decks also glassed in
asciilifeform: hey, same people as built gigantic latrine pit thing instead of the skyscraper
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu might be social-integrated-genius but often recommends algo that adds up to escherian skyscraper. and so results in headache thread.
asciilifeform: ( in the fishwraps: https://archive.is/8wWRF << nsa owns (part of) a manhattan skyscraper; 'nsa vans' are real; buncha details . )
pete_dushenski: https://sourceable.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/timber-skyscraper-chicago.jpg << in other wood without condoms, a proposed 80-story TIMBER skyscraper in chiraq
asciilifeform: sorta like the indian in mircea_popescu' skyscraper essay
mircea_popescu: basically, instead of trying to achieve the moon-height skyscraper by investing in material rigidity, invest instead in a sort of... fault tolerance i guess you'd call it.
mircea_popescu: i don't care you sat on your tatched roof in mongolia and thus "dreamed" of skyscraper.
ascii_field: because we discard, or emplace, axioms, based on whether we get timecube or skyscraper.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-09-2015#1278246 << this ~has~ to be some kind of disinfo. it seems impossible, like hearing about a demolished skyscraper un-exploding, an egg un-breaking and picking itself up from the kitchen floor and sliding back into the chicken ☝︎
asciilifeform: a gigantic stone on which you can build a skyscraper also 'handles great organizational complexity'
asciilifeform: after that, it's merely a matter of 'build skyscraper'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's point about the 'excluded middle' ( http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=13-06-2015#1163457 << thread ) is valid, but it simply means that we are falling from skyscraper and trying to invent parachute on our way down. ☝︎
asciilifeform: or at least, like a skyscraper, but sorta inverted
asciilifeform: but think of it as a skyscraper foundation. there is tremendous pressure on it
pete_dushenski: like the seagull that keeps flying into the window of the skyscraper
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform minor nitpick : all these people that never ever head foreman'd a construction yard shjould stfu about "tools". the tools used to build a skyscraper are, by and large, cheaper, more worn versions of the expensive DIY crap.
ben_vulpes: i've been working out of a client's office on the 27th floor of this skyscraper downtown all week, and every time i walk outside i'm struck with gut-level desires to insulate myself from the people derping around outside the building.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: they aren't published for the mundane reason of 'i paid $maxint for skyscraper, why should others live in it for nothing'
asciilifeform: like the doomed office plankton jumping from a burning skyscraper, they don't much care where they land.
decimation: where's the skyscraper that has filled with squatters and shit?
asciilifeform: see mircea_popescu's skyscraper example.
assbot: 17 results for 'skyscraper' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=skyscraper
asciilifeform: !s skyscraper
asciilifeform: he is fairly certain that we have already been thrown from the skyscraper, and it is far too late to assemble this particular parachute.
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/14/kickstarter-is-a-waste-pirate-is-a-skyscraper/
asciilifeform: wouldn't the increased fiat pull of btc today compensate? e.g. for 30k btc one can build an actual skyscraper - which proceeds to fall...
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete consider the case of a street where some idiot builds an unstable skyscraper.
jurov: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2593755/The-subway-train-climb-skyscraper-Radical-new-concept-vertical-stations-New-york-London.html
ThickAsThieves: let's go hang out in that empty skyscraper
asciilifeform: the sane people version: 'built a skyscraper. here's what it'll cost ya per sq. m. come in?'
asciilifeform: maybe i'm just behind the times. but, picture some bozo: 'i'ma build a skyscraper. here's lots of pictures of my bulldozers, cranes! here's some cement mixers!'
asciilifeform: why not 'skyscraper height'? 'megatonnage of nuke you have the codes for'? etc
Vexual: a crazy psychiatris wrote a long book, and a normal human is expected to see a penis where a skyscraper is?
noagendamarket: or sitting on top of a skyscraper and thrpowing $5 notes off it