147 entries in 0.586s
asciilifeform: chetty: looks like a potential rehash of '10.
mircea_popescu: yet they never fucking bother to do anything with it, just rehash the same crap.
mircea_popescu: this is a rehash of that miserable rms lusitania bullshit.
mike_c: rehash on edge case
assbot: 39 results for 'rehash' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=rehash
mircea_popescu: !s rehash
mircea_popescu: btw, seen hanbot's rehash idea ?
mircea_popescu: or rehash ?
thestringpuller: bitcoinpete mike_c : It's a rehash of an old story, but it would be a neat article if the research is done right.
mircea_popescu: time to rehash the sad story of von flondor.
kakobrekla: <asciilifeform> kakobrekla needs amphibious car <- is this some weird rehash of golf cart joke ?
mircea_popescu: not that people can't rehash the ancient arguments re the importance of the church and present them de novo in favour of the state.
mircea_popescu: antephialtic seems just a rehash of older material really.
ThickAsThieves: the 3M was discussed already no need to rehash
mircea_popescu: so basically a rehash of the old "pirate pass through" scam
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves somehow this discussion is a strange rehash of the older "platinum records / musical talent" thing.
mircea_popescu: Mircea Popescu @Mircea_Popescu · now @ChrisGurr Well I guess we can rehash this conversation once you meet a woman then.
mircea_popescu: so you offered to do documentation for them, and on rehash you offered to work 2 hour days
mircea_popescu: funny how people just rehash the same old scams. so bitcoin investment gems run dry ? it's okay, make doge, the altchain investment gem
mircea_popescu: jurov sounds to me like a rehash of the child porn thing.
mircea_popescu: truffles i'd rather re-read voltaire than re-read forum idiocy nominally "new" and written by some "new" guy but factually the exactly same rehash
mircea_popescu: allow me to rehash the usual arguments : this bet calls for a 50% increase in deployed hash power within a month.
the20year: They all want to rehash the same exact stuff, and yet they somehow get millions of dollars of funding
thestringpuller: i feel though it is a rehash of Footsteps in the Dark
kakobrekla: a 350th rehash of the matter
mircea_popescu: anyway, curious if we're in for a rehash of july 2010. (vertical degree of magnitude wall, i think there were two consecutive 400% increases there)
kakobrekla: rehash the fail
mircea_popescu: Rulother rehash the basics. are we discussing the lifetime value of 50th going live in october ?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves rehash of the deprived/brendio dual thing ?
mircea_popescu: yet another rehash of the infinite hitpoints theorem.
kakobrekla: do a rehash of satoshi daemon horse
mircea_popescu: yeah ywah, rehash. sure. that's how it works.
mircea_popescu: rather than rehash endlessly the same tired scams
mircea_popescu: five year old material rehash ftw.
mircea_popescu: cold water, rehash.
mircea_popescu: time for a rehash of http://trilema.com/2013/in-which-noobs-learn-lessons-and-pay-for-the-privilege/
mircea_popescu: taub not even. affraid we'll end up with a rehash of the runup to 30
kakobrekla: is this bitmarket.eu rehash
mircea_popescu: unbalanced basically it's yet another rehash of the old and by now stale "i wrote a script therefore this is a business".
mircea_popescu: they're drowning in code for quite obvious reasons i won't rehash.
mircea_popescu: it gives a rehash of history that might have been interesting in 2011
Ukto: i have already stated my opinion on it, not going to rehash it
mircea_popescu: dub the idea here is to create a new system, not to rehash the old.
mircea_popescu: dub that's just a rehash of frenology, a thoroughly discredited load of bunk
mircea_popescu: jurov seems just "mpex rehash, except we can't call it that."
mircea_popescu: so pirate rehash ?
mircea_popescu: so its bitcoinica rehash.