500+ entries in 0.12s

mp_en_viaje: i dunno why more people don't read more code. i swear to
god usg-sponsored "comedy" is nowhere near as funny.
mp_en_viaje: billymg, just about, wanna-be ameristan.
god knows they're spending every available moment clucking at their cluckers. how exactly would that produce substantially different results is anyone's guess.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-24 00:32:40 mp_en_viaje: so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're
god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little th
mp_en_viaje: so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're
god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little theological
mircea_popescu: good
god, with minds like these what need of scholarship.
mircea_popescu: i dunno what some illiterate moron deems problematic about that sentence, maybe it's the vocabulary, such as the word "sin".
god knows they have vocabulary problems all the damned time.
mircea_popescu: this imaginary self-situation in the seat of
god where lo and behold you'll somehow see all patches... what the fuck do you think this is, the github flatlands ?
mircea_popescu: the sort of morons who think
god will download sexual ability into their heads immediately after marriage tend to naturally think otherwise, of course. but
god hates them.
mircea_popescu: trinque, your blog is such a pain to navigate, dear
god. so i want to see your previous article. well... there's no recent articles on the sidebar so i can't just ~see the title~ therefore eschew the need to click things. but let's see the archives... oh oops... this month's archive is entirely identical to you know, your latest article, for the first mile.
mircea_popescu: i walk out of shops / restaurants / whatever ALL the
god damn time, for the simplest of reasons, such as "took more than thirty seconds to come for orders".
hanbot_abroad: oh good
god i've been in the wrong channel the whole time.
mircea_popescu: this has nothing to do with "how well you write". i'm aware this is the typical gambit of the being an engineer, he's gonna -- don't you know -- be SO
GOD DAMEND GOOD at being funny/caring/whatever the girl he ain't said hi to yet is gonna... nfi, rematerialize our of his dirty sheets and start doing the laundry one day.
trinque: it's that "oh
god linux is a fractal hellscape so I will airgap" solves some problems, and by way of cosmic fact not all
trinque: and I'd have said "mod6 what the fuck, there are already classes for keys" and then by
god, we'd have babby's first culture brewing by lunch
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-12 05:20:58 mp_en_viaje: it stops being cute when you start driving yourself nuts with it. how in
god's own reddish hells are you supposed to say, aforehand, what
the qualifications for contributing are ? in the next two days, you're gonna produce that ? how ?
mircea_popescu: so hard and difficult and unapproachable and scary and etcetera is this question of splittign the space, that it is worthwhile to go to all the trouble of farming a bunch of morons, because their crap/noncrap decision is tantamount to fucking holy, and no deployment of anything but honest to
god THE dude from big lebowsky can possibly cut it.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-28 17:35:36 trinque:
god damned bootloader being larger than an entire userland, holy hell.
god damned bootloader being larger than an entire userland, holy hell.
mircea_popescu: this isn't a complaint -- i don't personally mind evil exists, nor do i believe it shouldn't exist or that its absence would signal any kind of improvement. without evil the world's boring as fuck, which is why idiots asking dumb questions like "how come an infinitely good
god has small children raped to death" are fucking stupid. evil is a better addition to the world than fucking cinema, it'd be way too borning to try
mp_en_viaje: now, admitting you're good at what you do as only
god himself can ever be, here are your outcomes : if you go for girls that would make great sluts, and you make them great sluts, what if they ask "ok, so ?" when you're done ? ie, they ARE great sluts now, where they'd have been just wasted potential before, but they... do not see it ? they don't perceive anything relevant has changed at all ?
trinque: if anyone, I'd want a man unwilling to steal, so help him
god, running the money tables
mp_en_viaje: now back on the record here : i have absolutely no intention of reinstating his mpex account. that ain't happening ; but that aside i also have no problem paying, in principle.
god knows i've been paying loads of these, and what's a hundred btc or whatever, who even cares about pennies like that (right ?).
God bless china buying all the New World food stuffs. I suspect Buenos Aires is prepping to do another run of export controls on beef now that their production's sorta recovered a decade later.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-12 05:20:58 mp_en_viaje: it stops being cute when you start driving yourself nuts with it. how in
god's own reddish hells are you supposed to say, aforehand, what
the qualifications for contributing are ? in the next two days, you're gonna produce that ? how ?
mp_en_viaje: it stops being cute when you start driving yourself nuts with it. how in
god's own reddish hells are you supposed to say, aforehand, what
the qualifications for contributing are ? in the next two days, you're gonna produce that ? how ?
mp_en_viaje: and it's not ~the language~, either. there's nothing magically great about "how it handles conditioanls", "if($2 != day) is not
god's own notation or anything LIKE that. it's that python breeds and fits upon and further breeds and further fits upon the sort of thought process that'll produce the sort of thing that fails.
mp_en_viaje: o look at that, the only google reference is...
a trilema piece.
god help us, it's true mp will always return a "wait, what ?!" moment, but...
mp_en_viaje: yes, but nobody knows what the fuck you're either thinking or doing, because you don't express yourself neither consistently nor well. so we're stuck guessing. i'm trying to do as good a job of it as possible, but
god fucking help me it's my least favourite activity.
mp_en_viaje: nobody cares, it's not like i'm particularly threatened by the notion
god help me ; but if you quit your day job to spend a decade or whatever's left of your active live becoming the 285`666th most popular singer-songwriter in the 63rd most popular genre AND you also expect someone will drop what they're doing to clap for you... you're insane, in so many words.
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in everyday living, there's much more accessible rack-and-pinions. "don't write " " when you mean "\t",
god damn it! and such
mircea_popescu: they got a list of like 5 things, and
god help you if you're trying to find something
other than that. hey diana_coman, what's your article with the woman's difficulties, (sexy, smart) pick one ?
mircea_popescu: i asked you if ~they think~ they own the code, not if
god does.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, people use all sorta lulz, "encrypted drives" whatever nonsense. it's a ridiculous state of affairs, but it's what we
god, what can we do.
god knows my being an engineer slated for that went instead to be stupid.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-06 15:09 mircea_popescu: which is how every
god damned kid that was sexually abused through the process of socialist schooling (which is all of them -- education is education, and socialist school is definitionally sexual abuse of all children involved) ends up with the idea that newton sat down TO discover whatever he did (unimportant, really) and THEREFORE he did.
mp_en_viaje: "Listen, Meg.
God made the angels to show him splendour. As he made animals for innocence and plants for their simplicity. But Man he made to serve him wittily, in the tangle of his mind. If he suffers us to come to such a case that there is no escaping, then we may stand to our tackle as best we can. And yes, Meg, then we can clamour like champions, if we have the spittle for it.But it's
God's part, not our own, to bring ourselves to such a pass.
mp_en_viaje: not a great film, but holy
god did old new york breathe through the background.
mp_en_viaje: i have nfi where it's even set ;
god knows the db itself defaults to open.
mp_en_viaje: of course, it's taking its
god damned sweet time, and ppl keep waylaying diana_coman with weird, but...
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, i should prolly have that
god damned youtube translated, it's just TOO fucking archetypical.
mp_en_viaje: if you don't change for change's sake then you're happy with everything as it is, if hilary didn't give you your rights then pangloss gave you the best possible world,
god fucking love 'em with a sharpened stick already.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, just about, actually. i swear to
god, this place is something else, wonderful night life, accomodation starvation.
god gave you endless paper and you for your sins and to your detriment aim to economize it ? IT IS FOR WRITING UPON, WRITE UPON IT
god i fucking love my blog. i get lost in here, for hours, reading old articles.
mp_en_viaje: if we have to fix in say 18 months, we'll spend days in this "oh
god damned recipe is not useful" vicious circle
mp_en_viaje: cuz that's what i fucking needed, you know, not --
god forbid -- a working isp, oh no, not that. i wanted some fucking kitchen xray shots of some long dead gramophone. THAT is what was needed, it'll make the apotropaion of alf, when the darkness comes we just show it that and it walks away.
mp_en_viaje: yeah, and ima ask people to ad-hoc isp for me now.
god damned it.
mp_en_viaje: or what the fuck exactly.
god damn it i'm sick of the permanent precise well-oiled functioning of the idiocy machine.
mp_en_viaje: this makes one feel great when "it works", but experimentally it almost never does anything -- hurts their feelings if they were going to pay anyway, and otherwise
god himself can't squeeze blood out of stone.
hanbot_abroad: howdy. voiced to say you make time for what's important; nothing's important in a system devoid of meaning because everything from
god to a cheeseburger has the same weight and emotional relevancy and etc.
mp_en_viaje: ie, if you had a healthy customer base built in the intervening peacetime, this wouldn't even be much of a problem, per se. and if you don't build same, nothing else will be any kind of solution, no matter what it is, up to and including
god's own hand coming down from heavens above holding a shimmering rjack finished in pure samite.
mp_en_viaje: ou just get the niggers out, not tonight, not immediately, but slowly and well worry about the hot white bitches when the time comes. Ok, its your
God damn funeral." << pretty lulzy but actually remarkably accurate ; it's a wonder he needed 50 pages to finally say something even remotely in touch with reality.
mp_en_viaje: fucking years had one, wouldnt pick up the
God damn phone to help me if his life fucking depended on it."
mp_en_viaje: "Choice # 1, I couldve been your average selfish prick, divorced your mom, stayed put & rode that motherfucker out till the wheels fell off, that being my insanely successful burgeoning radio / nightclub & mobile DJ careers which wouldve immediately brought me mountains of money, piles of pussy and lasting local fame and
God only knows what else in the long run. I gotta admit, that was a pretty sweet fuckin option."
mp_en_viaje: I wouldnt have any
God damn luck at all, so that was the exact fucking moment in time when your mom, my very fucking soon to be ex-fucking-wife, got fucking pregnant with you and extended my sentence and community service for another twenty
God damn years." << o look, military dood too, to no-one's surprise.
mp_en_viaje: "Dont get me wrong, Im not saying I dont love you son, I love you more than I ever thought I could possibly love anyone or anything, including myself, which Ive done plenty of, Im just saying that having you wasnt a fucking choice, it wasnt my
God damn choice anyway and because that fucking choice was made for me without an ounce of
God damn consultation or input from me whatsofuckingever, in spite of th
mp_en_viaje: now there are only 3 possible ways not to get a girl pregnant in America today. A, never fucking meet her, 2, never, ever let her touch your dick and Charlie, fuck her exclusively in the ass, never allowing her grab your pecker except with the inside of her sphincter, using a condom, spermicide and flushing her out with a
God damn fire hose when youre done and finally, but most importantly get a fucking vasectomy now boy!
snsabot: Logged on 2018-01-07 09:46:50 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-07#1766211 << the classical j00z have the 'past is moar important' jumpers set to max: iirc they have a 'the further we get from moses, the moar of
god-given wisdom is lost', i.e. nonrenewable resource.
mp_en_viaje: how can 70sqm even contain 3 bedrooms ?! hermosa y luminosa my
god, wtf, caragiale'd be happy.
mp_en_viaje: no, that's it. "turnipping doesn't work BUT I CHOOSE TO ANYWAY. BECAUSE IT MUST. BECAUSE I SAY SO. BECAUSE I AM
mircea_popescu: it's valuable because it is rare, and because it is, quite pointedly, going against
god's own plans with you.
god put ~exactly no clues~ permitting one to bootstrap out of the ~necessary~
d-k recursion.
god put no such clues in ~deliberately~, and
god also made it necessary in the first place. because
god's an asshole.
mircea_popescu: apparently saying "last night i met some really cool people, they fucking blew me out of the water THUS AND FOLLOWING" is forbidden by
god or some such.
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-22#1937512 << it's also not specifically verbotten to threaten the republic.
god knows i threaten my own slavegirls, dedicated as you couldn't believe and truly and honestly with nothing else in their hearth but my... well, not my aggrandization per se nor my loving extension... i'd say just that earnest & motherly "i wish this man to get perecisely as great as he possibly cou
mircea_popescu: i'm aware it's very much what stupidity/puritanism/pantsuitism teaches, "pure at heart in public and very weirdly deviant in private" sorta "deal" with "
mircea_popescu: it's neither, eminently. what some woman composing the 2nd to 80th percentile of any population of women THINKS she wants is of no consequence and utterly no import, for anyone HERSELF FOREMOST. tryna discover "what you want" unless you're
god;s own chosen is exactly like tryna discover if moonrock should be browner
mircea_popescu: it's an ecology problem, very much of the
cycle variety ; an' will have to be addressed, though in this particular case the corner naive gent's painted himself in is SO FAR OUT THERE, and there's SO MUCH
GOD DAMNED PAINT surface, it'll take a while to unwind.
mircea_popescu: i hope to
god they were just about to take a large bite out of a steel girder at high speed.
mircea_popescu: exact same formalisms, it was like a sorta joke / toast, in the akkadia of 3000 years ago, "oh, son of
god herpy derp"
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 07:26:50 mircea_popescu: chuck moore can be famous when he meets the bar to existence. when you can fucking LINK to the
god damned "famous" things.
mircea_popescu: chuck moore can be famous when he meets the bar to existence. when you can fucking LINK to the
god damned "famous" things.
mircea_popescu: chuck moore had ~supposedly~. allegedly. in
that manner, like danielpbarron has
god and like usa has prosperity -- if you don't look too closely.
God no, I haven't seen a startup incubator that doesn't smell like the sump in my HS locker room.
god, unrelatedly, it suddenly becomes clear that when I moved deedbot to singapore, I increased his ping.
BingoBoingo: Well,
god forbid any incoming money make it to the intended recipient.
God forbiding any money make it in comes later
BingoBoingo: Sold out of backs of horsecarts in Sunday street market like
god intended
mircea_popescu: alright, but that's different, specifically in that there's no
god-given time
BingoBoingo: I don't see anything other than a martial interpretation of Argentinism (Modern Democracy) at work. Rah, Rah, We R Kool and
God/IMFLoans/SovereignDefault/Buitres will indemnify our tribe in the end so long as we appear to go through the motions.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-30 06:59:30 mp_en_viaje: trying to maybe gwt out of it, hence
the work to spec "blog" in the abstract ; but mp-wp stack works for trilema TODAY ; i ain't taking a break from publishing untul "better world".
god knows the week long #trilema outage was long enough.
mp_en_viaje: trying to maybe gwt out of it, hence
the work to spec "blog" in the abstract ; but mp-wp stack works for trilema TODAY ; i ain't taking a break from publishing untul "better world".
god knows the week long #trilema outage was long enough.
lobbes: Hell, at one point I even played guitar in the local all-black church. The only thing that made me uncomfortable about that was the fact that I have 0 belief in a
god, and that the damn band leader would never give me the song list no matter how much I asked. Always had to improvise.