1700+ entries in 0.169s
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i dun demand that the deaf understand, somehow, music. observe that mircea_popescu dun care for bolix, and i equally duncare for bondage&discipline, yet we still find what to constructively say to one another on occasion.
mircea_popescu: how exactly they imagine the dumb & deaf can win anything is anyone's guess, but there they go.
asciilifeform: 'Internet Governance & Cyber Conflicts: Models ...' << lol
asciilifeform: in other noose, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2857&cpage=1#comment-19764 << not earth-shaking but proves that the comment box does work..
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: the relation b/w danielpbarron's scriptures & reality
mircea_popescu: it's like watching reality tv by & for retards, "oh, look, it's another morning, will john the retard manage to tie his shoes his time ? we will be back after a word from our sponsor, Watch Paint Dry While Flies Fuck (tm)"
mircea_popescu: kinda how 16yo schoolgirls coming from overcomfortable family circumstances (overambitious, overindulgent & overattentive father, overtolerant mother, overflowing dinner table, overisolated [no, no reason for girls to get own room wtf is this])
mircea_popescu: " There is an ad hoc demonstration of a new product, an AT&T "secure" phone, supposedly the first conversation-scrambler that's as simple to use as a standard-issue phone." << the kanzure mickey mouse club still doing this btw.
mircea_popescu: " trust me honey, i’m intelligent. intelligent to know that it takes more than intellect to read your expansive subject line. it takes desire. desire that you did nothing to ignight & are dampening even more"
mircea_popescu: no what i'm saying is : poor & stupid kids in peripheral village somehow picked same bit of entirely indistinct and utterly useless&dysfunctional flotsam as ibm.
mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/dcTLv/?raw=true << sample "makes it". they do exist, just, the english speaking world readily approximates as a small townstead drowned in an ocean's worth of inexplicably voluble & outspoken krill.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in phuctor q&a, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/1zcrs/?raw=true
diana_coman: I lost count how many times I told him to go & exploit but apparently I don't know anything about modern vulnerabilities that can't be exploited
asciilifeform finally grunted out & typeset new proof for ch14. nao for measure-77-times-cut-1ce..
mircea_popescu: so to sum all this up : naggum is right in that what he does can't be free. naggum is wrong in that the tangible expression of abstracts could have value (what next, doctor supports self by selling ultrasound drawings ?!) ; and moreover closed code in the copyright/microsoft sense makes the slaves&harem&wot world impossible.
asciilifeform: reload pg plox & rebake?
asciilifeform: pretty hard to get a good cutting edge from plain sio2 ( try it some time ). with glass ( i.e. with na as well as si & o ) you get the requisite shear. so cuts.
feedbot: http://danielpbarron.com/2018/grace-peace-to-you-and-yours/ << Daniel P. Barron -- Grace & Peace to you and yours.
lobbesbot: nicoleci: Sent 3 weeks, 0 days, 17 hours, and 35 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> I raise your 103 words with a story http://bimbo.club/?p=82&cpage=1#comment-35
asciilifeform: diana_coman et al : achtung : http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2735&cpage=1#comment-19763
mircea_popescu: see, my fetlife morons are WAY THE FUCK SMARTER, in their bovine idiocy & petriferous lassitude, than these utter fucktards.
asciilifeform: anniez: https://www.epic.org/crypto/clipper/white_house_statement_2_94.html & elsewhere
asciilifeform: 'AVERTISEMENT. just published. methodus incrementorum directa & inverta, auctore Brook Taylor, L.D.D., & R. S. Seer' << notbad
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-03#1878002 << o hallelujah! well so then great, ty Mocky_ & everyone involved, pizarro sitting pretty for once! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: whereas hanbot & i ran into each other literally on collarme forums.
mircea_popescu: for what it's worth, chet & i ran into each other on meanwhile-defunct 2d game /me briefly played while being hidden away in a bunker many years ago, to not go entirely fucking mad.
asciilifeform: hrusch & co, on contemplation, have all the credibility of 'woodcollector'.
asciilifeform: without time machine cannot say which ver. but overall picture invites itself inevitably , that what happened was exactly that the kakobreklas ganged up & killed their mircea_popescu , and put on his regalia.
asciilifeform: serov describes the coup in some detail, in particular the times & places where various folx who would have gotten in the way, were neutralized
asciilifeform: it isn't impossible that he did; but in so far as i can tell 100% of that narrative comes from the folx that killed him & danced on the corpse
asciilifeform: if asciilifeform could pick b/w working for obummer & co, and beria, would pick the latter any day of week.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i looked into the 'deranged', virtually 100% of the extant sources are tainted with hrusch & co.
asciilifeform: ( recall mircea_popescu's piece with the legionnaires & their armours )
asciilifeform: it makes sense if you stop & think how ic baked.
mircea_popescu: fact of the matter, for ~these reasons~ i don't even believe mit told original symbolics&co fucktards to be fucktards. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877283 << i'm not saying i got a read so clear i can argue anyone out of his ; but how does this reconcile with the "achieve&over-achieve" policy ; and ~everything else~ about that regime. after all, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-17#1373877 did not copy lincoln. ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: ( observe that even FG i had to design on a warez cad, after wasting ~months~ on trying 'open sores' variants; but at least it was much lighter-weight / non-winblowz item. still had to be cracked, & run on a 'toilet'. )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877242 << fwiw 'cadence' has ~monopoly not only on ic cad, but on 'heavy industrial' pcb cad, for 16+ layers mobo etc. i actually one time tried to use it, warez , winblowz box, & all, it was monstrously gnarly, loathesome. but if yer making sumthing with 100,000s of netlist nodes, dozens of pcb layers, ball grid ics with 1,000s of balls, yer more or less stuck with it. i've avoided strictly by virt ☝︎
asciilifeform: in which ~all r&d perished
asciilifeform: had all the requisite backroom deals & all, but not the fist-sized benzyl xtal, so no dice.
asciilifeform: SeanRiddle: is this the orig form of the https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Oki_m6283_metal.jpg item ? with dust & all ?
mircea_popescu: (by the way, since we're doing usg pretense & impotence : the bitcoin blockchain DOES factually contain child porn. exactly 0 anyone can do about this, which is why exactly 0 mention of this in pravda & co. much like exactly 0 mention on #metoo of all the "evil white men of patriarchy" that laughed @metootard all the way to the brothel.)
asciilifeform: diana_coman: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2051&cpage=1#comment-19756 and thx !
asciilifeform: diana_coman: btw you may find it entertaining that i found several vers of the carry & borrow eqns in my orig notes -- including yours. but for some reason i originally rejected that variant because it needed 2 accesses to the result D . but i neglected to write down why, possibly was simple brain fluke.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-05 19:09 asciilifeform: it is interesting how phrase 'life savings' already has an archaic 'patina coat' -- same flavour as 'workhouse', 'savings & loan', 'joint stock'
asciilifeform: ( i expect they used it as clock & address latch generator )
a111: Logged on 2018-11-28 18:14 asciilifeform: phf: imho the ultimate bolix caper would be to rack a coupla working clones at pizarro & rent'em out. but admittedly this is , presently, nearly as far as the moon
asciilifeform: phf: imho the ultimate bolix caper would be to rack a coupla working clones at pizarro & rent'em out. but admittedly this is , presently, nearly as far as the moon ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875589 << ftr this is only marginally less troo of man than of cow ( unprepped hand & room is much closer to freshly-shat arse , bacteriologically, than to proper operating theatre ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: an' http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-02#1635758 , & elsewhere. ☝︎
deedbot: asciilifeform rated hasimir -10 << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523022 & elsewhere, inquire within
asciilifeform: !!rate hasimir -10 http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523022 & elsewhere, inquire within ☝︎
mircea_popescu: https://bitly.com/a/warning?hash=NFg1Yy&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbitcoinstats.com%2Firc%2Fbitcoin-otc%2Flogs%2F << in other lulz (redirected from wiki page)
diana_coman: asciilifeform, no; possibly having started with Pascal in highschool & the "one programming language per week" crazy uni year of choice -> "stronger stomach", if anything
mircea_popescu: you can try and hack it so it mixes ?& and # correctly ; but iirc this was a major pile of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874550 unpleasant decade or so ago ☝︎
mircea_popescu: incidentally, re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-25#1874601 it occurs to me i should probably also share the echo "FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42Fv9985AFAB953C4/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7/gns" | sed 's%.\{1\}%&<wbr />%g' that produced it. ☝︎
asciilifeform: there's still iirc a bug in auto-reconnector, but is upstream in the http://btcbase.org/patches/ircbot-multiple-channels-corrected , i'ma attend to it laters ( unless trinque & ben_vulpes know a ready pill )
asciilifeform: also good % of 'media' is only visible to whichever xyz clique of circle-jerkers ( iirc arsebook & similar, work like this )
mircea_popescu: and the bitcoin present value of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-16#1872899 & periphenalia is about there. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: aaand in today's lulz... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Vecine...+nu-nteleg%2C+straine...+nu-nteleg+ce+aveti+cu+mine...&t=ffsb&ia=web
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-19#1873621 << ohohoh check it out, he translated it & made reference point. NICE! ☝︎
asciilifeform: v makes it possible to sign a compartmentalized change , so reader is not stuck having to manually diff contents of signed_foo.today.tar.gz against signed_foo.tomorrow.tar.gz to see where the changes were. but what it deliberately does ~not~ do is to enable the pretense ( carried on in git & other heathen abominations ) that a proggy where something semantically upstream of $place were changed, is ~same~ proggy ~but for $place~ .
asciilifeform: ( or the earlier http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-07#1563526 , & elsewhere ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'which reactor, at least?' 'pons & fleischmann's'
mircea_popescu: good fucking thing these morons "progress&civil rights for women". because totally, living in a concrete box @"the beautiful" as a sex slave so much beats being a 1950s housewife
mircea_popescu: http://bimbo.club/?p=82&cpage=1#comment-35 << it's kinda funny that BingoBoingo 's ~current~ memories of his drunken years still sound drunk af.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell nicoleci I raise your 103 words with a story http://bimbo.club/?p=82&cpage=1#comment-35
asciilifeform: ( nitpicks from mircea_popescu & other mathematical folk, welcome as always )
asciilifeform: ack that rx & decoded, but apparently not read lol
asciilifeform: i'm even ok with a roll of b&w fujifilm, if too big for xerox.
asciilifeform: funnily enuff, an almost ~exact opposite~ of asciilifeform's experience in digging up ada ( reputation for gnarl, turns out actually simple & clean 'when used as prescribed' ) , risc-v - reputation for 'simple and clean', turns out ball o' hair
asciilifeform: simply tar up the dir & go.
asciilifeform: Mocky: when asciilifeform & co moved to usa, father worked as a 'building super' in industrial shithole, lotsa goodies thrown for the pickin'
diana_coman: anyway, if anyone wants to maintain the full & detailed manual, I will happily sign their .vpatch with it,sure
diana_coman: so to keep this fully aligned, I'll regrind the last 2 patches so that the docs changes are carried over as well; as a result: genesis = http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20170317.tar.gz; 1st patch => http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz; 2nd patch => using vtools & keccak instead of sha
a111: Logged on 2017-11-29 21:11 gabriel_laddel: rable' it is simply has no academic interests & probably spends most of their time seeking or finding sexual release (ie #tweaker nation tumblr females. Notice, very few post about meth and the read much closer to 'Ive no purpose, need to reproduce, NOW. What you like meth? OKAYSUREWHATEVERMETOOJUSTFUCKMEALREADY'). The catch however is that you've
asciilifeform: imho at&t asm syntax is a fucking plague
asciilifeform: not since leaving at&t cellars at any rate
asciilifeform: they were meant to be terminal and link control chars. i.e. exactly analogous to what html abuses < , >, &, for
asciilifeform: mod6: i'ma work with BingoBoingo + ben_vulpes to get the spreadshit aligned & published; mod6 meanwhile srsly spend some time in a hammock
asciilifeform: after we get the simplest working item up & running, i'ma ask trinque if he is interested in helping (in exch for shares, perhaps) us to avoid reinventing wheel, and solder his payment system to our acct system
asciilifeform: soon as BingoBoingo & mod6 wake up, we start to glue the necessary pieces .
asciilifeform: btw the inventory shows that disks are available for that machine, if mircea_popescu & co want it fully en-disked.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: presently i have a quite rare & advantageous ( 0 commute ) saecular throne i'd rather not yet vacate
mircea_popescu: but imo a fine illustration of the degree, structure, magnitude and physiology of "broken" in the "citizen of free world & open society" aka "useless fucktard headed for redditbagging".
asciilifeform: sumhow i dun have this problem on ~my~ lolpad, landau & lifschitz scroll great in both dirs
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in continuation of last month's thrd, http://www.iuma.ulpgc.es/~nunez/clases-FdC/verilog/VHDL%20&%20Verilog%20Compared%20&%20Contrasted.htm
a111: Logged on 2018-11-06 16:06 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in continuing fake news lulz : "On 15 July 2016, a coup d'état was attempted in Turkey against state institutions, including the government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[38] The attempt was carried out by a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces that organized themselves as the Peace at Home Council." << so totally not organized by the same desperate & dying pantsuited hilarity dept of state faction that al
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in continuing fake news lulz : "On 15 July 2016, a coup d'état was attempted in Turkey against state institutions, including the government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[38] The attempt was carried out by a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces that organized themselves as the Peace at Home Council." << so totally not organized by the same desperate & dying pantsuited hilarity dept of state faction that al ☟︎
Mocky: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=Qatar+reshuffles+cabinet&t=ffab&df=d&ia=news
asciilifeform: mod6 & other trb folx ^^
a111: Logged on 2018-10-08 00:12 asciilifeform: phf: incidentally i found that sharp inc makes b&w lcd's that run on 0power when holding picture, and beautiful 100% reflector-powered picture. but their biggest is iirc 4 in. and 336 × 536 .
asciilifeform: ( that, & no dust or sponge etc )
asciilifeform: doin' it properly, with chalk & all.
asciilifeform: ( was: 'XC5VLX50' , 7.2k 'slices' x 4 LUTs (& 4 flipflops) ea., net 28800 LUTs & equal # of flipflops. )
asciilifeform: ideally proggy would be distributed as a ast in sexpr, and we wouldn't have 'tabs & spaces' thread. but we aint there yet.
mircea_popescu: hey. i won't mandate her she write long lines, if she manages in 80 cols all the better. but i will mandate she dun do " & " bullshit.
asciilifeform: line breaks to fit on civilized terminals & printers aint spurious. i suspect that we're doomed to disagree.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869238 << iirc ( really calls for experimental test ) when you foo : String := "bar" & "baz" ; at compile time it glues'em , and does not drag in secondarystackism, fwiw ☝︎
asciilifeform: what'd be wrong with "line1" & "line2" ..... & "lineN"