600+ entries in 0.124s
mircea_popescu: the matter SIMPLY CAN NOT BE IGNORED : if back in 2017, ie the very month that article came out, joe bloe took out the 20-50k in debt he could and liquidated the 20-50k in assets that he could, converting it to bitcoin at a monthly average $1k, he'd be looking now at either 400k to 1mn in cold hard cash, or else something like 1-1.5mn worth of liquidated assets, if he sold during the peak. (and not AT the peak, for 1.76mn
mircea_popescu: in any case, the argument is utterly fucking broken. "get out ; now" "oh but mp, can i stay longer ? it's totally worth it, make so much $$$" "huh, i guess..." "but mp... make no $$$, whay!" "because you're fucked in the head. goto 1."
asciilifeform: trinque: so, actual honest iron ? 1-2mil transistors. i.e. coupla 100k $ for 1st tray, and afterwards a few cents ea. if baked in qty. as you might expect.
asciilifeform: trinque: trivial if you know the magick inits for $nic.
asciilifeform: trinque: for overall smallest mass of system + all needed for $problem ? afaik forth in fact is the unchallenged champ, wherever was historically tried.
asciilifeform: trinque: imho the moar printolade flowed 'through' $proggy, tends to be the moar of a turd it is
asciilifeform: i suspect 'go ahead send in us $, we'll give your zimbabwebux instead'
asciilifeform: unrelatedly, to round off this subthread : toshiba's 'TLP3905' in fact gives 7+v out from ~1.7v in, w/out oscillation. and is ~1 $ in qty. ( so 7 of'em, + e.g. LT3014B micropower linear regulator, would in fact give noiseless +40 for that diode. )
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 07:01:51 mircea_popescu: (as an aside, leaving be the situation where this is entirely obscure arcana, top results on "hutchentoot" searches include 2015 tmsr logs, consider http://compgroups.net/comp.lang.lisp/scripting-in-cl-please-comment/239090 as a fine illustration, the moneyshot being macro index,pager <F7> " <enter-command> set pipe_decode=yes<enter> <enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter> <pipe-message>/h
mircea_popescu: ftware/misc/savebody<enter> <enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter> <enter-command> set pipe_decode=no<enter> " "view message body in browser"
mircea_popescu: (as an aside, leaving be the situation where this is entirely obscure arcana, top results on "hutchentoot" searches include 2015 tmsr logs, consider http://compgroups.net/comp.lang.lisp/scripting-in-cl-please-comment/239090 as a fine illustration, the moneyshot being macro index,pager <F7> " <enter-command> set pipe_decode=yes<enter> <enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter> <pipe-message>/home/tpapp/so
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-04 14:55:03 trinque: ^ possibly want to ignore /log/$knownChan instead of domain-prefixed
trinque: ^ possibly want to ignore /log/$knownChan instead of domain-prefixed
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-08 21:16:41 lobbes: http://trilema.com/2019/trilema-goes-dark/#comment-130823 << Seeing as the order was given to strike scriba from the list, I have also removed it from the TMSR bot directory (which means the command prefix "!$" is available again): http://lobbesblog.com/static/tmsr_bot_directory.html
ossabot: Logged on 2019-08-31 17:59:20 asciilifeform: btw : awk '{print $8}' whogave_10_20_2018-8_31_2019.txt | sort | uniq > givers.txt >> less than 200 nodez !
asciilifeform: btw , re nodez : while read p; do echo -n `grep -c $p whogave_10_20_2018-8_31_2019.txt` " " >> givers_count.txt ; echo $p >> givers_count.txt ; done < givers.txt ; sort -r -n -k1 givers_count.txt > givers_sorted.txt >>> yields this .
asciilifeform: btw : awk '{print $8}' whogave_10_20_2018-8_31_2019.txt | sort | uniq > givers.txt >> less than 200 nodez !
asciilifeform: in most places, a trb-grade box leases for equiv. of maybe 100 $ (usa) .
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-30#1932158 << this is more or less what was done with orig. gnat. but eventually will have to be solved properly (i.e. 'here's an asm thing for $machine, with which in turn can build x...')
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile rk (16) + heat sinks bought. 1st major chunk of the new crate. 670 ($) . ( still need cabling, ps , the ssd's, and naturally to assemble. )
asciilifeform: $date would be unused by the parser, while still being correct in all newly-emitted links
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-28 21:30:38 trinque: how? you'd have /log/$channel/$date/$canonicalId and use the latter for line lookup, and the penultimate for paging
trinque: how? you'd have /log/$channel/$date/$canonicalId and use the latter for line lookup, and the penultimate for paging
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the ones for mircea_popescu , are looking to cost 1-1.5 k ($) ea. (still hunting for the exact machines we use, the old seller seems to have vanished) . rk plant will cost ~1k , not counting drives (and switch, which, grrr, not found yet!) for a plant of 16 subunits. the remaining 1u is to be apu1 (4x) , not drawn yet so i daren't say exactly what costs, expect also in vicinity of 1k (sans disk).
asciilifeform: ^ 560.5 $ per 1u . keep in mind that asciilifeform for 'belt and suspenders' made a lengthier than strictly necessary expedition . ( in fact used all but 1 of the padding days, walking with BingoBoingo to hunt for missing small parts, tuning boxen , etc )
asciilifeform: ( coupla hundy $ , if 2ndhand, but they're hefty )
lobbes: in my trilema-lotto today; the (potential) $2 million couch loan. I worked with someone years ago who "lended" for the BTCjam thing... tried dissuade him and instead get him registered with a gpg key an' into the WOT but he just was too thick. Wonder if he's in a cardboard box these days
asciilifeform wonders whether the troo 1000 $ notes are similarly isotope-distinguishable .
asciilifeform: some numismatists still proclaim that e.g. 1000 $ was never demonetized, only outta print. the usg's mint www is silent on the subj tho.
asciilifeform: most recent usa bill to be cancelled, iirc , was the 2 $ . some illiterate shop clerks will in fact refuse it, tho it still, last i knew, is accepted by banks .
mircea_popescu: wth is the story of that guy who kept moving $9999 from mexico eventually they stopped him ?
asciilifeform: trinque: i'm 100% through enumerating, lol. will go into read mode for a spell, if trinque has specific 'get this obv. $item through yer thick head!' i will read.
asciilifeform: trinque: could easily offer e.g. rk w/ preconfigged whatevers. but do you suppose these '20s' will pay 70 $ for 10kB/s , instead of lulazon's 3 $ / 100MB/s ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu had a piece where 'if malpractice suits cost 100,000 $ and chance is 0.1%, procedure aint ever costing anywhere close to 100 $ '
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: rright, all except for the inevitable customer who opens 'pedo paradise' and incurs 12,000 $ worth of bill
asciilifeform: trinque: maybe i'ma tard ? where in free world do i buy for 3 $ the GB/s bandwidth i can then sell to a weev for 3 $ ?
asciilifeform: trinque: dun mistake asciilifeform's pos. for 'it is loathesome, ergo i want no part in selling'. rather, describing why the product only even appears to exist because is convenient bait for usg fish hooks in the 1st place. consider, how could supply a warez bandwidth for people who expect to pay 3 $ / mo ? i dun even know if possible to supply a length of rope with which they can hang selves, for 3 $ !
mircea_popescu: nfi why you'd want to spend $500 or w/e a lawyer wants per hour for walk-in just for that tbh
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 07:39:04 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, got 1 for you : $ time curl http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2018-10-12#1861054 > real 0m24.902s user0m0.011s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, got 1 for you : $ time curl http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2018-10-12#1861054 > real 0m24.902s user0m0.011s
mp_en_viaje: i can almost hear the cageworthy old woman impelling the nonsense, too, "oh, why don't you want to do $random-stupid-shit, ~are you too scared?!?!?!?~".
snsabot: Logged on 2018-01-28 11:45:00 asciilifeform: diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /^(--- a|\+\+\+)/{cmd="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null ";s=cmd| getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} close(cmd); print $1 " " $2 " " o} !m { print $0 }'
asciilifeform once listened to a d00d, who, with straight face, 'we then got $100m in series-a fund; but of course immediately 30 had to spend on web site..'
snsabot: Logged on 2017-02-18 22:54:14 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
mp_en_viaje: "any blowjob $2" "why would i want to stick my cock in this ?" "$2!!!"
asciilifeform: oh iknow, saw 9000 times. can see anywhere. consider crapple's $100 cables .
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, $ echo "’"| xxd >0000000: e280 990a
asciilifeform: ( y'know, the one that was Officially Pegged (tm) at 15 to 1 $ , whereas in reality 100+:1 )
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-13 10:37:40 mp_en_viaje: $ time curl http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-09 yields real 0m5.405s
mp_en_viaje: $ time curl http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-09 yields real 0m5.405s
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-09 04:02:39 mp_en_viaje: 3) the whole of it was always hanging out with the cool people. i don't mean, "cool", as in, swag. i mean cool as in david lynch quote above, dork bought a 12 room house for $3500 in th worst gangland he could find for his wife and newborn kid and lived there, "the fear was palpable"
mp_en_viaje: ~$ echo "÷" | xxd >0000000: c3b7 0a
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: tho i suppose this is already enuff to litmus whether in-$chan or not
diana_coman: updated script: awk '/Day changed/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$7;} /Log opened/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$10;} ! /-|<--|>/ {count++; sep=";"; w= Year " " Month " " Day " " $1 " " $2 " 00"; if ($3 == "*") {pp=$3 sep $4 " "; $4=""; n=5;} else {pp=$3 sep; n=4;}; $1=""; $2=""; $3=""; print count+998966 sep mktime(w) sep pp substr($0,n);}'
a111: Logged on 2019-08-11 19:00 diana_coman: ftr, here's my quick'n'dirty awk that did the trick: awk '/Day changed/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$7;}! /-|<--|>/ {count++; sep=";"; w= Year " " Month " " Day " " $1 " " $2 " 00"; if ($3 == "*") {pp=$3 sep $4; $4=""; n=5;} else {pp=$3; n=4;}; $1=""; $2=""; $3=""; print count+998966 sep mktime(w) sep pp sep substr($0,n);}'
diana_coman: ftr, here's my quick'n'dirty awk that did the trick: awk '/Day changed/ {Month=$5; Day=$6; Year=$7;}! /-|<--|>/ {count++; sep=";"; w= Year " " Month " " Day " " $1 " " $2 " 00"; if ($3 == "*") {pp=$3 sep $4; $4=""; n=5;} else {pp=$3; n=4;}; $1=""; $2=""; $3=""; print count+998966 sep mktime(w) sep pp sep substr($0,n);}' ☟︎
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-09 04:02:39 mp_en_viaje: 3) the whole of it was always hanging out with the cool people. i don't mean, "cool", as in, swag. i mean cool as in david lynch quote above, dork bought a 12 room house for $3500 in th worst gangland he could find for his wife and newborn kid and lived there, "the fear was palpable"
asciilifeform: this is the 'flip side of the medal' -- sometimes the given abstractions are not a good fit for $problem. picture e.g. attempt to ffa in commonlisp, where you'd have to bend over backwards to make sure you ~never~ cons
mp_en_viaje: 3) the whole of it was always hanging out with the cool people. i don't mean, "cool", as in, swag. i mean cool as in david lynch quote above, dork bought a 12 room house for $3500 in th worst gangland he could find for his wife and newborn kid and lived there, "the fear was palpable"
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-08 21:16:41 lobbes: http://trilema.com/2019/trilema-goes-dark/#comment-130823 << Seeing as the order was given to strike scriba from the list, I have also removed it from the TMSR bot directory (which means the command prefix "!$" is available again): http://lobbesblog.com/static/tmsr_bot_directory.html
lobbes: http://trilema.com/2019/trilema-goes-dark/#comment-130823 << Seeing as the order was given to strike scriba from the list, I have also removed it from the TMSR bot directory (which means the command prefix "!$" is available again): http://lobbesblog.com/static/tmsr_bot_directory.html
lobbes bbl $mines
lobbes: anyways, bbl. $saltmines call
mp_en_viaje: then on the other hand, waiting until $whatever is ALSO inconvenient.
dorion: when bsa went before supreme court, part of ruling was since so few transactions over $10k, not a burden to banks. nixon closed gold window ~10 months after bill was passed.
dorion: asciilifeform my understanding is since bank secrecy act (1970), transactions over $10k result in suspicious activity report filing.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-25 12:44 mp_en_viaje: so out of 22558500 supposed users, about 21.7mn (>96%) are name-only. of the remainder a similar proportion have one or more links to "social media" (mostly, youtube channels) that similarly exist in name only. of the remainder 30k or so, the VAST majority are incredibly gossipy idiots droning on and on about what some other "opposing" faction said on $socialmedia$ and THEREFORE CLEARLY etc. "so and so was suspicious
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, HA! check this out : Loadsharers is a social network that has agreed to fund LBIPs through remittance services like Patreon, SubscribeStar, Liberapay, and PayPal. Loadsharers take the following pledge: "While I am gainfully employed, I will remit at least $30 a month to one, two, or three LBIPs, preferably 3."
asciilifeform: claims '226 PATRONS $2,339 PER MONTH'
mp_en_viaje: so out of 22558500 supposed users, about 21.7mn (>96%) are name-only. of the remainder a similar proportion have one or more links to "social media" (mostly, youtube channels) that similarly exist in name only. of the remainder 30k or so, the VAST majority are incredibly gossipy idiots droning on and on about what some other "opposing" faction said on $socialmedia$ and THEREFORE CLEARLY etc. "so and so was suspicious ☟︎
lobbes bbl $mines
asciilifeform: to round off that thread -- asciilifeform strongly suspects that kernel would run 100-200x faster on the 10 $ 'ice40' than on opteron-cum-'M'
a111: Logged on 2015-11-15 01:04 mircea_popescu: Professor Chowdhry has recently proposed Financial Access at Birth (FAB) initiative in which every child born in the world is given an initial deposit of $100 in an online bank account to guarantee that everyone in the world will have access to financial services in a few decades.You can read about the initiative by clicking here..
lobbes_field: I may fall out of the L1 while addressing, but one thing is sure: I will absolutely fall out of the L1 if I don't. Hallucinated choice is no choice. But for now, the $saltimes call. Bbl
trinque: might as well say what I'm doing with my time lately, which is related. I'm horking down bitcoins by the $10k, what
asciilifeform: not necessarily useless, could autoconvert to $form
asciilifeform: i usually end up searching for what the folx who were 'at home' had said in $thread .
asciilifeform: motherfuckers removed all human support, also, 'unless pay subscription, 30 $ up-front + 5/mo'
asciilifeform: ( in some industrial applications -- actually do not know in advance. in usa there is a 'national library of compounds' , coupla million synthetic rubbishes that literally no one had even fed to amoeba, much less to man. at one time asciilifeform's work consisted of uncrating $compound-of-the-day and brute force testing in vitro. but afaik dope people do not work from 'library', but from old 'mature tech' . )
asciilifeform: ( how ? e.g. 'b _end_cycle if $r9==0xdeadf00d' will stop when 'program counter' reg of mips is equal to 0xdeadf00d', then single-step to see what instr dispatched... then 'i r' and see regs. etc )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: defo, all of the moving parts already in place for it. ( and apparently nao there is a $49 pogo-cum-2GB ? )
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-51m-vioxx-verdict-overturned-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thel....com - $51M Vioxx Verdict Overturned. Adnotated.
BingoBoingo: "En el primer semestre de 2019 se colocaron en el exterior 4 toneladas; el año pasado había sido 1 tonelada. Las exportaciones reportaron divisas por US$ 1,2 millones al cierre del primer tramo del año. Según datos aduaneros, el principal comprador de caviar este año fue Rusia, que pagó US$ 246 por kilo. Un año antes, el valor había sido de US$ 194 por kilo; la mejora de precio fue de 27% en la comparación interanual."
mp_en_viaje: one, mocky won't have to "wait ten days for me") and d) can readily answer questions like that from me, because either your 3300 looks more like $450 and holy shit help or else it looks more like $4500 and plox take some cash off of me.
mp_en_viaje: an arrangement like this was the implicit counterparty to the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-06#1917494 inquiry. the idea behind it is that if a) you need 3k each quarter and $800 each month (random numbers, whatever) and b) you figured out this sums to 22l year and you want to at all times sit on 15% of that ie 3300 for safety then c) you're running weekly auctions for about $400 (which is very accessible for every ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: the general population in minsk is stuck saving all week on their miserly $100/week salary to take girlfriend out on independence day, only to get kicked out of the booth because there's some people there doing bottles. the general population sits morosely at the bar while their gf watches my whores mouth agape for half an hour only to eventually work up the gumption to come over and complain about ~the noise~. in a fucking bar. so i tell them to ge
asciilifeform: ( as amply documented by mp_en_viaje ) being 'in better position to evaluate $risk' is often ~bad thing~
billymg: also, i hear buying > $x worth of property in some places gets you on fast track to residency/citizenship. although perhaps parking in local bank account has the same effect
a111: Logged on 2019-06-30 16:06 asciilifeform: diana_coman: plox to do asciilifeform the favour and spell it out as if he were the quasi-retarded 5yo that apparently all of the participants in $thread suspect that he is
asciilifeform: diana_coman: plox to do asciilifeform the favour and spell it out as if he were the quasi-retarded 5yo that apparently all of the participants in $thread suspect that he is ☟︎
mp_en_viaje: this position whereby "i discard all record for $cause" and then "what indicia do you have" is just obscurantism.
asciilifeform: trinque: ru history knew revolutionaries who tried to carry on the algo of 'i am seekrit hidden pseudo-murdered heir of $monarch!'. some got pretty far, e.g. pugachev, but all ended up on chopping block.
asciilifeform: re philology i am less equipped to comment, but consider a typical philologic puzzler from 'science&life' in 1980s, from asciilifeform's own b00kcase -- here's a passage in $obscurelang (kazah, chukcha, chechen), here's defs of 6 words. nao answer these-here q's re the text...
asciilifeform: or for that matter the research culture that was the butthurt envy of entire 'civilized world' (as late as '90, pentagon spent $B's on translations, from which cribbed all sortsa material, e.g. 'stealth airplane' )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: pretty sure you had a piece re how handing out payola to lumpens results in $25 bottle of soda etc
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-23#1919594 << can't speak for others, but often enuff asciilifeform needs 2-3 log passes to grasp $thread ☝︎
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-23#1919658 << naw, I took no personal offense. Only pointing out that I understood cuntoo is not a $ubuntu-installer item ☝︎
asciilifeform: which diverse at the point where you added asmism or whatever it is that marries it to given $irons
a111: Logged on 2019-06-21 00:58 lobbes: small update: I've been inundated the last few weeks with $saltmines work; tsmr work ~0 during this time. however, these next two weeks will be somewhat clearer so I'll be back to eating through modlisp
lobbes: small update: I've been inundated the last few weeks with $saltmines work; tsmr work ~0 during this time. however, these next two weeks will be somewhat clearer so I'll be back to eating through modlisp ☟︎