1000+ entries in 0.16s
asciilifeform: bvt: search turned up plenty of folx on the net wondering why their $proggy (all kinds) dun go on mips
asciilifeform: $item pertains strictly to current-day trb
Mocky: oh and in more important news, i got a line on where to buy a waffle maker here. went to the store and they actually do sell them. but ... sold out. which is probably for the best since they were selling a model worth 17$ that makes one at a time for 80$
lobbes: it boggles my mind each day, how much runs on excel at $mega-corp
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-22#1865066 << ugh I've met too many of these at my $work. ☝︎
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf in bolix lulz : loox like dks relisted that 'ivory' for 3rd time nao... apparently not so many eager-worth-of-$5k archaeologists any moar
asciilifeform: and yea, makes sense, $spec is for ~client~, deliberately does not detail how spam control, i presume it's an in-house matter.
asciilifeform: possibly will be a tough audience for the traditional type of consulting, where you '$ 1 : turned screw $499,999 -- knowing which screw'
asciilifeform: iirc in asia they have ~same thing, but encoded differently, they simply charge 100k $ for 'car tax'
asciilifeform: if you're an old tortoise, it's $mil.
asciilifeform: ( think, if jailbreak were 'pay $toyota', usa would empty overnight )
asciilifeform: funnily enuff , last time asciilifeform went to dig, turned up people who claim to conjure up 'ro ancestor' for $toyota, and bake legit passport; but i'ma believe it when i see it and as far as can throw it ( plus they only work on ukrs, which is imho a dead giveaway of spamola )
asciilifeform: but yes usg is squeezing necks, too many zeks escaping, even with the current ~$1m price tag
asciilifeform: but yes, i'm not esp surprised that the derps 'working' on 3600. given as 1) 'ivory' needs ~20-50 k $ in either chinese microscopist, or nixon's burglars , take yer pick 2) 3600 is massive forest of idjit hackolade, which these people seem to ~like~, the way scarab luvvs shit
asciilifeform: btw, https://www.usaspending.gov/#/recipient/c433a88e-1dfd-759b-376c-7a0d6667921b-P << spoiler : $ 0 since '15
asciilifeform: non-vonneumann machine potentially changes this, but $farm went broke before asciilifeform was able to fill 42U cabinet with fpga..
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> in usa just walking through that door would be a $1000+ ding << For completeness, there was also the option to have a "radiodoctor" do a house call, but I figured the intel gathering opportunity on the hospital at a time when I'm a least several days removed for threat of mortality would be the higher return option
asciilifeform: in usa just walking through that door would be a $1000+ ding
a111: Logged on 2018-06-12 03:03 Mocky: ahahaha shoemoney and his mfa check for $130k made out to 'nextpimp', man what a decade
a111: Logged on 2018-10-11 17:08 asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf i recently found that lcd panel made by (defunkt) 'pixelqi co', pq3qi-01 , is still sold by chinese ( i have nfi if clones, or old stock ), ~100 $ ea; the thing toggles from 1024x600 colour/backlit into a 3072x600 greyscale reflector thing, worx with various lappies ( sadly not x60, it's a 16:9 )
asciilifeform: '...If you want to lock a file in $HOME, forget about it as $HOME might be NFS and locks generally are not reliable there. The same applies to every other file system that might be shared across the network. If the file you want to lock is accessible to more than your own user (i.e. an access mode > 0700), forget about locking, it would allow others to block your application indefinitely. If your program is non-trivial or threaded or
asciilifeform: can't say that i follow subj actively; but doesn't pill at least have measurable mass, and you can estimate how much glue and how much $item
asciilifeform: supposing it is possible to use the word in application to doping, seems like the pill folx are 'smarter' -- they at least have a rough idea of how much $subst they're eating
mircea_popescu: soon thereafter returned, very puzzled -- why doesn't $x ever wash ?!"
mircea_popescu: god knows all my attempts to dialogue, from http://trilema.com/surprised-by-joy-the-shape-of-my-early-life-adnotated to http://trilema.com/2017/the-ethics-of-liberty-by-murray-n-rothbard-adnotated-part-vi-a-crusoe-social-philosophy/ to http://trilema.com/2014/on-the-superiority-of-monarchy-or-adnotations-to-why-the-worst-get-on-top/ to what have you are entirely indistinguishable from "one day, mp decided to pay $x a visit ;
mircea_popescu: wtf is signing a vpatch than "i sat down to rewrite $author's work and came to his exact text, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-12#1860859 style. therefore i undersign." ☝︎
asciilifeform: Mocky: ok. so, observe, i dun record or return lengths. all length are either $full ( which i tentatively had set to 512, pre-rftming) or invalid ( may as well 0 )
a111: Logged on 2018-10-13 00:05 asciilifeform: i still dun fully grasp the supposed usg feud with qatar -- iirc the latter sank couple $B into usg's 'moderate rebels'
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1861536 >> also sunk $B into building largest military base in the region for usg. 'feud' seems like public theatre to my noob eyes. US is well respected here in contrast to gulf state back-turners. ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'Military Services pay approximately $7M in FLPB to 27,000 Active Duty (24,000) and Reserve Component (3,000) Service members...' << lol!! what, ~2 benjies ea.?!
asciilifeform: i still dun fully grasp the supposed usg feud with qatar -- iirc the latter sank couple $B into usg's 'moderate rebels' ☟︎
asciilifeform: i dun get it at all, BingoBoingo . they pay $ to send 'across town' ?!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i find myself wondering how many physics folx sit and bite their lips, 'monte carlo dun work so good...', cuz they bought $50k swiss 'quantum rng' that whitens with sha.
mod6: Ok, that's fine. Let's see what kinda calls we get in those two months. And then we'll go from there. $7 isn't too bad at all, anyway.
mod6: asciilifeform: it was $7/mo extra for the call recording?
lobbesbot: phf: Sent 1 hour and 48 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> i recently found that lcd panel made by (defunkt) 'pixelqi co', pq3qi-01 , is still sold by chinese ( i have nfi if clones, or old stock ), ~100 $ ea; the thing toggles from 1024x600 colour/backlit into a 3072x600 greyscale reflector thing, worx with various lappies ( sadly not x60, it's a 16:9 )
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf i recently found that lcd panel made by (defunkt) 'pixelqi co', pq3qi-01 , is still sold by chinese ( i have nfi if clones, or old stock ), ~100 $ ea; the thing toggles from 1024x600 colour/backlit into a 3072x600 greyscale reflector thing, worx with various lappies ( sadly not x60, it's a 16:9 ) ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: incidentally, erry so often, a critter untypical for $region turns up, having stowed away in asian shipping container
a111: Logged on 2017-10-02 00:49 asciilifeform: the funniest bit is that anybody who spends a few $10k to find sha1 collision, can take it one step further and make a valid subkey for asciilifeform's, or mircea_popescu's, etc. key
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-08#1859601 << far away they are. not too long ago I went to an "Understanding Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain" webinar type thing here at $usg.toobigtofailbank. As you'd expect, was filled to the brim with such lulzgems as "Unlike bonds/equities, cryptocurrency has no intrinsic value. No way to establish price point!!". imo They are so far from reality it isn't even ☝︎
ben_vulpes: in boring meatnyooz i liquidated the corvette (at a 16 2/3% loss from purchase, notbad given the damage i did to it experimenting with exciting nonstandard control regimes), hired cleaners, scheduled pianoanchor for transfer to a good friend remaining in libtardistan, basement is packed; girl has mucked augean stables of corporeal art school baggage, booked temporary housing at $dest and has been working the
mircea_popescu: just in case anyone else's making audio cd's for the car, for i in *.mp3; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -f wav "${i%}.wav"; done
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz, "A Banksy was left in shreds before an shocked audience moments after it was auctioned off at Sotheby’s in London for a record $1.4 million. The British artist, whose identity is still unknown, timed his painting, Girl With Balloon, to self-destruct via a shredder hidden in the artwork’s frame."
asciilifeform: trinque: i also have visions of integration with gossipd, where the thing, given a wot key, will know how to ask owner for $source item. but this is yet a bridge too far.
mod6: Besides, we really need to get the money moving; even if we wanted to do an auction now, we need $5000.
mod6: any regular buyers of btc should just throw out an auction for some minimal amount. Say $500 USD, and once pizarro wins those aucutions, they'll get the hang of it.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-17 19:04 mod6: Also folks, Pizarro needs to purchase some fiat, so if you're interested, can start up an auction if you like, or can do WU or whatever. Minimum $500, please. Let us know if interested.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-17 19:04 mod6: Also folks, Pizarro needs to purchase some fiat, so if you're interested, can start up an auction if you like, or can do WU or whatever. Minimum $500, please. Let us know if interested.
trinque: this prevents jurov from saying "I jurov bid $x for $y" here?
mod6: All, an update from Pizarro: The price point that Pizarro will be using for the month of October is $6170 per BTC.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i meant, as result of $noose
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: from the pov of $heathen derp rag, it's gavin
asciilifeform: 1 commonplace gotcha in orcistans is where they demand a 'physical presence' locally so they have a neck to squeeze if $box 'found to be' serving up naked pics of nazarbaev or whoever equiv.
asciilifeform: $subj is not , of course, custom silicon, but is a heathenware switch where asciilifeform ripped out the internal ssd and emplaced hand-sewn kernel + 'pf'
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-01#1856280 << to put specifics to this, the original endowment was set at $5mn during meeting with harvard president (who came up with the speciffic gimmick too, stanfords were thinking of "A combined museum-lecture hall" and such nonsense). 1885 us gdp was something like 60bn, and the us was barely 1% of the world at the time. meanwhile 10 btc is 1/1.6mn of monetary mass or somesuch. ☝︎
asciilifeform: by my reckoning, if $client is porous, resetting it periodically won't help any moar than rebooting winblowz does; if not porous, then waste
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/moartea-ca-o-veste-buna/#selection-87.0-91.277 $item.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-27 23:56 asciilifeform discussed subj with asciilifeform's brother, who answered 'whaddayamean, what size packet, at $defunctgamesco we only ever used 1480, for decade, ideal'
asciilifeform discussed subj with asciilifeform's brother, who answered 'whaddayamean, what size packet, at $defunctgamesco we only ever used 1480, for decade, ideal' ☟︎
trinque: the "hunk succeeded at offset $hurrr" thing is abominable
mircea_popescu: well, also a matter of principles involved. "these schmucks stole my shit, what matters it was only $300" sounds a lot better than "i am so fucking cheap, ima try and beg mom to let me off hook for $75 in damages".
asciilifeform: sorta why i posted a $5 cable the 1st time.
asciilifeform: if we can't even get motherfucking crate of 300 $ disk mailed, will have to organize an expedition ahead of schedule.
verisimilitude: I didn't even pay $400 for it.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-24 17:08 asciilifeform: mighty lotta cheek, for folx who torment a 300 $ crate in tariff hell, to prattle about 'international marketing'
a111: Logged on 2015-08-01 00:30 mircea_popescu: (original design was to simply shutter all connecting peers that fail to provide good $$$ txn, in some sort of %)
asciilifeform: ( $thread was specifically re puzzler of how -- and if -- to sort nodes ~not~ known to be operated by wot'd humans. rather than ' asciilifeform's wires ' and related experiment )
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mighty lotta cheek, for folx who torment a 300 $ crate in tariff hell, to prattle about 'international marketing' << They don't want buying. See they only want to do the SELLING part.
asciilifeform: mighty lotta cheek, for folx who torment a 300 $ crate in tariff hell, to prattle about 'international marketing' ☟︎
asciilifeform: mod6: i was thinking of trinque's idea : suppose trb closed all open pipes if it finds that $configurable hours (e.g. 3) have passed without new blox
asciilifeform: Mocky: the item in $thread, btw, was by one a. s. tritton , 1943
asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2012/the-crime-of-being-american/ << $item.
mircea_popescu: in which lulz : took new girl to strip club and then brothel yest. strip club charged me $75 in cover, notwithstanding i brought the hottest girl there, by a fat margin. so while we sit and drink through our included drinks, i see, wonders of wonders, a girl's feet off the ground for once. first time in this country. she even did a bit of floor work! totally, for cr standards tango india vip is utterly happening.
trinque: their lives are sufficiently cushioned (and brains sufficiently trained for such) that encountering $unexpected means obviously someone else is an idiot.
mod6: Bank Wire or WU is acceptable. We're looking to purchase a total of $4`984.06
asciilifeform: ( and yes, the ~national~ footballism folx do profit . but they are not the payers of the $1+mil uni trainer... )
asciilifeform: mod6: it doesn't tickle me in any direction whether memorialized as 'original' author of given patch, but it does help folx to know in what order to ask questions, when they know who wrote orig versions of $item, when and why
a111: Logged on 2018-09-20 22:32 asciilifeform: in other phunkpakt, a freebsd box set up to defaults will piss out about 500MB/yr in liquishit into /var/spool/clientmqueue , which ( given no sendmail on box, because why the fuck ) slowly fills, and after $years will fill disk. ( at which point , if you're asciilifeform and its yer house router, whole orchestra goes down, and you gotta clean it... )
a111: Logged on 2018-09-20 22:32 asciilifeform: in other phunkpakt, a freebsd box set up to defaults will piss out about 500MB/yr in liquishit into /var/spool/clientmqueue , which ( given no sendmail on box, because why the fuck ) slowly fills, and after $years will fill disk. ( at which point , if you're asciilifeform and its yer house router, whole orchestra goes down, and you gotta clean it... )
asciilifeform: in other phunkpakt, a freebsd box set up to defaults will piss out about 500MB/yr in liquishit into /var/spool/clientmqueue , which ( given no sendmail on box, because why the fuck ) slowly fills, and after $years will fill disk. ( at which point , if you're asciilifeform and its yer house router, whole orchestra goes down, and you gotta clean it... ) ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-09-19 20:15 asciilifeform: or even as mundane as refusal to play 'death ray seller' stooge role in $provocation-of-the-day
asciilifeform: 'in February 2013, with help by his brother, Lulu.com published Rudolph's book Between the Lines of Drift: The Memoirs of a Militant, and in April 2013, the U.S. Attorney General seized $200 to help pay off the $1 million that Rudolph owes in restitution to the state of Alabama' << peditardia.
asciilifeform: Total Spent $29,329 << what kinda lolcat is this.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-19 20:15 asciilifeform: or even as mundane as refusal to play 'death ray seller' stooge role in $provocation-of-the-day
asciilifeform: or even as mundane as refusal to play 'death ray seller' stooge role in $provocation-of-the-day ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: $100 transcontinentator...
asciilifeform: ( how many kw, for how long , on $tank )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu; currently orcs steal 300 $ of hdd, rather than $10k of hdd + $20k of torpedo..
mircea_popescu: it WOULD be economical if one actually aimed to collect your "i am being fucked for $100 bux on 100g"
asciilifeform: at any rate i suspect that the problem is not wholly engineering problem, in the sense where, yes usg torpedo (for piddling 100km range) costs $mil, a ru torpedo -- $100k, but afaik nobody's built a $1 or even $10k thing-that-sails-8000km , in which to economically carry $1k of cargo
asciilifeform: 'i represent $corp ! will call home, there will be problems '
BingoBoingo: "personas fisicas" also get to make THREE compras de exterior without taxes provided they are under 200 U$S and 20 kilos which can be tracked here https://aplicaciones.aduanas.gub.uy/LuciapubX/DECLARACIONES.Cargas.HWCantEncPostales.aspx and only shows an incoming test parcel I've got inbound.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suspect that the 'blinders' are to some extent an immutable cost of the process, required for the directed thrust at $problem. sorta how knife is only sharp on 1 , at most 2 edges
a111: Logged on 2017-08-28 20:29 asciilifeform: kanzure: i and ~50 other folx, lost jobs, because it proved ~impossible to persistently force $valuableprotein secretion in ecoli
asciilifeform: how the fuck else would $crate count as 'free'
BingoBoingo: I was under the impression that there is a limit of 3 tax free imports under $200, which should not be relevant considering there's an import deposit
asciilifeform: nah, patch, in $thread
mod6: Also folks, Pizarro needs to purchase some fiat, so if you're interested, can start up an auction if you like, or can do WU or whatever. Minimum $500, please. Let us know if interested. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: 'effective monopolist', sold the users 100 $ scsi cables, and 'make'em like it'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform all for posting $subj, this way minigame can just use it rather than make yet-another-new-one