2800+ entries in 0.513s
nara__narayana: crypto+mobile tech has allowed be to do this thank god
BingoBoingo: midnightmagic: My body is a temple. Maybe it is some rural tribal arrangement made of straw held together with Giraffe shit, but god damn it, it is still a temple!
mircea_popescu: i swear to god ima train a bot to say "he was a quiet guy, wenevercouldhaveimagined" etc
mircea_popescu: o god.
cazalla: thickasthieves: yknow i'm ok with qntra being all barebones design, but why on god's green earth is it left-aligned? <<< just turn your head a little to the left, fixed
BingoBoingo: <thickasthieves> yknow i'm ok with qntra being all barebones design, but why on god's green earth is it left-aligned? << As opposed to...
mircea_popescu: it'd harder than mpex. this shit where i write the loot functions... god fucking help me i've never seen a more complex problem.
thickasthieves: yknow i'm ok with qntra being all barebones design, but why on god's green earth is it left-aligned?
mircea_popescu: who are ye, god of routes.
mircea_popescu: i mean unless someone = god or w/e
mircea_popescu: it all started in the 80s with those god awful late night cable channels, and thirty years later it pretty much took over "mainstream"
mircea_popescu: heh, that's actually exactly right. god fucking help you if i'm displeased.
asciilifeform: TheNewDeal: no, god threw it down to earth just now.
xanthyos: i'm antitheist. i KNOW there's a god and i'm resentful of his domineering father figure-ness
kakobrekla: but i thought you were the best god better than anyone!?!
asciilifeform: 'For the love of God, Montrezor!'
jurov: ^god have mercy on us
mircea_popescu: an arrington is what's needed in this space. and by god this is the chance for someone like that to become something like that.
gribble: I Got 99 Problems But a Bitch Ain't One | Know Your Meme: <http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-got-99-problems-but-a-bitch-aint-one>; I swear to God I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one /.. – All Me: <http://rap.genius.com/2053385/Drake-all-me/I-swear-to-god-i-got-99-problems-but-a-bitch-aint-one-i-got-99-problems-getting-rich-aint-one>; Spreadshirt Women's 99 Problems But My (1 more message)
Diablo-D3: as much as I hate android, dear god its so much better
mats_cd03: diapers + baby wipes are god's gift to men in the field
thestringpuller: where is my 40 acres and a god damned mule
RagnarDanneskjol: oh god
moriarty: bounce, well it's no different then saying, IFF God tells me so THEN it follows that...
bounce: building on axioms goes like "IFF these are true THEN it follows that...", bit of a difference from "these things ARE TRUE regardless of what reality says BECAUSE GOD TOLD ME SO"
moriarty: lol thank god for the k-line
BingoBoingo: Looking at his last century and spz. a sense of humor... perhaps god lives in Spain's sewers?
danielpbarron: but try to nuke God; see what happens.
danielpbarron: I doubt it very much, since the city of Jerusalem is literally God
danielpbarron: i'm not worried about Israel -- God will do as he pleases
danielpbarron: God causes all things; there is no "need to."
asciilifeform: and if you really wish to know which 'swordsman' is more comfortable with his tool - let god of war decide.
decimation: ascii hopefully we can share the hard-ai-god's gasenwagen
asciilifeform: and still it was paraded as 'bug' - disembodied 'bug', that was placed there by the hand of god, or whatever
mircea_popescu: chetty: does security exist in nature? << yes, actually. entropy securely flows one way, and god help you if you mess with mass conservation.
ben_vulpes: http://imgur.com/vpqTxnd << oh god oh god my bleeding eyes
mats_cd03: god shes ugly
ben_vulpes: "I bet yams would make it even oranger. God, imagine the foodie irony such children present: I will make a roasted vegetable bechamel cheese sauce to appease your desire for processed American food products"
danielpbarron: that's one of the things so many false christians get hung up on; that most of the big names in the Bible had multiple wives and concubines (slave wives), and God never scolded them for it
Dimsler: shrem wasn't some god
ben_vulpes: http://calagator.org/events/1250466855 << god bless portland
mircea_popescu: "do you mean the window made the seat or it allowed the seat ? by as in by picasso or as in by god ?"
ben_vulpes: oh god stop
nubbins`: oh god
nubbins`: oh god i forgot i used to do shit with forms
mircea_popescu: fucktard is so affraid of this world he's stuck in "empathy" and "equality" and herpy-derp because god forbid, what if!!11
mircea_popescu: business partners with the usg, god help us. what will fiction produce next, the harem of wolves, flying to the moon on own farts, mind boggles.
assbot: I am god - The Pub - Shroomery Message Board
decimation: yeah I guess there's this fantasy that he can personally steer research toward non-angry-ai-god ai
decimation: on the pain of offending the almighty future-ai-god, I claim that he won't exist
BingoBoingo: If I am captured god Help the bubba assigned t break my spirit
ThickAsThieves: what if god was one of us?
mircea_popescu: bounce yeah i'm an unbelief god. like, most gods draw their power from believers believing.
mircea_popescu: but the god damned idea that politeness is something that may be afforded to the horde.
mircea_popescu: unlike the god forsaken plains to the south, romania has a great hunting history
BingoBoingo: Pinacle of this is Ohio State University located in God only knows where.
asciilifeform: both belong to the state-god-emperor.
asciilifeform: same as the ancient question 'why does god need a starship'
mircea_popescu: if god gave us 15 pilars then that'd be that
upme_boolcrap: you a a god amongst men Mr.P
kakobrekla: the diff is too god damn high.
gribble: Kanye West & Jay Z (Ft. Frank Ocean) - No Church in the Wild ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M37VucWh06Y>; When Man Ceases to Worship God - The American Chesterton Society: <http://www.chesterton.org/ceases-to-worship/>; Myth: Atheists Believe In Nothing: Don't Atheists Care About Anything?: <http://atheism.about.com/od/atheismatheistsbeliefs/a/BelieveNothing.htm>
chetty: perhaps its god by some other names? like money? or earth or
ThickAsThieves: (i dont worship god, just saying i'm wildly guessing)
ThickAsThieves: but i'm being a typical symbol-reading, word-menaing-guessing, god-worshipper in that
xmj: thank god there's a lone guy judging another lone guy.
decimation: asciilifeform: as a Christian I find these 'godless anarcho-whatevers' to be amusing because they want to make usg into their god
asciilifeform: 'respect my rights (tm) or god will zap'
asciilifeform: jurov: back when the 'rights' folks believed in god, they at least had a sound psychiatric reason for pretending to have the pocket neutron bomb without actually having it
mircea_popescu: i mean i clearly recall ths experience where i was falling asleep, and my through process in the remainder part of the brain was "oh my god what if i don't know how to open the door anymore"
asciilifeform: superusers << 'god creates stone, so heavy, he can't lift'
asciilifeform: u.s. motto could be: st augustine's prayer, 'god grant me chastity - but not yet'
mircea_popescu: moving on : as far as the at-the-time humans could tell, the fish were "a gift from god", who ordered them to surrender to human interest.
mircea_popescu: with the revolution of comfortability, the "same" guy is now writing fanfic to the canon of some derpy author or other, inept substitute for the actual god of the gaps.
BingoBoingo: The difficulty is, if you've lived this life (and not been a stupid git going la la la in a bubble) for a long time, you learn to do certain things on auto pilot that, to someone looking for a "suspicious person" may ring bells. e.g. Take different routes, stay very aware of surroundings and people, avoid cameras (who the hell wants to be on the internet besides Jerod?), and for God's sake, sit facing the door of the restaurant!
RagnarDanneskjol: "statements that can not univocally be established as either true or false at a certain point in the future are BadBets and as such unacceptable on BitBet. For instance, "God Exists" is unacceptable, because it can never be established as either true or false."
mircea_popescu: must be. the trunks of tuesday night god help us.
mircea_popescu: god help them.
ben_vulpes: oh god form validation
mircea_popescu: pour some ice water on your head why dontcha. jesus god.
mircea_popescu: hence musolini's famous "i demand god strike me down"
mircea_popescu: all the politics of infantilism, where one makes demands of god, are suddenly exposed to reality, because in either of these degenerate systems of governmance (really, sides of same coin) one actualy may entertain the delusion of it.
ben_vulpes: oh god that's bad. "."?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The USian Brahmin emulate the French, for some god awful reason.
mircea_popescu: all gringos flock to palermo for some god forsaken reason. shit there is about 2x as expensive and the restaurants all look like they were kicked out of austin, tx.
kakobrekla: oh god!
BitMarmot: mircea_popescu all of god's creatures are special
ThickAsThieves: <+Vexual> how much i sit? is she mining? /// roughly $70k. god knows.
punkman: gonna attempt to clean up some chinese php now, god help me
punkman: god morgen
mircea_popescu: GOD DAMNIT
gribble: Fairy Tail AMV - Dragon VS God Slayer - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sFhSFAXemY>; [Fairy Tail AMV] Natsu vs Zancrow - Dragon vs God- Phenomenon ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDbOsunEVPU>; Fire Dragon vs. Flame God Ost - Extended - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vboTBWdgTR8>
mircea_popescu: ;;google dragon vs god
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i think he pm'd everyone after being devoiced after being all territorial for some god-forsaken reason.
BingoBoingo: It is the redditards curse where they imagine the cause of their continued poverty and virginity is God's spite
thestringpuller: if it is moving out then it's going someplace, God knows what
mircea_popescu: god forbid the internet sees anon nipple or something, someone may care
mircea_popescu: nubbins` that first fucktard... jesus god she's bleeding from the tits
ryguy_`: thank god for the internet - i dont think i'd ever have come around to realize 'fiat = war machine' among all the other things without it or a patient individual to walk me though it