546 entries in 0.602s
mircea_popescu: and to continue the penitentiary discussion : i don't seem to see all the fuckwits insisting that black dudes being jailed constitutes some kind of racism etc notice that a) google will serve you the "37% non-hispanic blacks" figure on a search for "us inmate population by gender" front and center, because who cares what you're actually searching for, have some
nigger figures in any case and b) there's only 12k women for 175k
mircea_popescu: in certain edges of the swamp there's ancient frogs of this nature, who've been chasing the same five dollah in clueless
nigger spending for all their life, 30-40 years, firebranding nonsense all through. in the us they're called "senators" often enough, but the romanian word is "panarame".
mircea_popescu: slaves, idem. if you couint every
nigger at mit, derping about "we're one, man" and "i should have money anyway" then yes you get the figures, but if you count THAT as slavery god help youi.
mircea_popescu: girl hacker or no girl hacker it'll still be save the flying pandas, guns kill people, abortion doesn't kill people, can't say
nigger and our democracy etc.
mircea_popescu: understand that the system isn't there to fuck bahamas the imbecile
nigger ; nor buffett the uberrich whiteboy.
mircea_popescu: 7th year of
nigger != 8th year of
nigger. same as with prikoke, the lifespan of domestic animals is a very peculiar nonliniarity.
mircea_popescu: a
nigger called theresa may misusing ancient and dysfunctional "nuclear weapons" is not substantially different from a
nigger called antron singleton going from diner table to diner urinal with an antitank rocket launcher in each hand
mircea_popescu: o hey, esr redefines
nigger as "political carpetbagger". dork, to redefine word must use shorter variant. no longer alternative ever prevails in practice.
mircea_popescu: how do you get "ejected" from an open source community anyway ? they're not going to merge your fixes anymore ? they're going to merge them but pretend they got them from obama / whatever-fashionable-
nigger instead ? they're going to not merge anythingf seeing how you don't do anything anyway but ... no longer hurr durr with you ?
mircea_popescu: the idiotic ustard discursive posturing was intolerable even cca 2003. "Persistent problems in XFree86 development have become widely recognised within the X community. I have talked to people throughout the X community in a search for solutions." check out the utter
nigger talk.
mircea_popescu: "first black president" was "a great victory for the progressives", then "only
nigger ever lost in the white house was impeached!" will be "a great victory for the patriots", this is how politics works - everyone gets the maximal great victories possible.
mircea_popescu: but the truth is, this is perfect time for trump to rid himself of the best and brightest of the "progressive"
nigger set.
mircea_popescu: i suppose we start calling
nigger assets masquerading as "scientists" trickers from now on, on the basis of you know, "a trick" being "slang" for "a clever and legitimate technique". you know, "in science".
mircea_popescu: trinque the words you use must have meanings. even if they have the most peculiar of meanings such as
nigger = bureaucrat or jew = us agitprop agent ; nevertheless they must be given. somewhere.
mircea_popescu: (obama, incidentally, teh great scholar etc, is on the record having nfi how many states there are. because they don't learn that in kenyan jr high. and besides - he was on college on a
nigger scholarship not an academic one.)
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 23:17 mircea_popescu remembers the days when obama told da to pick up some random hooker turning tricks in hotel, claim she was a maid, have her tell that strauss-kahn assaulted her, then lie about the whole thing so that france would end up with a president the us likes (which, of course, like every other bahamas scandal, backfired miserably and cost the us taxpayer a helluva lot more than the
nigger's "education" cost them)
mircea_popescu remembers the days when obama told da to pick up some random hooker turning tricks in hotel, claim she was a maid, have her tell that strauss-kahn assaulted her, then lie about the whole thing so that france would end up with a president the us likes (which, of course, like every other bahamas scandal, backfired miserably and cost the us taxpayer a helluva lot more than the
nigger's "education" cost them)
☟︎ mircea_popescu: don't worry ben_vulpes by the time you're as poor as mark twain's
nigger called jerry, you'll be just as energetic and passionate i'm sure!
http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160922/#567 << the usg bureaucracy is very much dumb-woman-from-montana as depicted by frances mcdormand in fargo. there's this list of formal sins that's all they comprehend and consequently serve as their only interface wioth the world. "said
nigger" "didn't eat veggies" "doesn't recycle" "cheated on spouse" etc.
mircea_popescu: the concept of "library" as "this collection of primitives" is meta-syntactic, and strictly personal idiomatic. that a bunch of anglotards try this thing where they "all mean
nigger in the same sense - and everyone always does!" is just you know, anglotards being anglotards.
pete_dushenski: phf: 'this
nigger hung up pictures of his family everywhere!'
Framedragger: omg attempting
https on trilema.com gives common name = server1.
nigger.com, email = ssl@server1.
nigger.com -- l0l0l.
mircea_popescu: and i can try to breach it any way i want. trilema is full of it. there's a "oh, you'e in online marketing ? here's how i got millions of ''clicks'' worth whatever you pay for them, free". mayn't notice. "can't say
nigger ? here." mayn't!!11 "oh you think so and so about education/rape/whatever ?" MAYNT!!111
mircea_popescu: every time you fuck over your fellow man, an usg
nigger and libertard jew cackle in glee.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman the reason they "didn't notice" / "didn't take action" is that they're "modern democracy liberal civilised people" which is to say that strange sect of neopuritanism which believes from is both necessary and sufficient ; don't curse and you'll go to heaven ; don't say
nigger and you'll get promoted ; don't meaningfully talk or actually interact with your children and they'll go to college.
pete_dushenski: ie. 'let's sprinkle some crack on this
nigger and get outta here'
pete_dushenski: kim was harped on for being hairy ? this is nooz to me. i thought she just got sassed for being, as chappelle would say, a
mircea_popescu: yet the
nigger plays enough womanhood to qualify the whole thing. nuts, huh.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, having the utterly irrelevant condo owner association meeting calling itself "the parliament" face the dilemma of either ignoring its own rule or else discussing whether queen should be flogged for being
nigger jewess is exactly what a good blog article is made of.
mircea_popescu: anyone want the side project of introducing a petition to discuss whether the queen should be flogged naked at the gate of westminster abbey for being a
nigger jewess ?
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, sand
nigger is "intrinsically" insulting, dontchaknow.
mircea_popescu: the question to you is, are you building a dirigible in the white man sense or in the sand
nigger sense ?
mircea_popescu: "well, you got a
nigger elected, now get lost" sorta thing. "well, we're going out of the eu, so who were you again ?"