600+ entries in 0.204s

snsabot: Logged on 2017-06-12 19:16:29 asciilifeform:
^ 'altalena affair' resulted in the switcheroo where the upstanding folx ( irgun et al, who held the position 'rm -rf britain' , were replaced by the internationalkomyooniti obedient muppet circus who ended up 'recognized' by said komyooniti as 'israel'
snsabot: Logged on 2017-06-12 19:21:52 BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform>
^ 'altalena affair' resulted in the switcheroo where the upstanding folx ( irgun et al, who held the position 'rm -rf britain' , were replaced by the internationalkomyooniti obedient muppet circus who ended up 'recognized' by said komyooniti as 'israel' << Aka. When da jooz jew'd the Jay-double-Oh-Oh-Zee
^ asciilifeform et al, the awaited survey of the real estate situation
^ In Airstrip One continuing to dehumanize to maximize the number of human lives
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-21 23:59:56 trinque: in that vein, it occurs to me that this holding back of items such as
^ is dishonorable in that it's effectively a signal that one intends to drag whichever items with him into the grave/bottle/sea
trinque: in that vein, it occurs to me that this holding back of items such as
^ is dishonorable in that it's effectively a signal that one intends to drag whichever items with him into the grave/bottle/sea
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-18 23:59:43 asciilifeform:
^ i'ma finally cycle that thing in coupla days, bvt's reconnector & mircea_popescu's 'plox to mark crosspostism' to swap in.
^ this is correct. It is a liability right now, not an asset as far as I'm concerned
^ link above should be alf's "only so many lines of code within before madness", but i can't find it.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-12 02:42:06 lobbes: asciilifeform:
^ for your testing and approval
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 16:45:11 mircea_popescu: 37
^4 = 1874161, no way anyone's doing 2mn pastes/week
lobbes: asciilifeform:
^ for your testing and approval
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-10 14:41:34 bvt: trinque:
^ (self-voice somehow got through yestereday on the 2nd attempt)
bvt: trinque:
^ (self-voice somehow got through yestereday on the 2nd attempt)
^^ mircea_popescu for your perusal
lobbes: asciilifeform: annd patched
^ snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 13:01:29 mircea_popescu:
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-07#1934821 << not irl. large packet flow is, you'll perhaps discover, one of the most "oversold" ie fraudulently misrepresented items in nature. much like the city comes put faucets into yur house but you can't run them 24/7, except
snsabot: Logged on 2019-02-03 12:27:29 mircea_popescu: in other news, mp's own bash grenadiers regiment suggests an ad interim solution for
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891951 in the shape of ls | grep
^x..$' | while read line; do curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@$line"
http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective}; done
mircea_popescu: that is part one. part two, is that for further reductions of P, W scales superlinearily. in my practice to date, P=e/2 drives W = q
^5 approx, like air fucking friction.
^ definitely some funkiness with the !e uptime reporting too (ty diana for pointing that out in #o)
^ incidentally, I love connectolade in logs for just such reasons
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-04 14:55:03 trinque:
^ possibly want to ignore /log/$knownChan instead of domain-prefixed
^ possibly want to ignore /log/$knownChan instead of domain-prefixed
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-03 10:33:21 asciilifeform:
^ not only worx, but i posted not only proggy, but full explanation of algo, here. and yet folx ~still~ bashing heads over 'pinger threads' and other ???! epicycles?!
a111: Logged on 2019-09-03 13:34 asciilifeform:
^ not only worx, but i posted not only proggy, but full explanation of algo, here. and yet folx ~still~ bashing heads over 'pinger threads' and other ???! epicycles?!
trinque: feel free to settle
^ with cash in hand tomorrow
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-02 16:35:33 diana_coman: asciilifeform: my sigs for logotron code
^ diana_coman: asciilifeform: my sigs for logotron code
^ BingoBoingo:
^ The pretense lasted a full 21 days before they went to to being retarded in the ways they were before. New boss, same as they old boss.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: while
^ is true, signatures seem to be more than "lack of time" though; afaik you read EuCrypt and actually satisfied yourself re MR implementation for instance but I don't recall any signatures from you - or did I just miss them?
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-16 13:36:19 spyked:
^ ftr, this is an instance of ircbot sans the "pinger" thread and handling pings coming from the server. seems to be working fine (tho, in all fairness, so does feedbot for now)
trinque: sorry about the outage y'all; I'm going to do
^ next
lobbes: trinque:
^ I may have been too quick on the draw when deedbot came back online. plox to lemme know if I should re-issue the above !!v
snsabot: Logged on 2018-01-28 11:45:00 asciilifeform: diff -uNr $1 $2 | awk 'm = /
^(--- a|\+\+\+)/{cmd="sha512sum \"" $2 "\" 2>/dev/null ";s=cmd| getline x; if (s) { split(x, a, " "); o = a[1]; } else {o = "false";} close(cmd); print $1 " " $2 " " o} !m { print $0 }'
^^ and with that, I will turn my attention back to testing asciilifeform's logotron for importing the uniturds
^ you precede it with telling someone how much it sucks to try to house a box
^ asciilifeform, et al.