800+ entries in 0.117s
stjohn_piano_2: asciilifeform: ^ those, for pay.
asciilifeform: Key ID - 0x889ACC4FC8EFFF13 is defo not any of his subs ~or~ the primary. trinque ^ prolly worth a look ☟︎
mp_en_viaje: ^ put that in a term
asciilifeform: possibly even worse ^ , btw, than mp_en_viaje's item
asciilifeform: ^ is how asciilifeform ended up with pedal board, bank of programmable keys, etc..
asciilifeform: rright, subj d00d accused of trotsk^H^H^H^H^H^H'islamophobic' plot
asciilifeform: ^ lulzily, for coupla yrs nao, they dun even ~sell~ the proggies, but moved to 'subscription' chumpatron ☝︎
asciilifeform: ^ in related noose, reportedly 'everspin', the 'magnetic ram' people , is tanking. which on one hand is sad, 'eeprom that dun wear out' is imho neat and moar or less required for sane computer . but on other hand, perhaps usg.patentholder co. gotta die for the thing to become economically viable
asciilifeform: ftr, on any posixish shell : e.g., printf '%#x\n' "$((0x33 ^ 0x44))" gives 0x77 and so on.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 20:57 asciilifeform: ^ lol almost exactly asciilifeform's photoroll, if you subtract the 'hinterlands' (where imho the most interesting oddities)
asciilifeform: ^ lol almost exactly asciilifeform's photoroll, if you subtract the 'hinterlands' (where imho the most interesting oddities) ☟︎
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: robovac sweeps 100 m^2 / hr or so.
asciilifeform: ^ see also.
BingoBoingo: ^ Another "Reality Winner" type capture
lobbes: BingoBoingo extended 24hrs ^^
BingoBoingo: ^ For the burden of keeping fighter jets file
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo ^ plox to comment
BingoBoingo: ^ The tor woodchipper continues consuming derps
BingoBoingo: ^ PeterL mats_ jurov lobbes and other interested parties are welcome to begin bidding to set this month's exchange rate
whaack: ^ exactly. There were a few brief stints with SSL girls, but nothing that stuck
asciilifeform: relatedly, asciilifeform barfed, tuned out today from #techderps , it's kilometre of join/part liquishit + 'communi^H^H^H^H^Hlinux on desktop by 1980^H^H^H^Hnext year' snoars etc
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, ^
asciilifeform: mod6 ^
asciilifeform: ( not a specific criticism of ^item, but rather the unfortunate reality of 'meat ocr' )
a111: Logged on 2019-04-23 23:03 asciilifeform: ^ and before mp asks, yes it's combo of manual typewriter and ink pen, and no it won't in a million years ocr, other than by meat ( and is largely schematics / waveforms anyway )
asciilifeform: ^ somewhere we had thread
a111: Logged on 2019-04-23 23:03 asciilifeform: ^ and before mp asks, yes it's combo of manual typewriter and ink pen, and no it won't in a million years ocr, other than by meat ( and is largely schematics / waveforms anyway )
asciilifeform: ^ and before mp asks, yes it's combo of manual typewriter and ink pen, and no it won't in a million years ocr, other than by meat ( and is largely schematics / waveforms anyway ) ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: ^ claims 1.5mil sold as surplus in usa alone.
BingoBoingo: ^ In US relevance today
mod6: Thanks, so yeah, her post is in my queue to read. But I have seen the above diagram before ^, and it looked "ok" to me, but I haven't read that far ahead yet.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-17 20:20 asciilifeform: mod6 ^ + other ffa-eating folx, i suspect will find diana_coman's piece quite handy
mp_en_viaje: ^
asciilifeform: mod6 ^ + other ffa-eating folx, i suspect will find diana_coman's piece quite handy ☟︎
asciilifeform: ^ was the advertised rate on the billboards in timis iirc
asciilifeform: mod6 et al ^ ?
BingoBoingo: ^ In wannabe republics and government generated crime
a111: Logged on 2019-04-12 14:46 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-12#1908318 << dun confuse the gedanken-fpga lut thrd with the 'ideal alu bus' one. i.e. a 64-bit bus is a set of 64 wires ; a 64-bit ~lut~ otoh is 2^64 sram cells , a planet-sized object , and with 1 lonely flipflop , lol, somewhere inside its molten core
asciilifeform: ^ last , afaik, honest man in the field
asciilifeform: ^ spoiler : latex won't
asciilifeform: ftr the rectangles in ^above STILL not 100% of consistent requested size. cuz apparently you CANNOT do this with html. or svg. or anyffin else.
asciilifeform: PeterL: dun even need 3d cube -- hexagon on 2d plane worx same for ^
asciilifeform: ^ astro puzzle : calculate the minimal propagation delay in this 'fpga'. ( just how close can one park a jupiter to another before they merge.. etc )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-12#1908318 << dun confuse the gedanken-fpga lut thrd with the 'ideal alu bus' one. i.e. a 64-bit bus is a set of 64 wires ; a 64-bit ~lut~ otoh is 2^64 sram cells , a planet-sized object , and with 1 lonely flipflop , lol, somewhere inside its molten core ☝︎☟︎
mp_en_viaje: 1um process means you get ... /me goes to look it up.... http://www.cmcdisc.com/cr_spec.htm <<< 120 mm outer diam, so like pi r ^ 2 0.044 sqm, 4.4e10 nodes.
asciilifeform: it aint even like you can't buy a 30cm piece of si crystal. errybody does already, they simply cut it into 1cm^2 squares. simply costs.
asciilifeform pictures already the coming orgy of derps , writing 'ada' cum heapism/pointers , so to 'feel like a trader^H^H^H^H^Hboeing' etc
asciilifeform: ^ looked solid on surface, but must admit that asciilifeform did not attempt to put to use
a111: Logged on 2019-04-07 00:36 asciilifeform: ^ bug report to phf ^
asciilifeform: ^ bug report to phf ^ ☟︎
asciilifeform: ^ is what we use for a versionatron. exclusively.
asciilifeform: ^ i.e. a unit suspected of containing hidden functionality vis-a-vis any other existing unit, can be 'slaved' to the latter , and the outputs compared.
asciilifeform: ^ best-known example.
BingoBoingo: ^ Pizarro Price Setting Auction Live. Starting price same as last month's.
mp_en_viaje: you know, x^2 + C. that c.
lobbes: ^ fyi phf for future snarfage
mod6: danielpbarron: ? ^
asciilifeform: ^ is a bottomless well of lulz. for instance, didjaknow, usg does not today and has never purchased 'computer'. it buys 'automated data processors'
asciilifeform sadly familiar with the usg equiv. of ^
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: coupla broken linx in ^ btw, in penultimate para.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo ^ :D
asciilifeform: ^ see also
mircea_popescu: the only practically useful tidbit i have is "according to math arcana, witnesses absolutely must come from 1, 2^n rather than 2^n-1, 2^n ; notwithstanding the latter might look "thicker"
mircea_popescu: nicoleci, ^ btw.
mircea_popescu: understand : there are no less than 2^4096 numbers in 4096 bits. if you take say 32 numbers out of this, that is, 2^5, you have thereby avoided 2^4091 numbers from the original set, which is to say, 100% to any practical apperoximation.
BingoBoingo: ^ Disagrees with EU on which side of road is for driving, auto-adopts entire EU transport shit anyways
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, for all you know, all numbers between n and n+k are liars for all primes larger than 2^l
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, as to your earlier question : not such a large degree of crackpottery needed. consider that if i affirm today that a) given a list of however many ~randomly chosen~ witnesses from (1,n) b) the number k = x^2 + q x + p is going to be falsely identified as a prime number while n = q ^ 2 + p ^ 3, there is c) nothing you can practically do to give me the lie other than ~actually construct such numbers and check~.
mircea_popescu: it is factually true that the liar occurence in (1, n) is ~1/3 ; i don't know how to evaluate the occurence in (n, n+k). it could be 1/3^2 or 1/3 ^ k or 1/3 ^ 1/k^16 or whatever the fuck else.
mircea_popescu: in any case, it seems to me that the a witnesses MUST be generated as rng(0, 2^4096) rather than rng (2^4095, 2^4096).
asciilifeform: i.e. x^n = x mod n , ditto
asciilifeform: recall, carmichael # is where x^(n-1) = 1 mod n for all x that are relatively prime to n
a111: Logged on 2019-03-27 23:22 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, there's eg ~20mn carmichael numbers under 10^20
mircea_popescu: the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-27#1905222 item is relevant, because if you were to enumerate the pairs you'd be looking at 20mn!/2!(20mn-2)!, which is truly a staggering nuymber, of possible liars of a size up to 10^40 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i just me4ant formally, p ^ n-1 = 1 vs p ^ (n-1)/2 = +-1
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, there's eg ~20mn carmichael numbers under 10^20 ☟︎
BingoBoingo: ^ From Spreadsheets in Space to Field Exercises in Spreadsheets!
asciilifeform: tho unless i misread, that ^ figure included 16 iterations thereof, rather than 1
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, diana_coman , et al ^ plox to comment .
asciilifeform: ^ 6 shots .
BingoBoingo: ^ Pretty much the divide between Republic and the outside
asciilifeform: ^ the Right Thing.
asciilifeform: ^ does Right Thing .
asciilifeform: ^ final draft of ch18.
asciilifeform: ^ prolly went to same place.
asciilifeform: originally the talmud^H^H^H^Hlegalism required this 'hack'
BingoBoingo: ^ 500 counts of Class A Misdemeanor could be yours for the low price of 19.59 USD and presence in Illinois after January 1st, 2020
mircea_popescu: moreover, check out the similar pattern of reaction to alterity : someone's unimpressed with this "marx" symbol ? must be immaturity! because the only 0-cost explanation of difference would be... "the different hasn't yet matured into us". anything else, profoundly threatening to the narc^Hsocialist.
asciilifeform: ^ e.g.
asciilifeform: the 'limiting reactant' speedwise is gcd ( o(n^2), see ch. 15. ) .
asciilifeform: ^ largest prime in the 256b primorial.
asciilifeform: exercise for readers : write ^ w/out using registers.
asciilifeform: ^ max primorial that given fits current bitness , for any set FZ bitness.
asciilifeform: ^ in other noose. asciilifeform had to think for coupla hrs about how to impose this fascism compactly. ended up just 3 ln.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i budget 10min/d for this, meself. usually consists of list of cmachine opensores liquishit where overflow most recently burn^H^H^H^found etc
asciilifeform: ^ exercise for readers: what's this.
BingoBoingo: ^ Brenton Tarrant, very effective Turkish Nationalist
asciilifeform: ^ most of the possible 'naive' designs for pehlike item, fail at this
spyked: ^ clarification re downtime: 8:00-12:00 interval is UTC time.
mircea_popescu: trinque ^