473 entries in 0.824s

BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's going to need the mechanized contact churner Pizarro never got. Even doing this in the
reich with cheaper cages and more fiber, the thing has to grow to survive.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 23:29:24 asciilifeform: nor is there likely ever gonna be any such agreement. use of
reich time gotta be made 100% decorative, or to go away entirely.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 15:58:06 asciilifeform: lobbes: in re elderly relatives ( and asciilifeform also has some ) -- if you have the budget, and they're reasonably portable, you can try to evacuate'em. bitter pill, but gotta point out, lotsa folx went to the ovens in prev.
reich who otherwise didn't have to, because they did not come up with a timely decisive cut of this knot.
whaack: nothing directly republic related. i've been reminded by reading the recent logs that i'm in the perpetual ill-start-helping-tomorrow state. i always have an excuse for myself: "i'll be increasing noise, im too unedecuated to do shit, i need to become bilingual/get out of
reich first, etc. etc"
a111: Logged on 2019-05-17 17:47 asciilifeform: whaack: in your position, i'd focus on getting out of
reich 1st; can 'book larnin'' 2nd.
mircea_popescu: all sorta things "nobody is aware of" in the
reich, somehow.
lobbes: s/sucking blood from the
reich/*depending on* the
reich to suck blood from/
lobbes: (while this lasts, of course. The 'sword of damocle' hangs over ALL of us still sucking blood from the
reich, "9-5" or no.)
BingoBoingo: Then again if Pedro II was fertile enough to have sufficient children to select 1 not completely retarded heir, Brasil could have been bigger than the US ever was. 1000 year
reich and so on.
mircea_popescu: lobbes, generally they'll take a renegotiation, but basically... not depending on
reich is always better than depending.
mircea_popescu: you're stuck being out of
reich for ~6 years or so, but w/e, your republican credit's good.
lobbes: well I wanted to avoid any of the classic '
reich traps'; for e.g. back in MA they have the 'common law marriage' thing (or used to at least)
a111: Logged on 2019-07-09 15:41 asciilifeform: PeterL: inside
reich, heathen exch houses such that you'd actually want to deal with, are extinct. whereas ones outside generally won't deal with zeks from inside.
billymg: and i'm in the situation of having more spare fiat than i expected to, by way of winning startup tech co stock option lottery. so dumping some of that into property outside the
reich, even if not A+ investment, is not something i would stress about
billymg: BingoBoingo: to buy, as that seems like the easiest way to get money out of the
reich without raising eyebrows
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the
reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
diana_coman: my observation re numbers is that it's not as much whether
reich or not but simply whether "public education" as in "for everyone" or not; because if profs are recruited based on need, there will just never be enough really; and the wider the base aka the greater the need, the more chickenhouse, inevitably
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the
reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
a111: Logged on 2019-05-23 06:10 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, that;s nonsense. huawei currnently owns the "smart"phone market. it's their own phone, it's better than the
reich phone, etc.
mp_en_viaje: i get it, they don't do (enough) of what you want them to. but they do what they want to, for some reason they decided to go in through the phone hole. and they're in, orcs buy huawei, and declare it better than
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, that;s nonsense. huawei currnently owns the "smart"phone market. it's their own phone, it's better than the
reich phone, etc.
☟︎ mp_en_viaje: in any case, it's not suggested to stay in
reich ; the discussion was rather "if you stay". much like advice for diabetics isn't "first, get diabetes", but rather "if you already have diabetes..."
whaack: trinque: i can't say i fully grok the advice, perhaps in part because i can't readily read the linked manual, and bc the advice seems to suggest staying in
reich, which directly contradicts the usual guidance given here
a111: Logged on 2019-05-18 17:36 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914645 << not strictly correct -- consider how cheese, beer, etc. produced. or , in similar vein, how
reich got 'phree' 30+yrs of life out of the 'yeast' digesting sovok
mp_en_viaje: this is not coincidental ; nor is it yesterday or yesteryear vintage (which latest circumstance is prolly least happy re
reich prospects)
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the
reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the
reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
☟︎☟︎☟︎ lobbes: went for broke in the
reich, no?
mp_en_viaje: in the end, it's an all-in bet on
reich stability. like everyone else in there.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 03:49 asciilifeform: arguably it comes down to a stupid choice of profession. the software pseudo-industry only really exists in the
reich + its tendrils, afaik.
billymg: asciilifeform: if you don't mind me asking -- in that thread you made a good case for leaving the
reich as soon as possible, but i've also seen threads (can't find right now) where others in the channel have tried to convince you of the same, without any luck
a111: Logged on 2018-03-29 16:48 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes buying real estate in the
reich without an army ?
a111: Logged on 2019-04-23 18:13 asciilifeform: tbf normally
reich subject needs visa for moscow ( i dun know how, precisely, s got around this on moment's notice )
BingoBoingo: I'm just suggesting that the trending
reich might be shifting to the other one.