46 entries in 0.278s
mircea_popescu: now, that time shouldn't be excessive ; but 20 minutes hardly strikes me as excessive, dunno, is the argument here ?
mircea_popescu: ironically, "conviction" of imaginary rape in sweeden would have resulted in better living conditions and 5 years is truly excessive anyway.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-05#1765278 << teitelbaum gaon sez, excessive virtue still vicious. nothing wrong with a little of whatever now and again, i for that matter drink the occasional cup of coffee and so on. the problem's when it becomes a regular thing, "i am in X circumstance therefore must Y". ☝︎
mircea_popescu: though 1s of churning seems excessive.
mircea_popescu: ie, if X thinks P = "hey, ima trade fraudulently because i'm rich enough to afford covering up for it", the probability of X later thinking P' = "undertaking excessive risk on the basis of extant capitalization is viable in spite of its obvious unviability" is high. because while P' is patently insane whereas P is merely occultly insane, nevertheless P' is just a watered down version of P and consequently "of lower psychologi
mircea_popescu: be that as it may, human female will be fifty something to seventy something or thereabouts. if you like big tits and big asses you'll be at the 70s side of it. 100kgs is really excessive even for adult males.
mircea_popescu: 18 years is excessive, yet they regard it as nearly criminally short. 25 more the norm.
mircea_popescu: in random lulz, from the 90s : psx came out in 1994 iirc, and utterly wiped the market. half the developers active were caught with excessive 16 bit cartridge inventory and within 18 months were bankrupt. it owned so hardcore, esp with ff7 coming out for it, that for ~ 3 years there were no new offerings in the console market.
mircea_popescu: !#s excessive from:mirc
mircea_popescu: if you're gonna sign it might as well dump it in the deeds. but it seems rather excessive.
mircea_popescu: and in other excessive opulence news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loa4f0dV5g1qmk4gro1_1280.jpg ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Framedragger nobody gives these kids any clear signals. their great-grandparents went "bitch, you're gonna marry the first guy with a pulse and make me two nephews!" which was maybe excessive.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-02-2016#1395703 << even so 14 s seems excessive. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: i dun think the part about how limiting excessive medical procedurizing is the core of sane medicine was at all controversial.
mircea_popescu: heck, household went through two pounds of butter for xmas. excessive by any counts and the sluts are all dieting. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: tudent 1950 demands. We want Tim Wolfe to admit to his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators, consenting to the physical violence of bystanders, and lastly refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department used excessive force with demonstrators.
mircea_popescu: seems a bit excessive.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field 10-20 dollars an ounce ? sounds maybe a little excessive.
mircea_popescu: heck, given the shape they're in, one in a billion may be excessive.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-04-2015#1100530 << on which line, trinque you'd seriously shoot a burglar ? and i don't mean shoot them in the head, just, one to the kneecap for good measure. seems to me woefully excessive. the... only time i was in a situation of that nature the dudes beat the shit out of the guy and i thought it was excessive even for the time and place. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: afaik danielpbarron resolved that, but srsly, 3k seems at this point excessive. bitcoin hasn't had that many nodes since i dunno, 2012.
mircea_popescu: but perhaps excessive geo particularization, obv.
mircea_popescu: right, this is an excessive approach
mircea_popescu: <cazalla> suspended for excessive use of resources, can't even access cpanel or ftp to make a backup, submitted a ticket << that's classy o.o
mircea_popescu: ing even may be an excessive requirement. if on the other hand in a room with a woman that doesn't want to, you can be e a poe for all the good it'll do you.
mircea_popescu: shit. i thought i was excessive but 1mwh ?!
mircea_popescu: <benkay> excessive rouge, lipstick, heels, etc. it's a good look on the right chick. << for sufficiently drunk guys :D
mircea_popescu: anyway, for that matter, the big part in there is "didn’t generally view asset prices as excessive".
mircea_popescu: 3 minutes tho, 5 is excessive.
mircea_popescu: back then we were wtfing at "which would put S.MPOE somewhere around 8 million dollars, which would be excessive."
mircea_popescu: artifexd that's excessive, but a cone works well to resolve this problem.
mircea_popescu: owch. even at $100k / btc, it'll prolly be 10k btcs or some shit. seems excessive.
mircea_popescu: that seems excessive
mircea_popescu: Nov 08 13:12:53 <mircea_popescu>or how scandalously excessive a max of 320 was back in april ?
mircea_popescu: yea you dorks. totally "excessive". herp.
mircea_popescu: An interesting peculiarity in Bitcoin specification and source code is that hashing with full SHA-256 is applied twice. This may seem as excessive: one “secure” hash function should be sufficient. It also makes our job of optimizing bitcoin mining substantially more difficult.
mircea_popescu: "It has very recently gained excessive
mircea_popescu: you know, you don't really need excessive keys in any sense.
mircea_popescu: or how scandalously excessive a max of 320 was back in april ?
mircea_popescu: only the sort for whom doing business is an excessive cost.
mircea_popescu: Just-Dice & Towtoad were registered a week between each other. Meaning Celeste/Nakowa had already planned on releasing a dice site BEFORE he won the excessive money from JD? It sounds like planning ahead to me... planning ahead a ponzi
mircea_popescu: jcpham yes, yes. rl is so fucked up by now it's probably excessive to even notice how retarded btcworld is.
mircea_popescu: "As many of you know, the pantry was put in place for your personal consumption while you are at work. Unfortunately, over the past few months there have been several instances where employees have been observed filling bags with sodas, snacks, fruit, and in some cases cartons of milk, to take home with them. It has become so excessive that in the last few weeks there have been multiple times when the coolers were almo
mircea_popescu: they won't get 20% for a year tho, that's excessive.
mircea_popescu: 1% round trip is a little excessive.
mircea_popescu: well yea. greed i suppose would be the vice of excessive appetite