1090 entries in 0.621s
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
empyex: mircea_popescu: Next conference starts in 9 months and 2 days. Estimated cost today: 2.11806614 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ )
mircea_popescu: $conference
kakobrekla: http://bitcoin-conference.eu/index.php
assbot: So many places I wish I could be now. Buddy's bachelor party. NRA annual meeting. AmRen conference. But alas, low on funds :(
mircea_popescu: well, bring the lot when you come to the conference
artifexd: Reportedly, that picture is from a bitcoin conference in Russia.
kyuupichan: http://www.rte.ie/news/business/2014/0703/628309-bitfin-conference/
assbot: Conference App Bloodhound’s Genius Growth Strategy Attracts $3M Series A Led By Thiel’s FF Angel | TechCrunch
assbot: Tim Draper Bitcoin Press Conference on Livestream
assbot: Tim Draper Bitcoin Press Conference on Livestream
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
empyex: benkay: Next conference starts in 9 months and 15 days. Estimated cost today: 2.04106878 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ )
benkay: $conference
ThickAsThieves: it does look a bit like a trilema conference
mp_a_colonia: o look fluffypony. how was the conference ?
fluffypony: oh speaking of which, there was a cheap porn star / photographer at the conference
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
empyex: FabianB: Next conference starts in 9 months and 19 days. Estimated cost today: 2.21439356 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ )
FabianB: $conference
punkman: how's the perpetual bitcoin supernode conference
empyex: mircea_popescu: Next conference starts in 9 months and 19 days. Estimated cost today: 2.20791168 BTC
mircea_popescu: $conference
Vexual: he flew gore in to stand next to him at a press conference and give the nod to repealing the carbon tax with a view to setting up interational emmissions trading
fluffypony: goat was going to come to the conference?
fluffypony: the conference only starts on Thursday
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: it'll either be fun, or batshit insane << ahaha srsly, going to the tortilla conference ?!
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: The tortilla conference?
fluffypony: Naphex: going to a conference at Malla
ThickAsThieves: fwiw the Bitcoin Foundation still hasn't provided the free membership they noted all Bitcoin2014 conference attendees would be eligible for
gribble: YMCA Youth Conference On National Affairs - Home: <http://www.ymcacona.org/>; Carriage Operators of North America - Home Page: <http://www.cona.org/>; Cona - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cona>
empyex: thestringpuller: Commands: '$avg' '$conference' '$depth' '$depth <mpsic>' '$email' '$help' '$moo' '$mpexlag' '$post <pastebin-url-with-signcrypted-mpex-command>' '$proxies' '$traded' '$unconfirmed' '$vwap' '$vwap <mpsic>'
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo im seriously considering a dolce-de-leche only diet for conference
empyex: mircea_popescu: Next conference starts in 10 months and 1 days. Estimated cost today: 2.23945167 BTC
mircea_popescu: $conference
empyex: FabianB: Commands: '$avg' '$conference' '$depth' '$depth <mpsic>' '$email' '$help' '$moo' '$mpexlag' '$post <pastebin-url-with-signcrypted-mpex-command>' '$proxies' '$unconfirmed' '$vwap' '$vwap <mpsic>'
empyex: FabianB: Next conference starts in 10 months and 2 days. Estimated cost today: 2.36415088 BTC
FabianB: $conference
mircea_popescu: $conference
empyex: FabianB: Next conference starts in 10 months and 3 days. Estimated cost today: 2.33372229 BTC
FabianB: $conference
Vexual: 100? save some til next conference, i want one
mircea_popescu: and pretend like their alleged conference-hackathon-topless party attracted a huge crowd
mircea_popescu: just like some dorks that meet each friday for a beer attheir pub can't just put up a sign saying "bitcoin conference hackathon and miss universe contest"
nubbins`: ^ there's the ceo at a recent conference
mircea_popescu: this is to the conference circuit roughly what porn is to legitimate acting : the place failures go to die.
unbalanced: By the time I left that conference I thought Bitcoin was a cult of decentralization. Decentralize all the things!
ThickAsThieves: she did seem to be a decent little worker bee for btcf at the conference
assbot: BitBet - An Eastern Conference team will win the NBA Finals :: 0.97 B (43%) on Yes, 1.28 B (57%) on No | closed 1 week 5 days ago
mike_c: http://bitbet.us/bet/796/an-eastern-conference-team-will-win-the-nba/
mircea_popescu: assbot: Dear conference organizers: my wife says I have enough t-shirts and you should start giving out trousers. Thank you for understanding. << lol someone ain't wearing undies ?
assbot: Dear conference organizers: my wife says I have enough t-shirts and you should start giving out trousers. Thank you for understanding.
asciilifeform: 'Sacco and Vanzetti came up with an entirely different solution to the slow-MMU problem, one which if I do say so myself was less imaginative than mine, but both more general and more practical. They published theirs in a real conference, received much acclaim for it, and I believe patented it, started a so-called company and eventually sold it to Microsoft.' ☟︎
punkman: they even have a conference http://www.dockercon.com/ derp
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo so far, it'd seem the playbook of the vc twerp is, "1. eat as much conference rubber duck as possible ; 2. show trial ; 3. become usg informant"
assbot: National Investment Club Conference - timetotrade
Littlep1: http://wiki.timetotrade.eu/National_Investment_Club_Conference
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitstein re http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/#comment-100549 remind me, which service do you run ?
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: Littlep1 you can meet me next year. http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/
los_pantalones: well, conference, ok
mircea_popescu: why doi you think conference has a 1 year leadin
princessnell: chetty the conference seems so far away. might need to scope out the place beforehand.
assbot: Hi, I wanted to follow up regarding the conference. Have you considered ou - Pastebin.com
fluffypony: [14:32:39] ThomasV: actually I believe I gave my business card to a journalist from coindesk during the amsterdam conference
mircea_popescu: benkay: the challenge i'm facing for the CONference is that of whelping. it's entirely possible lady v'll be either bedridden or suckling in april. << benkay adding to the world supply of gemini huh.
BingoBoingo: Out of curiosity, are any other Norte Americanos considering an overland route to Conference v3?
BingoBoingo: So the more I look at travel to conference V3, the more it looks like the only part drawing my interest in traveling is the Darien gap.
benkay: the challenge i'm facing for the CONference is that of whelping. it's entirely possible lady v'll be either bedridden or suckling in april.
fluffypony: bitcoinpete: well this wedding in May was already down on the list, so it's kinda just killing time between the conference and the wedding
fluffypony: then conference, then spend time in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile for 2.5 weeks or so
bitcoinpete: so fluffypony are you signed and sealed for the third conference?
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: besides, the Send An Artist To The Conference Fund currently sits at 0 BTC << now this is unfair.
nubbins`: besides, the Send An Artist To The Conference Fund currently sits at 0 BTC
BingoBoingo: I guess I'm going to try to get in on this waiting game of go to the conference for the BTC cheapest. Maybe I'll be able to set aside a couple months and hoof it there.
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/
penguirker: New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: better to spend a few days taking in the sights before or after conference?
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: and here it is : http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves, i was just looking at your blog. if i want to go back in your post history to see if you posted anything about prev conference to link in announcement of 3rd edition
thestringpuller: I think an American bitcoin conference would best be at a baseball game...
peterl: I've never been to a bitcoin conference, not even sure if I have ever met another bitcoiner.
BingoBoingo: I wonder if anyone here could actually hold an American Bitcoin conference
mike_c: that'll have to wait til conference v3
mircea_popescu: anyway, im definitely staying, everyone start saving for next year's conference. i got the hotel, it's a pleasure. you're all getting apartments even! and superb restaurants and everything.
Mats_cd03: one day i will login to irc from the bitcoin illuminati conference on elysium
ThickAsThieves: i line a repeated a few times at the bitcoin conference: "You can't remove trust from transactions, you can only design it to be where you prefer it"
bitcoinpete: "So, was Tuesday’s 10% leap in the bitcoin price triggered by good news – the favorable comments about bitcoin from a Fed advisory board, perhaps, or news of Circle’s launch at the Bitcoin 2104 conference?" << bwahahaha
ThickAsThieves: just some lame conference ones
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: Let us never forget Tortilla's conference where he lost thousands of bitcoins to a sauna << ahjahaha.
BingoBoingo: Let us never forget Tortilla's conference where he lost thousands of bitcoins to a sauna
jurov: "BREAKING: Bitcoin conference participants robbed with USB cable on gunpoint"
assbot: Soft pre-announcement of awards at stealth third Bitcoin conference of any import pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
penguirker: New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/soft-pre-announcement-of-awards-at-stealth-third-bitcoin-conference-of-any-import/
ho_: someone who is a svp at an investment bank, been in security for 15+ years, presented at black hat and def con runs greece's largest IT security conference, quoted in the press etc etc
mircea_popescu: punkman no ty, im not interested in which conference he "ceo"'d. i have people over for drinks every fucking week,