1090 entries in 0.562s
ho_: ran a security consultancy a conference and most recently a svp at an investment bank
gribble: London - Conference Alerts - City Listing: <http://www.conferencealerts.com/city-listing?city=London>; London Conference Events | Eventbrite: <http://www.eventbrite.com/directory/United+Kingdom/London/conferences/>; London Conference 2012 London - Amiando: <http://www.amiando.com/LondonConference.html>
kakobrekla: ;;google london conference 2012
assbot: Soft pre-announcement of awards at stealth third Bitcoin conference of any import pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
bitcoinpete: http://trilema.com/2014/soft-pre-announcement-of-awards-at-stealth-third-bitcoin-conference-of-any-import/#comment-100029
princessnell: so what is the read on the conference
benkay: chan is fixated on derpy conference
fluffypony: benkay: see this is why I'm suggesting South Africa as a venue for the next conference
assbot: Soft pre-announcement of awards at stealth third Bitcoin conference of any import pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/soft-pre-announcement-of-awards-at-stealth-third-bitcoin-conference-of-any-import/
mircea_popescu: also, next conference i'm going to have the mpex awards. working list :
chetty: thestringpuller, hey I was at the first romanian btc conference!
thestringpuller: count the scams at the Bitcoin Foundation conference
ThickAsThieves: Just got back from the opening conference mingle session
assbot: BitBet - An Eastern Conference team will win the NBA Finals :: 0.97 B (48%) on Yes, 1.06 B (52%) on No | closing in 2 weeks 3 days | weight: 92`589 (100`000 to 90`000)
mike_c: well, there is some interesting hedging to be done between: http://bitbet.us/bet/796/an-eastern-conference-team-will-win-the-nba/ and http://bitbet.us/bet/842/spurs-to-win-2014-nba-finals/
bitcoinpete: ;;later tell mircea_popescu ok, not half, "a good chunk." and maybe for next year you can get a bigger villa so you can actually host the conference in your backyard :D
decimation: apparently you have to be invited to thier "conference"
mircea_popescu: a yeah, right you are, burnside was derping on ltc with this thing, then when nefario closed down abruptly for unspecified legal reasons one week after declaring he's legally 100% not illegal at the conference where he scammed clueless rms into showing up
TheNewDeal: wheres the conference?
tim-tams: looking for a sponsor who would be mentioned every time we talk about the conference in our show
tim-tams: we're headed to a Bitcoin conference and are gonna interview some people
mircea_popescu: I would like to offer you to sponsor a big International conference produced by Mediabistro on July 28-29 at the Hilton Tel-Aviv hotel. The event will attract between 500 to 1500 attendees from all over the world and is the biggest and most professional in its field. If you can refer me to the right person so i can send him all the details it would be great!
pankkake: yet they spent money on conference promo when they have nothing to show
ThickAsThieves: yeah i think it's kicking off the conference something
ThickAsThieves: fluffypony thank you for your question suggestions for the Bitcoin2014 conference
bitcoingirl: lets start at Amsterdam conference
Micon: seroiusly, paintball guns. always vs. Zerlan. Every conference until they stop showing up IMO
ThickAsThieves: Josh will be at the Amsterdam conference
ThickAsThieves: and looking back at last year's AMS conference, he was pretty quiet on the panels
asciilifeform: a la the faux cs conference paper gen
mircea_popescu: was demo'd at conference
Dimsler: the conference derps don't understand that they get paid in fiat
Dimsler: conference derps are losers
mircea_popescu: or, for that matter, in the horizon of the conference derps.
mircea_popescu: CheckDavid prolly there's going to be a panel o nthe next conference where we sit down and see if anyone needs to be added/removed.
Vexual: conference
BingoBoingo: A kind of mini conference for those of us awaiting the gasenwagen as asciilifeform says.
ozbot: Bitcoin Finance 2014 - Dublin Conference | Digital Money and the future of Finance
mircea_popescu: mike_c> did everyone get home from the conference and start mining atc? nethash is booming. << what's it yet ?
mike_c: did everyone get home from the conference and start mining atc? nethash is booming.
asciilifeform: ^ promised this to people at the conference
mircea_popescu: anyway, re your "you're reaching" comment, i told a story at teh conference that should prolly be on the record.
BigBitz: Meh isn't the AMS conference a flop?
ThickAsThieves: just $1800 to fly and attend the conference
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves this is what someone was proposing at conference, when i introduced fain
bitcoinpete: afaik andreas is fuckin broke and just scrapes by as a conference gypsy
thestringpuller: rested i see from the exciting conference
mircea_popescu: conference pix etc.
BingoBoingo: How was the conference?
Apocalyptic: so how was the conference guys N
kakobrekla: cgcardona_ http://trilema.com/2013/the-conference-second-edition/
cgcardona_: what conference? (good morning btw)
kakobrekla: cant speak for the others anymore, left the conference today and just arrived home
thestringpuller: it's cause of the conference
bitcoinpete: ;;later tell mircea_popescu if tatiana is available for the third conference, you can judge her for yourself ;)
artifexd: TestingUnoDosTre: It is to this that I refer: http://trilema.com/2013/the-conference-second-edition/
TestingUnoDosTre: Have any conference pre game festivities started?
kakobrekla: fine, ill just ban the conference attendance.
ozbot: The conference, second edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
jurov: http://trilema.com/2013/the-conference-second-edition
bitcoinpete: kakobrekla: have fun at the conference! i hope to make it next year
mircea_popescu: maybe we'll hold a yearly vote at the conference to add more to the l1 list
ThickAsThieves: 400 friggin euros for this conference
mircea_popescu: so citi conference call, all they want to talk about is how they're cutting costs.
mike_c: cloudy conference.
pankkake: eh, I wish I could come to the conference but it's a really bad time for me
jurov: "as the conference approaches, mp stepped up his repression against dissent"
danielpbarron: hah, I live really close to the last conference and I didn't go (or even hear about it)
cazalla: he also ran a conference where last year he said the winklevoss twins were book, months pass and it was the winklevoss twins are a maybe, then it's deleted from the website and the headliner was jeffrey tucker instead lol
thestringpuller: i know it won't make it to the conference
thestringpuller: with a conference in 2 weeks I'd hope he's busy :P
mircea_popescu: keonne you can always ask teh people after the conference.
thestringpuller: THE CONFERENCE
mircea_popescu: when i say teh conference i mean teh conference, not random derpage
mircea_popescu: in other news, i got a prescreen of mpoe-pr's dress for teh conference
thestringpuller: just read the conference site...like
mircea_popescu: so who's going to show up to whatever derpy conference the vessenes merry band of scammers is organising and ask him how much did karpeles pay him to promote his scam ?
ozbot: Bitcoin Moscow Conference Postponed
Apocalyptic: http://cointelegraph.com/post/bitcoin_moscow_conference_postponed
kanzure: where their open source projects, blogs, conference talks/videos, whatever, serves as a way of directing traffic to them
cads: lol, maybe a student organized math conference with cute undegrad booth babes is in order
cads: yeah my conference experience is limited to math conferences
mike_c: while i'm shilling bitbet, these are outrageously good odds on 'yes'. http://bitbet.us/bet/796/an-eastern-conference-team-will-win-the-nba/
kakobrekla: i guess you all will be wearing shoelacesless shoes by t he conference.
gribble: TISAC | Home: <http://www.tisac.org/>; TISAC Handbook - Ravenscroft School: <http://www.ravenscroft.org/uploaded/Athletics_Docs/TISAC_Handbook.pdf>; TISAC | Thailand International Schools Activity Conference: <http://www.tisacthailand.org/>
asciilifeform: kanzure: tried to! even landed a conference with them. guess how it went.
mircea_popescu: but under survival pressure has curtailed the conference to just two people
mike_c: BingoBoingo: but no point shaving possible here, just 5:1 odds on the eastern conference. that's a good bet.
mike_c: paging BingoBoingo: http://bitbet.us/bet/796/an-eastern-conference-team-will-win-the-nba/ let's get some action!
chetty: Russia has amassed enough forces on Ukraine’s border to reach the dispute region of Transnistria, NATO’s top military commander told a conference in Brussels on Sunday, Reuters reported.
asciilifeform: 'The first round of layoffs had started. Salaries were frozen. Requests for new laptop computers were being denied. Meanwhile, Handler had an enormous marble archway installed in the atrium of the Carter Ink Building. When a national supercomputer conference was held in Seattle, she decided to stay in San Francisco and commute to Seattle from the swank Stanford Court Hotel. She commissioned a $40,000 logo desig
ThickAsThieves: The commissioner of the Texas State Securities Board issued an emergency order last week barring a private energy exploration company from accepting investments in bitcoin from non-accredited investors. The company, Balanced Energy LLC, allegedly solicited investors at the Texas Bitcoin Conference on March 6th with the statements “we don’t do any verification” and “we’re not
nubbins`: altho i think a fair number of people in here will be hitting up the conference
mircea_popescu: when i originally picked a date for the secret conference, it was mostly tied to when this particular walkway of cherries would likely be in bloom.
ozbot: The conference, second edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/the-conference-second-edition/
ReutersEmily: so when is your next conference mircea_popescu?
mircea_popescu: and if the sec was at my april 2013 conference, they could have known about mtgox nine months in advance,
ThickAsThieves: is this what your entrance will be like at trilema conference?