1300+ entries in 0.074s
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in enduring lulz, http://ridiculousfish.com/blog/posts/JavaScript-Rounding.html
BingoBoingo: http://bingology.net/2018/11/19/collected-lessons-about-mp-wp-after-rebuilding-this-blog-again/
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It works as described by mircea_popescu in the blog
diana_coman: and re the wp backup from dashboard specifically, the one time when I used it on old blog it turned out to be shit because although it said "backup ALL" it failed to actually backup /restore the categories too...
mod6: mircea_popescu: I had a super-knee jerk reaction to the blog-post on the train that afternoon, I surely should have spent some more time with it as opposed to assuming that she just picked up the wrong one by mistake.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-15#1872348 << i woke up and 'i owe mircea_popescu a proper elaboration' but noticed it is ending up lengthy, and the risk of typo and turning sense into nonsense is high; so prolly oughta be a blog post, i'ma write it after ch12 , supposing nobody's in a dire hurry ☝︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo this blog disaster of yours has rescued a bunch of pingbacks you apparently never sent b4
BingoBoingo: I have not. My understanding of how it worked was it sat in a failry consistent RAM footprint as a running process and played goalie shoving the blog to php-fpm
asciilifeform: ( seems , at least by my lights, uncharacteristically hungry... does it really take a coupla MB of working ram , per GET , to serve up a blog ? )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: didja end up having to glue yer blog back together from archived pages ?!
deedbot: http://bingology.net/2018/09/03/hello-world/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Hello world!
a111: Logged on 2018-11-14 08:05 diana_coman: mod6, I don't see any comment from you on my blog, what happened? (re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872143 )
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872187 << no worries, I tried to post a comment on your blog post from the train, it may have not went through. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-11-14 00:20 mod6: 2) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872126 << diana_coman I tried to leave you a note on your blog. But seems that you've based the genesis off of my vtron version 99994K, but there is a newer version: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz.mod6.sig Which is denoted as version 99993K.
diana_coman: mod6, I don't see any comment from you on my blog, what happened? (re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-14#1872143 ) ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: Anyways: Blog update - I think I've found a Rockchip friendlier mysql config. Not expanding to eat all the RAM at the moment. Compiling the rest of the moving parts.
mod6: 2) http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-13#1872126 << diana_coman I tried to leave you a note on your blog. But seems that you've based the genesis off of my vtron version 99994K, but there is a newer version: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20180222.tar.gz.mod6.sig Which is denoted as version 99993K. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: 'Likewise, the moment Macron finished his speech, up popped a Microsoft blog post heralding the speech as a "an important step toward peace and security in the digital world."'
deedbot: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/11/conveyor-outlook-now-to-feb-2019/ << lobbesblog - Conveyor Outlook: Now to Feb 2019
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i wondered in the past why blog comment boxes never come with 'post as txt' / 'post as htm' buttons
a111: Logged on 2018-11-12 09:32 diana_coman: anyway, trinque, would you add bvt's blog to deedbot's feed please?
diana_coman: anyway, trinque, would you add bvt's blog to deedbot's feed please? ☟︎
bvt: trinque: would it be possible to add my blog to deedbot RSS feed? http://bvt-trace.net/feed/ should work.
BingoBoingo: trinque: Linking to the blog is pointless until I bring the blog online again. It's on the top of tomorrow's do list
trinque: BingoBoingo: why not link the "Remote Hands" text on the Pizarro website to your blog?
a111: Logged on 2018-06-13 20:27 mod6: I was thinking that if L1/L2 people around here want to emplace a banner on their blog to help drive some traffic to PizzaroISP.net and earn some btc, let us know.
mircea_popescu: check me out, i wrote a whole blog article for irc ;/ anyway, here goeth :
mod6: #6 Yes, what I did is in the blog-post there.
mod6: Alright. I'll put together a blog post.
mircea_popescu: do me a favour and publish a week's timetable retrospective and the coming week's prospective on your blog ?
mircea_popescu: https://www.caplinq.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/image054.jpg < item
BingoBoingo: until then I can't even blog my recent conversion to beach running
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It was on the defaults. 2 GB rockchip and while not a trilema sized blog, bigger than most on mp-wp
mircea_popescu: <deedbot> http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/11/bulletin-on-auctionbot-fees/ << lobbesblog - Bulletin on auctionbot fees << cool.
auctionbot: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/10/auctionbot-is-live/
deedbot: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/11/bulletin-on-auctionbot-fees/ << lobbesblog - Bulletin on auctionbot fees
ben_vulpes: Mocky: there's not much stomaching involved with operating an mp-wp. it's a pretty feature-complete blog; if you really want a custom template you can buy one.
ben_vulpes: > com.trilema.blog
Mocky: mircea_popescu, I've spent the day going over and cleaning up my outstanding notes to date. I have 6 blog posts that will be dropping the last of which is my evaluation of where I'm currently at with this thing.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, from the spam lint traps, https://www.johndcook.com/blog
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868297 >> congrats, ur the first person to leave a nameless comment on my blog. I may have to update my cgi to complain now ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Reading the Mocky blog, I do not think I can survive the local sun exposure. Not without locals that make themselves available for oppression more readily
a111: Logged on 2018-10-31 17:41 Mocky: I have more blog posts churning thru the pipeline atm, mostly written for some days now. photo handling jammed up my process
Mocky: I have more blog posts churning thru the pipeline atm, mostly written for some days now. photo handling jammed up my process ☟︎
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-30#1867577 << ty! fixed: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/10/auctionbot-is-live/ ☝︎
mats: my blog post is still forthcoming, just delayed a couple weeks. chinese class is picking up a bit, so i've been focusing my attention there
auctionbot: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/10/auctionbot-is-live/
BingoBoingo: And one thing that clicks off and on with me is how very much Qntra as a herald and wire service is very much not a blog
mircea_popescu: start with a theoretical idea of blog, resign to how it practically works.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, with the blog business I have resigned myself to the medium's resistance to my filling it. Treating the blog as a notebook that I happen to let others read (A habit I have been suggesting Latinas mulling the blog hobby adopt) I accept there is no shame in rewriting.
deedbot: http://bingology.net/2018/10/29/censorship-resistance-in-2018-an-introduction/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Censorship Resistance In 2018 - An Introduction
deedbot: http://bingology.net/2018/10/27/peso-watch-october-2018-edition/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Peso Watch October 2018 Edition
asciilifeform: ( the https://blog.filippo.io/content/images/2015/11/Tux_ecb.jpg one )
asciilifeform: ( and yes it is catalogued, in various places, e.g. http://blog.rchapman.org/posts/Linux_System_Call_Table_for_x86_64/ , but to go to implementation takes moar sweat )
a111: Logged on 2016-12-24 01:46 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: all schemes where the transform is of 'payload itself' and 0 entropy, suffer from immediate 'penguin problem', https://blog.filippo.io/content/images/2015/11/Tux_ecb.jpg .
a111: Logged on 2018-10-22 20:20 asciilifeform: put the dressing in blog.ads as constants and be done with it. when erry couple of yrs you feel like twiddling the bg colour or somesuch -- it's a 10sec recompile, wat.
asciilifeform: put the dressing in blog.ads as constants and be done with it. when erry couple of yrs you feel like twiddling the bg colour or somesuch -- it's a 10sec recompile, wat. ☟︎
asciilifeform: i suspect quite a bit of the 'arbitrary substitutions for style dressing' that folx expect from blog engine, are not actually necessary; just how often does one fiddle with the dressings.
asciilifeform: would be pretty great if instruction to 'i want blog' n00b wasn't 'install this here 200MB of ??? liquishit', but instead 'build this here 100kB ada'.
asciilifeform: lobbes: imho a 100%-adatronic thing that could serve http and dish up blog etc. without dragging in apache.nginx,php,sql,etc., would rock. but sadly i dun have anything like the # of free hands for such a thing currently
lobbes: btw, if you end up needing it I have a guide out on how to configure apache to handle bot spam directed at your blog >> http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/07/arming-your-arm64-rockchip-gentoo-against-the-hordes-of-mindless-bots/
diana_coman: Mocky, maybe it's worth writing it all up in a blog post? it seems to me you have quite a lot to say and it's easier to have a reference point afterwards
amberglint: I found your blog, and in there I found the references to this place
deedbot: diana_coman rated bvt 1 << introduced himself with well formed question on my blog
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of esthlos from 1 to 2 << writes at http://blog.esthlos.com/
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of lobbes from 2 to 3 << writes at http://blog.lobbesblog.com/
a111: Logged on 2018-10-14 12:55 lobbes: and speaking of auctionbot: development is complete. At the moment I am getting ready to begin some prod testing and then all that's left is to write the blog post explaining the usage. Getting close!
a111: Logged on 2018-10-14 11:56 diana_coman: bvt, get yourself a pizarro shared account and start your blog there precisely with those pastes, what's keeping you?
deedbot: http://bingology.net/2018/10/14/that-one-agricultural-product-and-uruguay/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - That One Agricultural Product And Uruguay
deedbot: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/10/auctionbot-is-live/ << lobbesblog - auctionbot is live
deedbot: http://blog.esthlos.com/esthlos-v-release-with-working-keccak/ << esthlos - esthlos-v: Release with Working Keccak
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-14#1862301 << write an ebuild for your preferred PHP, explain why it's preferred in a blog post on a wpmp instance, and I'll rate you ☝︎
billymg: i was not, i was mostly going off http://blog.esthlos.com/mp-wp-setup/
asciilifeform: billymg: btw were you originally doing the http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/06/getting-php56-and-mysql-to-play-nice-on-arm64-rockchip-gentoo/ recipe ?
lobbes: and speaking of auctionbot: development is complete. At the moment I am getting ready to begin some prod testing and then all that's left is to write the blog post explaining the usage. Getting close! ☟︎
diana_coman: bvt, get yourself a pizarro shared account and start your blog there precisely with those pastes, what's keeping you? ☟︎
nicoleci: asciilifeform, jesus - bad time to voice myself. maybe the raccoon saw those fetlife pictures.. mp was saying he needs more gross shit on his blog
a111: Logged on 2018-10-11 00:54 asciilifeform: billymg: various notes re uses for rk , for your enjoyment -- http://thewhet.net/2018/08/hanbots-znc-bouncer-notes/ , http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/06/mein-kompendium-mp-wp/ , http://blog.esthlos.com/mp-wp-setup/
asciilifeform: billymg: various notes re uses for rk , for your enjoyment -- http://thewhet.net/2018/08/hanbots-znc-bouncer-notes/ , http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/06/mein-kompendium-mp-wp/ , http://blog.esthlos.com/mp-wp-setup/ ☟︎
Mocky: speaking of deathless beasts in the wild, I'm curious how other people get notified when you have new blog comment to be moderated.
Mocky: foto blog is in the pipeline, sometime after figuring out coffee and food
a111: Logged on 2018-10-09 22:40 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell Mocky Don't forget to foto blog
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's the google thing Linus kept his almost blog on
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell Mocky Don't forget to foto blog ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and ~i~ should have written a blog article about it ? wtf would i put in it ?
trinque: mod6: the hinting thing doesn't work. put a blog post out and give direction, pizarro's process is to ...
a111: Logged on 2018-10-05 01:24 trinque: gotta say, I'm eventually going to cancel my service if this "we pulled the price out of our asses, and here it is" thing doesn't turn into a process somebody surfaces on a blog somewhere.
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-05#1858369 << this is correct btw; new auctionbot (will be named 'auctionbot') will allow !Xsell and !Xbuy (both denominated in ecu) see also: http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2018/07/auctionbot-eta-and-status-report/ ☝︎
trinque: gotta say, I'm eventually going to cancel my service if this "we pulled the price out of our asses, and here it is" thing doesn't turn into a process somebody surfaces on a blog somewhere. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (which yes is contemplated here -- have republican blog search engine, dedicated.)
a111: Logged on 2015-11-05 04:49 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu finally dug up the sysv6-on-x86 thing. http://blog.regehr.org/archives/1114
deedbot: http://bingology.net/2018/10/02/haiku-r1beta1-thoughts/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Haiku R1/beta1 Thoughts
lobbes: asciilifeform BingoBoingo: anytime tomorrow (or tonight) worx for me. I've got my blog backed up so feel free to go-ahead whenever ready
deedbot: http://bingology.net/2018/10/01/unboxing-and-alfajor-oreo/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Unboxing And Alfajor Oreo
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I plan to photograph and review it on the blog. I have a suspicion it is constructed in a way that would make it far more popular in its homeland than in this frontier it has adapted to.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-30 01:03 ben_vulpes: for that reason, largely only spending cash on hosting services. recently also a few hardware nodes. it creates work for mod6 in the vein of the monthly reports. perhaps a nutty suggestion, but it could cleanly be wound down (the charter modified), and mod6 to continue the monthly reports on his blog.
ben_vulpes: for that reason, largely only spending cash on hosting services. recently also a few hardware nodes. it creates work for mod6 in the vein of the monthly reports. perhaps a nutty suggestion, but it could cleanly be wound down (the charter modified), and mod6 to continue the monthly reports on his blog. ☟︎
deedbot: http://bingology.net/2018/09/27/peso-watch-september-2018-edition-with-bonus-uru-gay/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog - Peso Watch September 2018 Edition With Bonus URU-Gay
a111: Logged on 2018-09-25 16:15 mircea_popescu: hanbot any clue why the selection trick dun work on nicoleci 's blog ? was this not in the tree or ?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> hanbot any clue why the selection trick dun work on nicoleci 's blog ? was this not in the tree or ? << It isn't in the mpwp v-tree, no