838 entries in 0.429s
mircea_popescu: so you love saas so much, platonically, that you;ll abandon your hyperion-freedom to become a mere mortal for its sake ?
decimation: most "Libertarians" are pretty much leftists with a slight preference for more "personal freedom" (the kind without personal responsibility)
decimation: said Lt. Col. Tom Crosson, a Pentagon spokesman. ?We respect the freedom of all nations, as reflected in international law, to operate military vessels beyond the territorial seas of other nations.?
asciilifeform: 'Defined in these terms, when you move onto a floating pole somewhere in the ocean, the first effect on your freedom is a massive decline. You have sworn fealty to King Neptune. Neptune accepts your service, as he has accepted so many before you. His court is glorious, his riches are infinite, his territory is vast. But Neptune is a stern and capricious lord. To live at sea, you need not just love liberty. You n
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal> on bitbet, people always write up a bet about stocks like GOOG will close at above 1200 before jan 1 << so it's like freedom, let them have fun.
usagi: If you have to fight the government for your freedom then do so, beyond that I don't see what dragging the us government into things accomplishes
pete_dushenski: "as long as i have my keyboard, i have my freedom and justice will prevail"
assbot: Easy Rider - Freedom spoken by Jack Nicholson - YouTube
assbot: [JavaScript] Freedom Hosting FBI Shellcode Payload.. - Pastebin.com
bats_cd03: http://pastebin.com/aFUP2gLB freedom hosting malware RE
mircea_popescu: this exactly mirrors the life of the adolescent whore, who may have run away from hgome at 15 to be a star, and may have enjoyed the freedom her career gave her at 16, when her previous classmates were struggling with school romance and homework
assbot: 'Freedom Flotilla II' set to sail for Gaza from Turkey | JPost | Israel News
chetty: http://www.jpost.com/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Freedom-Flotilla-II-set-to-sail-for-Gaza-from-Turkey-369065
DreadKnight: dub, communism is not freedom; china made own linux distro and imposed it, for a fee, in internet-caffee places and other businesses, kicking microsoft in the nuts and finally taking over
dub: china is not exactly a shining example of freedom
benkay: "optimizer of future degrees of freedom" is the closes i've come lately.
assbot: In re “Philosophy : Freedom of scientific information” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
decimation: http://trilema.com/2012/in-re-philosophy-freedom-of-scientific-information/#footnote_0_44044 "You probably know of it through the ulterior, bastardized, middle-class morality of ?no politics at the dinner table?. In practice, people were gathered around the table because they had business together, and the bourgeois do not wish to have higher considerations possibly interfere with their stuffing of the gullet, so they adapted an old
assbot: In re “Philosophy : Freedom of scientific information” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2012/in-re-philosophy-freedom-of-scientific-information/
mircea_popescu: epic. "a little freedom" ? "too far" ?
mircea_popescu: "Those like Dean need to be held accountable and 4chan and /pol/ in particular, need to look after their own shop. An online space with a little more freedom is a good thing, but it’s up to the community itself to warn people like Dean off when they go too far. "
punkman: "Belén Marty is a journalist and freedom fighter based in Buenos Aires, Argentina." lol
mircea_popescu: so basically, a society of slaves constructed around "rights" rahter than freedom ends up a contest in contemptibility.
mircea_popescu: "The freedom to apply for a job at your partner's workplace without worrying that others will think you only got the job because of your partner."
danielpbarron: it was at the Porcupine Freedom Festival in Lancaster, New Hampshire, USA
mp_a_colonia: i accept no such thing. i have my freedom, and i'll force it down the throat of anyone getting in th reway.
mp_a_colonia: pankkake, re oyur latest post : grants of rights don't build freedom, grants of rights build slavery. it's on trilema somewhere but i don't recall where.
ThickAsThieves: if freedom is cheaper, isn't it also less valuable?
mircea_popescu: im pointing out that now it just became cheaper to have actual freedom
ThickAsThieves: So to distill your post, are you saying that we give up freedom for i-cant-believe-its-not-freedom because it's easy/comfortable/safe and now you want some real-butter IRC because you tasted real-butter bitcoin? Or are you just pointing out that people typically think they are more free than they really are (or, at least, willing to acknowlege).
TheNewDeal: not a porcupine freedom festival?
Mats_cd03: you think dealerships have the freedom to hold btc?
benkay: i guess that's what you get when you sell directly - the freedom to take whatever
assbot: PorcFest | The 11th Annual Porcupine Freedom Festival
asciilifeform: 'Whether because of its historical traditions or for some other reason, the idea of self-government, of equality before the law and of personal freedom--and the responsibility that goes with these--are almost completely incomprehensible to the Russian people...To the majority of the people the very word 'freedom' is synonymous with 'disorder' or the opportunity to indulge with impunity in some kind of antisocial
mircea_popescu: among people who comprehend the nature of freedom, so to speak.
mircea_popescu: speech that conforms to one's priors is freedom of speech
thestringpuller: true freedom of speech? da fuq does that even mean?
mircea_popescu: "Reddit seems to be one of the only places you can have true freedom of speech on the internet, and it thrives thanks to it. "
mike_c: paying $20 for an ebook means you hate freedom (and children)
mircea_popescu: soon enough the expense of distinguishing becomes prohibitive, and the society is split : the very rich, who can afford freedom
assbot: How Bitcoin Helps Afghan Girls Achieve Financial Freedom
pankkake: http://www.coindesk.com/how-bitcoin-helps-afghan-girls-achieve-financial-freedom/
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: EFF seems to suffer from the librarian view of technology, hard to tell if they are stooges or unaware. << eff is a large donation based org. it has the limitations and blind spots that flow from that. it's useful for what it's iuseful, it's not the pope of electronic freedom. juust a tool.
danielpbarron: <+mike_c> hehe. i think we are talking about limits on freedom. you think people should be free to be racist/homophobic. i'm not sure i agree. << you think people should be free to commit acts of sodomy; I am *sure* I don't agree. Which one of our sensibilities is more valuable? My solution is: you enforce your anti-racist w/e on your property, and I'll enforce my anti-homo w/e on mine.
mike_c: hehe. i think we are talking about limits on freedom. you think people should be free to be racist/homophobic. i'm not sure i agree.
asciilifeform: i did get a number of people playing with fpga (the closest thing to 'freedom' in this context, that i know of) who perhaps wouldn't have otherwise.
mircea_popescu: exactly. misunderstanding freedom is the most effectual limitation on actual freedom.
xmj: Freedom - I won't
joecool: kakobrekla: prepare to receive a dose of freedom
BingoBoingo: Google apparently only takes people further from freedom
bitcoinpete: the modern definition of freedom, that of economic security and material well being, is a very specific form of slavery
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: But Weev is a great freedom fighter.
assbot: /Mircea_Popescu I have just read your email exchanges with the SEC, completely impressive, your a freedom fighter champion, congrats!
hanbot: mircea_popescu i see "your" a freedom fighter nao https://twitter.com/CarlosMaslaton/status/468470938292723712
assbot: Bitcoin Remains a Tool for Freedom, Even While Going Mainstream - Reason.com
bitcoinpete: from http://reason.com/archives/2014/05/19/bitcoin-remains-a-tool-for-freedom-even
kakobrekla: theres your freedom of speech!
assbot: Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton - Freedom (Kool & Kabul Edit) by Kool & Kabul on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds
mircea_popescu: "Being of thought and freedom. Working on my financial future through proper investments in BTC, and working on becoming a poker master."
bravetheworld: more bitcoin freedom preaching manifesting
assbot: #america #freedom #libertarian #liberty #sarcasm
assbot: #america #freedom #libertarian #liberty #sarcasm
mircea_popescu: if you care about freedom, make sure you reuse at least some addresses.
mircea_popescu: i gave him some freedom implicit there, so his job doesn't suck
ozbot: I sent a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FBI over a year ago. They just responded today. :
ThickAsThieves: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/24himq/i_sent_a_freedom_of_information_act_request_to/
mircea_popescu: "if being rich doesn’t buy you freedom of speech, you’re rich in the wrong place and at the wrong time." << not bad.
mircea_popescu: if you asked them, the romanian communists were all for freedom of speech
jurov: they construe it as "hate speech does not fall under freedom of speech" and/or "fredom of speech concerns only your relationship with govt, since we're not govt, we're free to punish you as we see fit"
ThickAsThieves: and is it in conflict with freedom of speech?
BohemianHacks: part of the risk involved with any crime is loss of freedom, the value of the is completely subjective
mircea_popescu: there's probably a yurting period one could observe over the duration of his life, if he had the freedom do live in a manner adequate to his own manner.
BingoBoingo: decimation: Not freedom from want, freedom from intelligible want.
decimation: there is no doubt that the west suffers because of its freedom from want
decimation: all in the name of freedom, liberation, and enlightenment
HeySteve: <+mircea_popescu> "Without a hierarchical structure it is not possible to transform freedom from a fable into a fact." <- there should be a science of resilient hierarchical structures which resist corruption and decay. it should draw from historical fact, military tactics and decentralised methods. it should inform a technocratic leadership.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell decimation you left out the best part : "Without a hierarchical structure it is not possible to transform freedom from a fable into a fact."
decimation: stupid chat client: Without a hierarchical structure it is not possible to transform freedom from a fable into a fact. The liberal always discovers too late that the price of equality is the omnipotent state.
mircea_popescu: “People have the silly idea that there must be freedom of the press and no repression. They don’t realise that ideas are also a source of evil.”
HeySteve: ok certainly pass laws and other stuff was very restrictive. but in the context of electoral politics, this strikes me a bit like Democrats winning in USA then instituting National Freedom from Bush Day
fluffypony: as you said - freedom is not absolute, but there are enough extremes on both sides that they can be described as having achieved a state of relative freedom from 1994
fluffypony: HeySteve: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pass_laws <- I think that alone, which was only repealed in 1986, qualifies as such a severe restriction of freedom that it would not be untoward to say that the abolishment of Apartheid brought freedom to certain groups
fluffypony: HeySteve: yeah, but celebrating a "freedom day" to commemorate the shifting of governmental power is a tradition all over the world - the 'Murkans have Independence Day, for eg.
HeySteve: fluffypony, I think this freedom / unfreedom thing is a false dichotomy. it's more like there are degrees of freedom and the balance shifted
fluffypony: oh tomorrow is Freedom Day here (celebrates the abolishment of Apartheid), here's a fun read on what made Apartheid crazy - http://mg.co.za/article/2014-04-26-20-bizarre-apartheid-moments
bounce: "economic freedom fighters", proposing to "mine" the oceans and free them from fish!
Azelphur: would have done it if I didn't like my freedom so much :p
benkay: freedom and privacy
Naphex: https://freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/felten/the-linux-backdoor-attempt-of-2003/ for those who still remember
mircea_popescu: pankkake: I wouldn't have an issue with a global paywall. if I have to register to every website, fuck it << this man hates freedom!
ozbot: Secret Google meeting targeted Internet freedom in Iran - San Francisco Technology | Examiner.com
MisterE: http://www.examiner.com/article/secret-google-meeting-targeted-internet-freedom-iran
mircea_popescu: cute babies starve all teh time, it's the way you feed freedom.
mircea_popescu: generally the corollary of freedom is that well... you gotta stay vigilant. which explains why freedom is so deeply umpopular.
ozbot: iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan
benkay: you want to bitch about 'freedom' and 'not being a bitch'?
asciilifeform: in antarctica, even more freedom.