838 entries in 0.429s
mircea_popescu: so you love saas so much, platonically, that you;ll abandon your hyperion-
freedom to become a mere mortal for its sake ?
decimation: most "Libertarians" are pretty much leftists with a slight preference for more "personal
freedom" (the kind without personal responsibility)
decimation: said Lt. Col. Tom Crosson, a Pentagon spokesman. ?We respect the
freedom of all nations, as reflected in international law, to operate military vessels beyond the territorial seas of other nations.?
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal> on bitbet, people always write up a bet about stocks like GOOG will close at above 1200 before jan 1 << so it's like
freedom, let them have fun.
usagi: If you have to fight the government for your
freedom then do so, beyond that I don't see what dragging the us government into things accomplishes
pete_dushenski: "as long as i have my keyboard, i have my
freedom and justice will prevail"
assbot: Easy Rider -
Freedom spoken by Jack Nicholson - YouTube
assbot: [JavaScript]
Freedom Hosting FBI Shellcode Payload.. - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: this exactly mirrors the life of the adolescent whore, who may have run away from hgome at 15 to be a star, and may have enjoyed the
freedom her career gave her at 16, when her previous classmates were struggling with school romance and homework
assbot: '
Freedom Flotilla II' set to sail for Gaza from Turkey | JPost | Israel News
DreadKnight: dub, communism is not
freedom; china made own linux distro and imposed it, for a fee, in internet-caffee places and other businesses, kicking microsoft in the nuts and finally taking over
dub: china is not exactly a shining example of
freedom benkay: "optimizer of future degrees of
freedom" is the closes i've come lately.
assbot: In re “Philosophy :
Freedom of scientific information” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: In re “Philosophy :
Freedom of scientific information” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: "Those like Dean need to be held accountable and 4chan and /pol/ in particular, need to look after their own shop. An online space with a little more
freedom is a good thing, but its up to the community itself to warn people like Dean off when they go too far. "
punkman: "Belén Marty is a journalist and
freedom fighter based in Buenos Aires, Argentina." lol
mircea_popescu: so basically, a society of slaves constructed around "rights" rahter than
freedom ends up a contest in contemptibility.
mircea_popescu: "The
freedom to apply for a job at your partner's workplace without worrying that others will think you only got the job because of your partner."
danielpbarron: it was at the Porcupine
Freedom Festival in Lancaster, New Hampshire, USA
mp_a_colonia: i accept no such thing. i have my
freedom, and i'll force it down the throat of anyone getting in th reway.
mp_a_colonia: pankkake, re oyur latest post : grants of rights don't build
freedom, grants of rights build slavery. it's on trilema somewhere but i don't recall where.
mircea_popescu: im pointing out that now it just became cheaper to have actual
freedom ThickAsThieves: So to distill your post, are you saying that we give up
freedom for i-cant-believe-its-not-
freedom because it's easy/comfortable/safe and now you want some real-butter IRC because you tasted real-butter bitcoin? Or are you just pointing out that people typically think they are more free than they really are (or, at least, willing to acknowlege).
Mats_cd03: you think dealerships have the
freedom to hold btc?
benkay: i guess that's what you get when you sell directly - the
freedom to take whatever
assbot: PorcFest | The 11th Annual Porcupine
Freedom Festival
mircea_popescu: among people who comprehend the nature of
freedom, so to speak.
mircea_popescu: speech that conforms to one's priors is
freedom of speech
mircea_popescu: "Reddit seems to be one of the only places you can have true
freedom of speech on the internet, and it thrives thanks to it. "
mike_c: paying $20 for an ebook means you hate
freedom (and children)
mircea_popescu: soon enough the expense of distinguishing becomes prohibitive, and the society is split : the very rich, who can afford
freedom assbot: How Bitcoin Helps Afghan Girls Achieve Financial
Freedom mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: EFF seems to suffer from the librarian view of technology, hard to tell if they are stooges or unaware. << eff is a large donation based org. it has the limitations and blind spots that flow from that. it's useful for what it's iuseful, it's not the pope of electronic
freedom. juust a tool.
danielpbarron: <+mike_c> hehe. i think we are talking about limits on
freedom. you think people should be free to be racist/homophobic. i'm not sure i agree. << you think people should be free to commit acts of sodomy; I am *sure* I don't agree. Which one of our sensibilities is more valuable? My solution is: you enforce your anti-racist w/e on your property, and I'll enforce my anti-homo w/e on mine.
mike_c: hehe. i think we are talking about limits on
freedom. you think people should be free to be racist/homophobic. i'm not sure i agree.
mircea_popescu: exactly. misunderstanding
freedom is the most effectual limitation on actual
joecool: kakobrekla: prepare to receive a dose of
freedom BingoBoingo: Google apparently only takes people further from
bitcoinpete: the modern definition of
freedom, that of economic security and material well being, is a very specific form of slavery
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: But Weev is a great
freedom fighter.
assbot: /Mircea_Popescu I have just read your email exchanges with the SEC, completely impressive, your a
freedom fighter champion, congrats!
assbot: Bitcoin Remains a Tool for
Freedom, Even While Going Mainstream - Reason.com
assbot: Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton -
Freedom (Kool & Kabul Edit) by Kool & Kabul on SoundCloud - Hear the worlds sounds
mircea_popescu: "Being of thought and
freedom. Working on my financial future through proper investments in BTC, and working on becoming a poker master."
assbot: #america #
freedom #libertarian #liberty #sarcasm
assbot: #america #
freedom #libertarian #liberty #sarcasm
mircea_popescu: if you care about
freedom, make sure you reuse at least some addresses.
mircea_popescu: i gave him some
freedom implicit there, so his job doesn't suck
ozbot: I sent a
Freedom of Information Act Request to the FBI over a year ago. They just responded today. :
mircea_popescu: "if being rich doesnt buy you
freedom of speech, youre rich in the wrong place and at the wrong time." << not bad.
mircea_popescu: if you asked them, the romanian communists were all for
freedom of speech
jurov: they construe it as "hate speech does not fall under
freedom of speech" and/or "fredom of speech concerns only your relationship with govt, since we're not govt, we're free to punish you as we see fit"
BohemianHacks: part of the risk involved with any crime is loss of
freedom, the value of the is completely subjective
mircea_popescu: there's probably a yurting period one could observe over the duration of his life, if he had the
freedom do live in a manner adequate to his own manner.
BingoBoingo: decimation: Not
freedom from want,
freedom from intelligible want.
decimation: there is no doubt that the west suffers because of its
freedom from want
decimation: all in the name of
freedom, liberation, and enlightenment
HeySteve: <+mircea_popescu> "Without a hierarchical structure it is not possible to transform
freedom from a fable into a fact." <- there should be a science of resilient hierarchical structures which resist corruption and decay. it should draw from historical fact, military tactics and decentralised methods. it should inform a technocratic leadership.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell decimation you left out the best part : "Without a hierarchical structure it is not possible to transform
freedom from a fable into a fact."
decimation: stupid chat client: Without a hierarchical structure it is not possible to transform
freedom from a fable into a fact. The liberal always discovers too late that the price of equality is the omnipotent state.
mircea_popescu: People have the silly idea that there must be
freedom of the press and no repression. They dont realise that ideas are also a source of evil.
HeySteve: ok certainly pass laws and other stuff was very restrictive. but in the context of electoral politics, this strikes me a bit like Democrats winning in USA then instituting National
Freedom from Bush Day
fluffypony: as you said -
freedom is not absolute, but there are enough extremes on both sides that they can be described as having achieved a state of relative
freedom from 1994
fluffypony: HeySteve:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pass_laws <- I think that alone, which was only repealed in 1986, qualifies as such a severe restriction of
freedom that it would not be untoward to say that the abolishment of Apartheid brought
freedom to certain groups
fluffypony: HeySteve: yeah, but celebrating a "
freedom day" to commemorate the shifting of governmental power is a tradition all over the world - the 'Murkans have Independence Day, for eg.
HeySteve: fluffypony, I think this
freedom / unfreedom thing is a false dichotomy. it's more like there are degrees of
freedom and the balance shifted
bounce: "economic
freedom fighters", proposing to "mine" the oceans and free them from fish!
Azelphur: would have done it if I didn't like my
freedom so much :p
mircea_popescu: pankkake: I wouldn't have an issue with a global paywall. if I have to register to every website, fuck it << this man hates
ozbot: Secret Google meeting targeted Internet
freedom in Iran - San Francisco Technology | Examiner.com
mircea_popescu: cute babies starve all teh time, it's the way you feed
mircea_popescu: generally the corollary of
freedom is that well... you gotta stay vigilant. which explains why
freedom is so deeply umpopular.
ozbot: iCasualties | Operation Enduring
Freedom | Afghanistan
benkay: you want to bitch about '
freedom' and 'not being a bitch'?