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a111: Logged on 2017-01-03 19:05 davout: still working on my take on cutting the wallet out of
TRB a111: Logged on 2018-11-27 17:43 BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> will also be interesting to see if
trb can sit down on trinque's libressl thing, instead of the frozen ancient openssl it currently goes with << I run a bitcoind linked against libressl 2.5.5 and so far it hasn't forked
mircea_popescu: wouldn't it be ~nice~ if you used some kind of sane naming convention ?
trb.adding-ffa.alf ? something ?
mircea_popescu: bug free, fast enough, etc. not like we're pressed by anything here, not like
trb ceases to exist while we cut its guts open and so on.
mircea_popescu: and yes, ffa majorily useful, and no, not necessarily against writing for it. but there may be a timing issue (
trb that takes > minute to check block is useless)
mircea_popescu: ideally, with as little re-factoring of
trb components as possible.
mircea_popescu: but yes, as far as
trb work is concerned, a) taking off the bulidroot process because b) move it to cuntoo and also c) replace ssl dependency with one file, <1k loc are the priorities.
trinque: this is too much ocenboiling for the first patch, akin to fixing everything wrong with
trb in its genesis
a111: Logged on 2018-11-27 15:30 asciilifeform: will also be interesting to see if
trb can sit down on trinque's libressl thing, instead of the frozen ancient openssl it currently goes with
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> will also be interesting to see if
trb can sit down on trinque's libressl thing, instead of the frozen ancient openssl it currently goes with << I run a bitcoind linked against libressl 2.5.5 and so far it hasn't forked
☟︎ mod6: Thanks for the info asciilifeform. For now, I've just named them the same as the original ones, for testing here on my own. Was able to press with `vk.pl` successfully, and build a
trb from that pressed keccak vtree.
mod6: (I made a
trb keccak tree over here, just about to test it out. So far, that was my only question. Once done testing and things, will bake blog posts about diana_coman's vk.pl and the grinding of the keccak vtree.)
diana_coman: the out of date also refers to the fact that meanwhile V has a broader scope really than
trb code
mod6: I remember when keeping up with the logs +
trb + v really felt like a ton of stuff. But that stuff has been wholesale replaced + some even, by pizarro.
shinohai: Thank God
trb is the bleach used to clean up at the end of the day.
shinohai: Heya asciilifeform ... built
trb w/ your aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch so tests/observations in progress
shinohai feels nostalgic watching a
trb happily sing along again ....
shinohai: Heya asciilifeform .... stopped in to grab some keyz from deedbot, gonna try and update my
trb with yer patches
mod6: that
trb mars-lag tho
mod6: iirc mircea_popescu said we could even have three chairs(?) might be mis-remembering that (may have to log-dig for that). I'd be happy to continue doing my role with a
TRB focus, or I could step down officially and just keep doing
TRB stuffs without the fancy title.
mod6: The creation of a keccak
trb tree is still on the to-do list; however, one thing kinda proceeds that item for me - a review / testing of keccak implementation. I've never had a chance to do that yet, and I think it's important.
mircea_popescu: certainly. in general speaking, trbi will prolly not use any of the current
trb/prb legacy common code
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 15:44 asciilifeform: in unrelated noose, mod6 et al : loox like
trb doesn't remove banned peers from its addr table ! i.e. offers their addrs up to others, as if they were proper noades!! i never noticed this previously, it had to wait to be found empirically. really oughta be fixed, and pretty simple patch.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 15:44 asciilifeform: in unrelated noose, mod6 et al : loox like
trb doesn't remove banned peers from its addr table ! i.e. offers their addrs up to others, as if they were proper noades!! i never noticed this previously, it had to wait to be found empirically. really oughta be fixed, and pretty simple patch.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 00:54 asciilifeform: this line of thought was prompted by my '
trb observatory', which has uncovered a number of 'mpb'-style nodes, i.e.
trb-like but not presenting 'modern' vers and therefore invisible from heathen www indices
billymg: logs seemed to indicate that
trb on gcc > 5 simply won't work
billymg: i tried pressing
trb on a gcc >5 gentoo box and iirc that went fine but make failed
mircea_popescu: phf we've all ranted about it at some time or another. needless to say replacement rsatron does not include idiotic half-baked state machines. much like
trb-i doesn't include "accounts" nonsense.