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a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 12:29 girlattorney: asciilifeform that's something interesting: once (not now, a couple of days ago) i was able to get to the general height, thanks to a couple of restart that allowed me to get those last blocks (it seems that when
TRB starts, always download instantly 10-15 blocks). Basically when it was at the network height (synced) it was also connecting to core
girlattorney: i hope so, cause i was starting to thinking that
TRB getting stuck fetching the last blocks could because the local address
girlattorney: behind a nat there is no way to tell
TRB to ignore the 1st addrLocalHost
girlattorney: when i ran
TRB in a box with a public routable address, there also was the double addrLocalHost, but always with the same public routable address
girlattorney: yes, i'm able to connect externally, my question is: can i tell
TRB to not announce my local address?
mp_en_viaje: girlattorney, so wait, is this delayed
trb running on a vps or on its own colocated box ?
girlattorney: in a near future i think that it could have sense to have a
TRB marketplace, where you can buy your ready-to-deploy box
trb does not need (and does not much benefit) from swapping.
girlattorney: asciilifeform that's something interesting: once (not now, a couple of days ago) i was able to get to the general height, thanks to a couple of restart that allowed me to get those last blocks (it seems that when
TRB starts, always download instantly 10-15 blocks). Basically when it was at the network height (synced) it was also connecting to core
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 12:07 girlattorney: if it could interest, from 0 to block 584k,
TRB has written to disk almost 8 TB
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 11:27 girlattorney: if it's just an ip + port it can be a "fake" node. What interest me is the fact that
TRB seems to ignore the nodes with a user agent different than "therealbitcoin.org:". I even tried to just have a "addnode=*corenode" and in some odd way it finds a way to communicate only with the
TRB nodes
girlattorney: it's an arm board with a sata slot, so i can attach a 1TB ssd and let
TRB running for a couple of years
girlattorney: mp_en_viaje i know a little bash, i used to compile bitcoin core until knowing
TRB and my project would be to compile
TRB for an arm board, to eat less energy than my PC (the ARM board would be an hardkernel Odroid hc1)
deedbot: asciilifeform rated girlattorney 1 <<
trb n00b / new blood
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 10:44 girlattorney: hi, thanks for voice, i'm here to ask about
trb. Installed it on my PC, and after 28 days almost synced. Then it happens the following: when
TRB is almost at the current height (as now, 585,647), it stays back a few blocks, like now that is at 585640, and just cannot catch the latests blocks
mp_en_viaje: there's probably some room for optimization wrt disk usage ; but that's rather wating for the more comprehensive
trb-fs thing
girlattorney: if it could interest, from 0 to block 584k,
TRB has written to disk almost 8 TB
☟︎ girlattorney: if it's just an ip + port it can be a "fake" node. What interest me is the fact that
TRB seems to ignore the nodes with a user agent different than "therealbitcoin.org:". I even tried to just have a "addnode=*corenode" and in some odd way it finds a way to communicate only with the
TRB nodes
☟︎ mp_en_viaje: well, for you there's then no answer to the "how do
trb nodes get blocks" question you had.
girlattorney: ok i'm gonna wait. I'm just interested in what happens with
TRB nodes: with a public site that list public nodes (with 8333 port exposed, site is bitnodes dot something), i checked and it says that there are 8
TRB nodes.
girlattorney: btw i noticed that
trb only connects and fetch blocks from other trbs, so i don't get what happens with the other core nodes
mp_en_viaje: (which would be the "latest"
trb, though obviously v-trees are a little different from traditional notions of latestness)
girlattorney: latest
trb (currently available on thebitcoin.foundation) installed on debian 8
mp_en_viaje: girlattorney, which
trb / how did you install it ?
girlattorney: hi, thanks for voice, i'm here to ask about
trb. Installed it on my PC, and after 28 days almost synced. Then it happens the following: when
TRB is almost at the current height (as now, 585,647), it stays back a few blocks, like now that is at 585640, and just cannot catch the latests blocks
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-19 05:19 lobbes: Currently going down the headless-browser path ben_vulpes suggested. Looking into phantomjs atm, which seems like it could do the job. I have an old craptop I'm thinking of using as the proverbial 'public toilet' to house it on. (This is the same craptop I was planning to put a
trb node on. I put a spanking-new ssd in there but then realized that the ethernet dun work anymore; wifi only. May be a good use for the thing to just be a turd server in
mircea_popescu: or alternatively, there's all sorta greatness, phf has a perfectly workable code metadiscussion system on btcbase, jurov had a ver yworkable one for earlier
trb work and so fucking on.
mircea_popescu: that also wouldn't be a
trb server, practically speaking.\
trinque: mircea_popescu: end up with a working
trb-running server more quickly than I do today
mircea_popescu: trinque, let's go at this a different path. what would you even do with a
trb ebuild ?
mod6: I still consider them "in-progress", but will forward what I have along to you here by Monday. (I wanted to get these ones built before the
trb one - which I'm just starting on now.)
a111: Logged on 2019-05-28 22:16 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, thinkign about it, there's just no way to have a proper
trb without the rainbows. and yes it'd be 32 gb, but so what. the point stands, there is a minimal bitcoin box.
mp_en_viaje: " and dbs --
trb ALSO should keep track and sum the hash weights.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-22 22:37 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: unrelated to anyffing: i have a tentative thing that eats a
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-20#1864354 and gives
trb option of replacing 'checkpoints' with it ( i.e. on boot, tests all already-stored blox against it, and if any blox in the tape are not yet present, then it requests & accepts them and only them, 1 at a time ). do we want this for field use ? (if so i can put on conveyor for cleanup)
mp_en_viaje: what i'm sayng here is, that a
trb w/o the rainbow tables is shipped defective, like a car without wheels or w/e, toys without batteries.
mp_en_viaje: for other uses, just not load it in memory. but
trb gotta ship with them.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, thinkign about it, there's just no way to have a proper
trb without the rainbows. and yes it'd be 32 gb, but so what. the point stands, there is a minimal bitcoin box.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: The
TRB 3-6 week sync (CPU and disk bound) is a strictly linear, no exceptions to verification affair
diana_coman: nocredit: for that matter if running own
trb is too big a pain/expense, I suppose you might be better served by getting in the wot and using deedbot's wallet for that matter.
nocredit: correct, I appreciate
TRB as it removes the bloat. But 3 weeks to sync is really a pain
diana_coman: for paying customers who may want to run
trb, what?
nocredit: hi, thanks for the voice. Basically
trb (with aggressive patch) simply is too slow to sync, and i'm using a VULTR vps with 6 cores and 16GB of ram. For too slow i mean that after 1 week is just at block height 300k
diana_coman: nocredit says he needs support with
trb so let's here
trinque: I'd love to see a
trb ebuild come of this mod6
mod6: Evenin'. I've built
trb on cuntoo with ave1's 20180924 tools, with rotor only. Quick test shows pulls connects, pulls blocks.
bvt: i have a
http://archive.is/EUW9n item at home, with kernel from some arm64 distro and pizarro rockchip rootfs, but i never got time properly setup this device (plan was, run
trb node)
a111: Logged on 2019-04-03 08:43 spyked: upstack, re. tx propagation voodoo: the good part about this is that it got me into reading
trb code and logs re bitcoin and
trb. will be back to feedbotworks, but I'll say, this has been instructive
spyked: upstack, re. tx propagation voodoo: the good part about this is that it got me into reading
trb code and logs re bitcoin and
trb. will be back to feedbotworks, but I'll say, this has been instructive
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-04-02 11:03 spyked: noob question re bitcoin: is there an expected time for tx propagation to peers' mempools? details: I'm running a fully synced
trb node, connected to trusted republican nodes using -addnode. I've sent 2 txen using sendtoaddress ~3hrs ago and none of them are on e.g. blockchain.info so far
spyked: noob question re bitcoin: is there an expected time for tx propagation to peers' mempools? details: I'm running a fully synced
trb node, connected to trusted republican nodes using -addnode. I've sent 2 txen using sendtoaddress ~3hrs ago and none of them are on e.g. blockchain.info so far