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BingoBoingo: I'm suspecting a lot of nodes on the intermediate PRB version numbers 0.8, 0.9, etc before peer-to-peer pki-ism are falling enough that we may have few bridges allowing communication between prb and
trb BingoBoingo: And it looks like we have consecutive days of
TRB constipation 592597 has yet to enter the canon
BingoBoingo: After a long stretch of not needing to give a day or two and seeing the whole
trb-iverse visible from my chair stuck on the same block, I figure why not try to forcefeed the problem block
girlattorney: so as long as
trb doesn't care about the peers, and there isn't a single point of failure (aka DNS and root servers) we are sound, correct?
girlattorney: btw, after stripping out DNS on my important applications (such as
TRB) my question now was about IP space assigned from IANA, could this be in the future an attack vector?
lobbes: once this thing is up I'll probably be asking in #a (unless #mod6 still lives?) about doing a 'hot-start' with
trb lobbes: in other news, I'm in the process of provisioning a dedi server (for primarily a second
trb node). I grabbed one with 2 512GB SSD drives. Now my question is: should I bother with RAID 1? Or will this just be stupid because they will wear at the same rate?
lobbes: meanwhile, I've been looking at some dedicated server options, primarily for a second
trb node on a proper ssd, but I will stand up a 'production' copy of asciilifeform's logotron as well
a111: Logged on 2019-07-24 00:56 mod6:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923606 << This is a neat-o vpatch
'who gave', but it came in just after the 'NO NEW WORK IN SHA PLOX'; so there are a few like this that probably will go into
TRB main Vtree once the Lordship reviews/audits the proposed Keccak
TRB Vtree; perhaps possibly after
TRB has a new home OS/environment.
a111: Logged on 2019-08-01 21:01 dorion: I have a
trb node pressed to asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch plus a local modification to add a new rpc. This node was was fully synced for a couple days, but has failed to verify block 588012.
dorion: I have a
trb node pressed to asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch plus a local modification to add a new rpc. This node was was fully synced for a couple days, but has failed to verify block 588012.
☟︎ dorion:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-27#1925151 << trinque as of ~20 minutes ago, deedbot tells me my !!balance is 0.0 and !!ledger is empty. however, the txn I made for this request was included in block 587568, which is 86 confirmations deep at present according to my local
trb. do you see a problem on your end?
☝︎ dorion: ty mp_en_viaje I am Robinson Dorion, the someone BingoBoingo mentioned had inquired about the rk. Plan is to sync a
trb node there.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923606 << This is a neat-o vpatch
'who gave', but it came in just after the 'NO NEW WORK IN SHA PLOX'; so there are a few like this that probably will go into
TRB main Vtree once the Lordship reviews/audits the proposed Keccak
TRB Vtree; perhaps possibly after
TRB has a new home OS/environment.
☝︎☟︎ bvt: hello. i'll be traveling this week, the end result is supposed to be a working
trb node; i don't expect that any other productive work will be done otherwise. bvt_away is the account that i may switch to during this time.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-20#1923917 << there was also a s.mg attempt where diana_coman tried to preserve all linux (in the manner of
trb, naive speccing at the time). also fucking died, over explodig complexity (basically, there's no way to control for repetition, end up having to store
☝︎☝︎ mp_en_viaje: something that takes the filter of "i want
trb, eulora but not blogotron" our of the long list of all things available and creates a local-tree out of the world tree, just for you. which is STILL a complete tree, and presses and string of vpatches and all ; but it is merely an aspect of the omnitree.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 13:34 asciilifeform: certainly has NOT 'stood in place since 2015' tho. i would not want to use the
trb of '15 in preference to the current.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 14:57 mp_en_viaje: and yes, it included fucking bdb, as well as all sorts of stupid crap, which no, nobody swore to this very day ; not because nobody read, either. nor do i expect anyone will ever swear to bdb
trb component.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923558 << hash reference is useless for this purpose, because of the very meaning of a hash -- you can't get the hashed source back out of it. the hash worked well enough for
trb because ~everyone has ~all versions and so it's a narrow and well documented domain. the hash will not work (and, experimentally, in plenty of cases you weren't involved with, failed to work, because the domain is 2+ degrees of magnitude v
☝︎ mp_en_viaje: and yes, it included fucking bdb, as well as all sorts of stupid crap, which no, nobody swore to this very day ; not because nobody read, either. nor do i expect anyone will ever swear to bdb
trb component.
☟︎ mp_en_viaje: all discussion to shock and surprise aside, this is the fuck exactly how
trb genesis happened, too. nobody wrote a good one, just picked an actual one and genesis'd that.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 05:50 mp_en_viaje:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923456 << yes but
trb was last worked upon i dun even recall, 2015 ? when we decided we have to fix everything else first. in between then and now, medical science made some progress
trinque: we did exactly "here are the filthy deps we don't understand and will probably abandon" in
trb, recall
girlattorney: as already told: i appreciate that
TRB exist even if i still not able to using it. However reading logs when syncing has been a pain and i thought that mempool during syncing could create just overhead
girlattorney: could be written on
trb a feature that enable / disable mempool?
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 12:52 asciilifeform:
trb, unlike prb, does not accept blocks 'on credit' (i.e. ones for whom the antecedent block is not yet on the disk)
BingoBoingo: <girlattorney> but i could argue with this: when i do bootstrap a core node, it actually get fed from other core nodes << During initial sync
trb wants to receive blocks in order while core will intentionally spray blocks out of order
BingoBoingo: Playing with the version string on a
TRB node is the fastest and simplest way to change the sorts of peers your node encounters in the wild
girlattorney: i was asking about where a
TRB node fetch the blocks, if all of the
TRB nodes are only interconnected with themselves
girlattorney: and the amount of writes that
TRB does with or without swap is insane
girlattorney: It's almost like
TRB telling me: you're too poor to spend your time trying running me, do something different in your time
girlattorney: so, tried with many attempts to restart
TRB and hoping it could fully sync. No fucking way. And at every shutdown (with ctrl - c) always a painful writing process of at least 50 gb, taking 30 minutes or so
a111: Logged on 2019-07-17 14:56 mod6: I created one for ave1s musltronic tools (which won't fit the bill yet, because of circular dep. of GNAT), one for diana_coman's Vtools (which may not fit the bill 100% either, yet), and one for
mod6: The idea being, once we're moved over to cuntoo, using keccak vtools & a keccak
trb vtree, then the Foundation can go back to discussion of various patches that have been waiting in the lobby for some time.
mod6: I created one for ave1s musltronic tools (which won't fit the bill yet, because of circular dep. of GNAT), one for diana_coman's Vtools (which may not fit the bill 100% either, yet), and one for
☟︎ mod6: Recently, on workbench, I've been trying to build up
TRB on cuntoo; and most recently (last month) dipping my toe into creating ebuilds.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 22:25 mod6: Couple of other things that I wanted to mention quick, girlattorney: Just be sure to make frequent backups of your entire blockchain. Be aware also that
TRB does not handle power-outtages very nicely as BDB can get corrupted; UPS and the like can help to mitigate this.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 22:25 mod6: Couple of other things that I wanted to mention quick, girlattorney: Just be sure to make frequent backups of your entire blockchain. Be aware also that
TRB does not handle power-outtages very nicely as BDB can get corrupted; UPS and the like can help to mitigate this.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 22:16 mod6:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-16#1922542 << There is a patch that is not part of the main
TRB vtree that does this, but it'll have to be patched in manually. And it most likely would need to be "re-ground" to apply cleanly ontop of your current pressed tree. However, if we can find a time where we could work together on it, I might be able to help you get that part going.
mod6: Then when you start up
TRB, you can do that like so:
mod6: One could connect a
TRB node through a SSH tunnel (to a remote endpoint/host with a static IP) so you don't broadcast your IP.
mod6: Couple of other things that I wanted to mention quick, girlattorney: Just be sure to make frequent backups of your entire blockchain. Be aware also that
TRB does not handle power-outtages very nicely as BDB can get corrupted; UPS and the like can help to mitigate this.
☟︎☟︎ mod6: an issue the 'stop' command to bitcoind, wait until it closes properly, then start back up with -addnode for a handful of trusted nodes (see command in
http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html in section 0x23 or at the very bottom 0x0D), which should sync you the rest of the way pretty quickly.
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-16#1922542 << There is a patch that is not part of the main
TRB vtree that does this, but it'll have to be patched in manually. And it most likely would need to be "re-ground" to apply cleanly ontop of your current pressed tree. However, if we can find a time where we could work together on it, I might be able to help you get that part going.
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-07-16 12:52 asciilifeform:
trb, unlike prb, does not accept blocks 'on credit' (i.e. ones for whom the antecedent block is not yet on the disk)