800+ entries in 0.099s
a111: Logged on 2018-11-29 19:10 asciilifeform: ( for comparison: e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680705 ; or, current trb is ~22k loc, ~not~ incl. the dep balls )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-30#1906193 << interestingly, at 139.2 kloc , still 1 of the heaviest proggies in civilized use; vs, e.g., trb ( http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1876053 ) ; but lighter than koch gpg ( if minus autoconf, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-08#1680705 ) or linux kern. ☝︎☝︎☝︎
Mocky: I think I get it but havn't used yet, other than a trb build from online that didn't require much thinking.
asciilifeform: trinque: any idea whether there is a www-navigable map of these anywhere ? ( a la ye olde trb flow graph 'wish item' ) ?
asciilifeform: it's shovel work, and necessary shovel work, just like maintaining trb.
asciilifeform: incl. trb , gnat, FG.
shinohai: asciilifeform: didja get chance to do regrind steps on trb? I would of course *like* to have your sigs there, since you wrote a bunch of old patches.
shinohai: im poking about with trb, gonna put up a post soon if ya wanna read
asciilifeform: hanbot: orig 'v' was an asciilifeform torture room item, but it was other folx who made it actually useful ( mircea_popescu -- conceived a philosophical foundation for it, conceptually; ben_vulpes -- documented; mod6 et al -- reimplemented , and filled missing pheature holes ; trb users -- battlefield-tested; phf -- keccakized; etc )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-24#1899032 << when 'v' started 'living' outside of domain of strictly trb, asciilifeform did eventually write 'open problems' piece re subj, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1545 ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-24#1899025 << imho trb ml contains massive record of ' asciilifeform's initial failed attempts at v ' : the sequence of 'determine flow with bare hands' pre-v patches. ( signed, too ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-24#1899016 << more boringly, item was born from trb work ( and specifically jurov's mailing list mechanism , with enforcement of patch signatures ) , i.e. 'hand-cranked v', so ended up on the trb ml. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( trb vgenesis released slightly ~prior~ to 1st vtron per se, recall )
asciilifeform: nursing old gnat aint optional, currently, just like nursing trb aint optional
asciilifeform: granted. sorta why i said 'it's a trb'
asciilifeform sees linux kernel, gcc, ftr, as 'life support' item, rather like trb -- worth freezing and maintaining until proper replacement, but not really items with a serious future
shinohai: This trb addy I just generated for a payment: 1HANBox41dKXNhmdXsPgoYbbJgBqp86sCq "hanbox" lol
asciilifeform: trb-capable box, btw, i have one going .
a111: Logged on 2019-02-17 16:21 asciilifeform: ( e.g. asciilifeform was quite surprised when found that trb and ALL deps built cleanly & functioned on static musl )
asciilifeform: ( e.g. asciilifeform was quite surprised when found that trb and ALL deps built cleanly & functioned on static musl ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: re 'e', i can't picture what'd move anyone with two neurons to rub together to maintain a glibc, that'd be rather like starting a trb from prb 12 (or what is current one)
mircea_popescu: yes, no glibc was in fact a preference, and we got it out, of trb, of eulora, etc. no argument there.
asciilifeform: this was a 2015 find. after which asciilifeform immediately proceeded to get glibc the hell out of trb.
asciilifeform: ( and asciilifeform -- trb ) etc
deedbot: BingoBoingo rated mod6 4 << TRB, Pizarro, testing of things
BingoBoingo: !!rate mod6 4 TRB, Pizarro, testing of things
asciilifeform: 4MB aint enuff to e.g. trb inside. tho 1 could rsa in it.
mod6: Ok, so do `sed -i 's/=m/=y/g' trb-test1`, then rebuild and try again?
mod6: http://www.mod6.net/cuntoo-blog-1/trb-test1-kernel-config << asciilifeform my trb-test1 kernel config
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1896276 << notably ye olde trb-on-pogo asciilifeform recipe ran off initramfs ☝︎
mod6: I suppose there's some good wisdom in that. I wouldn't want mircea_popescu torch his trb if it does weird shit on a 'getinfo' either.
trinque: I very much want you on an actual cuntoo because one of the immediate needs is a trb ebuild.
mod6: I'm not asking you to add my posbox foibles into your config. trb/ada/musl that I want to test on there doesn't care what kernel modules are loaded.
trinque: recall the work with trb, and how much better a patch that removes is than one that adds.
asciilifeform: ( consider how long took to clean , to reasonable level of non-sepsis, trb -- a 200x smaller product )
a111: Logged on 2019-01-14 03:53 mircea_popescu: in other arcana : i have here a copy of trb that has died a mysterious death on dec 31st. the process itself hasn't returned, ps aux lists it as expected, however the last time it touched any files was two weeks ago, nor does a call to getinfo ever return.
mod6: Well, if your frustrated with me, I apologize. I'm just trying to get this up and going so I can test Keccak TRB on here.
trinque: so stop being afraid and start coughing me up some deets like we did for what, years on end with trb, to great benefit of all
mircea_popescu: but in any case, can start talking of a much better trb sitting.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: recall the 9000 headaches of folx who tried to build pre-rotor trb ? asciilifeform did not resort to 'and now run this 4 hour script that builds a gcc, and then builds with it a gcc, and ~then~ builds deps, and ~then~ trb' just to make life moar interesting.
mod6: it has a name, 'trb-test1', a simple gentoo box to run trb test builds.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-09#1893996 << d00d ripped off trb, and even wrote a piece of yarn to go with it where 'he stole great jewel from dumb orcs'. today hangs with kako. seems to have sinological / eastern 'learnings' wank - leanings. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( and muchly superior to how asciilifeform did trb's 'chicken' genesis, where was stuck giving it as hand-cranked recipe on acct of the vdiff of the period being unable to describe deletion of binturds )
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-31#1891133 << this is correct, and where cuntoo lacks proper trb deps (if it does) cuntoo is wrong ☝︎
shinohai: I am observing new trb node I hadn't seen previously, from "Mir Telematiki Ltd" .... is phf?
asciilifeform: ( would have to make sure that the trb deps are baked into cuntoo , naturally -- the stock bdb oughta be the 1 in trb, etc )
mod6: I'm currently building out a Cuntoo (have had a minor issue with my kernel not booting correctly, but will work on that soon), and will use that + ave1's musl to build the keccak v tooling, and then TRB. Which will also go into the upcoming changes to the HOWTO Guide.
mod6: (for TRB)
shinohai: xpost for trb-ists: http://btcinfo.sdf.org/blog/trb-keccak-regrind-test-results-and-notes.html
asciilifeform: lets you have e.g. the trb indexer thing, as ordinary array, etc
asciilifeform: ( mass-wise, apache is considerably closer to the mass of e.g. gcc, than trb ; but on other hand seems to need less massage as it is, as mircea_popescu fond of pointing out, it largely worx )
asciilifeform: e.g. trb , grew from acorn of tarball supplied by mircea_popescu in '14.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-04 17:32 asciilifeform: junkyard wars (e.g. trb, mp-wp) where one is stuck welding a tank from 5 zaporozhets and 3 lada carcasses, because that's what there is to work with, inevitably are heavyweight
asciilifeform: s/bdb/trb in above
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-22#1889099 << i daren't to 'do something about it' until properly understood the problem. sorta like didnt dare to attempt trb in 2013, or ffa in 2015, etc ☝︎
asciilifeform: this is well studied in trb, but applies elsewhere
asciilifeform: and ( again like trb ) it dies disgracefully at the boundary of capacity,
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: thing is roughly like trb - can throw iron at it until it eats the desired reqs/sec without shitting self. but, just as in trb, it's a barbaric/empirical ritual, quite impossible to say 'on napkin' how much cpu will yield what # of what kB pg served /sec w.out falling
asciilifeform: *experimental trb, err
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in news : http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-19#1888338 << mystery solved. trb uses bdb for block indexing ; the index had an incorrect lobe affecting some blocks ; whenever someone asked for one of those blocks, bdb died and trb never returned. ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: sounds potentially interesting. ( if you publish outputs, plox to not forget to say what pressing that trb was made from )
a111: Logged on 2019-01-14 03:53 mircea_popescu: in other arcana : i have here a copy of trb that has died a mysterious death on dec 31st. the process itself hasn't returned, ps aux lists it as expected, however the last time it touched any files was two weeks ago, nor does a call to getinfo ever return.
mod6: Would be awesome if Pizzaro could sell iron that can run cuntoo + ffa + fg + trb out of the gate [ + others too, i.e. eulora, etc ]
asciilifeform: this was back when asciilifeform had nfi why trb wouldn't statically link, not yet found drepper's 'gifts'
asciilifeform: shinohai: neato. what didja do re trb ?
shinohai: (Also have companion trb piece, but was waiting for mod6 's keccak regrind)
mod6: mircea_popescu: I've only seen behaviour from trb like that when I've had some bad hardware. In particular a suspected bad SSD. I issue the 'getinfo' command and nothing, just hangs.
mircea_popescu: in other arcana : i have here a copy of trb that has died a mysterious death on dec 31st. the process itself hasn't returned, ps aux lists it as expected, however the last time it touched any files was two weeks ago, nor does a call to getinfo ever return. ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-01-11 18:06 asciilifeform: and ftr i'm surely doomed to run into diana_coman's puzzler myself, when i go to write a threaded proggy (e.g. adaized trb)
mod6: While Republicans are reviewing the above, I'm going to continue working on my TRB HOWTO updates -- I think it's pretty much finished, but I want to test it first before I start handing it around for testing by all. After this, and blessings of the regrind from TMSR~, I'll put a date on when thebitcoin.foundation site will roll over to the keccak vtree exclusively.
mod6: http://blog.mod6.net/?p=26 << Here's my TRB Keccak Regrind blog post. I have a tarball linked very near the bottom that contains my reground trb keccak vtree, as well as seals for each. These are posted so one may test with these (I need the help!).
a111: Logged on 2019-01-13 09:59 spyked: and in better news, house mogosanu ( has a fully synced trb node up. it's been running without issues for almost a month now. IMHO it's ready to be added to http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html (cc mod6)
spyked: and in better news, house mogosanu ( has a fully synced trb node up. it's been running without issues for almost a month now. IMHO it's ready to be added to http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html (cc mod6) ☟︎
asciilifeform: and ftr i'm surely doomed to run into diana_coman's puzzler myself, when i go to write a threaded proggy (e.g. adaized trb) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in fact it's 100% trb toy/"training muppet"
asciilifeform: exactly like trb then
asciilifeform: it's a trb-like item
asciilifeform: trb has , what, 3x the # of patches, so it'll take you 30m at most.
mod6 has been working on the big blog post that outlines my work to create the keccak regrind for trb.
asciilifeform: it's what i'ma do to trb after i solve the mmap thing.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, sometimes I wonder what exactly do you think you need/don't have to move to Romania or wherever else you consider it to be "paradise, can now do just ffa/trb/..."
asciilifeform: loox like only the trb www moved, ml was on separate box, still needs moving.
billymg: diana_coman: my understanding was that as long as i created the vpatch with a keccak-compatible vdiff then the hashes would be consistent with genesis and it would be ok. this assumption came from me being able to press vtools and mp-wp with my current v.py (grabbed from the link in the trb setup guide)
trinque: once off that, I might see about ebuilding trb (with perhaps phf's v+portage work if it surfaces), and then mircea_popescu's gns v-tree, unless gpg replacement surfaces soon, in which case deedbot->peh work
mircea_popescu: yeah, sane db will be major boon to trb (also not news, discussed as such since original "devs are idiots" times)
asciilifeform: will note, even with the heap fragging nonsense, current trb has quite reasonable ram footprint; e.g. i run 'zoolag' on a 2GB box, and never manually reset aside from when deploying patch (coupla times in past yr)
asciilifeform: ( old trb dun 'suck' blox, except on boot; it waits to be fed )
asciilifeform: ( not only luck of ~the network~, but , perversely, the sadder the box , moar often it gets reset, the better pre-aggr trb worked.. )
mircea_popescu: speaking of penalties : i dusted off ancient trb (pre agression), just for curiosity. turns out it sucks ~1 block/minute in the 450k range (ie, catches up with a year's chain per month, sorta thing).
asciilifeform: mats: i assume you had most recent mainline trb (i.e. with 'aggression' ) ?
a111: Logged on 2018-12-24 09:28 mats: has anyone successfully gotten a trb tx mined in the six months? i have tried several times and not succeeded
mats: trinque: i would love to use that, except stock trb doesn't have create/signrawtxn functionality yet
trinque: I've been sending trb txn quite a lot for wallet users, haven't had any recent trouble.
danielpbarron: i have gotten a tx to confirm with trb, but i've also had one ignored
mats: to clarify, my trb tx are not apparently being relayed to miners at large
mats: has anyone successfully gotten a trb tx mined in the six months? i have tried several times and not succeeded ☟︎
mircea_popescu: diana_coman http://ossasepia.com/2018/12/19/a-week-in-tmsr-26-november-2-december-2018/#selection-105.764-105.817 << actually, a major bomb was dropped there, wherein long standing trb-immunity was revoked.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-03#1877916 << to date we've had both types of regrind ( e.g. diana_coman reground 'mpi' into 1 genesis, for use in smg ; ffa on other hand had a 'history-preserving' regrind , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2743 ; and iirc mod6 is baking a 'history' regrind for trb ; diana_coman had 'history' regrind for eucrypt; and possibly i missed somebody in this list ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: exactly like trb.
mircea_popescu: (this so neatly mirrors ye trb/prb discussions it bleeds)