2400+ entries in 0.402s
thickasthieves: "Identifi is an address book application that stores its data in a distributed fashion on the computers of its users. The stored information is not owned or centrally administered by anyone."
thestringpuller: I can't write software so I wrote a book!
mircea_popescu: "Perl has the best marketing in the world. You could write a book about how brilliant their marketing is. Sun has marketed Java with money, and Perl is almost keeping up, popularity-wise, purely on the on sheer marketing brilliance of Larry Wall and his buddies. Folks at Harvard Business School should study Perl's marketing. It's astonishing."
assbot: ClubOrlov: Book Excerpt: The wrong math
asciilifeform: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2013/02/book-excerpt-wrong-math.html
gribble: True Names...and Other Dangers: Vernor Vinge: 9780671653637 ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Names-Other-Dangers-Vernor-Vinge/dp/0671653636>; True Names - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Names>; True Names... and Other Dangers by Vernor Vinge — Reviews ...: <http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/321005.True_Names_and_Other_Dangers>
Vexual: i havent read evry book
Vexual: i havent read the book
BingoBoingo: You know it's fitting that Oreilly's animal department sorts Andreas's work as the "Ant Book"
Dimsler: oh look andreas has a book out now
thickasthieves: <+HeySteve> I'm listening to Antifragile audio book atm. heard it mentioned bitcoin is antifragile, could it be said to be antifragile to price action? /// yep, pretty much everything is good for bitcoin
HeySteve: I'm listening to Antifragile audio book atm. heard it mentioned bitcoin is antifragile, could it be said to be antifragile to price action?
thickasthieves: although.. https://www.bitstamp.net/market/order_book/
mircea_popescu: A cambio puedo ofrecerte copia de las fotos para tu propio book. Si estas interesada enviame un mail con una foto tuya a color y mail o telefono para contactarme.
asciilifeform: mind you, nowhere in the book-case worth of turds will you find the phrase 'self-describing'
asciilifeform: decimation: not evil per se, but 'design by committee' all the way. no effort whatsoever was spent to lighten the book.
ben_vulpes: bounce: good book?
thickasthieves: why make a book when you could just continue curating trilema
mircea_popescu: which incidentally makes me realise, this is an excellent reason against a trilema book.
mircea_popescu: well i got no book to sell.
thickasthieves: cuz he has a kids book to sell
thickasthieves: asii is much more respected in my book than you
mircea_popescu: punkman never answered. because you know, that's how you book shows x.x
gribble: the book of honor -- the two mikes - American Buddha: <http://www.american-buddha.com/bookhonor.7.htm>; Full text of "Leo M. Frank. The Dead Shall Rise by Steve Oney": <https://archive.org/stream/LeoM.Frank.TheDeadShallRiseBySteveOney/DeadShallRise_djvu.txt>; Where's Walden? » 2008 » June: <http://whereswalden.com/2008/06/>
bounce: "roflolol", "zomgdox", "nsfwclone", "osnappoetin", "yabaizafone", ... WHO stem book meets urban dictionary
mircea_popescu: nubbins` what's in a book.
MolokoDesk: ok. we're in the same book there if not the same page.
asciilifeform: good book, but you need to be a kid to appreciate imho
mircea_popescu: people can get by for a while just making good use of the history book.
BingoBoingo is still surprised no one has bitten on the book I've listed in the orderbook
assbot: #bitcoin-otc order book
gribble: Error: For identification purposes, you must be identified via GPG to use the order book.
ben_vulpes: order book is over there. place orders and quit derping.
ben_vulpes: myriadgetsmehard: put 'em in the OTC order book.
asciilifeform: it's the same book, different edition!
nubbins`: 2015: "Best of Bash" hardcover silkscreened book released to critical acclaim
asciilifeform: the menacing zek on the cover is a real riot, considering how sympathetic the creatures in this book are (compared to russian zeks described in corresponding tomes)
danielpbarron: i have that book -- good stuff
BCB: andreas is writing the bitcoin book
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hollow%20earth | ... hollow balls · Hollow Book · hollow bunny · hollow bunny trauma · hollow conversation · hollowcore · hollow crackin' · Hollow Day ... hollow earth isn't defined.
asciilifeform recently went to a dusty old book store, where saw a reprint of newspaper piece about that one.
bounce: http://www.shortpacked.com/2005/comic/book-1-brings-back-the-80s/01-just-a-toy-store/im-batman/
asciilifeform: ^ great little book
moriarty: decimation, but if you are dissatisfied with such simple conclusion, read that Mandelbrot book :)
mircea_popescu: they're not proclivities, i wrote the damned book :D
xmj: also his book Fractals and Scaling in Finance
moriarty: mircea_popescu, well, i'd try not to dilute his book into a one-liner, but essentially a blend of technological warfare i.e. guns, a serendipitous adaptability to germs via advances in medicine, and progress in transport hulls made out of steel, which arose incidentally from ideal farming conditions e.g. arable land which gave rise to a choice of livestock, was why the seemingly unequal
moriarty: in his famous book, Guns, Germs and Steel
gribble: Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 23659.909 bitcoins, for a total of 21442613.6279 USD and take the price to 99999.9900. | Data vintage: 31.3611 seconds
mod6: i'll have to watch that one. i don't think a film could ever do such a book justice.
mircea_popescu: by the book bitcoin "unintentional" scam this thing.
decimation: asciilifeform: I'm pretty sure the warez book I linked above is a shitty translation
decimation: the canonical book on the topic: http://klassix.net/keith/Kindle%20Backup%202-20-11/documents/First%20Circle,%20The%20-%20Alexander%20Solzhenitsyn.txt
ben_vulpes: i just let the girl paint the walls whatever and book the deposit as a cost of renting.
ben_vulpes: tell me - how do you book those expenses, and how do you tally the ROI?
gribble: BTC-E | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 191.29848 bitcoins, for a total of 77860.4017 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 66.5407 seconds
gribble: BTC-E | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 191.29848 bitcoins, for a total of 77860.4017 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 33.1611 seconds
gribble: Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 112732.42 bitcoins, for a total of 4941219.5228 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 162.7177 seconds
mike_c: nonprofit goal is to not book a profit, but they certainly want as much revenue as they can get.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is what i thought too, 2011ish. but here's the thing : these people now do book deals,
BingoBoingo: lol, this shit is still ALL online http://heavensgate.com/book/05.htm
los_pantalones: hero is a comic book character
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: A decade would be an abysmal lifespan for a book
nubbins`: yeah, PR wrote a tell-all book
mike_c: thestringpuller: so they say "send 1 btc to stringpuller in the next 10 mins to buy this book", and if it gets sent in 20 mins they still send along the coins?
mircea_popescu: it's not even a matter of "you must", any more than "you must read a fucking book" when you're 12.
jurov: the google book i linked has bool logic gates
mircea_popescu: i mean it's quite clearly by the book libtard orchestrated nonsense. cui bono ?!
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> anyway, ThickAsThieves The Strategy of Conflict, old book. /// will check it out
RagnarDanneskjol: great book - here's pdf: http://nazbol.net/library/authors/Thomas%20Schelling/The%20Strategy%20of%20Conflict.pdf
mircea_popescu: anyway, ThickAsThieves The Strategy of Conflict, old book.
xmj: fluffypony: here have a link: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/book.html#makefile-master_sites-github-description
asciilifeform has an entire book shelf of ancient crapolade re: electrocranial diddlage from 1940s up, in 4 languages. all decaying xerocopies. ought to scan in one day...
ThickAsThieves: where the fuck does the order book come from?
mircea_popescu: decimation btw, here's a curio : while darwin published in 1956, there's a little book of anon fiction published in 1844, "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation"
mircea_popescu: actually maybe you should write the book, except in russian. larger market.
mircea_popescu: i could prolly write a book of psychoantropology on the topic, but sadly it'd be rather incomprehensible in english without a ton of notes which kinda ruin the whole thing, and for 5 romanians able to read and write it's scarcely worth the year o' work.
asciilifeform: anyone here not familiar with vonnegut's 'mother night' -or- semyonov's 'seventeen moments of spring' ? book or film, either.
kakobrekla: noob friendly book, includes exercises, someone might fight it handy perhaps http://smpake.com/tmp/Modern%20Cryptanalysis%20-%20Techniques%20for%20Advanced%20Code%20Breaking%20(2009).azw3
assbot: /mwlauthor You wrote the openbsd book, mind joining /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash-assets for a bit on freenode?
jdanks: No but really I engineer, I'm an open book. Sell eggs for BTC. Garden and what not
mircea_popescu: link to a decent book on the topic in there.
asciilifeform: the people in question have a marked habit of playing 'by the book'
mircea_popescu: "The Usability of Better Men, And Other Such Nonsense". should be a book.
mircea_popescu: (in general your take is about the same as if publishing a book : about 5 to 10% after govt, agent, editor etc is done raping you)
asciilifeform: a fat book takes <5 MB typically.
asciilifeform: muppet, who was given the job of cranking out a tabloid-grade book supposedly based on the 100kg or so of stolen paper.
Apocalyptic: "read about how kgb and gru hid arms caches in their opponents' territories." // any particular book in mind ?
kakobrekla: <asciilifeform> decimation: this almost happened when cheap 'xerox' copiers appeared < when i was in high school you could legally copy 70% of the book .... at once.
kakobrekla: http://php.net/manual/en/book.gnupg.php
kakobrekla: these book readers you keep talking about, which is the one to get atm
pankkake: lol, that must be such fun to read. I think I'll buy the book ;)
Apocalyptic: the book I guess
pankkake: it's on a book?
RagnarDanneskjol: yea, I kno. you dig into that book yet?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is why stuff like 1984 are so good. the fuckwit hero actually believes that o'brien is the guy to go to for the secret book.
mircea_popescu: the whole thing works, intentionally or no, as a fine work of mr o'brien. only a fucking imbecile would imagine that THAT is the book of the insurgency.
asciilifeform: the book is a beautiful illustration of this.
asciilifeform: the book is quite like the 'rule of law is a myth' piece (http://faculty.msb.edu/hasnasj/GTWebSite/MythWeb.htm - linked here a few times) except that katz hasn't let go of his religion yet ☟︎
asciilifeform: the only actual good thing about the alpha was that the spec fit in a thin paperback book.