1538 entries in 0.368s
mircea_popescu: the mtgox people are apparently running a select loop
mircea_popescu: <jurov> can't find it now. basically it was something about mtgox picking top order and doing select for matching orders in a loop << WHAT
mircea_popescu: select 1 month
mircea_popescu: actually most of her job consists on reading, selecting and summarizing the nonsense people post there.
mircea_popescu: and crucial allies got quashed in landeselections
mircea_popescu: Because of this, keeping money in any other fiat-BTC exchanges than those two is pretty much cruisin’ for a bruisin’. Spot sellers may still be safe for a while, select ones may even be safe forever (as they’re a subset of the OTC style marketplace), but for better or worse cowboy exchanges are a thing of the past.
mircea_popescu: but you are aware that life selects, right ?
mircea_popescu: but selecting the coin to attack is not a technical problem.
mircea_popescu: the problem is tghat there's no problem, and random selection of idiots are trying to manufacture one for poluitical reasons.
mircea_popescu: selecting what is garbage is an overstretch of the licenses granted.
mircea_popescu: mod6 bitcoin-otc "selective evaporation" succeeded.
mircea_popescu: [\\\] i get the selected bits.
mircea_popescu: you can turn zh into gold by selecting the one nugged to be found in there
mircea_popescu: maybe you're one of the select elite that actually understands what they read.
mircea_popescu: im totally going to publish a selection of these quotes.
mircea_popescu: the advantages and none of the disadvantages of the system you've selected"
mircea_popescu: Namworld i'd so much rather have people promote selected events themselves
mircea_popescu: disregard all contrary evidence, subselect some idiots off bitcvoin forum, post endlessly about how those idiots disregard all contrary evidence
mircea_popescu: next year the us govt will ask for a hard fork to allow them to disallow selected transactions
mircea_popescu: smickles i doubt statistics can help, because the sample is selected
mircea_popescu: dub what do you figure they get sued for first, order selection or equity ?
mircea_popescu: i guess self selected scope ?
mircea_popescu: are they coming up with those booklets on spouse selection already ?
mircea_popescu: resolved means one of the two sides was selected. payments to winning side are due and being processed
mircea_popescu: all decay starts say 100k ends *user selected* ?
mircea_popescu: i am now in that select club of three digiteers.
mircea_popescu: allow me to select an adequate picture
mircea_popescu: dude it works for everyone except some select ppl.
mircea_popescu: and also for the sake of keeping them rare. idiots tend to self-select as they can't cope with it.
mircea_popescu: contact everyone on irc list to the right ask them to wipe selected lines from their logs ?
mircea_popescu: you can't select key ?!
mircea_popescu: jurov did have a pretty good point, the "community" actively selects for scams, then hee-haws about "btc being full of scammers"
mircea_popescu: then problem solved, they've selfselected.
mircea_popescu: in practice the later is usually only available to specialists or otherwise select players.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining it ipoed at 1 for a select few that had the money. and it did not ipo on glbse.
mircea_popescu: Diablo-D3 well... it's a select club. either bring many topless ho's or else money.
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining well, the further in the money an option is the less selective it is. most gain is for close and out of money options.
mircea_popescu: then select best bid, best ask from the two.