1400+ entries in 0.125s
asciilifeform: 'red'.usg demonstratively pillorying 'blue'.usg 'activists' etc.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-11#1822183 << hooker/maid that usg criminal org specifically paid to lie in court would never lie in court, best arrest foreign diplomat!!! ☝︎
asciilifeform: while we're on the subj, i find it interesting how both google and intel ( and by extension, all new mb makers ) finessed the problem of 'terrorists will epoxy usb ports closed' -- nao usg can get 'airport quickie' root through a hole that you cannot cement, because the box charges ~only~ from it
mircea_popescu: i dunno why anyone looks to hollywood for fiction production. the usg directorate of propaganda manages some pretty hysterical comedies.
asciilifeform: elsewhere in heathendom, https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/8pyaec/the_google_h1_fritz_chip/ << usg brigade out in force, 'this is just a tpm, cannot reflash fw' etc 'say it 3 times, it'll be true'isms
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/06/security-researcher-continuing-to-receive-new-usg-charges-for-authoring-popular-code/ << Qntra - Security Researcher Continuing To Receive New USG Charges For Authoring Popular Code
mircea_popescu: interesting link btw. what is this, the indians are taking over the usg "compliance" part altogether ? to the point the blather is taught in india but not us ?!
mircea_popescu: i expect they're mandated in all usg-"technology" since many years back.
asciilifeform: in other noose, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-06#1821018 apparently requires a https://archive.li/9wxqo ( 'partners only' google proprietary dongle ) to enable uart; this, in turn, appears to be a usb-c 'debug accessory mode' magic-voltage set ; and it is deliberately (see below) poorly specced. i dug for the detail, turns out that it is likely being sat on by usg.google et al, because it also enables talking to recent intel iron ro ☝︎
asciilifeform: for all i know, lockheed, or harris, or ibm, etc, ship one. i was speaking strictly of boxes priced to sell, not usg circus props.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-30 15:24 asciilifeform: troo, more or less all usg scamola has a designated 'author' who, however, even if wired to the mains cannot give an arithmetically consistent statement of how it works
asciilifeform: troo, more or less all usg scamola has a designated 'author' who, however, even if wired to the mains cannot give an arithmetically consistent statement of how it works ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-10-25 18:27 mircea_popescu: anyway, to revisit the matter of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-25#1728843 : adrian sirbu, possibly the only romanian to have done anything since 1989 (he created the deliberate usg tool Pro Tv in 1995, a media company whose wikipedia page no longer mentions him -- very much a successful equivalent of the failed http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666048), has recently been accused of... you'll guess this not ? TERRORISM!
asciilifeform: ( without which, lulzily, won't even see usg.google.* )
asciilifeform: trinque: dun forget to install the usg root certs!111111
trinque: or the OS build process that says "first you go see usg.google.gentoo"
mircea_popescu: i'll be very keen to hear someone explain the difference between usg and kpss.
BingoBoingo: 't it be nice dream to loudly piss over the USG.FCC from down south
asciilifeform: veerry long time ago he had pieces re scams, usg grantolade lulz, etc.
asciilifeform: phunphakt, unlike ye olde su, usg does not station permanent guards around the land launchers; only chain link fence with alarm; there's 1 set of guards per N tubes and they gotta drive to it when bell rings.
asciilifeform: the land-based rockets are a joke within a joke, even usg assigns the saddest sacks of sads, explicitly, to the detail
asciilifeform: re upstack -- hey mircea_popescu , recall http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-08#1193376 ? i suspect that near-fyootoor usg-'regulated' 'market' will consist of 1 counter where wintel stock is dealt, where 'you can only buy' (or stand accused of 'manipulation', and another counter where bitcoin 'you can only sell' (or ditto), lol ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-05-24 16:04 mircea_popescu suspects alf will be nothing short of thrilled to discover he now has the power to shape usg "law enforcement" policy.
mircea_popescu suspects alf will be nothing short of thrilled to discover he now has the power to shape usg "law enforcement" policy. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: gotta love the 'sonic attack' usg.partyline idiocy. described item ( supposing it physically took place ) is 100% consistent with rf injury. << Or transient ischemia which is common in the chair sitting classes.
asciilifeform: perhaps orig usg author's -- also was.
ben_vulpes: wouldn't put it past either the usg or cn engineering departments to fail at recreating the su rf-illuminated snooper but to screw up the power by a few orders of magnitude
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: gotta love the 'sonic attack' usg.partyline idiocy. described item ( supposing it physically took place ) is 100% consistent with rf injury.
mircea_popescu: usg controls A POSSIBLE ROOT.
asciilifeform: can maybe skip the sophistry ? problem is emphatically not 'www site prints random numbers', but 'usg controls root of price signal hierarchy'
asciilifeform: if tomorrow usg decides 'btc will crash to 5k' and moves the arrow on goxes to 5k/per , everybody goes 'it's 5k', even folx who swear they never look at a gox. imho this is a bug. and no i do not have a proposed pill. is all.
asciilifeform: i'm not objecting to the 'opens tcp to to usg server' part. but to the price signal.
mircea_popescu: but yes, your intuition is broadly correct : usg lacks both the actual size and the self-perceived size of soviet russia. as a result, they don't come out with a "x per rouble" statement.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i was thinking moar re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817438 thread. it is almost certainly the case that the usg gox ensemble would try to prevent a hypothetical usg-long mircea_popescu from buying up all of the coin and sending price to maxint. but what could they do to prevent 9000 types of insect who show up to buy 9k coin to take to 'we give 50k/per' dispenser. ☝︎
esthlos: trinque: that's rather interesting. anyway, I'm sure you see the dilemma: everyone "successful" around me sees no fundamental problem with usg system, and when you say "this spec is atrocious; have you ever heard of the CLHS?" or any infinite variation on that theme, the only response is incredulity. but what, somehow I have the magic sauce and everyone around me is wrong? this is my current resistance to trilema thought
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i was speaking of usg-style kyc, with 'scans', 'where is the money from', clawbacks.
asciilifeform: the elementary one: 1) no kyc, in any form 2) wot uber alles 3) no usg price-fiddling influence
esthlos: to be clear, model A is standard USG model, where I most clearly see the fraud in the tech (if you recal, my original draw here was lispm, after I read history and saw current state of retardation), and model B is trilema, as I'm beginning to understand it
mircea_popescu: alternatively, you know, can sell these chunks at auction, like usg pretends to have done. or w/e.
esthlos: in the vein of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817320 , trying to reconcile the sheer fraud of USG technology has driven me to the limits of sanity for a number of years now, and even with trilema providing the only solid counterstructure I've found, I do fragment when very successful (in USGland) people around me see no fundamental problem with USG system ☝︎
asciilifeform: taking usg cock for pittances, aint 'business' either
asciilifeform: douchebag: do you understand that it amounts to keeping secrets for usg, in exchange for hush money ?
mircea_popescu: Mocky, there's a usg-reservation in mexico. there's however also the headquarters of the only military force to humiliate the usg at home to date, they pretty much conquered the old mexican lands well into arizona. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'success stories' are the lure of the usg.wintel lanternfish, and never fail to lead folx to their doom.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: at this point it is safe to suppose that usg has biophuctor coverage of erryone in nato reich, and a good % -- outside.
asciilifeform: point being, the fact that d00d thinks that they can be meaningfully fulfilled , as a palpable, achievable thing, ~as usg jobsworth~, is astonishing, to me.
asciilifeform: douchebag: i hold that it is impossible to sell exploits, and the NO ONE does it. what they do instead, is accept gifts of chocolate and flowers (aka 100s of k usd ) from usg agents, in exchange for keeping nsa vulns off the public forum for a few extra bonus months.
asciilifeform: douchebag: what to you means 'owned' ? script kiddie on forum defaces crapple.com ? because this simply isn't interesting, to anyone here. the ONLY type of 'owned' worth caring about, is , e.g., natanz uranium centrifuge, destroyed by usg without firing a shot.
mircea_popescu: hey, his link was knee deep in "ethical considerations" and other pompous wank, dun talk to me, talk to the mentally splitten zeks, who steal from criminals but bend over for bureaucrats, discuss ethical minutia of imaginary situations and then work with doubletap usg, etc.
asciilifeform: douchebag: 'security business' in the form in which it exists today, is strictly religious/ritual arm of usg church; legitimate security business consists solely and strictly in the systematic disassembly of usg; and once disassembled properly, it will exist no longer.
asciilifeform: or yet another usg appendage ?
asciilifeform: douchebag: for so long as you understand that you become a usg electro-echafaudage expert, and your fortune will rise and fall with usg's -- like patent lawyer's -- then why not, do it
asciilifeform: searching usg.cve lists is literally kindergarten minimal step ; even usg's automatic c/cpp auditor nonsense, does an ok job of it
asciilifeform: just nao with usg.dns
asciilifeform: trinque: if pekin actually shuttered the exchanges, this is dumbest possible move, nao chinese coin will be sold in new york for usd and put in usg bank to steal.
asciilifeform: 1st publicly-visible case of d00d pissing on the usg's anti-bitcoin ( yes, before bitcoin ) electric fence.
asciilifeform: they can steal it any number of times, but they have no ideological drive to ~keep~ it, so it ends up in the usg safe next to the aes weak key formula and the nuke src. all over again.
mircea_popescu: this is not so, the first thieves usg sent actually went bitcoin native.
asciilifeform: in re 'silk road' food chain, the coin can in fact be stolen from usg agents, in turn by usg.thieves, in turn by usg agents again, in turn by miami-dreaming latvians, and again by usg, and so forth, infinitely many times. none of these get visibly 'corrupted' , they continue to dream of miami afaik.
asciilifeform: now that we reviewed the usg-plankton-thieves triangle , possibly mircea_popescu grasps why asciilifeform disagrees with the moral angle of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816611 : yes , it is problem to accept 'dirty' fiatola, but not from ethical angle, but because we don't have the tank divisions and orbital thermonuke droppers to properly counter a fully-rousted enemy anthill, yet ☝︎
asciilifeform: to a man, they never 'checked out mentally' from usg reich, they still dream, in the end somehow, of miami.
asciilifeform: well yes, they play the role of lions and rhinos in a kind of safari park for usg 'threeletters'
asciilifeform: the 'i'd rather make 50k as a free man in sunlight, even if running from police, than 500k under fluorescent lights writing usg reports'
asciilifeform: this applies to all 3 points in the triangle. i do not know whether the cc thieves and dope peddlers understand that without usg's maintenance of the upside-down world, they would work just as hard and for just as little, as used tyre sellers and train station pickpockets. ( i suspect that the smarter ones -- do ; but nfi )
asciilifeform: this was implicit in the 'anarchotyranny' label, which i stole from somebody or other (moldbug?) where it was described how a predator-prey equilibrium is carefully maintained by usg
asciilifeform: it exists to supply one of the pretexts for usg nationalization of banking infrastructure.
asciilifeform: 'carding' ~as a concept~ is 100% usg-engineered 'anarchotyranny' -- http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-13#499334 ☝︎
asciilifeform: iirc bank won't ever say 'it cleared, 100% guarantee of no-clawback' because 'helps to launder' and leads to burning at the usg stake
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: sadly not dead; merely ( and along with growing list of assorted usg.derps ) blocks the bot
a111: Logged on 2018-05-19 18:14 Mocky: speaking of plot twists, pretty surprised by the Ada usage. I pictured usg.DOD-design-by-committee lang commissioned to help build out the chumpatronic-mass-programmer infrastructure for gov contracts. I guess it's time to reevaluate my priors.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-09 16:14 asciilifeform: ^ usg's premier public pusher of elaborately-braindamaged pseudocrypto
asciilifeform: Mocky: boneh is a well-funded, quite prolific usg.corrupt mathematician, with (formerly, iirc) a day job teaching undergrads ( hence your exposure )
Mocky: speaking of plot twists, pretty surprised by the Ada usage. I pictured usg.DOD-design-by-committee lang commissioned to help build out the chumpatronic-mass-programmer infrastructure for gov contracts. I guess it's time to reevaluate my priors. ☟︎
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in last yr's lulz, https://archive.li/ROnpA << ~transparent usg shill, 'don't use keccak! because Reasons!'
trinque has to run, but behold usg.aws lacks arm hosting
asciilifeform: ( and, lulzily, classical sd card ~does not support write protect~, it has the same usg.nonsensical 'software read writeprotect tab' as old floppies ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, why else all the pretense, you know. bitpay exists to "please stop using bitcoin", keybase exists to "please stop using rsa", the WHOLE point of the usg ersatzen is exactly this, to get the sort of retard who can't tell the difference between item and usg.fake to stop using item.
mircea_popescu: (though, technically, usg.nsa.redhat ~is~ doing some reading. https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3029191 )
asciilifeform: apparently usg simply luvvvvvs old, worn out stoolies, gives'em... pensions
a111: Logged on 2018-05-14 13:30 asciilifeform: ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!'
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!' << Apparently @hanno has a take on this too that sums to the rest of the party line "who could be using this with hygeine?"
asciilifeform: ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: outside of the imperial racket supporting it, ganja is worth exactly the same as usg's "intellectual property" or usg's "real estate" : ~0.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, borrowing against the future dun work. what, then get the usg to "stockpile" it like sugar/corn ?
mircea_popescu: anyone srsly thought anything but the usg is keeping the prices high ?
mircea_popescu: why did you think the usg bitcoin-ersatz is a good thing ?
asciilifeform: naaa trinque , seee, only Certified usg.adademitards may divide Authoritatively
asciilifeform: ( ftr asciilifeform suspects that 'debianized' primes are sometimes emplace by ~current-day~ proggies; the debianization is 'deniable cover' of the exact kind usg luvvvs like delish candy )
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2018/05/us-pentagon-investigation-no-one-to-blame-for-green-beret-deaths-in-niger/ << Qntra - US Pentagon Investigation: No One To Blame For Green Beret Deaths In Niger <<< aaaahahahahaha! OF COURSE "no one", what, could it possibly be http://trilema.com/2017/color-revolutions-green-or-today-in-usg-corruption-careerism-cronyism-and-malfeasance-in-the-special-warfare-center/#selection-243.0-243.29 ie "MG Sonnt
mircea_popescu: anyway. bitcoin is bitcoin. the various "i can't believe it's not bitcoin" scams the usg has been trying to push are just that, margerine ~nobody cares about (notwithstanding every nigger out there is trying to pretend like they're eating it an' lovin' it)
pete_dushenski: , it would've been a winner. but no, he had had to usg.gavin all over the place and draw dumb straight lines into infinity.
pete_dushenski: couldn't find this in the logs (so apologies if it's a repost) but holy shit is usg.btc scraping the bottom of the barrel if fatso karpeles is being resurrected as "cto" of privateinternetaccess (vpn) http://archive.is/XusOQ
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, yes, but your mapping is incorrect. soviets had a lot of pre-existing fat to burn down in 1920s lulzfest. usg arguably had same in the 70s, when they started with "rights for wife in divorce and woman in workplace" nonsense. it's been half a century, there's nothing left to eat in the great empire of yore.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, the true reason "no need to optimize on that axis" is because it's a flying machine that doesn't threaten the usg.
asciilifeform: phf: whole 1950s thermonuke test period of usg consisted of it tho.
ben_vulpes: in other usg idiocies, i recently found a dood who achieved the not-insignificant feat of a constant propspeed belt-drive GAS ENGINE QUADCOPTER butbutbut the rotor pitch variation mechanism RUNS OVER WIFI
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: mega-seller of 'we'll mail you new disks when yours burns out immediately, and support microshit etc etc' crapolade, bought at some point by dell and absorbed into standard usg kompyooting stack
asciilifeform also wonders whether there isn't a hidden symbiosis between the usg.corp derps who prolly ship ~100% of the rackable comps ever before shipped to UY, and the 'we want a cut of that printolade you print' bridgetrolls
mircea_popescu: o look, usg."prime minister" of pakistan got shot a little.
asciilifeform: ( when the 'repo man' side of the easycredit usg.auto.industry started having problem with clean repossession on acct of electrical locks )