1500+ entries in 0.145s
mircea_popescu: in fact, the proper sources of tmsr hardware are, in order, a) confiscated usg hardware and b) its own iron outside the reich. that 2017 ended with 0% a and 0% b, and 2018 will likely end with 0%a and whatever%b has no bearing on this : there's always 2019, there's always uci, etcetera.
asciilifeform: ( the correct place to do it ~from~, might even be the -- repurposed -- usg botnets, e.g. mikrotik etc. )
a111: Logged on 2018-05-06 00:12 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810271 << i suspect that there is no physical operation involved, it is 100% chumpatronics, like all other subjects of usg.startupism at this point
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810271 << i suspect that there is no physical operation involved, it is 100% chumpatronics, like all other subjects of usg.startupism at this point ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: apparently usg came to terms with llvm failing in its strategic goals being unavoidable by now.
mircea_popescu: the general is that there exists no reliable bitcoin price signal. most (by VERY far most) bitcoin transactions are handled otc, and not reported, and usually settle over non-economic considerations. for instance -- most of the btc the usg has historically lost on the market in its half dozen or so attempts to mainipulate the price were obtained by theft and extortion, not by economic activity, and consequently they didn't ha
mircea_popescu: mother[m], the republic doesn't much care for usg pretense, "regulation" or otherwise. why would you ?
asciilifeform: https://archive.li/WElit << meanwhile in other usg.noose.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i expect mechanical-disk nodes will fall behind again if usg 'stress test of blocks' were to resume.
mircea_popescu: i suppose he wasn't here for the gavin beheading, imagines the usg can even protect its agents or something like that.
asciilifeform: zx2c4: as a matter of fact, is IS a conclusion i can jump to trivially. because your supposed 'person' is actually a nameless cockroach beneath my feet. because he is not in the wot, and thereby not distinguishable from the 90000..+ faux 'humans' usg manufactures on daily basis to further its psyops. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: zx2c4, i don't think the usg is capable of representing me at all.
asciilifeform: zx2c4: then i would ask why you decided to be an accomplice in usg coverup ?
asciilifeform: for instance 'responsible disclosure' ( i.e. if you find a bug, report to usg first )
mircea_popescu: for the record, pirate was also indicted by the us circus at ~our~ pressure, and only after it became obvious to the usg that i am actually making it impossible for him to be of any further "use".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, consider though -- we actually have unmatched synergy here too. if you turn usg moolah here and then lose it to pay for eg pizarro rack, you got an engine!
asciilifeform: hey if the mythical hero who knows how to turn this type of lensgrinding into actual (i.e. not usg/sv) moolah, were to appear...
a111: Logged on 2018-05-03 04:03 mircea_popescu: they're uniquely dazed once i explain as sovereign over the usg crapolade, i actually have the power to unilaterally forgive that for them.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1807801 << as i understand , they get this automagically by leaving the reich,neh ( afaik usg hasn't yet sent kidnappigsquad after collegedebtor chix in bananistans , to date ) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: they're uniquely dazed once i explain as sovereign over the usg crapolade, i actually have the power to unilaterally forgive that for them. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: you'd of course expect usg.nsa ie the department of scientifically socialistic-flavoured numbers have ampler resources at its disposal than a shoestring sexploitation outfit in canuckistan.
mircea_popescu: just in case you're still belabouring under the misapprehension that the usg puppet show is a "field" with "experts" and whatnot, that is.
mircea_popescu: i thought lisp stuff for money is the province of a few remainder whitebeards in usg.missiles grandfathered contracts.
asciilifeform: i.e. to take over the old functions of usg.microshit.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu : what sort of sv usg.corp would it be if it did not ( like e.g. crapple ) have own 'microkernel' abomination
asciilifeform: ( iirc not long ago there was thread re the world's only 10nm fab, belonging to usg )
mircea_popescu: intel "solving" thge wholly hallucinated (if self-servingly) non-"problem" of "smaller process" is not helping me. it's helping "its shareholders", ie usg.
mircea_popescu: iirc one of the usg's own oligarchs (ie, inept dorks given money by a govt to pretend they're businessmen and can compete with us, exactly in the vein of http://trilema.com/2014/the-death-of-taxes/#selection-185.266-185.1138 ) even SAID THOSE WORDS.
asciilifeform: aa lol the usg provocateur d00d
BingoBoingo: They were promised laser spears and flying rocket Pyramids. USG.Disney fucked up not aligning Wakanda with our hero Thanos.
asciilifeform: the concern with usg.legality of throwing open 'nda' datashits, leaked src, etc. among the 'respects yer fleadom!11' folx, asciilifeform found 'zoologically' allergenic turn-off even 10yrs ago, barfed, long before encountering mircea_popescu et al
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: presumably they labour under belief that they're in opposition to thebeast. ( rather than the reality of 'obrien' and 'can of coke on the left', 'blue usg', etc padded playrooms )
mircea_popescu: everyone else has the ready excuse : i'm with usg because who else would give a straw hat for the asshole of a barely literate black woman ? ~condolezza rice.
mircea_popescu: and big surprise usg.ethereum-court hardforks itself
mircea_popescu: ckang, no, it's when his entirely deranged mental state became a lot more difficult to "hide", in the sense usual usg.zek "hides" his being raped daily, from himself.
asciilifeform: helps to recall that the d00d is certifiably insane tho ( lived for yrs on a usg pension for insanity. as portrayed by TLP. wonder what happened to this -- they were abolished? i've nfi )
mircea_popescu: i'd be surprised if not a full half of the aspirational 14% is firmly convinced there's MORE THAN ONE man hour / hour spent by me/usg/god/aliens/whoever specifically on their case.
asciilifeform sitting near usg.capitol, barking loon walks by , shouts at the top of his throat , '... i'ma tell the fucking! truth! about! what! they've done! my daddy was a commander! in ww2! with the goddamn cat! and the monkey! and reagan!'
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-21#1804343 << blocks are immutable by implementations ; this is both the source of the observation that "bitcoin corrupts absolutely", ie, it is superlative to anything the usg can come up with ; and the whole fucking point of the protocol in the first place. can trust evil people to do your shit, because bitcoin promises it will enforce upon them the dilemma "either be ENTIRELY impotent, or els ☝︎
mircea_popescu: hmm, there was an earlier episode with some sort of "publishing dirt on usg corps and shorting with crypto" unacknowledged F.DERPs rehash.
mircea_popescu: basically it's an extension of the groupon scam (hey, anyone "excited" by the "perspectives" of usg's "business" and "entrepreneuriat" ever think of groupon anymore ? that whole hype bubble of "global warming" / "ozon depletion" whatever popped and... ??? )
mircea_popescu: it's funny how usg history repeats itself : the elite uses the mass to rape the middle class. guy with a little dough and a little brain gets eaten into this "pay the brahmin to use the cattle herd" scheme again and again and again.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/dear-guardian-stop-being-retarded/ << this is the historical moment when the usg's "technology" machine got killed.
mircea_popescu: usg trying to leverage the fact that idiots stick together whereas intelligent people jwz, into this situation where they keep shitting turds larger than what you can fit in head and so "one man's guess is as good as any other's" and "we don't actually know it's a scam" hurr durr.
mircea_popescu: in fact, the whole tits for bits thing is 100% equivalent to entirety of usg economy. "show up for work".
mircea_popescu: usg inmate, produces 0, eats epsilon, is taxed 0. french landslave produced epsilon, was taxed 10% epsilon, ate .9 epsilon.
ascii_lander: rather than buying usg-piercable pretense.
mircea_popescu: legal to be "married" to as many women as you please as long as you don't attempt to register it with the usg.deedbot
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/04/usg-mil-pursues-single-provider-cloud-computing-contract/ << Qntra - USG.MIL Pursues Single Provider "Cloud" Computing Contract
mircea_popescu: it all comes down to WHAT is the special purpose. mind that the direction the bitcoin node os is taking is towards ~special purpose hardware~. this is very fucking different, whether you have special purpose hardware run by general purpose osen, or whether you have ibm at clone consumershit emulated into republican sanity by usg's flaour of special purpose os.
mircea_popescu: and perhaps worthy of noting here, that the "trend" "emerging" from usg's own "computer security" roadside act cum flea circus, is towards special-purpose os. because that's what they mean by "security".
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2018/04/21-coearn-com-saga-ends-with-coinbase-acquisition/ << aka 'usg.coinbase is the usg-designated bagholder in the space, it'll "buy" all the failed attempts of all usg agencies so the empire of idiots can "save face".'
mircea_popescu: zx2c4, and the "that many attacks against RSA dont work with ECC" claim is especially odious, as it comes from a single source, which is a criminal org with a history of manipulatively lying. what happens is that usg publishes every ~useless "attack" on rsa and withholds the few ~working~ attacks on ecc from publishing. then you get this situation where seemingly, for the very naive surface-seekers, "ecc has advantages". it h
mircea_popescu: at least this one admits it. usg still trying to claim it's a legitimate state.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796214 << yes, except for the part where "hashrate is gonna protect you". the whole POINT of taking some of the information OUT of the blockchain is to try and reduce the protection of hashrate, and make everyone dependent on protection by non-hashrate. which is WHY this is usg move against bitcoin. i don't need no stinking fuckwit to "help me", and i don't care why he thinks i do. i know wh ☝︎
asciilifeform: the premier peddlers of this type of snake oil 'commercially' (i.e. fattened on lavish usg contracts) are the cryptol people. they've spawned, unsurprisingly, shoddy imitators.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1796218 << if the usg claptrap scaffolding were removed, the whole thing would vanish, like a toy balloon with skin peeled away. there'd be no 'product'. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: running trb offers a firm guarantee that you will have your coins perpetually. running the various usg-sponsored "i can't believe it's not bitcoin" margerine offers a firm guarantee that a) any time you spend with them will be wasted on a long enough timeline and b) any resources you spend with them will be worthless on a long enough timeline. so bear that in mind.
mircea_popescu: do not expect time/effort invested in usg-crap will yield anyhthing but tears for you.
mircea_popescu: avgjoe there already is a double standard : 1address bitcoin are bitcoin ; everything else is usg-crap.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a lot for you to read wrt to why specifically segwit is a usg-driven attack against bitcoin, and not supported by the bitcoin foundation. perhaps the recent http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1795944 is a good starting point ; but generally the logs are your friends, search them. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ckang: a correct program stays correct after million yrs of 'research' by butthurt usg. an incorrect one -- is incorrect immediately, even if no one 'researched'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the displacement takes place in the imagination of the usg chair warmers, naturally. 'we'll cook up this boeckian substitute, no one will have any curiosity re the real thing, when it deigns to show up' being the idea.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: pretty sure this is in full alignment with current paper usg.law -- recall, they stripped away immunities from shrinks, priests, wives, etc. why not also cpa.
mircea_popescu: usg has laws in the sense any bully has principles.
mircea_popescu: there's this pattern in usg attempts to subvert bitcoin, as discussed in that thread and generally in the logs ; it's "success" depends on the ignorance of the userbase, which is what separates very sharply the bitcoin "users" into republican and imperial sets. the latter have some dust and reddit.
phf: mircea_popescu: of course, that's usg pseudo-wot that's maintained through all the ways that we laugh about here
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795811 << by this logic usg employees are paid in rentals ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: in other noose, highest grade of anti-usg glittery polish, softbanned (absent from stores)
lobbes: not much there, I reckon. usg honeypots
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you recall, freenode proxies pre "openinternetaccess" ie usg takeover.
mircea_popescu: where's all the pantsuit press discussing "the embattled usg, ever more isolated on the world stage" ? what, this rhodesia doesn't get the usual rhodesian press ?
mircea_popescu: wait, wait, philipinoy no longer on list of usg pet states ?! BUT THE SUCCESS OF INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACIES AND INTRIGUES?!?!?!
mircea_popescu: the large problem is that, generally unbeknownst to the victims of usg child abuse, they are actually not fit for any kind of intellectual work anymore, nor will ever be.
mircea_popescu: and it is EXACTLY child abuse. some people take five year olds and teach them how to take penis up their asshole. usg takes five year olds and teaches them to be ashamed of saying "i, therefore", and affraid of saying "this is too much to read".
mircea_popescu: principles of usg diffusely outside of usg.microsoft, usg.intel, usg.ibm and other enummerable badness". that about work ?
mircea_popescu: well, i guess we'll have to have a terminology standard then. how about this : fsf = "a little coven of pantsuit retards defined by loyalty to rms and no further characteristics", ie fsf is about on the level of importance of "starslatecodex" ; gnu = "symbol with no concrete reference, sometimes used as g- or gnu- prefix by marketeers exacly like the string 'super-'" ; open = "group of usg wreckers working on perpetuating the
mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rjtFr/?raw=true << lolz. teh usg is very, very affraid, made EVEN COOLER alt-tmsr!!! it'll work as well as all the cooler bitcoins it made to date NO DOUBT1!11
asciilifeform: == 'only usg logs us, and we like it' ?
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/04/duterte-receives-support-from-russia-and-china-as-usg-state-spurns-another-longtime-ally/ << Qntra - Duterte Receives Support From Russia And China As USG.STATE Spurns Another Longtime Ally
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793234 << me also. hurr-durr you will not have a usg-free computer socio-engineering bs. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( or at the very least, if not purged, every proggy that attempts to lean on usg.pki-ism should generate a log event )
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/04/usg-alleges-rogue-cellular-site-simulators-in-capitol-region/ << Qntra - USG Alleges "Rogue" Cellular Site Simulators In Capitol Region
mircea_popescu: usg medicine is very much like usg "technology" aka web development : "hey, it seems to work!"
mircea_popescu: the usg employee that told the truth hasn't been seen this decade.
mircea_popescu: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/06/us/baltimore-police-corruption.html << and in other news, turns out baltimore is becoming the first city liberated by republican militias from the terrorist self-appointed usg ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you understand how the usg uroborus goes ? constant eating its own tail : 1. have "idea" ; 2. get "finance" for idea ; 3. implement "idea" to "grow big" because "monetize later" ; 4. someone else has "same idea" does it cheaper ; 5. collects finance to "grow big" because "money later" and so on
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/03/boeing-production-hit-by-ransomware-using-usg-nsa-exploits/ << Qntra - Boeing Production Hit By Ransomware Using USG.NSA Exploits
mircea_popescu: john baku belongs working for the usg, he's just about dumb enough.
asciilifeform: phunphakt : 1) ~all gringostan office hellholes have gensets. but: 2) completely pointless, they are installed by usg decree and only connect to... the lift (horrors!11, someone could be stuck in a lift for an hour)
asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2018/03/nine-citizens-of-iran-given-the-honour-of-inclusion-in-usg-fbis-wanted-list/#comment-111957 << in other pantsuitology
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/03/nine-citizens-of-iran-given-the-honour-of-inclusion-in-usg-fbis-wanted-list/ << Qntra - Nine Citizens of Iran Given the Honour of Inclusion in USG.FBI's 'Wanted List'
mircea_popescu: consider something simple : i took pride publicly on how trilema doesn't load google analytics, thereby giving away the usual set of telemetrics to the usg. fine and good. but your site can be coaxed to load ???.burpcollaborator.net by 3rd party ? so every time a "normal" browser goes by it looks up wtf that doctype is and so on ?
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/03/usg-whispers-pleas-of-war-on-terror-and-special-operations-command-in-mikrotik-router-shitware-case/ << Qntra - USG Whispers Pleas Of "War On Terror" And "Special Operations Command" In MikroTik Router Shitware Case
a111: Logged on 2018-03-21 12:08 asciilifeform: also if anyone bothered to read the linked turd, baker is not the author, it is ocr from usg leak
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-21#1788314 << no but see, the way i understand it, the whole appeal of the entire usg.robocar concept is that it removes human agency wrt traffic oucomes. if this illusion is not sustainable "why bother" as per usg.logic. discussing the event in terms of characteristics of the victim, ESPECIALLY in that "suicide" direction, cements defeat in this logic. ☝︎
asciilifeform: also if anyone bothered to read the linked turd, baker is not the author, it is ocr from usg leak ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-03-20 23:00 trinque: "Information Domain Counter to Belt and Road" << these fucking idiots. yes, China's actual manufacturing and actual trade routes will be no match for usg.tmobile's netflix stream quality.
trinque: "Information Domain Counter to Belt and Road" << these fucking idiots. yes, China's actual manufacturing and actual trade routes will be no match for usg.tmobile's netflix stream quality. ☟︎
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/03/usg-attacks-softest-crypto-target-possible/ << Qntra - USG Attacks Softest "Crypto" Target Possible