39 entries in 0.638s

BingoBoingo: Anyways the "
Turkey dollars" refers to the
dollars that could buy BTC
whaack: well you don't get stuck without a block, but you get 2016 very quick blocks (that the
turkey dollars club must have btc to prop up) and then 12h or w/e without a block
a111: Logged on 2017-08-06 17:38 mircea_popescu: there's an absolute limit
turkey dollars put on "tower to the moon" efforts : if you have at most 100 turkeys you can commit, printing further pictures of a
turkey on paper will not help you in your effort to build the "cart driven by 101 turkeys". because the 101th physically does not exist.
mircea_popescu: there's an absolute limit
turkey dollars put on "tower to the moon" efforts : if you have at most 100 turkeys you can commit, printing further pictures of a
turkey on paper will not help you in your effort to build the "cart driven by 101 turkeys". because the 101th physically does not exist.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: but --
turkey dollars 40k. us embassy barely scraped it together.
mircea_popescu: 40k
turkey dollars buys you an ukrainian split, why the fuck would you trade it for a car.
mircea_popescu: (the link is particularly funny for the amounts. when it comes to
turkey dollars, usg is really poor. 40k here, 10k there, 5k overages accounted for --- a far cry from the "we lost one trillion
dollars in 100 bills that never existed" dept of war fare.)
mircea_popescu: but in any case - ethertard budget exceeded 50mn in 2016 ; and these are
turkey dollars. this is more than the aggregate expenditure across all software branches in the united states in that year.
mircea_popescu: if you find the time to read the log, the whole
turkey dollars thing's discussed periodically. even recently re the linkedin "billion" sale.
trinque: if I had 40 billion
turkey dollars and suddenly had to divest from USD denominated assets and companies that relied on consumer spending, where would I go?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-22 06:07 mircea_popescu: anyway. the lulz has cost usg more
turkey dollars than mit has cost usg this year. that's an accomplishment right there, they could have made ten thousand hookers and fifty thousand "aides" happy for that money. this means 10k angry hookers and 50k passive-agressive pencildicks extra to deal with.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the lulz has cost usg more
turkey dollars than mit has cost usg this year. that's an accomplishment right there, they could have made ten thousand hookers and fifty thousand "aides" happy for that money. this means 10k angry hookers and 50k passive-agressive pencildicks extra to deal with.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: the "convertibility" of 1:1
turkey dollars to fiat
dollars is a very expensive proposition.
mircea_popescu: but what's important here is the "turning fake
dollars into
turkey dolars through market destruction/replacement" mechanism.
mircea_popescu: this allows mp to
turkey-ize the fake
dollars, by denying a market to the usg agentura.
mircea_popescu: this is mostly
dollars, and by the million not by the thousand.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform inasmuch as he steal speaks of "its money", orlov doesn't actually get the
turkey dollars thing. he earnestly thinks that there is ONE kind of usdollar, and PART of that one is "wasted". whereas the situation in the field is that there's two kinds, ands the bezzle part can only be bezzled with.
mircea_popescu: and fwiw, i doubt anyone has the money, or had, in the past century. we're talking 50bn
turkey dollars here. gates can, at most, make a foundation to greenhouse little hussein bahamas out in africa.
mircea_popescu: oh, this isn't about math. this is about stem. stem costs
TURKEY dollars.
ben_vulpes: la serenissima might be able to rent my oar pullers if it could convert my deficit spending to
dollars mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you're wondering why the figure's so low (srsly, palantir raises 200mn, whatsap sells for 20bn ?), the reason'd be that most of this has to be actual
turkey buying
mircea_popescu: but the car cost ~1mn worth of
turkey dollars to make.
mircea_popescu: also, seeing how InterActiveCorp ( NASDAQ: IACI ) consists of at least 10% okcupid and claims total assets of 4bn, we can estimate the value of the bezzle! if 4k worth of okcupid is perhaps 10% of the business self-valued at 4bn, then every dollar a us corporation owns is worth ~0.001 cents of actual, honest to god,
dollars and 0.999 cents of pure bezzle.
ben_vulpes: and those refund checks are