193 entries in 0.645s

a111: Logged on 2015-09-22 03:01 asciilifeform: speaking of, last i checked, '
trezor' was still reflashable from the usb jack.
mircea_popescu: shouldn't you have been already aware of this ? if the "
trezor" wasn't patent medicine, that is ?
Guest45857: so i assume is considered crap. Asking this cause i've one and i was thinking to be on the safe side. Should i discard every hardware wallet or is there something significantly better than
mircea_popescu: yes well, let's not confuse the inept products of idiots with the broader categories.
trezor is a specific piece of shit, not something as lofty as "a hardware wallet".
Guest45857: hello, i would like to ask about
trezor security. in your opinion is safer a properly air gapped computer or specific hardware wallet like
a111: Logged on 2015-09-22 03:01 asciilifeform: speaking of, last i checked, '
trezor' was still reflashable from the usb jack.
ben_vulpes: "As soon as you connect your
Trezor to a power source such as a computer, without entering any PIN codes or opening any websites, the
Trezor device firmware by itself fills the SRAM with all your sensitive secret information."
assbot: Logged on 27-12-2015 16:46:59; thestringpuller: oh wow. ALF was right on the money using DPA to break the
thestringpuller: oh wow. ALF was right on the money using DPA to break the
☟︎ BingoBoingo: I was kinda iffy about him with the whole
Trezor thing
mircea_popescu: BTW: Homeland Security was storing all the seized Bitcoins on a
Trezor that they either purchased or seized from someone else!
mircea_popescu: Finally, my question: All of my transactions into the
Trezor showed up as confirmed as soon as they got confirmed, however the send transaction (through Coinbase at our donation web sites) took hours to show up as confirmed in the myTrezor wallet even though it had many, many confirmation on blockchain.info
nubbins`: "My
Trezor finally arrived (but with scratches and rusted/not working cable)... I am happy anyway! I want to share my happiness :-)"
liquidassets: sometimes I buy a few small things using their interface like a
trezor or mycelium entropy
menahem: lol, the
trezor is a bit of a bitch to setup. but really not that bad.
menahem: im going through the logs a bit, are you using your
trezor much ?
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:53:14; mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately unlike Bitcoin there is no reputation
Trezor." << a)
trezor's kinda dysfunctional/derpy ; b) of course there is. airgapped gpg.
mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately unlike Bitcoin there is no reputation
Trezor." << a)
trezor's kinda dysfunctional/derpy ; b) of course there is. airgapped gpg.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: i guess re-reading this is ambiguous. did you mean "do to
trezor" as in, fixing ? or as in, exploiting ?
ascii_field: now who wants to tell me why it took so long to do to '
trezor' what i suggested doing to it immediately upon learning of the circuit ?
mircea_popescu: The_Shrander no, but it is kinda lulzy. in any case
trezor had mixed reviews at best here.
assbot: All
TREZOR users should update their firmware for protection against a physical attack - Extracting the Private Key from a
TREZOR with a $70 Oscilloscope : Bitcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1FqDPty )
Trezor Code no Longer LGPLv3, but now more restrictive Microsoft Reference Source License : Bitcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1BtEpj7 )
infobel: any thoughts on
Trezor anybody?
kakobrekla: well one of the idiots that i gave
trezor to still kept the coins on bitstamp until after the hack
kakobrekla: i think ascii had objection over
trezor saying "not sure if its better than a web wallet"
Naphex: kako, you use a
trezor? lol :)
cazalla: this has been another andreas recommendation..
trezor, the best!
kakobrekla: jurov do you know why
trezor guys went with "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0"
jurov: dunno if there's bip32/
trezor support in any noobish standalone client.. last i checked electrum was under development
kakobrekla: well you can enter your own private key in
trezor and null it after done
kakobrekla: punkman im quoting here > You can use the python tools to do anything with the
Trezor, but there's no user interface for (most of) it currently.
punkman: can you
trezor without the web2.0?
jurov: wanted to check if my
trezor still works, so sent half a bitcent to deedbot
jurov: she's showing off
trezor kakobrekla: ill donate you a
trezor if you want to attack it
thestringpuller: so basically you're attempting to hack the
trezor via DPA?
assbot: Hardware —
TREZOR Technical Manual 1.0 documentation
devthedev: Is anyone in possession of a
peeta: so are you getting a
Trezor Mircea?