700+ entries in 0.058s
asciilifeform: however, the bot that is here , does ~not~ have the phf pill, that one is in #asciilifeform-test
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 14:05:50 asciilifeform: lobbes, mp_en_viaje , et al : strangely, having problem reproducing the unibarf discovered by lobbes . pasting the text from the barf samples into test chan, doesn't produce the expected barf, it gets eaten normally
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 14:06:22 asciilifeform: lobbes: would it be difficult to park lobbesbot temporarily in #asciilifeform-test ?
asciilifeform: lobbes: would it be difficult to park lobbesbot temporarily in #asciilifeform-test ?
asciilifeform: lobbes, mp_en_viaje , et al : strangely, having problem reproducing the unibarf discovered by lobbes . pasting the text from the barf samples into test chan, doesn't produce the expected barf, it gets eaten normally
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, ok so then, what's the problem with the obvious course : test some static html files, see if it has same problem, implement cache as discussed yest when time permits and be done with it.
asciilifeform: ( not strictly as 'toy for noobs' but will help torture-test , perhaps readers will turn up some case where renders barf )
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-12 17:39:54 bvt: so far i've been doing everything manually. for 10 vpatches, i would start automating the process. typicall i'd run full test set for each vpatch
bvt: so far i've been doing everything manually. for 10 vpatches, i would start automating the process. typicall i'd run full test set for each vpatch
bvt: in my workflow, each vpatch individually receives full press-build-test cycle; more smaller vpatches can make this process a bit longer and tedious.
asciilifeform: achtung panzers : test of next ver of log www ; spyked you have the newtab thing ; mp_en_viaje you have the checkerboard (lemme know if would rather darker/lighter) ; asciilifeform gets http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log?rev=1 reversal
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-11 18:38:49 asciilifeform: there are 3 possible pills : 1) increase delay (and there is no guarantee from fleanode re what suffices) 2) do as ben's bot did, and await the fleanode-specific 'you've been authed' string when connecting 3) perform test re which chans we are in, when connected, and retry until the set of which-chans is equal to the config'd set
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-11 18:21:17 asciilifeform: apol. for noise, but must test bot : http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-11#1927570
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-10 22:32:08 asciilifeform: logger prolly a notbad test.
asciilifeform: logger prolly a notbad test.
asciilifeform: lobbes: 1 good test for your znc eater, would be to eat some zncade that's already reflected in phf's dump, and see whether matches.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-08-01#1926112 << These go back to this, I did test those ones when they came in. iirc they did work alright when I tested them. I stopped adding these items to the working vtree (SHA512) when mircea_popescu said, and instead started working towards getting the keccak vtree built & then getting it onto cuntoo. Figured once there & stab ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-30#1925619 << i've been seeing these for years nao. they're all contemptible scams, incidentally: profit model is that shit student ~pays~ to test for 'accidental' plagiarism , so that homework won't set off detector when his prof tests ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2015-09-04 09:58 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-09-2015#1262399 << "passing aml/kyc" for dealing with money is like passing the astrology test to go to the hospital. yes some unfortunate souls stuck in retarded, abusive communities do that.
asciilifeform: would be pretty good torture test of it
diana_coman: here's the test patch and the run, respectively: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/oxfeV/?raw=true and http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kLwrq/?raw=true
diana_coman: hm, current vtools still don't handle move of files or what am I missing here? I made a simple test with moving one file to a different location and as far as I can see, it's still delete + create, no move
mp_en_viaje: this is rather why i don't really deal with entities unwilling to go outside of their standard flow, it's like an initial test. because if they don't, i know what they are, and well...
asciilifeform: the other variant is to do a la trb, genesis e.g. 3.70.16 (arbitrary, happens to be what i had around during 1st test) and ~then~ cut, a la trb. but it is gargantuan , would make trb genesis look microscopic in comparison, viewing the genesis patch in e.g. phf's viewer will prolly crash most www browser..
mod6: Hi diana_coman! Let me post what I did (simply as a discussion point - example), for those whom are following along: http://www.mod6.net/cuntoo/test/ebuilds/starter_v-99993.ebuild
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 16:43 asciilifeform: re: loose ends: fwiw asciilifeform did in fact add the final missing piece to mipstron. BUT! can't test with the dummkopf's orig linux image as he... guess wat, his system had little-endian word accesses but big-endian byte read/write ! so his image in fact will boot on NO existing mips, nor any afaik other emulator.
mp_en_viaje: test it on their own software.
asciilifeform: but 'cold start' is important test of 'network health'
diana_coman: well, I just checked and I still have that ebuild on smg test so I'll do the dance with that; I suppose I might just as well sign it afterwards and that's that
diana_coman: so now I suppose I'll have to grab the ebuild from smg test and use that, wtf
diana_coman: in other annoying stuff: apparently the mysql ebuild I forced into use on smg test server meanwhile vanished from gentoo repos to the extent that my shiny new cuntoo just can't find it??
asciilifeform: aaand that was an item where i found jtag test points that could be soldered & operated
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-23#1919625 - s.mg test is running proto-cuntoo (non-musltronic) so not latest, no; there was this http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875228 and http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-09#1901069 ; as long as there is the CS dependency still on server, a move to static & musltronic only is also likely to be a lot of work. ☝︎☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-22#1919297 << there's an immense difference between usability and nurturing idiocy. yes, "not walking into open flame" is basic test of cns functionality ; nevertheless patterns of bursting flames on timers are found in video game platformers, not in between one's bedroom and bathroom. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: hewhet.net/2019/03/hanbots-cuntoo-bake-test-notes-part-iv/ spanning a coupla months.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-04 12:12 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-04#1917013 -> until we change OS basically; the test one was step towards Cuntoo and that's pretty much the only real reason for having 2 since playing around with the OS on a production server is rather iffy.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-27 18:18 diana_coman: asciilifeform, smg's test machine is running proto-cuntoo so it's not just any gentoo really
mircea_popescu: there's on one hand the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-23#1837434 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-27#1875247 / http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-04#1917021 story arch, spanning a year. there's also the http://thewhet.net/2019/02/hanbots-cuntoo-bake-test-notes-part-i/ http://thewhet.net/2019/02/hanbots-cuntoo-bake-test-notes-part-ii/ http://thewhet.net/2019/03/hanbots-cuntoo-bake-test-notes-part-iii-with-prep-script/ http://t ☝︎☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 16:43 asciilifeform: re: loose ends: fwiw asciilifeform did in fact add the final missing piece to mipstron. BUT! can't test with the dummkopf's orig linux image as he... guess wat, his system had little-endian word accesses but big-endian byte read/write ! so his image in fact will boot on NO existing mips, nor any afaik other emulator.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 13:59 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: right, and iirc test resulted in open questions ( item not yet fully replicable, but no one knows precisely why )
asciilifeform: re: loose ends: fwiw asciilifeform did in fact add the final missing piece to mipstron. BUT! can't test with the dummkopf's orig linux image as he... guess wat, his system had little-endian word accesses but big-endian byte read/write ! so his image in fact will boot on NO existing mips, nor any afaik other emulator. ☝︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: right, and iirc test resulted in open questions ( item not yet fully replicable, but no one knows precisely why ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-22#1919166 << trinque sweated out a draft cuntoo, which sadly i have not had chance to test in anger. i have a physical box that is destined for it , when get chance, and also will be porting it to the sim-mips, ditto. but i promised to mircea_popescu not to undertake any elaborate works until ffa suitable for 'discard gpg' and extension to other (gossipd, trbi, what else is waiting on it) paths ☝︎
asciilifeform: speaking of linux lulz, asciilifeform recently obtained a 'huawei' to test cuntoo. but this is on back conveyor currently. ☝︎
asciilifeform did not test
billymg: ordered one of these (gigabyte) to test since comments in the reviews seem to confirm it will eat ecc sticks https://archive.is/6aNW9
diana_coman: asciilifeform: my test was with bits directly read from fg, not buffered (if it wasn't clear); also fwiw further timings and tests are still on my list - it's just that my hands are/have been rather overflowing with eulora
asciilifeform: ( i test mine when plugged in from shelf , can't speak for other folx )
asciilifeform: lol not simply 'factory test', but erry other test.
asciilifeform: primary win imho from a hypothetical 'fast fg' isn't even any of this, but that it is faster to test
asciilifeform: given that asciilifeform does not buffer fg ( exercise for reader: why not? ) these waits do not happen in parallel with the computation, and by all rights ought to expect that a live-fg test (not yet performed) can be expected to take longer by the above interval, vs. the bottled-entropy test pictured in yest. thrd.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-06 15:46 asciilifeform: loox like diana_coman also used 2048b primes in test of diana_comantronic system ; 'A relatively short test run obtained 40 random primes of 2048 bits each in 13274 seconds in total (3.7 hours) meaning on average 331.85 seconds per prime (~6 minutes)' and diana_coman's 'winner' gets 16 shots; but caveats, a) we have diff iron
asciilifeform: loox like diana_coman also used 2048b primes in test of diana_comantronic system ; 'A relatively short test run obtained 40 random primes of 2048 bits each in 13274 seconds in total (3.7 hours) meaning on average 331.85 seconds per prime (~6 minutes)' and diana_coman's 'winner' gets 16 shots; but caveats, a) we have diff iron ☟︎
asciilifeform: will need moar test.
asciilifeform: spoiler : economy not significant (in this ~one~, they are effectively one, rngistically) test , eight 2048bit 'prob primes' shat in 4m26.812s vs 3m52.591s respectively.
asciilifeform: this will be to determine what is the diminishing-return point (gcd with 1, 2, ... , 17 pieces , for prefilter, and 1st 1MB from fg sample bin on nosuchlabs.com, for deterministic test; see what diff makes to the time needed to gen N primes )
mircea_popescu: as per the "males -- born to die trying ; females -- born to carefully & spawn" theory of biological gender difference, it even makes sense. in any case, the included prediction : i say there's not going to be a better (oral ; over the internet) gender test.
mircea_popescu: in fact, this is SO fucking ~biologically~ specific i'm even proposing it as the ~best currently known~ gender test. 1. female path : what are you going to do ? "im going to try X" why X ? "it's what everyone else tries". 2. male path : what are you going to do ? "i'm going to try Y" why Y ? "never fucking heard of it before"
asciilifeform: ( i do have to buy'em and properly test before flying'em, tho, and it is ~conceivable~ that one will be a dud and get mailed back etc )
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The box swap sounds like a deal, would you like the colocation invoiced annually on both boxes or would you like the test box invoiced quarterly or monthly instead?
diana_coman: indeed; I suppose there might be a case for keeping the production server only and then getting the test/cuntoo one only when there is finally what to put on it
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-04#1917013 -> until we change OS basically; the test one was step towards Cuntoo and that's pretty much the only real reason for having 2 since playing around with the OS on a production server is rather iffy. ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: 1700.40 USD @ 5319 USD/BTC = 0.319684151 BTC + 0.1175 BTC (0.235/2) = 0.437184151 BTC for a year of hosting on each box. This would carry the production server to April 18th 2020 and the test server would carry it to June 1st 2020. The two invoices would total 0.874368302 BTC, and the next invoicing on the boxes would be staggered one month apart.
mircea_popescu: even passes the sisters test ("dixie chicks", no claim to fame besides "vehicle for providing genetically-similar fuckholes to mottola", which is in fact enough)
asciilifeform: sovok was the ultimate test ground for this notion. take 9000 childrens and force'em from age 4 to chess, ballet, etc. and found that indeed from 1000, 1-2 will perform on world class. but certainly at no point was there 'erry child' delusion entertained.
mod6: Evenin'. I've built trb on cuntoo with ave1's 20180924 tools, with rotor only. Quick test shows pulls connects, pulls blocks.
whaack: I wasn't implying that I would test drive Uruguay for a year. I would try it for 1-2 months first of course.
BingoBoingo: whaack: I'd recommend if you come to Uruguay you don't spend the whole year test driving the country without a solid job offer when there's other parts of LATAM to explore.
stjohn_piano_2: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-16#1914109 << yes. i didn't even trust the implementation of the hash function though. i started out with the assumption "it's all terrible" and the conclusion was "the only true test is to get a transaction from this address into the blockchain". ☝︎
stjohn_piano_2: speech rec company: learned to build / tune /test speech rec systems (nuance, grxml). ran transcription projects for the test data. wrote statistical sampler scripts for the output.
stjohn_piano_2: speec rec company wanted transcription projects to test the speech systems.
asciilifeform: was gonna say. stjohn_piano_2 take a look at his input, it's the ultimate, possibly, torture test for ocrtron, 18th c. manuscript.
a111: Logged on 2014-09-22 04:33 asciilifeform: switching caps lock and ctrl << 'Emacs actually comes with a builting Emacs Aptitude Test. Do you remap your keyboard or the Emacs keybindings before the chords and sequences it comes with by default have wreaked havoc with your hands? If you do not do anything to make Emacs more convenient for yourself, you may not have the prerequisite aptitude to use it productive.' (naggum, who else. http://www.xach.com/na
mp_en_viaje: this would be an entirely new thing, reflect tmsr ideology, also help it develop/test out.
diana_coman: I suppose the slop-feeding is in itself test enough - if one actually likes it and doesn't ever see any problem with it then it's precisely fit, what.
mp_en_viaje: average hotel wench so dedicated to her job, gladly will help you test the beds with her.
asciilifeform: for that matter: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-04#1693906 << slower ver. of same, pictured in live fire test of isolated fg. ☝︎
asciilifeform: none of the stated excuses really pass laugh test, either ( 'ohnoez, expensive to rip up asphalt' -- but they do it all year long, for 0 actual reason, largely to keep up 'road work doubles traffic fines' thing they have going in many states )
BingoBoingo: Catch girl, test girl with low risk work, follow by catching next girl
mp_en_viaje: really put the acceptance of "this statistics thing, is genuine science" to the test. then we took to retrospective fambly history, even more horrified. "omg it's true"
asciilifeform: asciilifeform's fg test process for freshly-received boards, for instance, included an (unpublished, and won't be published any time soon) set of test circuits for the fpga , that characterized the propagation delays.
asciilifeform: bigendian is sadly ~extinct on extant market iron tho. to the point that i haven't even a working one in torture room to test on presently.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's 100% enuff for a test harness ( thing even has a handy arse port from which it shits microcode instr. in realtime as it runs )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, o wow, that sums to almost a workable test harness!
billymg: but i know i'll have to pause on that to put together a test suite (which should actually be a great way of identifying what needs to *remain*)
mircea_popescu: billymg, no, the idea is that you maintain a test suite.
billymg: diana_coman: related to the test branch idea, if you have anything of yours you could point me to, for figuring out a v-centric testing flow, would be appreciated
a111: Logged on 2019-03-27 21:23 Mocky: billymg: if your tinymce patch is ready this weekend I'll test it with my setup.
billymg: if that's what you meant by test suite, just to clarify
billymg: in terms of test suite, i didn't actually write any automated tests for mp-wp, i only meant the manual testing i did, plus reading my own patch a few times
a111: Logged on 2019-03-27 17:14 mircea_popescu: billymg, if you're happy with it, one thing you could do is patch your testing suite as an alternate patch off mp-wp genesis ; this way people looking to test can just use it (and patch atop it if need be) rather than write from scratch.
mircea_popescu: rando schmucks drop in here every day, fail the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-27#1905146 test with flying colors, they could be fiat sovereign diplomatic core without skipping a bit. becauise the pretenders factually and experimentally verifiedly are quite that inept, yes. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: bartholomew is driving my groundskeeper fellow to the brink of madness. it is the SECOND consecutive technical inspection it passed without any repairs, AT ALL. the poor guy, drives a cheap toyota, comes back from trhe test with lengthly lists of requisites EVERY time. last year he was very put off by the "pass on 1st try" thing, especially as the year prior he had seen the thing dump its fluids and have to be toed. but th
asciilifeform: nao the q becomes, you later look at what came out of the wire. is it possible to conceive of a 'rng test' that the output would not (for particular p , taken as constant) fail ?
asciilifeform: sure enuff, but seems to me that asking for an object that appears to pass even elementary (e.g. 'pi dart') rng smoke test, while actually avoids 3/4 of the phase space in its output, is like asking for a 2 which is also a 3 .
asciilifeform: fwiw however i cannot presently think of any rng test, even the dumbest ones in the 'dieharder' collection, that wouldn't barf at a rng which avoids 3/4 (or any similar proportion) chunk of the integer number line
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> being pretty much the ~only test anyone here in any substantial sense gives a shit about. << Indeed
mircea_popescu: being pretty much the ~only test anyone here in any substantial sense gives a shit about.
asciilifeform: incidentally, litmus where you pluck a string of N bits from rng, and then look for the expected distribution of m-r liars ( or apparent primality ) is itself a notbad, imho, rng test
asciilifeform: when we 1st had m-r thread, i also considered a hybrid algo, where you take e.g. 32 rng witnesses, and 32 that are kept in bottle and known only to you , for 64-shot test that is slightly moar immune to rng failure. but then thought 'rng is jesus bolt, if fails, yer candidate is also fucked' so couldn't think of why to do such a thing.