500+ entries in 0.178s
diana_coman: I have no idea; that's what the spam said and it made to me ~as much sense as that log.
diana_coman: I'll counter that with today's blog-spam: "metal pants!"
mp_en_viaje: or what exactly is the idea, erryone's gonna be so fucking impressed with the whole "oh, you know what, ye olde bitcoin has, among its many race conditions, one where you can dos it by getblock spam" that we'll just move right back on to 2015 ? it ain't ever gonna be 2015 again, make a blog, find a master, do some work AS THEY DIRECT YOU, and so on.
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile #ossasepia is turned the lulz of all time. http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-02-23#1019288 << dude. going through some spam html google was gamed into vomiting back at you is NOT research.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-31#1957752 - replied, in spyked's spam queue. In the mean time, http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/2019/gales-linux-initial-release/#comment-182
jfw: billymg: commented on your vpatch draft, probably went to spam.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 01:23:15 ave1: dorion, I got the pingpack and the comment went into spam, retrieved...
mircea_popescu: in other sighs, /me excitedly checked who the fuck that ИМ ave1 resqued from the spam que might be, went over to "knowen.org", turns out it's yet another dumbass pointless pantsuit platform-wannabe, "protected by recaptcha" to crown the shit in turds.
ave1: and fished out another legitimate comment out of the spam bin.
ave1: dorion, I got the pingpack and the comment went into spam, retrieved...
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, no. I mean there's a flavor of spam email now that says "I've been watching you jack off through your computer's webcam. Pay X USD to Y BTC address" where the address has never been paid before, but its always one out of the same same handful of addresses.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, not worth Qntra is Krugman's turn now to waving around the empty threat bitcoin ransom or your nudes get published spam as evidence of "hackers"
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile from trilema arguably-useful spam, http://rdk.regionsv.ru/
diana_coman: hanbot: iirc there was some issue if one messed up something in that additional spam filtering change because it touches indeed the same file and it's ~easy to make a mistake so it just kills all comments; but then it kills all really so hm.
hanbot: i wonder wtf tho'. i remember popping that message when i was trying to adjust the spam filter on the themes to work correctly, but that's been fixed a -while-. maybe it thought my email addy's offensive somehow lol.
mircea_popescu: http://www.krankendenken.com/2019/10/the-cod/#comment-151 << check out the weird spam
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2019/11/medium-com-now-fetid-cesspool-of-spam-and-malware/#comment-147388
mircea_popescu: and meanwhile in cesspool news, every larger turd splashing in there sends all the lesser turds into a tizzy. who knows, maybe it's their time now ?!?!?! THE TURD'S TIME TO SHINE!!!!
mircea_popescu: the drawback is that most spam ops use diff boxes for harvesting and posting, sadly.
mircea_popescu: in other news, i'm considering getting an upgrade for mp-wp, wherein comments marked as spam are displayed for as long as the ip they were made from is loading the page
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/11/medium-com-now-fetid-cesspool-of-spam-and-malware/ << Qntra -- Medium.com Now Fetid Cesspool Of Spam And Malware
BingoBoingo: hanbot: Comment waiting in your mod/spam hopper. I suspect the quantity of log links pushed it there.
spyked: hm. also, it's possible it might have missed some when I purged the notification queue following the spam this weekend. lemme know if they still don't get delivered when you go online using mircea_popescu
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-02 04:24:16 spyked: fwiw I don't believe this is flaw; the alternative would be for the bot to keep a list of all the items it's ever seen, but then it would be a list of all the items it's seen since the feed was first added to its db, which is an arbitrary cutoff point. wouldn't have prevented this spam anyway, since I've originally added the feed list to feedbot in 2018? and ossasepia's current rss goes all the way to 2017
spyked: fwiw I don't believe this is flaw; the alternative would be for the bot to keep a list of all the items it's ever seen, but then it would be a list of all the items it's seen since the feed was first added to its db, which is an arbitrary cutoff point. wouldn't have prevented this spam anyway, since I've originally added the feed list to feedbot in 2018? and ossasepia's current rss goes all the way to 2017
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: it is difficult to resist a good ol'fashioned gloves-off flamefest , but i give my word re to not spam your chan ( in fact will be mostly afk for next coupla d. )
mp_en_viaje: they're self-evidently all the same "person", if you can call it that. basically, i'm dealing with the same spam script run wild that's ruined western natural sciences.
asciilifeform: a 3) 'expand the republic' presently takes more brain than i have, to offer concrete idea. but will write on the subj, as soon as i have half a clue (and ftr, imho sending spam is ~not~ a practical plan for expanding republic.)
asciilifeform: diana_coman: will do. ( as for spam trap, until i actually get chance to move my www to mp's wp system, the spam trap stays, i dun have slaves to filter the 400+ spamolas was getting erry day prior to installation of traps )
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I replied that I will set up a retrieval appointment at a later date when the chance of rain is low to non-existent, and that the noc@ email address they want me to coordinate through rejects my messages as spam. I attached the rejection email as a .txt with full headers.
BingoBoingo: Anyways this DKIM anti-spam thing that never worked as anti-spam apparently is actually useful for asserting "Yes, this email really did come outta your server"
BingoBoingo hasn't seen Thai language spam in quite a while
mp_en_viaje: i wonder if anyoen gets latin spam.
mp_en_viaje: in other news i might run the blog with the most linguistically varied spam. 30+ diff langs, i think of those i speak or visited only latin's missing.
spyked: in related news, thetarpit.org will soon point to the same site as wp.thetarpit.org ; I'll temporarily disable thetarpit's feedbot feed while sorting this out, so I avoid any potential spam while at it
mp_en_viaje: so i log into trilema after a coupla days of walking through forests etc, and i find... 58 comments in queue. so im like wtf, fucking hell, the spam thing finally croaked.
lobbes: In related leased server news, turns out the singapore hoster was more trouble than worth; communication impossible (all emails met by automated "ticket" creation followed by 5+ scripted spam responses) and they wanted scanned driver's license + credit card. Told 'em noty
diana_coman: yeah, I don't think it has anything to do with anything ie it's just another sort of spam.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile it looks like ima have to review the trackback model also, as it turns out the new select style can spam trackbacks ( http://trilema.com/2019/the-freenode-issue/#comment-131559 and on)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-15 06:03:16 diana_coman: mircea_popescu: even if/when I must introduce it because possibly some disgruntled good for nothings have nothing better to do than to spam
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: even if/when I must introduce it because possibly some disgruntled good for nothings have nothing better to do than to spam
spyked: aaaand this should be all of feedbot's part/join spam for today, ty for bearing with it! also, removed http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-09-04#1933696 from #t's announce list (left a few of them in #s though)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 13:08:32 asciilifeform: meanwhile in vintage oddball spam via mircea_popescu's link.
hanbot: speaking of http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-07#1934455 lulz: wasn't that chick from the same Evanston, IN mentioned in ye oddball spam?
asciilifeform: meanwhile in vintage oddball spam via mircea_popescu's link.
asciilifeform: btw diana_coman actually #20 contains mistake, in temp mirrors 1st set up 'nginx' as in older system, then 'apache' to compare whether made diff in re performance (it did not) . ( putting this here, rather than to spam mp's www with 9000 errata comments.. )
asciilifeform: 'new jersey philosophy', right, where 'hey it's good enuff, and if turns out not, let ~others~ clean up'. same way as email 'was goodenuff', from the idjit designer's pov, until spam, then suddenly 'what's yer problem with moving to walled gul^H^H^Hgarden, terrorist, will work there as before'. ditto irc.
asciilifeform: lol nigerian office of yandex spam
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in lulzy spam disclosures: US Office of Foreign Asset Control http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/GLllJ/?raw=true
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: for my education, work through example where vpn customer starts sending spam. how do i even determine ~which one it was~ w/out loudly and publicly breaking the promise to the customers which makes the idea of relay appealing to start with ?
asciilifeform: btw, for n00bz : try some time and actually subscribe to a 'vpnism'. you'll quickly see 9000 spam/day offering other products for the irredeemably-gullible, same as if you order 'colloid silver' or similar snake oil. it's a conveniently-affixed leper's bell on obvious, broad-daylight scamola of erry kind, they trade lists of chumps
asciilifeform: this also touches so far strictly cost of pipe, and omits cost of disposal of the 1st 'genius' who starts serving 'pedo club' or spam emporium or whatever other attractive nuisance via his acct
asciilifeform: trinque: principal difficulty re 'vpn' is 1) it's a fundamentally dumb product 2) attracts nuisances which reliably draw fire ( spam, frontal baitings of usg , etc ) 3) reqs ridiculous amt of pipe
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 20:51:35 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, lobbes , et al : prolly could easily purge ~100% of spam, simply by detecting these. lemme know if you want.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 20:45:51 asciilifeform: hrm, correctly but with exception of certain spam lol
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 20:51:35 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, lobbes , et al : prolly could easily purge ~100% of spam, simply by detecting these. lemme know if you want.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, lobbes , et al : prolly could easily purge ~100% of spam, simply by detecting these. lemme know if you want.
asciilifeform: some spam dun show up at all
asciilifeform: hrm, correctly but with exception of certain spam lol
asciilifeform: lemme guess, it came to mp_en_viaje in a spam ?
mp_en_viaje: (i suspect diff is because bv silently discards join/part spam, but indexes it)
asciilifeform: incl. some spam/shitware folx who had... rather porous system , and could see their internal lulz
ave1: I am sorry, somehow between all the spam of "I like your writing style" it got eaten.
mp_en_viaje: the item sounds like you got a diff comment in the spam queue.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-11 22:46:22 lobbes: I have a feeling it may be from spam-fest 2018 >> http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-09-19.log.html#t16:42:16
asciilifeform: lobbes: interestingly, the uni-spam aint where choked
lobbes: I have a feeling it may be from spam-fest 2018 >> http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-09-19.log.html#t16:42:16
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i did not show up to where the spam asked, so do not know. but suspect that the whole orchestra is hard up for literate folx:
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: there's reason to suspect that usa air corps dropped standards. even asciilifeform ( who was never remotely athlete, or otherwise suspected of qualifying for the work ) has , in dusty files from freshman yr of uni , paper spam from u.s. af, 'pleez consider sign up, guaranteed flight instruction!' etc
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: they send spam like it's 1999 lol
mp_en_viaje: i got a trackback, first thoguht wtf is this spam (cuz you know, weird literal strings), then "holy shit wut is that url structure". had a 0.3 seconds of mental chaos.
asciilifeform: in other lulz, asciilifeform goes to snailmail box and in it, a spam, 'buy gold-plated plaque of yer patent!'. a:'wtf' , goes an' loox, sure enuff, there is one, d00d who ran (long-defunkt) salt mine where asciilifeform was conscripted to write one, apparently kept payin', and so got shat out.
mp_en_viaje: the problem is deeper than just the user agent ; fake bitcoin nodes send out all sorts of spam and otherwise misbehave. it's not possible to meaningfully communicate with one automatically, it requires skilled human hands.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: apol. for the comment spam, i misplaced a decimal point.
mp_en_viaje: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/C32zX/?raw=true << meanwhile im getting... bitcoin to usd offers as trilema spam
mircea_popescu: honestly, i spent ~5 minutes this week ; 60% of those searching the spam list for "protonmail" after it turned out this last smartypants ended up there directly. which is how i found the 2015 item (contrary to redditard lore, protonmail was never popular, few dozen total)
asciilifeform: since i put in the new booby, had two dozen or so comments from half that many people, who did find pressing, and 0 spam of any description..
asciilifeform: ip-banlist filtration imho sucks tho. puts burden on site operator, for no good reason. whereas if erry www keeper made commenters solve even ultra-simple 'reading comprehension' puzzler prior to comment entering queue, ~for so long as said puzzler aint standardized, a la idjit 'captcha'~ -- then spam, at least of the mass-scalable variety, evaporates.
mircea_popescu: 0% chances for this to pass if i don't actually fish it out of the spam list by hand. and for obvious fucking reasons : people who use protonmail are retarded.
mircea_popescu: in other wowz : http://trilema.com/2015/open-callgraph-for-therealbitcoin-in-svg-format/#comment-114712 << comment automatically (and incorrectly i suspect ?) marked as spam back then
asciilifeform: 'can translate Spanish and Tagalog. sorry if you think this is spam'
diana_coman: the Requester is the one who knows where data comes from, what does one need to do to obtain it, what sort of constraints there are (e.g. don't spam server with 1001 requests per second) and even what has to be obtained in order to be able to make a request at all (e.g. a set of Serpent keys!)
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: I got that same spam! tbf all spam is rather similar, sort of trying to work out which specific belief to latch on: is it how great one's blog is or is it how dangerous being online is.
BingoBoingo: Apparently it's the latest wordpress spam floating around. Ransom demand with no specifics on how to differentiate ransom. Nothing seeded to address for credibility
stjohn_piano_2: asciilifeform: this is not deliberately a spam trap. i had a choice while working: to build an open-access-point to the wider internet, or not to do so. i chose - not.
asciilifeform: the typical result of 'heaviweight' spam trap is... the sounds of silence
asciilifeform: stjohn_piano_2: with how much meat-powered spam was your www plagued, that this seemed like a good idea ?
a111: Logged on 2019-03-30 15:49 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in olds, asciilifeform's 'xor 2 small numbers'+'say fg baud' spam filter seems to be 100% effective (a 1st?!) -- 0 spams in trap since installed ( legit comments , not many , but work -- tho there were never many )
a111: Logged on 2016-07-03 22:46 mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2009/trilema-anti-spam/#selection-81.0-109.41 < section of interest.
asciilifeform: stjohn_piano_2: consider mircea_popescu's http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496469 of spam control (his is wpistic, but can be ported); or asciilifeform's http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-30#1906150. ☝︎☝︎
mp_en_viaje: Mocky, just sat and sifted through recruiter spam ?
asciilifeform: Mocky: for extra lulz, i still get megatonnes of recruiter spam, 'dear sir, if you have 'top seekrit clearance', we have a ... opening'
asciilifeform: ( you could spam people and they usually clicked 'ok wainot' )
nicoleci: they spam their premium feature
asciilifeform: diana_coman: there in fact are trojans which post spam to this & other heathen pits as 'updates'
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i actually used it briefly , many yrs ago, at the time it was just this tool for workers to drop in their cv and auto-spam it to employers etc
a111: Logged on 2018-11-26 15:24 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in spam lulz, http://www.eghtesadban.com/events/5560171/finite-field-arithmetic-chapter-12b-karatsuba-redux-part-2-of-2
mircea_popescu: did you see those irc channels with "games", ie bot spam ?
asciilifeform: a good % of what those folx do, i suspect can only be explained via 'spam logic'
asciilifeform: also gotta note, i did not posit that it 'works' (in the sense of 'they make bank'), only that 'they think it worx' ( a la spam )