53 entries in 0.925s

phf: for a person who dreams of
sleep ad libitum you sure snore a lot
phf: mircea_popescu: c'mon we are reminiscing, "in soviet union men wrought tools out of steal and built bridges that lead to god's own gates! women made pillows that were feather but light than feathers and as you lay on those pillows you needed to
sleep for five minutes, but it was as if you slept
ad libitum"
assbot: Logged on 29-02-2016 13:45:59; asciilifeform: yes, it is better to
sleep ad libitum, and wash yourself in the morning with fresh virgin tears and panda milk.
pete_dushenski doesn't have allergies, doesn't get sick since
sleep ad libitum assbot: Logged on 25-10-2015 16:04:16; asciilifeform: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-10-2015#1307560 << i could tell much the same tale as you. eventually i discovered that i have a 26-hour circadian cycle and no amount of punishments, risks, dope, lost money, etc. will do A FUCKING THING about it. the only cure is to break out of workschwitz so that to
sleep ad libitum.
mircea_popescu: well there certainly exist better museums of "
sleep ad libitum" all through california.
sleep ad libitum, but perchance - dream
ascii_field: two basic but imho entirely separate problems with mr mold - a) he wasn't entirely mentally clean of usg to begin with ( most of mircea_popescu's observations fall into (a)) b) he was approached, as early as 2010, and told 'your crackpot os will be funded and you can
sleep ad libitum, but there is a price'
assbot: Logged on 01-08-2015 21:28:52; jurov: danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to
sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses
jurov: danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to
sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses
☟︎ ascii_modem: anyway everything i spoke of zips up under '
sleep ad libitum'
ascii_field: well idk, but is lawsky living in a sewage pipe? or a house 50x the size of my hovel, with '
sleep ad libitum' ?
decimation: Landgull: I think ascii's goal is to
sleep ad libitum pete_dushenski: all i know is that '21 inc' sure as fuck isn't disrupting my
sleep ad libitum.
mircea_popescu: you know, stupid people
sleep ad libitum by the definition of those terms.