138 entries in 0.705s
snsabot: Logged on 2017-03-12 14:40:14 Framedragger: asciilifeform: OT and just grammar nitpicking, but in http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sage_pill.py line 22, s/Could connect/Could not connect/
a111: Logged on 2018-11-30 03:07 asciilifeform: zx2c4: you may find it interesting to learn that i once worked in a dour 'salt mine' where shat out 'correctness proof' all day. in 'sage.'
asciilifeform: among other virtues, it's the only currently produced box that worx with sage device .
asciilifeform put ~decade into various attempts at $subj, but ~0 forward motion until made the sage breakthrough and gained ability to debug bios. but has been on back burner in preference to moar urgent tmsrisms ever since
asciilifeform: it was this very front that asciilifeform published the sage thing for.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-30 03:07 asciilifeform: zx2c4: you may find it interesting to learn that i once worked in a dour 'salt mine' where shat out 'correctness proof' all day. in 'sage.'
asciilifeform: ( and not mythical sage ' r.s.seer' )
asciilifeform: it was a misery. and 'sage' made it ~more~ of misery, if yer gonna commit 'machine proof' atrocities, has no biz doing in a non-homoiconic lang (i.e. any non lisp)
asciilifeform: zx2c4: you may find it interesting to learn that i once worked in a dour 'salt mine' where shat out 'correctness proof' all day. in 'sage.' ☟︎☟︎
zx2c4: more seriously, if you're mostly after small computer programs to help you out when exploring a field but eventually do the proof by hand, z3 and sage wind up being super practical as day to day work horses
zx2c4: sage?
mircea_popescu: syria is ~california. sage brush and shit.
asciilifeform: grr can't find thread, so at risk of repeat : there is a legend, where some nao long-dead sage ( ulam ? ) was in a room where the lesser mortals idly fucked around with q 'how to short bundle of sticks by length' fastest. d00d silently picked up the bundle of sticks and pounded them on table ends-down and then lowered palm onto the top, picking up longest with each move
a111: Logged on 2018-07-06 17:09 asciilifeform: 'make emu' builds variant that runs in qemu and (if you have x86-64 qemu) boots it. 'make sage' ditto but boots on a cold sage ( see http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1887 & elsewhere ) . 'make sage-warm' boots on a warm sage.
asciilifeform: hmm seems like i forgot to include the sage gdb loaders, 1s
asciilifeform: 'make emu' builds variant that runs in qemu and (if you have x86-64 qemu) boots it. 'make sage' ditto but boots on a cold sage ( see http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1887 & elsewhere ) . 'make sage-warm' boots on a warm sage. ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-25#1805414 << mezzano seems -- since i last looked -- to be almost enuff to make an actual workstation os out of , if anybody bothered to get hold of a e.g. apu1 with sage snake and tailor it properly to the iron ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-02-04 16:38 asciilifeform: i actually have a pcengines apu1 ( 2G version ) with the sage header soldered on, and sageprobe, that i am adding to the cargo manifest
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he doesn't have a sage kit.
asciilifeform: not with apu1+sage kit. it dun have a wedge state.
asciilifeform: i actually have a pcengines apu1 ( 2G version ) with the sage header soldered on, and sageprobe, that i am adding to the cargo manifest ☟︎
asciilifeform: laplinker: sage was interesting because it can ~genuinely~ debug from reset. in fact from before ram is inited
asciilifeform: sage probe is quite easy to find. 1) get in wot -- register with deedbot 2) make a bid in btc 3) one of the folx here will sell you a sageprobe.
laplinker: xdp3 is hard to find, same i guess as the sage probve
asciilifeform: i like how the sage requires literally NO os support on the driving end
laplinker: oh, its a long story about AMD, HDT, and looking for sage probes online :)
asciilifeform: ( you gotta cure the probes, naturally, with sage_pill . but no soldering needed )
asciilifeform: mats: didja solder in the sage header ?
asciilifeform: ( pcengines apu1 is ~the~ x86 fiddling platform as it has the magic sage port )
a111: Logged on 2017-06-28 16:09 asciilifeform: beloved sage ideologue of the schneierism komyoonity, author of gems like https://archive.is/ootJi
mircea_popescu: properly speaking, the two sages are the one sage.
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG panzers! does anybody in l1 want a sage probe ( http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1887 ) for anything, and dun have one yet ? i bought one from the d00d in the comments to my orig. article, for next-to-nothing . if any of you lot want it, it's yours for cost of postage
a111: 5 results for "sage_pill", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=sage_pill
asciilifeform: !#s sage_pill
a111: 102 results for "sage", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=sage
asciilifeform: !#s sage
sageprobes: was expecting a forum tbh, I don't actually have a sage probe I would need help with but was curious about battle stories
asciilifeform: the demise of sage co. is imho an interesting thing. afaik amd very specifically killed it -- locked the debug port, as explained in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552690 ☝︎
asciilifeform: beloved sage ideologue of the schneierism komyoonity, author of gems like https://archive.is/ootJi ☟︎
asciilifeform: in other quasi-noose, http://shop.voipdistri.com/Embedded-board-und-Mini-PC-System-bundle/Embedded-Boards-633/Deciso-Netboard-A10-Embedded-Motherboard---BIG-performer--low-power--AMD-next-generation-G-Serie-SOC-Chipset.html << possible 3rd board that worx with sage.
asciilifeform: but separate issue is that amd discontinued the sage-able G-series cpu.
asciilifeform: plus the working sage plug.
trinque has the gizmo and sage sitting here too
asciilifeform: and presoldered sage header. (doesn't come with a sage box, however, unlike 'gizmo1')
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Loper OS » A Complete Pill for the Sage SmartProbe .: <http://www.loper-os.org/%3Fp%3D1667>; Loper OS » Sage SmartProbe FAQ: <http://www.loper-os.org/%3Fp%3D1887>; Loper OS » The Care and Feeding of the Sage SmartProbe .: <http://www.loper-os.org/%3Fp%3D1821>
asciilifeform: !~google sage smartprobe
mircea_popescu enjoyed reading the sage faq.
asciilifeform: gizmolearner: you do it with induced pci write cycles. see 'flashrom' (i have the beginnings of a 'flashrom' back-end to sage, but not finished yet sadly)
gizmolearner: The Sage EDK had the ability to write the flash. Any ideas on how to do that without it?
deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1887 << Loper OS - Sage SmartProbe FAQ
fromloper: Yeah gdb and the sage smartprobe
fromloper: I'm not paid. It's my own startup. Other than the sage thing, wasn't specifically asking for help just discussing.
fromloper: If I run sage_pill again, it seems to show the old CRCs and lets me update again?
fromloper: l = sage.readline()
fromloper: File "./sage_pill.py", line 251, in dump_forever
fromloper: File "./sage_pill.py", line 315, in <module>
fromloper: Can anyone help me with sage_pill.py? When I run it, it gets though programming the FPGA, but then dies with: FPGA05: Programming FPGA completed SmartLoadergramming SmartLoader MSG009: Disabling SupportLibrary Traceback (most recent call last): File "./sage_pill.py", line 315, in <module> dump_forever() File "./sage_pill.py", line 251, in dump_forever l = sage.readline() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/seri
asciilifeform: and yes, stalin famously uttered the sage wisdom, 'we ain't got any nonreplaceable people here'
Framedragger: asciilifeform: mno, this was a super random find, was going over some logs, re-read piece of your sage probe article, poked source out of curiosity
Framedragger: asciilifeform: OT and just grammar nitpicking, but in http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/sage_pill.py line 22, s/Could connect/Could not connect/
asciilifeform: (in actuality the thing suxx, because it cannot -- usually -- be used to debug bios. a la sage probe (or intel's, xdp))
asciilifeform: i ensymbolified my sage disasms in ida using his symbol table, 100% eaten.
adlai: quoth theBay: "0 results found for sage smartprobe, so we searched for sage smartphone"
adlai: shinohai: if you're asking where to buy the Sage Smartprobe, i'm not aware of any way to get it other than thru "Symmetry Electronics" (WoT: Nonperson)
asciilifeform: like 1950s 'sage' radar console.
kmalkki: so you don't need that console-via-sage
asciilifeform: but again, console-via-sage is ugly
asciilifeform: modding 'flashrom' so that it would use a pci bus hanging from a sage instead of the local one would be fairly simple. unfortunately i do not have time presently, being deep into something quite else.
asciilifeform: kmalkki: the sage edk is shitware
kmalkki: also sage edk did not work with some other SPI vendor part I had
ben_vulpes: 1) power gizmo 2) count to 30 3) plug sage into gizmo 4) gdb ?
shinohai still has not purchased sage yet, bought a cruddy old laptop for testing african eulora today instead
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: pill applied, sage survived
kmalkki: sage leakes their .map file
asciilifeform: earlier he sent me complete symbol tables for the sage rom.
asciilifeform: kmalkki: the stellaris arm also had jtag pins, handily brought out to pcb, as seen here, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/test_points.jpg , i plugged it into a busblaster and eventually stepped through the execution from reset to where it checked the serial.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: kmalkki is an experimenter with sage/amd g-series/etc.
asciilifeform: trinque: http://trinque.org/2016/10/01/sage-smartprobe-rehabilitated/#comment-2 .
deedbot: http://trinque.org/2016/10/01/sage-smartprobe-rehabilitated/ << trinque - Sage SmartProbe Rehabilitated
mircea_popescu: but no, they don't work, for eg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/sage_smartprobe_gdb_command_manual.html#sideband_commands
asciilifeform: and no, gizmo first, then sage.
asciilifeform: rtfm, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/sage_smartprobe_gdb_command_manual.html#sideband_commands
trinque: any particular order to boot the devices? I figured sage, then gizmo
trinque: asciilifeform: reseated it inside the sage, now got E64, which seems reasonable?
asciilifeform: ^ http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/sage_smartprobe_gdb_command_manual.html
deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1821 << Loper OS - The Care and Feeding of the Sage SmartProbe.
asciilifeform: shinohai: don't expect to do much trb on the g1 board that comes with the sage - it has soldered-down 1GB of ram
asciilifeform: sage is a pretty temperamental instrument, though, definitely not konsoomer 'plug and go' sort of affair.
shinohai: Well since trinque confirms it has the sage included I may just order one
trinque: asciilifeform: that gizmo 1 kit *does* have the sage
trinque: description only says "connector" but http://www.gizmosphere.org/products/gizmo-explorer-kit/ says it has the sage itself
thortron: trinque: were you able to get a sage?
asciilifeform: the copy protection used a serial number embedded in the sage box's cpu (stellaris arm-compatible)
trinque: http://www.gizmosphere.org/products/gizmo-explorer-kit/ << this mentions having the sage smartprobe in kit
trinque: asciilifeform: have a preferred distributor for the sage?
asciilifeform: lulzily, i only even found this because i went to dig up contact info for 'libreboot', was going to write to it, re sage pill publication.
asciilifeform: and has the sage connector soldered down at factory.
asciilifeform: incidentally, trinque, phf, et al : http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/83-16358 << this here's the OTHER 'schematics published, amd g-series, sage plug' board. and this one has vga. and apparently is going out of print, being sold for half price in a few places.
asciilifeform: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160920/#52 << be aware that if you find a sage box, you will need to solder the connector (it is a simple job, but the header is a ~metric~ one, see the pcengines schematics)
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-20: [02:17:12] <deedbot> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1667 << Loper OS - A Complete Pill for the Sage SmartProbe.