522 entries in 0.85s
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the conclusive test requires the torsion rotor
assbot: Logged on 02-10-2014 13:44:16; assbot: Making vacuum rotor ('Sherline' micro-lathe) - YouTube
assbot: Logged on 02-10-2014 12:48:37; assbot: vacuum nozzle (rotor) - Imgur
assbot: 21 results for 'rotor' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=rotor
asciilifeform: !s rotor
assbot: Making vacuum rotor ('Sherline' micro-lathe) - YouTube ☟︎
assbot: vacuum nozzle (rotor) - Imgur ☟︎
asciilifeform: thin end is rotor flange.
asciilifeform: pictured item is a rotor. thin end gets ptfe ring (in groove not yet cut in piece shown.) rotates inside, surprise, stator (not shown)
assbot: vacuum nozzle (rotor) - Imgur
asciilifeform: or rather, motor only engages when the little rotor touches the screw
asciilifeform: rotor on bottom, to the right of the lead-screw
mircea_popescu: how much do two weeks on such a rotor even cost ?
asciilifeform was acquainted with one such '1%' - al schwartz. who has an eminently testable hypothesis re: parity violation, and spent a decade (& counting) trying to score 2 weeks on an eotvos rotor balance. while the charlatans build their $b colliders.
BingoBoingo: I could see a sticky hardening foam interfering with the aerodynamics of non-rotor aircraft
asciilifeform: the americans really fucked themselves. 'why bother being strong, let's make everyone weak.' they somehow kept most of the planet using rotor (!) crypto machines through the '70s!
asciilifeform: (for some reason i always thought of this situation as 'rotor/stators')
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: rick and morty do timisoara << lol! morty is 'rotor'!
BingoBoingo: The rotor winds the spring
asciilifeform: AG, even in the mechanical rotor-machine days, was publicly, loudly proven to supply thoroughly-pwnable systems.
asciilifeform: fishing line may even work, considering what will happen when the rotor winds it up.
Vexual: also buzinbg here boss of helicopters, single rotor, attack/tarnsport, dont know keywoprd