47 entries in 0.596s
Framedragger: (the siphnos datadrop (
http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/) gives the banners ("banners" folder) and keys (in various formats), including raw ssh-keyscan output (*_scan.tar.bz2), as e,N,IP CSVs (e-N-IP*), a.k.a. tmsr format, and converted openpgp (
rfc4880) format.)
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#page-13 (section 4.) over tcp. i have an incremental packet parser that you can attach to tcp stream and it'll give you packet-by-packet on the other end. that's probably not the right solution for going to war though
Framedragger: jurov: do you have a script which uses PGPy and generates
rfc4880 from e,N, then?
Framedragger: asciilifeform: btw would phuctor (as it currently works) be able to import an otherwise normal openpgp /
rfc4880 key either (1) no self-sig or (2) a somehow borked (nulled? haven't looked at
rfc4880 data structures yet) self-sig? as i see it lotsa info is actually contained *within* the signed part, in that format..
Framedragger: asciilifeform: do you think it's a sensible idea to try and convert ssh public keys into
rfc4880, and then submit them to phuctor (possibly in bulk)? or is that something i should leave to you?
Framedragger: asciilifeform: gotcha. i have thing which converts ssh pubkey format to e,N,IP. i'll probably have a thing which generates
rfc4880 (inserting ip address as comment field, say) from e,N,IP. thanks!
Framedragger: oh maybe
rfc4880 in itself does not include a whole certificate bloat thing. ok
jurov: no, pgp
rfc4880 format
mats: i'm on my third attempt at this and i still haven't quite wrapped my head around
rfc4880 as well as the behavior of various gpg versions