1100+ entries in 0.45s
asciilifeform: they appear to have the genuine key's fingerprint in certain pgp clients.
anotheryou: So my uninformed conclusion would be that something went especially wrong in germany or the pirates cryptoparties got a lot of people using pgp in the first place.
asciilifeform: phf: not only this, but i strongly suspect that winblowz pgp eats them all...
mircea_popescu: "pgp was broken ayear ago i recall defcon talk"... it's kinda shocking in the despairing sense of the term, exactly what sort of monster a specialised society creates.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4hhd9p/psa_you_may_want_to_check_your_pgp_keys_and_keys/d2pplmj << lelz
asciilifeform: https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/4hcvvi/200_pgp_keys_and_counting_publicly_broken << surprisingly uncensored yet.
mircea_popescu: jurov possibly needs some padding. pgp keys are a festival of arbitrary and nonsensical fixed widths and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell egorsmkv consider registering your pgp key with deedbot ; i'll rate you and you'll beable to self-voice
asciilifeform: https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/4hcvvi/200_pgp_keys_and_counting_publicly_broken/d2paizt << l0l, poor fella actually stepped on one of the nsa mines
asciilifeform: iceblox: if you are sure that the key is yours, actually yours, (there is a number of keys on sks maliciously corrupted in a way that they appear to have the legit fingerprint when viewed in certain pgp clients)
asciilifeform: s33333333333333333333kr1t pgp sig !
piratsimon: well, my key is http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB09FBD06BDD503BE
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/4hcvvi/200_pgp_keys_and_counting_publicly_broken/ << a look, you're famous nao.
asciilifeform: GyrosGeier: some of the keys (marked 'mirrored' under 'notes') were part of an organized flimflam campaign by an unknown (likely nsa) party exploiting the fact that old versions of pgp used the bottom 32 bits of a modulus as the fingerprint.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: it is nontrivial to convert ssh key to pgp key format.
mircea_popescu: fromphuctor most likely subverted pgp implementation.
asciilifeform: https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/4hcvvi/200_pgp_keys_and_counting_publicly_broken << fwiw.
asciilifeform: 'nobody uses pgp.'
mircea_popescu: this whole swamp will have to be drained. we need : a) sane key exchange format. sane here means correctly extensible and key-based, not "process" or "usage" based. b) sane ssh/pgp/etc
asciilifeform: i'm not much enamoured of pgp format either.
mircea_popescu: doesn't exist anymore than a "pgp key" already.
mircea_popescu: dude it's almost as if these schmucks make the obfuscation deliberate. there should be ~no reason i have to use anything but my pgp key to ssh and vice-versa already
asciilifeform: 4880 (earlier 2440) is the pgp format
asciilifeform: i used it because i found a pgp parser thing for it.
asciilifeform: iirc shithub uses pgp keyz as such, even
asciilifeform: in pgp format no less
asciilifeform: pgp
mircea_popescu: pgp + ssh ?
mircea_popescu: http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0D9057DA7AEE12C725AA9408D47F4FFC3769BEF7891A0F9C0A9F38420C5C08AB << a look, PGP Corporation Update Signing Key; PGP Corporation Update Signing Key <update-key@pgp.com>; with the 32 bit mirroring thing. we're by now in last year's territory amirte ? i recall seeing this.
mircea_popescu: http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FE601B78A926EC490F5D5360C495163DFC53571C0430E423A677E5356047B730 << lol at pgp using 1025
deedbot: [Qntra] Phuctor, the RSA Super-Collider Discovers Vulnerability in Northrop Grumman PGP Root-CA - http://qntra.net/2016/04/phuctor-the-rsa-super-collider-discovers-vulnerability-in-northrop-grumman-pgp-root-ca/
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo : you got your qntra piece right there. "Phuctor, the RSA Super-Collider discovers vulnerability in Northrop Grumman PGP Root-CA "
mircea_popescu: Public Exponent 16385 is NOT PRIME ! User(s): Security; Northrop Grumman PGP Root-CA; TRW-Root-CA - TRW/SEG/ITS/IS <trw-root-ca@trw.com>;
mircea_popescu: i would think this is definitionally lame, "o hey check out my pgp key with the cool domain and the shitty exponent".
asciilifeform: or - at a stretch - pgp.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-21#1454940 << thing is, and see today's earlier thread in fact, pgp per se does not magic away the 'give me a place to stand on' problem ☝︎
mircea_popescu: gnu mostly rode on the coattails of the pgp panic of 1990
asciilifeform: but i suppose gnu was seen as possible threat, as pgp once was.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-21 16:11 asciilifeform: where pgp seemed to 'threaten to go mainstream' and usg had not yet decided what to 'do about it'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: tldr - linked item purports (pgp-signed..) to be account of the hackteam vivisection.
asciilifeform: where pgp seemed to 'threaten to go mainstream' and usg had not yet decided what to 'do about it' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i don't think there's anything wrong with proper, full rsa (as opposed to the neutered version implemented by pgp)
asciilifeform: 'RHAMA BONITAO' doesn't look like a pgp pubkey to me...
sbp: "Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint"
sbp: I guess it's going to try to grab from pgp.mit.edu?
mircea_popescu: sbp you got a pgp key ?
sbp: I apologise for not having a PGP presence, the baseline of citizenship
asciilifeform: dollars to doughnuts you get a diddled john young pgp pubkey
PeterL: semms the comment system is magling the pgp-isms inline signaling
asciilifeform: and you might as well go back to hawala and broken clay tablet halves as pgp.
asciilifeform: 'For open source code, you read the code, line by line, verify that it is in fact safe to run. You then issue a PGP-signed certificate which pretty much says "I the X of Y have reviewed the below code and judged it safe in accordance with Z".'
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 76EB8DE4EA28A5C4746C71AA7C7F34CDCF4CDA75. This may take a few moments.
asciilifeform: mrottenkolber: get current one from http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB98228A001ABFFC7 or http://www.loper-os.org/pgp.asc
nubbins`: asciilifeform multi-bit vector pgp sounds about as rat-nesty as a tag-based log tracking system
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: imho single-bit scalar pgp is rather like car with sole control being a gas pedal.
assbot: Logged on 17-03-2016 22:12:05; asciilifeform: the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- crud is ~exactly~ a safeword.
asciilifeform: incidentally anybody who actually tries the latter with pgp, is stuck with mutilated line endings
asciilifeform: the -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- crud is ~exactly~ a safeword. ☟︎
asciilifeform: (for whatever your nuke is. pgp, bitcoin, whatevers)
humanoidity: jurov: ah, yes, the pgp signed contracts which can't ever be renegociated when external circumstances change. I hadn't realized that.
mircea_popescu: " 1]To whomever is now going to say "it's server fault, deedbot should output GPG signed material with proper mimetype like application/pgp-signature". I can only recommend frontal lobotomy by robot that fetches its instructions with wget." << i lolled.
mircea_popescu: desires are no basis. "cryptography" does not stem from pgp-zimmerman, but from pgp-ba.
mircea_popescu: which is what, in any proper sense of the term, "bitcoin" and "crypto" even mean. not fucking pgp as seen by the zimmerman that "oh i don't even have the key anymore"
assbot: Logged on 08-03-2016 14:03:21; mircea_popescu: pgp prolly also merging into g.
mircea_popescu: pgp prolly also merging into g. ☟︎
PeterL: also: gossipd implementation, pgp implementation, bitcoin implementation, kramer-shoop implementation, lisp implementation, c compiler, etc
nubbins`: and posted the PGP-signed text in chan
nubbins`: bitbet is a scam site if this stands, unequivocally. i dare you to declare otherwise, and if you so choose, please PGP sign it for us all
nubbins`: asciilifeform kakobrekla is probably wondering what the future holds for him, as he is currently being forced to decide between PGP signing a fraudulent financial statement or losing his livelihood. i envy him not.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck did you imagine the various items and pillars to build a coherent world-envelloping system come to me so easily ? i'm not coming up with fucking wot-economy and pgp-corporations and all this de novo, i'm just applying to pre-existing items!
mircea_popescu: there's plenty of women using pgp.
adlai: fallacy! lack of female pgp speakers does not imply absence of male imbeciles
danielpbarron: contradiction! only men pgp
asciilifeform: supposing that it was him (the man doesn't pgp.)
assbot: LKML: Jeff King: Re: Don't use PGP/GPG signatures in mail that contains patches ... ( http://bit.ly/1nlDIrO )
jurov: it's !up ... and you'll need pgp key even for eulora
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Future Delivery Contract Fo - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QiQ39M )
asciilifeform: hdbuck: please get my updated key from http://pool.sks-keyservers.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB98228A001ABFFC7 (and/or http://www.loper-os.org/pgp.asc )
assbot: Don't use the PGP Keyservers ... ( http://bit.ly/21v1yRt )
mircea_popescu: pick a strong leader in the form of a person, build your thing atop pgp sigs and forget the nonsense fiat.
gernika: mod6 I'm stuck on the pgp issue ben_vulpes encountered. http://dpaste.com/2X6BDH8
ben_vulpes: but aha i do recall that mjr and pgp were in the same room a few times
ben_vulpes: phf: no, pgp.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for pgp with note: random schmuck with bizarre pretensions.
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.pgp.-1:03a52b052a85fd5c2db64a8c3c246194af63db19e1c77048045f7077602e6f15
mircea_popescu: !rate pgp -1 random schmuck with bizarre pretensions.
assbot: You have not rated pgp.
mircea_popescu: !rated pgp
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you can pick a cipher or combo of ciphers you can temporarily stomach, we can have an irc box up with pgp auth.
mircea_popescu: also, much better about page. name, pic, pgp key. a cv even won't hurt.
asciilifeform: a la pgp.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 7CCB395483FDDC68A7E7B70E7CA40926D6E34EAD. This may take a few moments.
mircea_popescu: how about you register a pgp sig with assbot.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 9AF0C08E3C97CF0CCDC2F6E3201E1D0C00EDF5AB. This may take a few moments.
assbot: No valid OpenPGP data found on pgp.mit.edu.
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 9AF0C08E3C97CF0CCDC2F6E3201E1D0C00EDF5AB. This may take a few moments.
pete_d_out: on the topic of the lordship list, can someone please tell me what 'fief' mats is fighting for ? pogo distribution ? pgp server thing he started then quit ? other things ? i'm genuinely curious. he doesn't contribute ~that~ much to the debates here that i can see, though he's certainly not invisible, but most of what i glean from his commentary is along the lines of "windows isn't so bad u guise", which, i guess, is what it is. anyways,
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 559FA134DE33AED70DF97D8B085ADF061C2B20CD. This may take a few moments.
maqp: I won't have to disconnect since it's running on uni server's screen. But you get more assurance on my future bitcoin account signed with my PGP key https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x085ADF061C2B20CD
mircea_popescu: also, it's a good idea to register your pgp key with assbot. that way you create an identity in the wot we can attach to.