600+ entries in 0.058s
TomServo: heh FFA Chapter 2 is #1 on hacker news at the moment ☟︎☟︎
TomServo: mircea_popescu: That's about what I figured, but in case you were unaware.
TomServo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-18#1726202 << They did actually. 1998 'Gia', with Angelina Jolie, if you count HBO movies. ☝︎
TomServo: I can barely fit a bite in my mouth.
TomServo: asciilifeform: 3 of what ? << 3 reasons to not leave myself voiced while I'm clumsily reading scrollback, I suppose.
TomServo: 3
TomServo: Most of my sync was from deedbot, but I would frequently get blackholed? No blocks for hours, wouldn never resume on it's own, had to restart.
TomServo: I was under the impression that using -connect $tsmr.node.ip -nolisten would be a faster sync, but seems a bit faster without.
TomServo: Closing in.. 482269, average 8-9 blks/quarter hour.
TomServo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-29#1744216 << ditto ☝︎
TomServo: Being rid of systemd isn't so hard.. but dbus is quite a bitch.
TomServo: Ah, bit more than I can chew, trying to fashion your crapolade masks into a workable Gentoo laptop.
TomServo: Sweltering in the desert heat of another Gentoo quest.
TomServo: Ahoy
TomServo: Greetings BingoBoingo
TomServo: asciilifeform: I recall you mentioning this.
TomServo: archive.is seems to be struggling with it.
TomServo: Ahoy, just wanted to pass this along: https://keccak.team/2017/not_arx.html
TomServo: also, take *its* toll
TomServo: Oh.
TomServo: hey asciilifeform they even got foot pedals!
TomServo: asciilifeform: Tis what I was (obliquely) referencing with the 'moar'
TomServo: In moar MIT lulz >> https://archive.is/NkP2Y
TomServo: !!up mp-en-managua
TomServo: !up mp-en-managua
TomServo: mp-en-managua Yup, shinohai helped me out, thanks.
TomServo: Also, if someone could share a copy of mp-wp, that'd be swell.
TomServo: asciilifeform: what does it say? ☟︎
TomServo: mod6: Sadly neither. I need to make time to wrap my head around dumpblock.
TomServo: mod6: Sorry, nothing to report as yet. Node is still running, wedged, and untouched. Haven't had time to delve any deeper.
TomServo: mod6: aha! It's pretty great.
TomServo: mod6: Gotcha. I'll try and perserve this as is and follow up later. Thanks.
TomServo: mod6: Yes, but not a terribly recent one unfortunately.
TomServo: Just so I understand, survey says? Node is fucked, may have forensic value?
TomServo: trinque: Aside from my syntax flailing? No. Thank you.
TomServo: mod6: No more blocks. Stuck at 458052 for a few days now. Restarted once so far. Still have 3 peers.
TomServo: Ahoy, sorry for the delayed response and any confusion caused by pasting 'tail -f .bitcoin/debug.log | grep height' output rather than full debugs.
TomServo: trinque: cool. thanks.
TomServo: ben_vulpes: I had ratings previously.
TomServo: If I recall, there was a case sensitivity issue during the schism
TomServo: Before my voice goes, trinque how do I get unwiped from the wot?
TomServo: I'm starting with a -logtimestamps switch.
TomServo: Not quite a 1G, I have to restart it a lot. I'll find somewhere for it.
TomServo: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/JOrzo/?raw=true patches
TomServo: Don't waste any more time on it. I'll verify some things.
TomServo: Hmmm, little late to be getting caught up with daylight savings..
TomServo: I just tail for height, I'm going through the whole debug now.
TomServo: asciilifeform: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Vimd4/?raw=true reorg / connect block failed
TomServo: before restarting, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4T8nX/?raw=true
TomServo: asciilifeform: time is okay, other than trb logs being gmt system is cdt. disk okay. Yes, earliest.
TomServo: asciilifeform: I'll check.
TomServo: Mine ran like that until presently, when I restarted it. Waiting to see what happens.
TomServo: their*
TomServo: Didn't see mention in the logs.
TomServo: I was just curious if anyone else saw this in there trb, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/WRtLs/?raw=true ☟︎
TomServo: Ahoy there.
TomServo: Did assbot's WoT not get imported to deedbot?
TomServo: Looks like from Brazil, earlier this morning
TomServo: Interesting... saw something similar.
TomServo: hmph.
TomServo: $gettrust deedbot TomServo
TomServo: Thanks, just curious what was original or interesting with the probe you mention?
TomServo: !up AaronvanW
TomServo: !up mpSCAM
TomServo: !up ascii_field
TomServo: both, I believe
TomServo: same. I should prolly divest them along with my bitcoins, eh?
TomServo: be right back, magic: the gathering?
TomServo: Lotza motza balls hanging out there.
TomServo: ben_vulpes: I'm not even sure where to start.
TomServo: Pretty disappointing show 'round here today.
TomServo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-02-2016#1414960 << Any suggested reading on this topic? ☝︎
TomServo: yay! finally a sync'd node.
TomServo: ;;blocks
TomServo: Just looking at avg blocks per hour on a syncing node
TomServo: Like trimming the last entry, or checking for consecutive hours?
TomServo: Is there a better way to do this: http://dpaste.com/0V93852 ?
TomServo: asciilifeform: was it extraordinary news?
TomServo: fwiw
TomServo: "My favorite algorithm is IDEA. ..yadda .yadda.. Barring extraordinary cryptanlyic news tomorrow, I am betting on IDEA today."
TomServo dusts off Applied Cryptography.
TomServo: but i'm probably just relaying the blatently obvious
TomServo: if these are also dumped to debug.log, I'm a dope and missed them
TomServo: re: the conversation of logging earlier, I tend to launch bitcoind within a tmux session and have seen errors dumped to console after a hang/crash
TomServo: I've finally got a node past the wedge, and there was much rejoicing
TomServo: ahoy b-asseteers
TomServo: will do
TomServo: keeping it running*
TomServo: Negative. Was just going to ask if there is any value in keep it..
TomServo: or a nob to include a local path, else procurement?
TomServo: cool.
TomServo: Back up and running but no joy yet. Is unwedging unlikely?
TomServo: Still have the original build dir if that is any help.
TomServo: Sorry, I had to step away. I've rebuilt w/ v99996k and am seeing the correct max_locks.
TomServo: doh dbenv.set_lk_max_locks(10000); :(
TomServo: mircea_popescu: System has 2048 MB of RAM.
TomServo: mod6: Please assume I've mucked something up before all else. Let me know what I can provide that can be of help.
TomServo: punkman: I used build-bitcoind-99997K.sh, OS install and bitcoind build were on the 27th.
TomServo: punkman: No, is that required if using the wiki build script?
TomServo: It appears I'm somehow wedged at 252450 again. :( Just completed my first restart, so we'll see.