900+ entries in 0.079s
TomServo: Ahoy
TomServo: !up Mashuri
TomServo: :D
TomServo: -Bryan (don't make me Ver 2.0) Micon
TomServo: I have said publicly that no, this wasn't @MtGox 2.0 and you aren't @MagicalTux 2.0
TomServo: @nejc_kodric glglglgl getting @Bitstamp back online.
TomServo: https://twitter.com/BryanMicon/status/552965944239480832
TomServo: How that plays out.
TomServo: Pre-forkwar fork war?
TomServo: It'll be interesting if gribble returns after a replacement is spun up.
TomServo: folks in otc are claiming it's a planned absence, I haven't seen anything specific though.
TomServo: no shit?
TomServo: I don't think that'll happen soon enough. Maybe a modified ircd with a bolted on gribble in the meantime?
TomServo: sorry, missed that
TomServo: !up irdial
TomServo: !up undata
TomServo: !up danielpbarron
TomServo: Is there a preferred platform?
TomServo: irdial: cool, welcome
TomServo: irdial: https://twitter.com/beautyon_ that you?
TomServo: Sure - with you there, it just seems incredibly hard to really 'prove' intent to leave.
TomServo: "No - see, my calendar says I have a dentist appt back home in 2 weeks so I'll definitely be gone."
TomServo: Pretty minor gripe but, "under a regulation that requires he prove his intent to depart the U.S." - how does one prove that?
TomServo: !up irdial
TomServo tips hat.
TomServo: !up mircea_popescu
TomServo: !up davout
TomServo: some SR case updates, nudge nudge qntra
TomServo: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/01/judge-govt-can-show-murder-for-hire-evidence-in-silk-road-trial/ ☟︎
TomServo: awww, herbi stopped by
TomServo: very nice shade of green!
TomServo: https://twitter.com/Bitstamp/status/552875687137525760
TomServo: 'evening. It goes well, aside from the gribble vacation.
TomServo: !up saifedean
TomServo: a port is a port
TomServo: Nah, just leetist
TomServo: Found a coidesk article from April saying 100k
TomServo: Only gone down from the 27,000ish peak around Sep 1
TomServo: 17,521.36256657
TomServo: Another 2k or so left their wallet recently, incidentally.
TomServo: Yes.
TomServo: Yes, and reading this makes that ring even more true.
TomServo: heh
TomServo: What would Gavin be referring to when he says "the reference implementation"?
TomServo: nubbins`: if you're still wanting to see your work in the wild, here you go: http://i.imgur.com/EAXAWHL.jpg
TomServo: !up nubbins`
TomServo: !up Naphex
TomServo: !up nubbins`
TomServo: !up adlai
TomServo shakes his head.
TomServo: What kind of things happen at the denver bitcoin center?
TomServo: Hello joesmoe
TomServo: !up joesmoe
TomServo: !up soypirate
TomServo derps.
TomServo: calc
TomServo: !up binaryatrocity
TomServo: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/12/more_data_on_at.html
TomServo: I'm surprised ol' Brucey Bruce isn't parroting the "OMG NK!!1" line.
TomServo: oh, tradeview nvm
TomServo: tv chat?
TomServo: http://www.devfactor.net/2014/12/30/2375-amazon-mistake/
TomServo: asciilifeform: what do you mean 'is a hangout'?
TomServo: revelation?
TomServo: In addition to the unsurprising post-Snowden _____? that NSA analysts routinely...
TomServo: BingoBoingo: Did you accidently a word in the second sentence?
TomServo: !up optimator
TomServo: ;;bc,stats
TomServo: !up paxtoncamaro91
TomServo: !up paxtoncamaro91
TomServo: Ahah - what a bunch of clowns.
TomServo: !up drawingthesun
TomServo: http://trilema.com/2013/sbvps-delisting-notice/
TomServo: !up jborkl
TomServo: K, just curious - seems like ancient news.
TomServo: I'm asking: why are you bringing it up now?
TomServo: grubles: what's with the timing? A year after delisting?
TomServo: Also, nice article.
TomServo: BingoBoingo: The "show trials" link on the most recent bahahahra/ulbricht article has an errant http:// suffix.
TomServo: poor kids
TomServo: !up drian
TomServo: Redneck indeed. An audi requires a silk wifebeater, amateurs!
TomServo: ;;ident Potissimus
TomServo: I just turned joins back on to assist in upping folks. Let me know if it's too much.
TomServo: !up pi07r
TomServo: Can multiple nicks be upped at once?
TomServo: !up Quanttek
TomServo: Your* :(
TomServo: BingoBoingo: You're movie clip on qntra shows 'removed by user'. :(
TomServo: Nah, you can just grab the torrent when 'GOP' release their 'christmas surprise' :P
TomServo: Wow. 1USD = 60.5RUB.
TomServo: asciilifeform: now that you mention it, I used your mention of that specific height to determine I was wedged.
TomServo: mats: blockchain sync stalls at a certain blockheight, and will not continue
TomServo: Also running it on openbsd 5.6 if that's relevant - was planning on trying 0.5.3 there next.
TomServo: I've little experience with this and wanted a working node anyway - figured it was a decent place to get feet wet.
TomServo: unwedged - was stuck at a certain height (don't recall exact height), applied fix and continued
TomServo: ben_vulpes | i never confirmed his unwedging << My 0.7.3 unwedged after appling the fix kako pointed out, if it's of any help.
TomServo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2014#949159 ☝︎
TomServo shrugs.
TomServo: sans trilema.com, or pm -fetch