1000+ entries in 0.104s
TomServo: i think?
TomServo: scoopbot -fetch
TomServo: ansc: What is the point?
TomServo: !up ansc
TomServo: !up Vexual
TomServo: Aye - 20-40% fewer well permits being reported, depending on production area.
TomServo: http://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/12/09/daily-circuit-transportation-funding
TomServo: Just immediately reminded me of it is all.
TomServo: know, but there is no limit at all to how much you don't know but think you do!
TomServo: Consider this: knowledge is always limited and specific, but ignorance is infinite and completely general; knowledge is hard to convey, and travels no faster than the speed of light, but ignorance is instantaneous at all points in the known and unknown universe, including alternate universes and dimensions of whose existence we are entirely ignorant. In short, there is a limit to how much you can
TomServo: ha! did orlov crib 'infinite hit points?
TomServo: Evidently. Looks like another 1700 or so left ethereum's wallet recently as well.
TomServo: https://twitter.com/barrysilbert/status/542340947204648961
TomServo: Dumb question I suppose; hoped an asciilifeform joke made it into the report. arse/mouth etc.
TomServo: Sorry for having to ask but: would 'rectal feeding' actually allow you ingest some nutrients? or what would be the point?
TomServo: full pdf available on cryptome.org
TomServo: !up iang
TomServo: I'd think your average low income earner would bend over backwards for fiddy bux.
TomServo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-11-2014#936968 ☝︎
TomServo: ;;gettrust assbot The20Year
TomServo: ;;gettrust assbot The20YearIRCloud
TomServo: !up The20YearIRCloud
TomServo highfives assbot.
TomServo: because not every slang word for cash was used yet
TomServo: crypto clams, yo
TomServo: at least they're upfront about wanting to redistribute 'satoshi's horde'
TomServo: these clams are some pretty good lulz though
TomServo: ;;blocks
TomServo: http://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/12/04/transgender-athletes-policy-vote
TomServo: How does beating relate to eating?
TomServo: I apologize.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Due to a lack of beatings, I haven't yet learned Romanian.
TomServo: Is there some definition of beating I'm unaware of?
TomServo: So you never graduate from beating?
TomServo: lol?
TomServo: mircea_popescu: no matter the level of advancement, always beat?
TomServo: I guess I don't understand why a beating is necessary when you have a sufficiently advanced human capable of reasoning. Help me out?
TomServo: decimation: neglect?
TomServo: But shouldn't a citizen also be capable of finding a wife that doesn't require a sucker punch?
TomServo: I like the cops with no guns, find a citizen approach.
TomServo: I've drank too much #b-a koolaid and find myself having to piss on co-workers' msft/goog/appl wankfests.
TomServo: I seem to recall someone publishing a form letter to be sent to Lawlsky; I wouldn't be surprised by tons of dupes.
TomServo: ;;bc,stats
TomServo: Cool.
TomServo: Hey nubbins`, didja see my PM?
TomServo makes another manhatten.
TomServo: ben_vulpes: thanks for the debug.log tip
TomServo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p56igk63es < In case anyone is interested.
TomServo: Sorry, I should've said James T Kirk.
TomServo: heh, first enterprise captain?
TomServo: From Hess' bio on zdnet: His first computer was a Commodore VIC-20, which he purchased because William Shatner was in the commercials.
TomServo: Also, many thanks for assbot's URL shortener.
TomServo: kakobrekla: I think so. std::bad_alloc == memory leak?
TomServo: ;;later tell ben_vulpes I just recently started down a path similar to danielpbarron's, though I'm on 5.6. Only to block 216000 something so far, and also - frequently crashes.
TomServo: undata: That the hardcore history guy?
TomServo: Boy, the pheeva hipster mascot does a great job capturing my lack of interest in their product.
TomServo: ;;bc,stats
TomServo: it's really not a big deal.
TomServo: Assuming it's the same dude? idk.
TomServo: Well the name in the qntra post links to: http://www.amazon.com/Philip-Mullan/e/B00IC5R90Y/
TomServo: pretty cool. Anybody read his stuff?
TomServo: both working here
TomServo: Article claims de will be, over 8 years
TomServo: Well I'm still chuckling about you flapping your hands, if its any consolation.
TomServo: I'm getting it also.
TomServo: heh
TomServo: resolves to
TomServo: same here
TomServo ducks.
TomServo: +mircea_popescu | show, don't tell. when you tell a) everyone knows you're lying, whethetr you are not not and b) nobody can be bothered to go look anymore. fucking show. always. << Wouldn't this also apply to your qntra article?
TomServo: I believe that was pankkake's - which he somewhat recently shutdown.
TomServo: You mean assass.headfucking.net? :P
TomServo: Bandwagon effect? I'm not sure.
TomServo: Nah dude, google wallet is super clunky and slow. /s
TomServo: It's like...the future.
TomServo: Co-workers creaming themselves over using applepay at mcdonalds.
TomServo groans.
TomServo: Did xanthyos just get a broke penis swatting?
TomServo: ;;gettrust xanthyos assbot
TomServo: heeding*
TomServo: xanthyos: cavalier is not heading sound advice
TomServo: ;;blocks
TomServo: I stopped at 'audible'.
TomServo: Being off topic is not at all uncommon here, but for the sake of log readers - just go get your shit fixed.
TomServo: That'd be the wrong choice.
TomServo: We've come this far...
TomServo: idk, a beating for a working cock might be worth it.
TomServo: what is "folded my penis to crack" ?
TomServo: Thanks for letting us know.
TomServo: holy what the fuck.
TomServo: they follow icp, yes
TomServo: Here's a comical introduction to Juggalos for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulGaxBPk2jI&list=UUfR7gRIYmZbGjhhrRJCwpmw
TomServo: It's extracted? I thought it was just locked inplace.
TomServo: o_O
TomServo: bagels7: /msg assbot !up
TomServo: What do you guys figure is a reasonable markup for cash trades?
TomServo: Quite the ramp today. Surprised ThickAsTheives isn't around for all this action.
TomServo: ;;ticker
TomServo: ;;bc,stats
TomServo: same here