700+ entries in 0.103s
TomServo: Of course.
TomServo: mod6: Within the last 2 weeks.
TomServo: mod6: Will do. Thanks.
TomServo: I think I've cause problems before with this old build before (deb squeeze).
TomServo: Unfortunately not.
TomServo: How would I end up with an old one?
TomServo: 66f81f6da997109f4d34ca654d30e24cb850fa87a6fbe6a045c6cb1a9f6d47d979fb4e25a0bbb35064c1259cda3c7b5ff12f68d9c22c1acf45299dbb4ed72317 db.cpp
TomServo: asciilifeform: what can I provide that is useful?
TomServo: I think the patience part was my problem.
TomServo: asciilifeform: Is this correct? http://dpaste.com/2C6N3TZ
TomServo: mod6: 1) Yes (incidentally, what is the recommended graceful shutdown method?) 2) http://dpaste.com/3ARSCHB
TomServo: In other other news, new wartard is a fun read: http://wartard.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-geopolitics-of-2016-oil-war-chaos_18.html
TomServo: My new node has been wedged at 252450 past several days (built using wiki instructions). Is this a curiosity at all? Or should I just retry? I certainly could've screwed something up. ☟︎
TomServo: Ahoy asseteers
TomServo: ahoy mircea_popescu
TomServo: I do get a match on 0.5.3 and, perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
TomServo: I'm unable to get a matching sha256sum on 0.5.4-TEST2 [x86-64] [Latest] at thebitcoin.foundation - could anyone confirm?
TomServo: All this ETH talk, I felt I should mention the waterfall had run dry: http://btc.blockr.io/address/info/36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
TomServo: Almost as dramatic.
TomServo: Good! Relieved to know I'm still a person after having to refer to a backup.
TomServo: http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/on-the-detection-of-quantum-insert
TomServo: I'm probably too slow to be much use, but what are the current requests for testing? still TEST2? or rotor?
TomServo: Effort better spent building rotor?
TomServo: I can provide logs if it's of any help.
TomServo: I'm late to the party, but thought I'd report my is also wedged @ 367850.
TomServo: mod6 and Philippe, thanks
TomServo: mod6: Was your OpenBSD recipe made public somewhere?
TomServo: h
TomServo: November, if I recall correctly.
TomServo: excited to have just gotten my first console on the edgerouter
TomServo: np
TomServo: Booted via tftp, installed from there
TomServo: The docs don't exactly reflect it, but I can confirm the snapshot of 5.8 does see and boot from usb.
TomServo: In other news, I noticed this blurb on the OpenBSD octeon page today: "In June 2015 USB support was added which finally allowed installing to local disk on machines lacking a CF slot."
TomServo: pete_dushenski: Ah cool, I'll give it a go. Thanks.
TomServo: But last I read booting OpenBSD required booting over the network, rather than install on the USB drive due to lack of a USB driver
TomServo: pete_dushenski: Didja find a way to boot OpenBSD on the edgerouter from USB or are you using the nfs boot option?
TomServo: If that's of any significance.
TomServo: Ahoy all, just wanted to pass long: my 0.5.3 node is humming along, currently reporting blockheight 364171. ☟︎
TomServo: pogoplug and such I understand.. but how does it factor in the cpanel debate?
TomServo: Is that still true today?
TomServo: +asciilifeform | since quitting bsd ('04) << I'd love to hear more about this. Or why the preference for linux?
TomServo: asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/nz9De6B
TomServo: The ridges over the ventilation holes in the bottom.
TomServo: Couple snips of the plastic allowed me to poke the wires through.
TomServo: huh?
TomServo: http://i.imgur.com/otRbvlr.jpg < my excited photo after learning it worked.
TomServo: I was surprised I got it working.
TomServo: heh, I guess? Seems like an awful way to learn soldering, I'll say that.
TomServo: Negative... I enabled SSH and waited for my USB>TTY convertors to arrive
TomServo: ben_vulpes: sorry, had to reference danielpbarron's docs.. you're referring to enabling SSH access?
TomServo: boot*
TomServo: Now to figure out these u-bout and buildroot things.
TomServo is the proud owner of 'adulterated' pogo.
TomServo: cazalla: should've suggested swordfish if ya gonna troll :P << shit, I was serious. I must be using my rose-tinted glasses on this one. I'mma have to rewatch this now.
TomServo: That's the one
TomServo: Best 'hacking' movie I can think of.. maybe check it out.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: ever seen Sneakers? ☟︎
TomServo: Ethereum wallet down to 486 BTC.
TomServo: the apple case specifically
TomServo: ascii_modem | canary << was hoping this would be mentioned. So what is the value? zilch?
TomServo: jurov: I'ma thinking.
TomServo: I agree.
TomServo: heh of course.. unfortunately.. these have it.
TomServo: I'm interested in the prospect in general.. the hardware availablity just being a perk. I was curious if there was legitmate interest in this hardware specifically.
TomServo: jurov: what do you mean 'not have the offer'?
TomServo: jurov: Thoughts on the discussion so far?
TomServo: This being the 'warrant canary'?
TomServo: Right, so doing this in the US is simply untenable - no?
TomServo: its* :)
TomServo: Well I'll ponder it some more and welcome any further feedback on the aging infrastructure being proposed and it's utility.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: It's an option I suppose.. but I was thinking my hands of the hardware would be a big piece of what I'm selling.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: heh, I'm for it! I'm honestly trying consider it here... though I feel I might need a financial attorney to sort everything out given my locale.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: I'd imagine being usian based would be a problem, tho?
TomServo: And could be inspired to seek out colo pricing.. would this be of interest as a starting point?
TomServo: Say a guy had a nearly a racks worth a few generations old HP gear his workplace was going to get rid of.. and his own private stash of similiar era network gear.
TomServo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-03-2015#1077008 << I'm curious to flesh this out a bit. ☝︎
TomServo: asciilifeform: also thanks
TomServo: danielpbarron: aye, thanks - i'm disecting now
TomServo: there's been so many links flying around. What's the quickest way to defile one of these after cracking it open?
TomServo: unfortunately due to poor ebay skills my cp2102 arrive... 'sometime' in april
TomServo: ey folks, got my shipment today http://i.imgur.com/13p8tXK.jpg :D
TomServo: Interesting concept there.
TomServo: http://ownme.ipredator.se/
TomServo: Waterfall update: One step closer to drying up. Down to 5,038.29 from 10,295.86 on 28-01-2015.
TomServo: !up ascii_field
TomServo: Came across that looking for a tirade against the period - asciilifeform any help?
TomServo: "Whoever decided to use the semicolon to end something should just be taken out and have his colon semified. (At least COBOL and SQL managed to use a period.)" heh
TomServo: he railed against using period << ?!
TomServo: I noticed a fully-synced node maintains its IRC connection. I was curious if that's desirable, and also if that means you're made a candidate to fill other nodes?
TomServo: http://kingstonjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/zzz3.jpg
TomServo: Someeone please correct me if I'm mistaken.
TomServo: danielpbarron: as I understand, with upnp being clipped IRC was the remaining node discovery mechanism
TomServo: That was my impression. Almost certain is was pre-fork talk also.
TomServo: Well thank goodness for that. Someone might've taken it seriously otherwise.
TomServo: TheNewDeal: sup
TomServo: Ahoy!
TomServo: !up wpalczynski
TomServo: BingoBoingo: Looking very nice over here.
TomServo: lol