800+ entries in 0.121s
TomServo: !up jumae
TomServo: pretty cool. Is that a custom box?
TomServo: er, ribbon tweeter is the common name?
TomServo: hmph, one of those 'air motion' tweeters?
TomServo: kakobrekla: is it emitting light or is that a reflection?
TomServo: http://www.dailyfx.com/crude-oil Brent & WTI diverging?
TomServo: RE: pogonode, according to an amazon customer "Just tried a 64gb sdxc and no joy. 32gb sdhc OK" if anyone was still considering SD.
TomServo: Something along the lines of a freenas build that includes a fullnode, gossipd server, ntp server, #b-a-wot-curated datahaven, or whatever else sounds useful.
TomServo: I wonder, would there be any interest in developing a companion to the junior woodchuck node?
TomServo: mike_c: 36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2 - I believe.
TomServo: Public Note: Good afternoon! Your help is necessary. My wife has a problem with health, treatment is necessary (we expect a baby). If you have some unnecessary btc or satosh, please, help, we will rejoice any help.
TomServo: Address is also displaying this odd message:
TomServo: Update from your friendly waterfall wallet watcher: Remaining balance currently @ 10,295.86675525 BTC after another ~2900 left yesterday.
TomServo: heh, "No-fly firmware"
TomServo: danielpbarron: I'm guessing you'd need to provide your own power for a 3.5", but don't see why that wouldn't work.
TomServo: In case anyone missed it, diff change: -6.14%.
TomServo: Ha, wouldn't that be something.
TomServo: heh, was he linking to you?
TomServo: asciilifeform: I was just trying to decide which is worse.
TomServo: She was 'on the radar' see...
TomServo: I'm left wondering.
TomServo: heh, 4 years for trying to board a plane?
TomServo: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/01/4-year-sentence-for-teen-who-tried-to-join-isis.html
TomServo: !b 5 ✂︎
TomServo: mircea_popescu: link to logs? :)
TomServo: mircea_popescu: what would have the contrary effect? << samples of many of the insightful conversation I've witnessed here over the years. Would do it for me at least.
TomServo: I seem to recall him in at least 1 twitter argument.
TomServo: asciilifeform: I'd say you're likely to be correct on that.
TomServo: pete_dushenski: no, simply stating what my reaction would be
TomServo: thestringpuller: joking, sexysaffron
TomServo shudders.
TomServo: I'd probably take steps to avoid this place if my first taste was the sexyginger video.
TomServo: pete_dushenski: Likely the cause of the failed cloak.. it doesn't activate until you've authed with services.
TomServo: pete_dushenski: is your client auto-joining #b-a?
TomServo: oh
TomServo: So what's a meninist then?
TomServo: It's called "Silkroad Place", HA!
TomServo: https://twitter.com/a_greenberg/status/558715505721507840
TomServo: Not sure why an ATG would have it's own internet facing connection, rather than ride on the gas stations' network.
TomServo: (front passenger is named Pete, coincidentally)
TomServo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=364pXTYeFzY
TomServo: I've not yet ordered anything
TomServo: (not so budget)
TomServo: have you guys checked out http://soekris.com/ stuff? I've been eyeing it up for my next router..runs obsd.
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Things seemed to be getting messy with the drama earlier. Having to rate in two places.
TomServo: Am I crazy for suggesting that assbot be subordinate to gribble until the exchange of ratings is sorted out?
TomServo: ^and this kind of sucks.
TomServo: Rozal | I won't return anyones negatives << Turns out, not so much. On gribble's side of the wot anyway.
TomServo: xanthyos: Perhaps another time
TomServo: :)
TomServo: ;;dice 2d6
TomServo: That must be the best use of vine to date.
TomServo: I thought he was maybe North America's Dotcom knockoff.
TomServo: hadn't heard of dailyhashrate before, reads like bitcoin's onion
TomServo: heh
TomServo: http://dailyhashrate.com/2015/01/16/adam-guerbuezs-big-news/
TomServo: Is that the 'no, I assure you I'm racist' self-outing guy?
TomServo: !up astRocreep
TomServo: !up mircea_popescu
TomServo: In glancing through the comments on Krugman's piece, he seems to be getting pretty well lambasted there.
TomServo: Another great article BingoBoingo.
TomServo: Sure
TomServo: PeterL: Allo
TomServo: wat, nowai
TomServo: davout: Thanks, I'll drop a line.
TomServo: I forgot who ran it, but reach out if I can lend a hand!
TomServo: If it just needs a more stable home I can probably help.
TomServo: Oh - I thought it was working (aside from contravex), but just having trouble staying online.
TomServo: Does scoopbot need to be replaced? It seems to often be MIA.
TomServo: Can you share any details?
TomServo looks out for the hamburgler.
TomServo: lol George
TomServo: George also takes a pencil to the party because he thinks there will be a lot of dentists there and he wants to ask if they can compare the teeth marks on a pencil he found in the Jon Voight car to see if he really was the previous owner.
TomServo: makes sense
TomServo: that kid is going to be the best ninja ever
TomServo: That's my recollection.
TomServo: That's ethereum's wallet
TomServo: lol
TomServo: https://blockchain.info/charts/balance?address=36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
TomServo: Waterfall back in action...another 4300 or so evacuated.
TomServo: heh, not the sequel
TomServo: !up brendafdez
TomServo: !up mircea_popescu
TomServo: Should your lack of gribble use be seen as an indictment? :)
TomServo: Greetings
TomServo: !up mircea_popescu
TomServo: Thanks BingoBoingo
TomServo: gribble might be recovering from outage?
TomServo: wisdom is reporting +2.81%
TomServo: Curious, block 338710 had only 1 transaction (the new coins) - is that common?
TomServo: !up bigtip
TomServo: as ascii says, from the lulzfarm: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/01/12/twitter-centcom-isis/21640577/
TomServo: kakobrekla | i just find the whole fetch command thing silly. << If it was named scoopdog that'd be one thing...
TomServo: mircea_popescu: Naw, I had just noticed he joined the chan earlier.
TomServo: I'll have to agree, most my #b-a chuckles and belly laughs are from asciilifeform
TomServo: !up AlexWkz
TomServo: !up jborkl
TomServo: thestringpuller: thanks
TomServo: ben_vulpes: was it portland where they were fining people for catching rainwater?
TomServo: !up mnmx