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snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 09:52:19 diana_coman:
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-09-11#1935464 - hm, this sounds to me like the fundamental difference
purposes all over again; you are looking at what is needed (work done
and done well!)
and that's your start, so you build backwards, ending up with basically "too needed to fail" sort of thing.
mircea_popescu: because we're still
causes not
purposes and all that. who the fuck gives a rat's ass about "what will be".
lobbes: yeah, that makes sense. Ol'
causes and purposes. The only cause I can see right now for separate bot is if wanting to keep it on separate box
and there's a healthy helping of
http://trilema.com/2015/causes-and-purposes/ in all of this : if your labels are ex-post-facto, you can't futurize on their basis lest you end up like the "global warming" muppets, "projecting" on "data" abvout the past that was extrapolated from the present.
diana_coman: douchebag, learning something is never a waste of time;
and learning what you "are not good at" is quite doubly NOT a waste of time; "outcome" as you currently define it doesn't enter into it at all;
and for that matter:
http://trilema.com/2015/causes-and-purposes/ a111: Logged on 2018-01-23 17:29 spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774654 <-- from my experience, learning for a purpose can lead to a personal place of misery. consider
http://trilema.com/2015/causes-and-purposes/ ; if anything, rather study computing *because* people who know computer systems are needed today (hard to believe they won't be needed tomorrow either) than for any imagined fame
and glory. the romantic image of pentester belongs only to "hacker" movies
phf: i don't think so, this is more like figuring out that something's broken in a car by the sounds that the engine is making. doesn't mean that the car's not working anymore. it seems reasonable though that
causes and purposes would be the response, since that kind of eliadism is a natural counterpoint to above... that's just my impressions though
trinque: indeed. go read the "
causes and purposes" thing.
BingoBoingo: In the school of
Causes and Purposes Hegel is the progenitor of evil, but not cool like a devil or anything. More of a lame, bitter clerk who can't walk good.
mircea_popescu: anyway. fellow should read the above linked item
and the discussion of
causes and purposes,
and try again.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-06 15:08 mircea_popescu: "here's what happened,
and here's our story of a string of
causes which we call
mircea_popescu: "here's what happened,
and here's our story of a string of
causes which we call
☟︎ ben_vulpes: tangentially relatedly, i've been trying to reconcile "designing a fork to heal the breach between miners
and nodes" with "proceed from
causes not towards
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2016 07:36:07; ben_vulpes: this is probably a
purposes and causes thing, huh. avoid working towards the purpose of usable software for other people,
and proceed from the cause of "hell is other people's code"...
ben_vulpes: this is probably a
purposes and causes thing, huh. avoid working towards the purpose of usable software for other people,
and proceed from the cause of "hell is other people's code"...
☟︎ renart: so i say that he's working towards
purposes and not from
trinque chuckles at liquidassets linking
purposes and then saying "to what end"
mircea_popescu: another very important chunk of the story is the fallout from the "
causes not
purposes" philosophy. all b-a software exists because, not for,
and this is HOW we end up with things like "well we now have this v-jewel, what's it for ?"
mircea_popescu: trinque comes down exactly to the ancient
causes and purposes distinction. if people find a way to fly, nobody "deems gravity broken" or hoilds talks on how to patch it "because this wasn't the intended result"