54 entries in 0.617s
assbot: 88 results for 'bitcoinpete blog' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bitcoinpete+blog
TheNewDeal: !s bitcoinpete blog
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/27/inheritance-and-individuation/
gribble: How does one list on MPEx ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/how-does-one-list-on-mpex>; Why List On MPEx? | When Bitcoin Met Pete: <http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/15/why-list-on-mpex/>; MPEx & Bitcoin Stock Exchanges - Bitcoin Forum: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=145919.0>
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: pigeons: wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post? << the 1% happens to be what matters in this field. << pimps matter in every field
mircea_popescu: pigeons: wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post? << the 1% happens to be what matters in this field.
pigeons: wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post?
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/23/a-guide-to-buying-5000-ether-bitcoin-2-5x-more-than-ethereums-genesis-sale/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/17/proof-that-mycelium-knows-how-to-make-a-better-rng-for-its-entropy-dongle-and-isnt/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/15/why-list-on-mpex/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/14/kickstarter-is-a-waste-pirate-is-a-skyscraper/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/11/pimpin-preschools-and-pos-software/
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete sadly the odds of tlp actually seeing that video are nil, because a) he hasn't approved the comment on his blog still. a bunch of fucktards made > 50 comments since then with their fucktardery. if i were him i wouldn't ever read the comments on that blog, i'd rather read coindesk.
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/08/attracting-taleb-and-tlp-to-bitcoin-assets-with-camgirls/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/08/attracting-taleb-and-tlp-with-camgirls/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/07/it-aint-cheatin-it-stampedin/
jonvaage: bitcoinpete helped the process along thanks to his blog.
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/29/jeffrey-sachs-the-rsm-of-african-interventionism/
jurov: ;;rate bitcoinpete 1 spiffy blog. coinbr trader.
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/24/world-cup-meets-bitbets-court-of-appeals/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/24/world-cup-meets-bitbet-court-of-appeals/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/21/tell-the-grand-inquisitor-theres-no-fucking-bitcoin-taint/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/19/the-free-health-club-membership-an-experiment-in-monthly-vs-annual-payments/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/19/the-free-health-club-membership-an-experiment-in-roi/
gribble: Romanian Dicelist pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/romanian-dicelist>; Climax pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/climax>; On Making High-Entropy Paper Wallets | When Bitcoin Met Pete: <http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/03/14/on-making-high-entropy-bitcoin-paper-wallets/>
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/17/why-its-over-for-litecoin/
bitstein: ;;rate bitcoinpete 2 Great blog, brought me into the #bitcoin-assets WoT.
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/13/bitangels-the-loudest-noise-you-never-did-hear/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/09/stranger-in-a-strange-land/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/06/05/does-time-back-bitcoin-or-does-bitcoin-back-time/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/31/usagi-back-back-back-it-up-ayee/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/27/the-five-biggest-threats-facing-coindesk-and-anyone-who-reads-it/
moiety: it's been quieter this past couple of days. Though, I did have someone enquiring after reading your blog bitcoinpete!
benkay: <ThickAsThieves> next youre gonna tell me that bitcoinpete isnt stoned-mp-blog-mode // kik
ThickAsThieves: next youre gonna tell me that bitcoinpete isnt stoned-mp-blog-mode
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/21/why-garden-so-you-can-write-cheques-to-strippers/
moiety: darth found us via bitcoinpete's blog
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/05/18/1-646-480-0703-the-new-bitcoin-hotline/
thestringpuller: bitcoinpete: more blog more blog!!!!
fluffypony: ;;rate bitcoinpete 1 bitcoinpete runs the best bitcoinpete blog of all bitcoinpete bloggers in the bitcoinpete world
fluffypony: ;;rate bitcoinpete 1 bitcoinpete runs the best bitcoinpete blog of all bitcoinpete bloggers in the bitcoinpete world
thestringpuller: bitcoinpete: i like tho how people are following trilema-esque articles now in relation to bitcoin with the big push from your blog
fluffypony: kakobrekla: somehow I don't think bitcoinpete is profiting off his blog ;)
bounce: what's that to do with the multisig wallet thingy bitcoinpete posted a blog about?
ThickAsThieves: my recent blog post has been softened a bit to be a little less bitcoinpete-y about the quantum mining guys
prestonbanks: just read bitcoinpete's blog
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete the pattern being that peeps are trolling you or that peeps don't read your blog ?
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: Not on ur blog so much as at times in IRC it seems that complete is occasionally implied
fluffypony: bitcoinpete: I didn't even know I was the subject of a blog post
jurov: bitcoinpete that oleganza's blog is theoretically nice
artifexd: BingoBoingo Your link to bitcoinpete's blog is broken.
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: Speaking of encouraging people to blog more , my latest, mostly a rehashing of asciilifeform on digital security: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/digital-delusions-of-digital-security/
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: Correction, only people who matter read your blog
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: If you find any I have a standing offer on my blog selling bullshit filering services.