71 entries in 0.601s
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I don't know if I've been this strictly encouraging to read since the War of Life debut.
asciilifeform: i've since forgotten over what precisely he was finally drummed out... iirc he raised a stink over demise of 'war of life' www or something related
asciilifeform: ( was interesting episode, the 'war of life' thing, where the entirely unrelated d00d went apeshit over its closing )
Framedragger: what was war of life? (http://trilema.com/2014/the-twinheaded-announcer-announces/ ) ? a kind of game of life with bitcoin betting
a111: 8 results for "\"war of life\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22war%20of%20life%22
Framedragger: $s "war of life"
asciilifeform: or what 'bombs' (to use 'war of life' terminology) you drop.
assbot: War of Life Closing | Qntra.net
mod6: war of life too, pretty cool new game
ben_vulpes: bitbet, mpex, qntra, war of life...
mircea_popescu: JuliaTourianski_ i like mpex, bitbet, s.nsa, war of life, minigame etc.
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automata to the death!
assbot: Game 27 - Death 3686 Life 6314 Year 824 - War of Life
assbot: Game 27 - Death 3686 Life 6314 Year 824 - War of Life
assbot: Game 25 - Death 7104 Life 2896 Year 1000 - War of Life
assbot: Game 27 - Death 3954 Life 6046 Year 480 - War of Life
Duffer1: oh war of life
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automata to the death!
assbot: Game 24 - Death 4336 Life 5664 Year 1000 - War of Life
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automata to the death!
assbot: Game 24 - Death 4701 Life 5299 Year 651 - War of Life
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automata to the death!
assbot: Game 25 - Death 5611 Life 4389 Year 290 - War of Life
assbot: Game 22 - Death 9300 Life 700 Year 930 - War of Life
assbot: Game 22 - Death 9007 Life 993 Year 826 - War of Life
ben_vulpes: bitbets on war of life when
assbot: Game 22 - Death 7926 Life 2074 Year 261 - War of Life
assbot: Game 20 - Death 4916 Life 5084 Year 865 - War of Life
assbot: Game 20 - Death 4802 Life 5198 Year 860 - War of Life
assbot: Game 21 - Death 6506 Life 3494 Year 187 - War of Life
BingoBoingo: War of Life?
assbot: Video Tutorials - War of Life
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automata to the death!
TheNewDeal: war of life *
assbot: Game 13 - Death 1402 Life 8598 Year 980 - War of Life
assbot: Game 13 - Death 2563 Life 7437 Year 738 - War of Life
assbot: Game 17 - Death 6077 Life 3923 Year 560 - War of Life
assbot: Game 17 - Death 6075 Life 3925 Year 543 - War of Life
assbot: Game 17 - Death 5949 Life 4051 Year 479 - War of Life
assbot: Game 11 - Death 9097 Life 903 Year 1000 - War of Life
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: Game 17 - Death 5082 Life 4918 Year 68 - War of Life
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: Game 17 - Death 5000 Life 5000 Year 2 - War of Life
assbot: Game 16 - Death 5568 Life 4432 Year 339 - War of Life
assbot: Game 16 - Death 5658 Life 4342 Year 272 - War of Life
assbot: Game 17 - Death 5000 Life 5000 Year 0 - War of Life
assbot: Game 17 - Death 5000 Life 5000 Year 0 - War of Life
assbot: Game 16 - Death 5244 Life 4756 - War of Life
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
BingoBoingo: Well, I mean the War of Life announcement was a nice surprise. So much better than dice.
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
mircea_popescu: chetty: BingoBoingo: Anyone interested in selling some ATC over the counter so I can try mike_c's War of Life?//good idea but I am clueless on atc, any ideas when btc will be working there? << ya srsly
chetty: BingoBoingo: Anyone interested in selling some ATC over the counter so I can try mike_c's War of Life?//good idea but I am clueless on atc, any ideas when btc will be working there?
BingoBoingo: Anyone interested in selling some ATC over the counter so I can try mike_c's War of Life?
ThickAsThieves: "War of Life will offer one block of 500`000 (five hundred thousand) shares for a nominal value of 0.00003 BTC each, for a total equity value of 15 BTC starting on June 25th, 2014."
ThickAsThieves: i tried to do a lil promo for War of Life on reddit and got deleted, after getting 3 upvotes nonetheless
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automaton to the death!